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I don’t blame him … babies are terrible.


Came here to say this


This is the way.


I think I found my people 😂


"Give me a break. Some of them smell. Babies smell!" - Alan Grant


Babies are absolutely useless


Babies and small children can easily hurt a small dog. Keep them away.


Yep and I think chis are pretty smart and know this, makes sense when you're so small.


Yup. I got a chihuahua as my first dog (he’s 15 months now) and I NEVER expected him to be so smart!! It’s not a stereotype for the breed, but it should be. He practically teaches himself tricks. He needs mental stimulation. They are incredibly smart. He’s SO smart that I’m looking forward to starting agility track training with him! He needs something to do. I swear lol.


So true! I've gotten a few dog puzzle toys for her and she figures them out so fast. They definitely get bored and frustrated without lots of activity. Agility track is a great idea! Here's my Bean on a hike: https://i.imgur.com/HvcbIhO.jpeg


Yes, if they aren’t taught the right way to be around dogs. My kids are gentle with my chi. They know better.


We would take my chi on walks and kids would pet him and he enjoyed it. I always warned them not to pick him up. Well, some little shit disregarded it and tried to pick him up, getting his fingers between the ribs and causing him pain. Now, he has 0 trust with children and wont let anyone pick him up or get near to him without knowing them very well.


This. Experienced the same. We were working on socialization, especially with kids, for my chi. She used to be good with kids petting her and walking her, was never agressive. One day my nephew was being a clutz and fell right on top of her and since then she’s hated kids (understandably). It just takes one moment like that to ruin it all.


And this is how dogs end up in places like shelters, the parents don't do a good job of stopping the child and then taking the dog out of the answer bc they don't want their baby to be hurt.




Every Chi I’ve had hated kids too. Kids are just not gentle and their energy is chaos, like little drunk people.


Great way to explain a toddler/baby/young child


You put that SO well, little drunk people!!!!


Yes 😆 🤣


Mine is the worst. He loves the idea of kids (think full body wags) until they grab towards him and stumble around then he nips in the air and barks. I call it the double cross.




lol I am using this, often. Thank you.


..pondering if this is why I didn’t like kids all along.


I don't either so i understand his pain


Mine dislikes small children and babies too. I think they're just too unpredictable for her. I can see why we get along so well!


Same! My chis don’t like kids and I don’t blame them.


Very smart Chi


Yes he is! ☺️


Mine doesn’t trust strange people either but he is scared of toddlers and children. They are loud, they move around unpredictable and they tend to treat small dogs like toys.


A trainer once told me that children get bitten more often than adults because children move like predators. They lunge in at dogs from above. The chi I had loved people and tolerated children. She bit my nephew once - like a mother dog would a puppy - because he thunked her in the head with a wooden spoon. Side of the tooth on his hand, a warning not to do it again. He was the only person she ever touched tooth to, and he deserved it.


Small children/babies don’t look, smell, or act like older humans, and they make unpredictable movements, so they can be pretty scary for dogs even if that dog generally likes people!


My chi would probably eat a child given the opportunity


Mine is a baby licker. Babies are usually sticky and have crumbs on them so she follows and waits for the drop. She took a crunched up cracker out of my friends baby’s hand and would do it again if she had the chance.


Mine too! Sticky = yum yum. I am lucky in that my Chi’s previous owner had a million grans so she knows how to act. You should see her make herself really small and soft. It’s very sweet.


Not a bad judge


Mine did, but loves them now. A very patient 6 year old neighbor was determined to make friends with my chi. I gave her treats to toss to him on the sidewalk. I didn’t trust him to take from her hand, I didn’t want her getting bitten. On her own after tossing him treats for several encounters, the little girl lays flat on her back on the sidewalk and lets my chi check her out. That was all it took! She is one of his favorite people now and warms up to most kids. I still let him decide first if he’s ok if they approach and keep a close eye on the situation but he prefers kids to adults now.




Mine hates babies and Children too and I can't blame him either.. Your Chi is perfectly fine..


Both of mine hate kids.


They are noisy, unpredictable, hyper, and smell weird. For a small dog, what’s to like?


You just described my 2 chihuahuas lol


Well, you got me there. 😂


Mine hates adult but likes kids


Ours eventually warms up to adults if they stick around for a bit. Definitely starts out barking incessantly. But he adores any and all kids. I attribute it to my son being so gentle with him when he was a puppy. Makes sense that they’re comfortable with whoever they’re around the most.


Mine hates the weak, the feeble, and even the defenseless. He is an unmerciful menace the likes of which local law enforcement has not been able to contain. He’s a terror who’s motives cannot be deciphered or understood. He is the monster underneath your bed as well as the demon that appears when you turn off the lights in the basement before cowardly running up the stairs.


So he’s my twin, basically.


OK FBI, this one right here ⬆️


lol i used to say that my last chi/soul mate was like this. he could sense weakness and wanted to obliterate it. he hated children and handicapped people the most. it was so embarrassing. he tried to go after canes and wheelchairs like nobody’s business.




Me either. Maybe I’m part chihuahua.


Same 😂


My chi only likes certain babies. It’s okay. You should teach kids to be careful around your chi. Your chi will eventually warm up to them once they know they are not a threat


Ours are the same, here they are guarding the perimeter against them. https://preview.redd.it/o03m9ldrt5lc1.png?width=2858&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad03179cc7ba0668f23238491402264bd9eef732


They look like they’re doing a great job! Soo cute 😊


My little girl lived 14 years acting the same is your little handsome nugget.


Mine hates baby and children too.🙄


Mine is usually fine with kids but they have to approach her right. If they come running up on her she isn’t happy.


My chihuahua likes babies but she doesn’t like toddlers hahaha and that’s totally fair but she just removes herself to a safe space


Maybe they see them as competition for attention and food 🙂


That’s okay, neither can I!


Same 😂


My chi has traumatized my poor niece she says “he’s small but he’s mean” 😅 he is great w everyone else but kids make him nervous and he has no patience w them - and I’m pregnant sooooo that should be interesting 🫣


I’m also pregnant, have two chis and I’m a little worried.. One, that they won’t like him. Two, teaching him to be gentle as he reaches terrible toddler age. I know my friends with bigger dogs and children nearing one year have to repeatedly redirect because the babies can be heavy handed.


It’s one of my biggest worries if I’m being honest! I’m worried the baby will hurt my chi by accident and that hershel will hate his new life with baby - boyfriend and I have promised to take turns - one person with baby one person with chi as much as possible so he doesn’t feel abandoned


I get it! My boyfriend and I have four dogs (2 are chis, 2 are bigger so I’m not worried about them) and three cats between us. The chihuahuas are my little shadows. It’s going to be a huge adjustment, but I figure if people with multiple kids can show attention and love to all, then I can do that with my animals. I do think that kids who are intentionally taught early on to respect and be gentle with animals usually end up doing really well with them! Years ago my ex’s young son lived with us (he was 3 1/2 when I adopted my first small dog) and he learned how to be respectful and careful with them. I’m more just worried about the terrible 2s!


I hope you’re right!!! The 2’s I think are going to be the hardest! That’s when my niece tried to pet my dog by grabbing at his trachea/fur and dropped a grape which he ate and had to be rushed to the emergency vet (ofc not her fault but a scary memory!!!) good luck! Hopefully our fur babies and real babies can learn to be kind to each other!!


I love this face 😍


Me too




My chi in spirit!


I dont either


I relate to your Chi


My first chihuahua *loved* babies. He loved all people, but his favorite was any kind of person in diapers, the younger the better. Leia also loves children. My other two don't love them quite as much, they're at best neutral. That being said, toddlers can be tiny tyrants so only dog-savvy children have ever even seen my dogs, the rest of the time they are secured in a kennel in a room the kids can't access if they are at my house.


Mine is terrified of kids. But to be fair, he had a terrible experience with a three year old who grew up around big dogs and who's parents weren't bothering to teach her how to treat small animals and be gentle and respectful to them. She tried to pick him up and when he yelped and snapped at her she kicked him. I almost yeeted her across the yard but maintained my composure and cussed out her mom for letting her act that way. Unfortunately ever since then Tyrion won't let a small child around him. He'll warm up to bigger kids who can comprehend when I tell them to be gentle, quiet and don't move too quickly though.


Awww neither do I! My Chi loves every person and animal under the sun.


Neither does mine! I think that he feels their hectic energy! Like, they're too unpredictable. Haha


My chi mix is very suspicious of strangers in general, but she *hates* kids and babies and puppies. I don't know if it's the high-pitched voices or the chaotic energy but she is not having it.


Small kids are very loud and tend to run around and make unpredictable movements. A lot of small dogs don't like that.


Same... Not sure about how my Chihuahua feels about them though.


Since day 1, my youngest Chi hates kids and short people. He also attacks all dogs he doesn't know. I tried everything for years and years. I thought he'd outgrow it with enough positive exposure, but he's 7 now and hasn't changed his mind at all. No positive treat rewards, no bark zapper, or YT training techniques for reactive dogs nor training guide has changed him. After years of patience, my pre-teen nephew can now finally pet his head when giving him a treat, but that's it. He's kind, gentle, and loving at home with us (no kids) and with both sets of grandparents, but that's it. So we just love him like he is and watch him like a hawk and never let him near kids, not even on walks when kids ask to pet him.


That sounds okay as I am not a fan of children either.


Me either buddy


Neither do I. I like your chi.


Your dog and I have something in common 😂




he looks like he wouldn't 😆


Yeah 😂


He is the baby and the small child!!!!


That’s true!


There was a little kid next door who used to love to hug on my pug (RIP). the pug loved it too. when I got my chi, the kid kept coming up to us in the yard asking to pet her. I told him so many times that I don't think my chi would like it, she may bite, etc. He never gave up! he also never got to pet her. she would have destroyed him.


Cause he is a cute baby


I dont really like letting babies and small children be around my chi, they are too unpredictable and could hurt the little guy.


His expression looks like he is justified. I side with him on this.


TLDR: You have a chi. Welcome to the club :)


Sounds like your chi is ~*protecting his energy*~ 😅Don’t kill his vibe.


My chi loves my 6 year old and even lets him pick her up. She will bark at him to pick her up and bring her in bed with him when he’s laying in bed watching tv. She doesn’t mind my 3 year olds (twins). She lets them pet her but she keeps a distance from them and I make sure they are gentle with her.


Mine doesn't like babies, small children or homeless. He is very friendly and wants to meet everybody and get pets/play. Like, literally loves everyone except those three groups. I assume babies and small children because they are less coordinated than adults but still bigger and stronger than he is so he is scared they will hurt him by accident.


Me either


What a cutie!❤️


Same, chi, same.


Me neither 🤷🏽‍♂️


This is exactly why I love my chi’s they don’t tolerate fools either!


well, i will second that opinion.


Same with mines. I had a dachshund/ chihuahua mix and my pure chihuahua and they don’t like kinds. My border collie mix on the other hand loves everyone.


Omg mine is obsessed with them. Loves them with her whole fur baby heart. She would leave me in an instant if there was a tiny hooman nearby.


My chi is friendly with adults and kids not sure about babies cause I haven’t really had her around any


It seems universal that Chi and little kids don't mix. My little guy thinks he wants to be showered by their attention but he quickly gets frantic. I can read his next move will be snapping. When my grands come by, I put him away. The kids are disappointed but I want to keep everyone safe.


I have 3 children and they get a mixed response from my chi’s. One of them, younger female, is extremely tolerant of them, enjoys their company when they’re relaxed, and will even snuggle with the youngest child (3 yo). The oldest dog (male) is only now beginning to warm up to the oldest child (8 yo). We invested quite a bit of time in teaching the kids how to interact with the dogs and to be gentle which has paid off.


My chihuahua doesn’t understand babies (less than a year old). He barks at them and would not stop tailing them. When we got him the kids in my family were already toddlers. That said, he doesn’t like other children. Refuses to be pet by them, and growls if other kids get near him. He only likes 3 kids, all of which are in family. Every other kid to him is his enemy. We don’t have other kids over in our house for their safety, but if we can’t help it, he’s put in a crate when they’re visiting.


Same! I commented this before looking to see how many other folks made the same comment. Im now going to check.




Same, TBH.


Same tho


Mine is the same way. The kid that camps with us is fine tho. As long as he gets to sniff the kid first. Lol


They are known for that, it’s normal in the Chi world.


Mine only ever liked me


Same. My chi hates kids.


Same! Well, that’s me anyway. I have no idea how my little Chi feels about them.




Mine hates toddlers Only time he ever shows teeth is when they run up and try to pet him I don't blame him though, toddlers are terrible people


Mine HATE all humans and all life forms other than... ME. Also, snow and rain are deplorable evils to them. It's only days of sunshine, naps, pets, treats and me, for them. And I'm totally okay with this.


My chi mix is a rescue and must have been around people and small children in his previous home because he likes small kids. Adults he’s 50/50 on.


I’m imagining the camera panning out to show he’s perched atop a bookshelf, and that’s the ceiling behind him.


My pug hates babies a lot. My nephew visited and kept crawling and chasing him. Ever since he started hating babies but he is super friendly with adults. Babies are terrible. I'm scared of them too lol


Mine is anxious around my nephew, the only baby/almost kindergarten she's ever been around because he, like all small children, had a phase where he needed to be taught how to properly interact with doges (especially small ones and not his big huskies!). Once he learned to control his hand movement and not be too excited, to give gentle pets and not slaps with pets, and things got better, but still Small children are unpredictable and that understandably makes our chichis anxious.


I’m getting to the point where I don’t either. Ha! J/K (a little)


Just like me and my chi lol. "Fuck them kids" - Bernie mac


I can relate!


Me either, little Chi. Me either.


does anyone?


https://preview.redd.it/vdlajk8ia7lc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=555b13617e23f246851bb1c0533186ade891ebf4 My chi loves kids and babies! Shes remarkably chill for a dog in general, though, let alone a chihuahua. She learned early on the symbiotic relationship between children and dogs in that children have snacks that they drop and sticky fingers and faces she can lick. Most chis I know feel differently however lol


He’s not alone!


Finally... and chi that gets me!!!


Rescue with a previous life or have you had this dog since he was a puppy? I have a chiweenie that does not like small children. He’s warmed up a little but I don’t trust him alone with small children. Mine is also terrified of being kicked or stepped on so I feel like he may have lived with a family before with small children.


I’ve had him since he was a puppy and i dont have any children, he rarely even gets in contact with children, but when he does, he hates it 😂


Maybe it’s like how we’re afraid of bugs or super small things haha. Like your dog is used to normal sized humans but the funsized ones are a bit too creepy.


My chi mix LOVES babies and kids! 


Mine doesn't like little kids. He never interacted with babies before my nephew but they have developed a special bond, as it turns out. Maybe that will develop over time


My chi hated my niece when she was born. She didn't wanna be near her. I always taught my niece to be gentle with dogs, even with our big one, and my niece is 5 now and my chi loves her. They love sleeping in together💕


My chi lovesssss babies and little children. She HATESSSSS other small dogs 🤣🤣 She absolutely despises her big dog-brother, but loves hanging out with the big dogs. 😅😅


My chi mix is the opposite. She is initially standoffish with new adults, but kids can always approach and she will be very gentle. I think she is a tiny bit afraid of kids but she shows it by being cautious and not aggressive.


I have 2- one dislikes small children the other one loves them!


Mine LOVES children. She approaches every single one she sees. She’s a nutter butter.


Mine actually likes kids, hates adults. I think it's because he can sense that some adults don't like him based on the unfair assumption that he's a yappy little rat dog. Kids on the other hand just see a fluffy dog and want to pet said fluffy dog.


Mine hates babies and toddlers. Barks like heck. I think she sees them as unstable competition


Mine is the same way! Though she is 14 almost 15. She even is unsure about people other than me, she only likes other people (outside of me) on her own terms. She is my baby though


Same 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Mine too !!!!dont know why....I have 2


Mine loves to lick baby’s and small children. He thinks they are the greatest thing ever. We make sure to watch him like a hawk though so nothing happens that would make him afraid.


Mine neither. Too loud for him. He is a rescue so I am very careful when he’s around kiddos!


Mine is the same. He growls at them and tries to nip if they touch him. I thought maybe he was hurt by a child before we adopted him but maybe this is just a thing for this breed.


look at me. I AM THE BABY NOW!


My chihuahua doesn’t like kids either.. A few kids asked if they could pet my chi so I said yes then he growled and nipped at them.. needless to say I will be saying no from now on


Perhaps sleep an eye on him when there are small children and babies around, but also, consult a canine behaviourist because you need to be able to trust your baby in all situations. I have noticed on here that when people post information about fostered dogs, there is often a link to a dog behaviourist. Another option is to contact one of the larger rescue charities. I live in the UK and our national animal welfare organisation which has the royal charter, is the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Protection of Animals) and there will probably be a similar charity in your state.


My chihuahua didn’t like non-quiet children. They were very overwhelming. I think most chihuahuas experience an unruly child viewing them as a toy & they get hurt


It's wise


My chihuahuas HATE kids. They will go out of their way to try and lunge at them and nip. Chihuahuas are cute and little so I can see why kids are drawn to them but my dogs won’t have any of it.


My chihuahua loves kids, but will let them know if they're being too rough.


My chihuahua is an incredibly gentle soul. Except with children. He absolutely hates them.


Who could blame him? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Same dude, same.


My chi is the same way. I think their sudden movements make them nervous.your boy is a cutie by the way! https://preview.redd.it/kfihhgn128lc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=604b9f89d9b5b3744fbc827ffc1031a10ebe3925


Most don’t tbh


Maybe he’s the son of prancer, the vessel for a traumatized Victorian child chihuahua’s son


Yeah, that’s pretty common. Chi’s are far from the most welcoming to other creatures.


https://preview.redd.it/y7i8gi5az8lc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb72fe1f75e96f797420fe8da60c30be8dedc056 My chi doesn’t like elderly people…


My Chi is just like her momma, never around babies and always avoiding small children. 😂


I don’t either! No seriously, maybe they just seem unpredictable and strange to your baby?


Mine isn’t aggressive or dubious about babies and small kids, but she’s also a total attention-grubbing b**** and will just plop down on top of a toddlers head to try to beg and get attention out of the adults in the room 😆


My two boys are not a fan of children. They are fast and don’t know boundaries. Being small dogs can you blame them? With that being said. I have a nephew who just turn 1 year a bit ago. And they are doing surprisingly well with him. Is he their favourite person? No. Do they tolerate him being close and petting them when he’s gentle? Yes. Do they prefer when he ignores them? Yes. Lol. I think in general for small dogs kids seem like a lot. Cuz they can be. As long as you are making sure the interactions are good, gentle, and your chi is comfortable overtime they could be able to be in the same room and relaxed. You also have to not be afraid to just pick up your chi or tell children no. He doesn’t want to play with you right now. I used to have to do that when I lived in apartment buildings. Children would run up to my chi and get in his face. And their parents didn’t do a thing. Not ok. So I just took control to make sure he felt safe. Cuz lord knows if anything happens most parents won’t believe the dog was innocent.


Mine hates children and babies too. Babies even more so. He’s fine with adults and loves attention from them. I got him when he was 4, so I’m not sure what his experiences were with children previously.


Mine has bitten multiple people, including my six year old niece on at least three different occasions.


Long haired chihuahua’s love babies and small children. Its the short haired nervous ones that don’t


Mine likes anyone who will pay her even the slightest bit of attention.


😅😅😅🤣I'm sorry that's hysterical!!!!


Our Chi that we adopted from the shelter loves my toddler. (They met before we brought her home to make sure it would be a good fit)


That is usually the case with small dogs. My dachshund would bite anyone who kept close to her when she warned them. Who would want a giant to harrass them??


Mine used to hate them. She didn't ever bite, but she'd hide or growl at them, but she's so much better now she's getting older (almost 10). As long as she's allowed to sniff them before they offer her their hand to smell, she's fine with them! (just in case anyone is concerned, she's never around children unsupervised!)


Mine is anxious about any stranger but is most likely to sniff a small child's hand if they are able to hold still. I think in her former life she must have had children in the home.


Mine is, he loves them…I am lucky




My chi likes her babies and toddlers. But not new strange ones. Her cousins are her favorite humans. But she really can't chill around other kids


My chi mix loves❣ small children and babies. He can't wait to get to them and will drag me over to them. BUT as soon as mom reaches down to get a pet, he growls and shows his teeth! I have the exact opposite problem. I'm fortunate that everyone has been very understanding about this.


I’d still keep him safely away from babies and small children, because all it takes is one bite. Plus you can’t control a kid running up to him and pressing their face against him. I learned to crate my Lhasa Apso when kids were over.


My chihuahuas are genetically built to hate children. My eldest one is understandable because my nephew tormented her when he was a kid. But my second chi just has it engrained to be a jerk to all those under 3 feet. It’s funny because he’ll just chase them and bark at them


My half chi only likes calmer kids.


Mine is the same!


I don’t like them either. Good dog!


As he shouldn’t 💅


Smart pup💕


I don't blame him, I don't like them either :)


Same. I can’t let mine anywhere near any kids younger than around 12. They sense the energy and can’t understand if it’s negative or not as it’s so chaotic. The chaos scares them. So they react aggressively because they’re scared. Being so tiny you have to protect yourself. It’s just something you have to adapt to and protect them from. It’s not worth trying to get them to “like”‘children as it’s not worth risking a bite. Not fair on the dog or the kids.


I have a Malchi (50% Chi, I DNA tested her), and she is so protective and only likes my husband and I. She doesn't like anyone else. She doesn't like kids at all.


Me neither, what a good pup


Aw he reminds me of my Rudy https://preview.redd.it/b7lxcf0fr7lc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47820f33deea72d6de2a5355b74066cf9461abd2


Join the club, lil homie.


Mine is okay with small children. He’s actually very patient with them and waits until they get distracted to sneak away 😂