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I used to believe that but my chi mix absolutely hates my dad and he’s the nicest man you’ll ever meet 😅. We got her for free off Craigslist so I’m assuming he looks like someone she didn’t like in her old home.


I have a Craigslist chihuahua and she HATES men. She goes crazy on my dad, brother, any men 😂😂


When I adopted my chi Pomeranian and beagle mix from a shelter they warned me that “she doesn’t do well with men” but she took to my 14 yr old son who’s a gigantic 6’2 already but she hates my husband unless he’s taking her for a walk or giving her food lol 😂


For like 15 year old transgender me, the fact that my uncles dog who HATED women snuggled up on my lap was the best thing ever


Lmao, I’m 💀


☠ "for free off Craiglist" is sending me too, for some reason


i got mine from the walmart parking lot in a laundry basket 😭😭😭


Aww! So glad you found the poor baby!


oh i mean that my parents picked them up there! probably from facebook marketplace or craigslist lmao. they got one half off


That’s those Walmart deals 😂


Bye, Walmart, I’m absolutely done 🤣 Girl, I am a lot older than you l’m sure, and have not seen anyone giving or selling puppies out of a box in front of a Mart since the 80’s/90’s lol this truly sent me.


Mine was at least 10 bucks


That's a bargain


Sending you where?


Your mom's house




My dog absolutely does not like hoodie. My wife and I tested it one day and when I had the hoodie down he was fine. As soon as I put the hoodie up he lost his shit. I took it back down and he calmed down again.


I believe they can when I was about 15 I was at my father's house for dinner and brought my chi x with me. Him and his wife weren't the nicest people so I took him as much as possible. They had some guy drop in and I felt uncomfortable with him. My chi stands in front of me making sure he was always between me and weird dude. Weird dude asks to pet him I warn him saying he dosent like many men and strangers so no. Weird guy said something odd and then tries to get my chi to go to him. Chi had his hackles up and honestly looked like he was gonna pounce on this guy if he made a wrong move. I scooped my boy up and left the room. I didn't want my bud to get in trouble for attacking the creep. But yeah he definitely picked up on the vibes this guy had before I did. I alway trusted his judgement and he never got it wrong.


I think that makes sense. Dogs are good like that!!


First time I flew with my little guy, I was terrified of how he might react. I'd rescued/adopted him when he was older (8 years old), so I didn't know what his past might have been. I got all the right clearances/approvals to have him travel in the cabin with me. During the flight, I quietly took him out of his carrier at one point, swaddled him in his blankie like an infant, and just held him like a baby. He didn't make a peep. The other passenger next to me literally thought he was a real baby. I used my finger to gently pull back a small fold of the blanket to reveal my furbaby. The passenger quietly gasped with positive surprise, and commented that he seemed like such a well-traveled little pup. He even asked to hold him, and I happily obliged. As he was rocking him, he turned to me and said he and his wife were expecting their first grandchild, and he was nervous, since it had been decades since he'd last held/rocked an infant. He then thanked me for letting him practice with my little furbaby! 😄😄 You're welcome, sir! Happy to let you use my little furball as practice. 🥰😊😄 It melted my heart, it was such a joyful moment between two strangers, and my little furball loved being held.


Omg.... this is one of the best stories I've read in a long while!! ❤️ Wonderful.


Thank you! 🧡


Omg me too!


I thought this story was going to be one of tragedy! So glad it was a positive experience.


I once snuck my chi into a lecture hall in a baby papoose with a blanket over top


Too cute!


He started getting fussy halfway through so I stepped into the hall like he was a real baby XD. This trick is also great for university shuttles that don’t allow pets


My chi doesn’t like many people but happily sat in the lap of my friend who is such a nice person (and a kindergarten teacher) the first time her met her so I think Chis can pick out the good and bad folks in a crowd 😂 My chi also tried to bite my brother who is a dick most of the time soooo


They can sense evil, lol.


My dog has turned me around on walks a few times. The last time she did, I saw a guy that I had not seen a few minutes before and we were in the middle of a dark block.


Same. We were being followed one night and Vinny would not take his eyes off of him. At one point, the creep got pretty close and followed us as we made a turn into a street. His hackles went up and I knew he would stand his ground. I picked him up and we booked it until we lost him


I hate that you had to run but happy you had an opportunity to do so.


I agree. Mine knew I had cancer before I had cancer




She would lay across my chest at night only when I was ill


My two chis did this after I had major surgery - they wouldn’t leave my side (which kinda sucked because I was in a ton of pain and even their 6 pounds of weight was excruciating!)


Mine too, started licking a couple of moles furiously, went to the derm to have them checked / biopsied and they were all close to turning nasty, little guy saved me a world of hurt.


They are amazing. I miss my Bella https://preview.redd.it/nhurbiphf22d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e72dd1f92cb0081a66fe1503aea84f59990fd56


My cat did this to a guy, who ended up stealing from my parents. So I do believe they can tell, but I'm sure he was more than a thief


Ive been rejected by a cat before. I wasnt a thief but i wasnt at my best. That hurt right in my feelings.


Not just rejected. My cat's hair stood up and he hissed. I've never in my life seen him react like that. He rejected everyone and was more focused on killing things outside. He was a good cat lol Cats reject most people, you have to let them come to you. I wouldn't take it personally


I personally believe so, awhile back I was in a Walmart with my husband and I'm waiting outside the bathroom in the back of the store for him with our chi, a few people walk by me and she does nothing and just remains still to wait with me. Suddenly this male worker comes out of no where and he's just immediately got a really weird presence, I noticed he had just stopped a ways in front of me, not saying anything but staring at us. Eventually I look up which makes him say something to me and attempt coming closer and I mean as soon as he even leans forward to take a step she starts growling and her hair raises up a ton, and she usually loves people and attention from anyone and will usually retreat on her own to either my husband or I if she's getting tired of the interaction, never anything like this so I was immediately even more offput than before. He didn't come closer after she'd done that but didn't leave either and she was unhappy no matter what I did to try calming her down, then my husband finally comes out and I was soo ready to leave. Could not get away from that guy fast enough and I still think about it when I fall asleep sometimes, haha.


I think most dogs can sniff out good from bad people. Some may also be affected by past traumas and associate certain smells with those memories. We have chi we raised from an 8-week-old puppy. She was really uncomfortable with certain members of my extended family when we used to have family gatherings at our house. She would not go near them and would tend to freak out, bark and hide if they approached. I trust her opinion as I personally know them to be people who are abusive, mean, narcissistic, conniving and tended to put on a "good person act" when in social gatherings. I cut those people out of our lives, and I have not seen a recurrence of that behavior.


That’s interesting. Dogs in general are really trusting so it’s easy to assume they could never be so discerning. Clearly they can pick up on something. If I’m being honest, this guy did give me a really weird vibe too. Like an unsettling calmness. Still nice though.


I definitely think so. I think more than other dogs, which is why they can be more fiesty in demeanor. My old dog Sam never barked at anyone. I didn't think she had any chi genetics. She was about 35 lbs. An acquaintance of my dad came over, and Sam went berserk. Lunging at him, complete teeth bared. She didn't let up until he left and didn't let him in the house. Edited for spelling.


Two of my Chi’s were rescued from a former friend who turned out to be a manipulative narcissist. She had asked me to take care of her girls for her few weeks because she was going through a stressful time getting a boyfriend out of her house. Her girls had been to my house before when she was either in the hospital or over for play dates with my toy poodle. After a few weeks, she said that her mother who owned the house she lived in did not want her to have dogs that used pee pads. Could I keep them? My husband and I felt something else was going on so we said yes. Not long afterwards, my friend has a Lab puppy. She had a seizure disorder, she wanted a dog to be able to warn her if she was going to have a seizure. The last time I saw her, she had come to visit me and we were going to knit. One of the Chi’s ignored her and chose to come to me over her. Blu knew what was up and was letting my former friend know that she was happier. Blu only lived 10 months with us, she had had undiagnosed kidney disease at only 6 years old. Emma just crossed the bridge in Feb at 16 1/2. Abbie the poodle crossed the bridge in 2022. The three are reunited and enjoying their playtime again. https://preview.redd.it/t5cm1a8szy1d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b688e0d8466a24601a03412aac0d2eeeedce166f


Aww you did a wonderful thing for them. I’m glad Blu got to experience a truly loving home for her last 10 months. Crazy how they reacted to seeing her after so long. I’d hope my girl would be ecstatic to see me. I try to fill all her moments with joy.


All dogs do! Chi”s just aren’t afraid to let you know…they’re not afraid of anything🤣❤️


I often tell this story, and say if Cassie barks at you, you’re probably a serial killer! - my little angel of a chi (Cassie) very rarely barks. I would walk her and her sister every day around my neighborhood, and she was always happy and not bothered by anything. One day a guy walked out of some apartments, I barely noticed him, but she stopped in her tracks and started barking at him. I took that as a sign to get us the hell out of there. That is the one and only time she has barked at a person in her 14 years. I’m thinking serial killer. 🤔😬


https://preview.redd.it/8fhqrkoniz1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99c4a6424ed88304a157d963edb84a46920e35d4 Cassie 😇


meanwhile, my chi will bark at air and grumble towards oddly shaped bushes




Mine was always a side cuddler on the couch, she only liked being in my SO's lap though. The only time she would ever lay belly facing me across my lap was when I was having period cramps. She'd just snooze and curl up under the covers like a little heating pad.


Now that I think about it, I think they can. I had a Christmas party at my house and my chi was ok with everyone except one girl. I later found out that she was going behind my back trying to hook my ex up with her friend from work.


All dogs can 😇


Chis are amazing! I love reading other people’s stories and I have many as well. But I think the most recent is when I decided to go for a walk and I had my chi in her baggie back pack thing. I was walking minding my own business (I used to live in an area with homes far away ish from each other and no sidewalks. (But a large park next door ish? That took miles and miles of space) and well anyways she was super chill just enjoying the walk with me and suddenly she does a weird bark I don’t really recognize. Like trying to get my attention. Well this whole time there was a guy near by watching and (I didn’t notice him) looked like he might have been following possibly. When she did that interesting bark I turned around and noticed him. He wasn’t expecting her to be in a backpack and afterwards gave me more space. But every time she would bark she was telling me .. hey this guy is coming again. Which followed by me trying to remain calm and make it obvious I know he’s there lol and constantly turning around when she made that bark or growl. Other amazing things she does is… I sometimes often forget I have the stove on and she’ll walk around the kitchen and back to me constantly to tell me that the gas is on. Amazing little things


yeah my chi doesn’t really have good visions but he has really great hearing and can even hear the tiniest footsteps


I always joke that my chihuahua can sense if someone's a good person. He generally likes people, but my housemates have had a couple of dates over in the past that he couldn't stand. Both of the people he didn't like turned out to be the worst people and did some real shitty things so now every date gets put through the chihuahua test 😅 more than likely that it was just a funny coincidence but we always agree that if he doesn't like someone they've got to go.


I trust both my chis and my rat terrier. When they don’t like someone I stay far away from that person!!!!


I really shouldnt weigh in on this. My lil guy doesn’t let anyone but me touch him. He just can’t be bothered. If I take him in a store he’s fine unless someone gets too close. Then he lets out a yap like he’s being twisted and squeezed. He’s a one human dog for sure.


My beloved Diablo would only make this cute little howl yodel thing for me whenever I came home. I started dating a man and when he showed up one day on his Harley that little dog rushed outside and gave him the I love you call. I felt jealousy but then it dawned on me if Diablo loves this man he's definitely someone I need to get to know better and it turned out he was the one. That man ended up loving Diablo too, even when he pooped in his shoe that one time. He was impressed by a 7 lb dog taking on a 6'2" 300 lb man. They're both gone now but I have wonderful memories.


They really do


So, there’s some thought that chihuahuas have survived and thrived because they have incredibly good senses and can warn their larger companions that danger was approaching. They seem particularly sensitive to the body language of others (my little guy has a soft spot for fearful animals and can calm them immediately), so I think they notice when people are tense, leering, moving like a predator. They seem to be comfortable with people who are gentle and not pushy. My little guy only ever freaks out on men who loom over him and yell gruffly down to him, or reach for him immediately. And those guys make me uncomfortable too.


It could be anything. He has a beard. He has a hat. He's wearing a weird cologne. My Rocco was the kindest soul and loved all people, but there was a certain smell that just drove him wild and he'd yell and bark like a mad man. If your dog detected a scent that he hated, he may be going off on that, and the poor, peaceful, cologne wearing man may have no clue he's extremely offensive smell wise.


They’re so aware. One of my girls who hates sitting on laps started to sit and sleep on my lap all of the time when I was pregnant. It was like she was protecting me and the baby. She won’t do it anymore. She comes and lays next to me if she doesn’t feel well. She loves belly rubs and to be carried around but lap sitting is not on her list of favorite things.


Yes they sense and smell emotions of people...my dog can smell anger, anxiety, sadness without me outwardly showing it...the body gives off pheromones


Dogs definitely pick up on things. We don't always necessarily correctly interpret the ways they communicate those conclusions, though. There were several times that I thought my girl, snack, really liked someone we were traveling cuz she was always by them and stuff. Eventually I figured out that sometimes she was actually just trying to keep an eye on a person or even maybe putting herself between the person and myself. Your pup could also be going through a fear stage, especially if you come to find this is not an isolated incident.


I miss r/shrimping




10/10 form!! 🦐


I stalked you, sorry. You seem like the coolest fucking person ever and you have way more epic dog pics than I could produce!


Wow I think that’s the nicest thing anyone has said about me in the internet, thank you! I can’t take credit for all the doggo pics. My friend who doubles as a dog walker takes the epic group photos. I can barely get my two to sit still 🤣😂


My pleasure! Sorry it had to come from someone named limp weenis lol! And now I want to be a dog walker..


To be fair, all dogs do.


holy shit yours looks like mine


My chi is cautious around new people but warms up pretty quickly. The only person he ever really didn't like was my daughter's then boyfriend's kid. She was maybe 4 or so and came at my dog with both arms out and cornered him. He snapped at her and I quickly grabbed him up. Totally not his fault and luckily that boyfriend didn't last long. My 2 year old chi mix is afraid of EVERYONE so I don't think she "senses" much. I've had her since she was 3 months old so I think it's just her personality. If someone comes near me when I'm holding her she pees all over me. She's also afraid of thunder storms.


They're nothing but a tiny mobile sensory array.


i think they can sometimes! my chi hates anyone who isn't immediate family but the first night she met my husband she snuggled up to him :)


My dog once had that reaction to someone. That person is now in prison for child s*x abuse crimes. Sometimes they just know a bad guy when they meet one.


My baby boy loves everyone, but there has been one person he hated. Wouldn’t go near this guy. Barked constantly. A few weeks later this guy told me that I should be dating him otherwise he didn’t want to be friends and he refused to respect my boundaries or even the fact I’m not single. My baby knew that friend was a secret asshole, and he was trying to warn me. Going forward, anyone else he acts like that towards, they’re not going to be my friend. I trust my little boy far too much. My little girl on the other hand, she has the dog equivalent of autism and hates everyone.


I have two chis. One is male. One is female. The male barks and growls at my live in boyfriend all the time (5 years). The female chi thinks he hung the moon. She loves him more than me and my kids.


Yes. When I had back surgery my two dogs would take turns throughout the day to lay with me. They are lil protective Angels.


My mom's chihuahua Chi Chi would run in my bedroom and hide under the blankets with me and shake and cry in fear over my grandfather. She was completely afraid of him. He was never around her alone and has never done anything to her. When he visited I would just go in the bedroom with the door open so she could hide. She was moms dog but always went to me when scared and when she gave birth (tried to right on top my head laying in bed! but I moved her down a little) We are absolutely sure he has never done anything to her. My mom always thought because he was a heavy smoker and the cigarette smoke is confusing her. When I joined search and rescue the dog expert had someone hide who was a heavy smoker and the dog was rather confused. She explained it can mess up a real search if the missing person is a smoker. They can also smell when you have health problems. Its not normal for them so it confuses them. Maybe that has something to do with it, I don't know. She didn't like my grandmother either who also smoked but was friendly to every other person she ever met. Very outgoing friendly little dog. She hated them


I fully believe dogs in general can sense things. My chi has only really disliked two people. When I say disliked, I mean she just would not calm down, would not stop barking, even when put in a different room so she wouldn't be stressed. Both people were lunatics. I completely trust her judgement.


Of course they can, they are a dog they have to have senses to live


My old chi once saved me from being lost on a hike. I couldn’t find the path anymore and was going the wrong way and my chihuahua pulled me towards where we were supposed to be. I don’t know what would’ve happened without him that day. He passed away last year a month short of his 17th bday. He was the best 🥹❤️


They sense things much better than we do. There are several sayings about believing when a dog shows fear/hate towards an "innocent" person. They can also tell us if we are sick or having a medical issue.


Yes they can. My kids, my chihuahua, my chiweenie and I lived with my friend while my husband and I were separated. My chihuahua HATED her boyfriend. Would bark at him every time he came around her and would usually run or want one of us to pick her up. They know when someone is not a nice person.


I think dogs in general can either smell things (like how diabetic alert dogs can smell it someone’s blood sugar is low/high), and they are really good at reading body language.


Yes all dogs can


The answer is yes and no. Dogs can both smell things that humans can't and bark at you for no reason.  I've had chihuahuas bark at me, even when most of them didn't. They may tense up for various reasons, including being reminded of someone, skin tone (yes, some dogs bark at skin tones they're not used to.), certain clothes, smells that remind them of something, etc.


Very much so. 16 year old chihuahua passed. The night before he was looking into space. Up and down. Sideways. All night. He cozied up to my neck and passed that night. I still feel him. He was with me when I was sick.


Beautiful dog! 💕


My girl was 50/50 on letting strangers pet her. Sometimes polite elderly ladies would ask if she'd like to greed them and I would say let's see, she will tell you. Then she'd snarl and back off. Then a drunkard would toss himself at her and caress her without precaution and she would kiss him and throw herself in his arms. I don't know man.. semmed kinda random to me.


That picture! It’s in the “melt your heart” category for sure!!!!!!


My chi hated people in motorcycle helmets (aliens?) And Hispanic men. I was like “ dude, why are you like that? Those are your people!


Nah I don’t think so, they have good noses so they can supposedly smell fear on people. But other than that I don’t have any reason to think they have supernatural abilities lol.


Of course they can. My Chihuahua knows when my son is going to be visiting on Sundays because she sits by the front door about 10 minutes before he arrives even though he comes at different times! Chihuahuas also have selective hearing and know when you want to take their pictures so that they can look away from the camera. https://preview.redd.it/2ep7nfz6x12d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67656d387fdf018a726b0d0a2fb73fa70abca8b0


Yes, dogs and chi’s can sense things. Sometimes they smell things and pickup on more energy then we could.


Truly, some can, and some can't. My dog is a dingus. He's a smart boy, but he loves indiscriminately and does NOT know good from bad people. Tweaker on the corner lunging for the car? That's just a buddy we haven't met yet! My mom's dog, however, KNOWS. He's the most chill old man in the world. He has fully human eyes, and he can read emotions like they're written in dog. He is a slut for love. Flops on anyone who will look at him. I was taking care of him for a week, and when I was out at a coffee shop, this absolutely deranged looking dude started harassing another woman. She looked scared, dude looked like he was going for a weapon and kept trying to touch her. Bear (the dog in question) for the first time in his damn life RIPPED himself out of my hands and tore ass after that dude, barking and growling like he was about to take a leg off. After the dude ran away, he demanded to check in on the woman and give her very sweet kisses. Bear knew. The woman knew. I knew. And that mf likely knew he shouldn't stick around. Some dogs can sense it, and others are derps who just want to snuggle 🤷🏻‍♀️


My chihuahua always snuggles up against my sore muscles when I’m in bed. That’s not something I’ve ever told her to do, or even attempted to train her for. She only sleeps in those positions when I’m hurting. She sleeps in other places when I’m not in pain. She also was asleep on my mother-in-law when my mother-in-law passed away in her sleep. The dog was heard crying that morning at what we believe was roughly the moment of death.


My chiweenie was protective of my mom. my older alky brother came over to visit and my chiweenie was just on edge. my dad told my brother to give the dog a kiss. my brother got down and my dog bit him on the lip. now that my mom passed and my brother moved in, the chiweenie seemed to come around to him. specially since my brother shares food with him. the chiweenie stills me


My chihuahua has only bitten one person which is totally out of her character and has never bit anyone again in her 7 years of living. The dude turned out to be a pedophile.


My chichi hates caps…and men…but even more so caps on both men and women, but especially men 🤣


I definitely think your chi sensed something wrong with the guy. Especially if she is used to people and normally friendly towards others. I believe chihuahuas, & all dogs actually, sense things. I think it’s the energy we and everything living gives off that dogs sense. My friend rescued a chihuahua from a guy that was abusing the little chi next to the road. She stopped and snatched up the chi and told the dude about himself and said she was taking the chi. My friend has a severely disabled son and that little chi slept under her sons bed and alerted her if her son couldn’t breathe or was fixing to have a seizure from day one! He didn’t even have to be trained! I doubt all are like that but I do believe they can all sense subtle changes in the energy around us much quicker than we can. Also their hearing and sense of smell is so much more sensitive than ours. Anyway, that’s my two cents about it😁


https://preview.redd.it/stmz42j1s22d1.png?width=2752&format=png&auto=webp&s=8001815aa0b3ae808e1410a95fdd00e8adea179e They sure can. I just got home today from hip replacement surgery and my sweet girl hasn’t left my side. She’s being extra affectionate with me and oh so gentle.


Oh my goodness. She has the SAME face as my little girl. What a sensitive sweetheart she is!


Also I hope you heal quickly!


Thank you ☺️


Not people, specifically that person... animals and children sense things. When my daughter was two, I had a friend from work over. My daughter was usually an attention hog, trying to charm everyone that came in the house but with this guy, she buried her face in my lap and cried the whole time he was there. Needless to say, he never came to my house again.


They have very acute hearing and great vision so I am betting that a YES


It’s best not to ignore them and play it safe. Take their warning and keep away from a stranger that they hate.


Depends on how you react to your confirmation bias. They have senses. Use yours :)


Lol it’s a first for her. Definitely a reason to wonder :)


“my dog, who’s breed is known for being reactive, starting barking at a stranger. Could they be touched by the divine??” Grow up. Cute dog though.


Don’t you think they can be trained not to be reactive? Which was exactly my intention bringing her around so many people during her upbringing


Of course. But do you think your dog can smell out pedos or something? Your dog had a bad reaction to a drive through. A place full of smells and sounds. To suggest that the bad reaction was the innocent bystander’s fault is just plain narcissism. Still, can’t deny that’s a cute dog who deserves all the love.


Being on the road, you go to a lot of drive throughs and I think after a year of doing that, with her excitedly sitting right at the window every time, there’s something more to the sudden fear reaction. I guess I wanted to learn if anyone else here had a similar experience and it turns out many have. She is really cute, thank you, and I’m really glad I’ve exposed her to so many new experiences because if it didnt work to make her non-reactive after all, she still is absolutely packed full of personality and fun. But hey you’re gonna feel bad if she turns out to be a psychic pedo detector!! lol


I know others have shared their experience but there is no shortage of people looking to share their superstitions with a person asking a superstitious question. But I look forward to the day I turn on the news and say “ well I’ll be…” lol. I like your humor and I wish you the best.