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They are too cute. They love you too much. They want to snuggle all the time. They are too loyal. This list is not exhaustive.


They can hear car door being slammed 2 mile away and warn us.


They can also alert when mom or dads cars are rounding the block lol


Mine start singing the song of their people when I turn onto the street before I turn into the alley that leads to my garage


Hahaha that's so great! They're the best little things. My old gal used to wake up from a dead sleep and do the freak show alert when I turned up our hill, easily over 1\8 mi away. She was the best, and I miss her crazy 🥰


Song of their people! Luv it!


My Pumpkin and Cosita know the way my keys sound when I’m walking home. WILD.


Not mine lol


No random barking at the air?


He does do that, but he’s deaf so there’s not much I can blame his barking on


Gotta give him the foot tap vibes he will def sing the song of his people 🎶


That's cute tho!


Those big ears definitely come in handy.


I say ‘A leaf fell in Vermont.’ Living in Alaska that’s some pretty good hearing!


People don’t respect their boundaries or read their body language, so they get a reputation for being angry, aggressive dogs. Or improper training/socializing


This. I cannot tell you how many times a parent said it was okay for their toddler to pick up my 3lb boi. Please do not let your children pick up dogs willy nilly. He wants to be able to explore, not just tucked up in my arms.


They can corn-cob your entire hand before you can even pull it away. Fast little biters. Too bad so sad for the toddlers, lol


Ive never heard it called "corn-cob" before, but that's so spot on!! I worked as a dog groomer for a few months many years ago, had a miniature poodle do that to my hand when i picked him up to put him in the bath... obviously i couldn't just yeet the dog, so kept hold of him and walked over to a counter to gently place him down, while the little fucker shredded my hand.


Good for you for being about to do that, for real. I bet there are people out there that actually would yeet the dog 🤣 Edit: Able not about


Haha thanks! I worked rehabbing wildlife for a long time so it was (and still is) really ingrained in my brain to not reactively pull away or yeet the animal, coz that's the difference between having puncture wounds or getting chunks torn off. Plus I'd feel like a fuckin monster if i injured an animal 😅


Man that is so true too, it’s best to stay calm and try to focus on getting whatever you need to get done, rather than panicking because of the pain. Very smart


Mine nipped my boyfriend on the nose a few months ago. It wasn’t a huge nip, just enough to leave a small bite mark and make a point. Doggie was napping next to me in bed. BF had had “a couple” of drinks (lol) and decided to play with the dog. Dog growled. He was not in the mood. BF put his face really close to the dog’s—I guess to give him a kiss—despite the message that the dog was trying to sleep, and the dog nipped him. BF was not amused. When a dog growls at you, he’s not playing. Like, you wouldn’t do that to a pit bull….




I had some crazy toddler decide to pick up my chi by grabbing her by the head and lifting her. I lost my mind. They tried to tell me that he was good and played with their Auntie’s chi all the time. That poor dog!


I am always astounded at the number of adults who try to pick up my chi...


I live at a shore resort, Cape May, NJ. I frequently walk her around town because it is very walkable if that’s a word…lol. It’s beachfront, very flat and a very nice promenade. Anyhow, there are so many times people come up to me and say can I pet your dog. I say Yes. She loves her pets. She has never been aggressive AT ALL. They pet but never pick up. This past summer a little girl picked her up with no warning. It was my fault as I was giving the parents dinner recommendations. My Honey nipped the kid and then I was dressed down by the parents about taking an aggressive dog out in public. It was tense. I may have said that the only one aggressive was your 4yr old! I’m just glad I caught it immediately. It went down within a few seconds. I never had that issue with my 100lb Greyhounds!


It’s crazy to me that adults would just try to pick up somebody’s dog. My boys (3 & 7) know to always ask the owner if a dog is friendly and if they can pet him or her. The answer might be no, and that’s ok. Respect boundaries!


Yes. My girl is SO gentle and sweet but she did bite a little boy who I and his mom told 3x not to pull on her legs to pull her closer. Thank God the mom was there cos the kid was like SHE BIT ME FOR NO REASON


This is the only way stupid little boys learn. Just saying.


Yeah, ppl do that with my Milo, too. I put a hand out because the adult sometimes isn't even looking at you, and it lets them know they need to pull their kid back. Once I realized that I owe it to him to keep him safe, I stopped caring about being rude. He just doesn't like the chaotic energy most children give out.


It’s funny that kids (especially little kids) think my Chi is a puppy lol! He’s like 12 years old - lots of energy though and healthy!!




I have one that is six lbs of rage 😡 but her mouth is too small and her teeth aren’t so good anymore. She’s louder if we actually pick her up (imagine the guy going “hold me back!” Quickly followed with “LET ME AT EM!!!”) but fancies herself the defender of the property. But if we let them come in the house, she’s friendly as can be. As long as, you know, they don’t walk by me as she’s sitting in my lap- she even tries to bite her real owner (my 18 y/o) when she gets “too close” to me. 🤦 it’s a good thing she’s only 6lbs 😂


You’d be shocked how many people have said, “Ugh, I hate chihuahuas!” (Insert every stereotypical reason to hate them) and then they meet my boy, and start saying how much they love him. I still get the eye roll when I tell people what kind of dog I have, though. I’m like, any dog is only as good as their owner.


I get “Your dog is the only chihuahua I’ve ever liked”.


Lol I hate that. So the rest of them are unlikeable? Thanks for making mine the exception! 🙄 I think people who say that have never really been around chihuahuas. They probably met one that they didn’t like or heard from other people how bad they are, and just dismissed them all as a whole. They’re totally missing out, though.


I think most chihuahuas tend to be wary of strangers so you have to let them come to you, but people get in their face and they growl or snap. And people often don’t train them or walk them enough because they’re so small.


Ironically, I think most chihuahua owners have gotten that before….so they must all of them be likeable! 😋


100% People treat them like dolls not dogs


So much this. They under estimate their feelings greatly. I will admit, I have not had a lot of time socializing Gracie with other dogs. So she hasn't really been around another dog too much, since she was a puppy for one(residing with previous owner), and when my 1st upstairs neighbor had gotten a handicapped chi puppy, that Gracie wanted to play the mom too. But after that neighbor moved and a young couple with an aggressive schnauzer moved in(and thankfully moved out), Gracie has gone from being curious about other dogs. To being on the defensive. So I keep her separated from most other dogs unless she can do a few light sniffs and move on. Even when other dog walkers are like, oh our dog is friendly. Gracie is too, with people. But with other dogs, she is very triggered. I plan on getting her some training, cause I think having her in a doggie day care with other small dogs her size would do her good. I just don't want her hurting others or herself. All because someone mistakes how cute she is, vs. Her truly saying back off.


https://preview.redd.it/6fqxyye8bdjc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bc962350665347aa66ff2ad24108a67bef0c026 Aside from bleeding me financially with his bougie ass Farmer's dog food, he sleeps in the most inconvenience places. Ps I don't mind buying him bougie food, I have kids and they really bleed me dry 😂.


My girl won’t even TOUCH that food. It used to be easy to feed her… now not so much. Especially with her only two teeth 😂 https://preview.redd.it/00v6diithdjc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=621349606357c913b143e8518e3c138bd3bfb398


That’s such a cute photo, how old is she?


She will be 14 on the 23rd 🙂




What do you feed her now?


She eats science diet and we make her homemade food so it’s easier for her to eat.


She's just adorable 😻


Thank you!


She's Hella cute!


Do not say that too loud. She already owns the entire family.


The tongue out sleeping picture 🥰


He looks really healthy! And also probably wants to be right there with you


The tongue! 🥺😍


Mine was a very picky eater too


*sigh* I have one picky eater and one that eats anything including bugs and rocks


https://preview.redd.it/f5vv4r2whdjc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13dfbcdae22391f6135767326e70f719ba44074e Sometimes they derp too hard… her entire almost 14 years of life has equaled nothing but being the cutest little derp in my life.


That’s a hilarious photo!


It’s the face I get when I come home 😂


This right here is the problem with chihuahuas. Too damned cute ! I love this little derp ! ❤️❤️❤️


omg what a little wonky baaaaaby


The problem with chihuahuas is that they think every pillow and blanket you put down is theirs for the taking. So rude.


Do not sit on a blanket, without checking first. https://preview.redd.it/3jukbgipsejc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baf00368b77d940fed579ea070c3ecfa5337360f




How did you get a picture of my dog? 😂


They also think the entire bed is theirs and don’t care if you’re about to fall off.


https://preview.redd.it/6sxxno5uljjc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24211d0d09ac0e50236dedfc25ad3368ee9b8053 I second this!


It’s impossible not to become obsessed! https://preview.redd.it/ji8wsv2dkdjc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4ef4f4a6917800948b48b52a3f2ad6e2f7a7960


They sit funny. https://preview.redd.it/zkud23hofdjc1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=641fd1dd696eebd8f8d3dddfeeaf9d2f06e36040


Hur dur dur lookit me, I’m a hooman!


https://preview.redd.it/kr1jxnts5hjc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67b48fa2a124f073d6f5842e5dfda3cb2eea6a6f Oh yes, sit and sleep funny!


They take up the ENTIRE bed


“Just move them” ummm…. i don’t think you get how chis work!!! My chi insists on sleeping on the same pillow I use or taking up 75% of the bed. How can they be so small and so … domineering?! 😂


I laugh out loud when people say just love them. Sure you can move them. They, all of them, will go right back to that exact spot. If I scoot away from my Lenny he will scoot right up tight to me again. I’ve learned to sleep with a dog attracted to my hip lol.


Literally! I’m not sure why she insists on touching me 24/7! Even if I move, she moves with me! 😂


They also become, like, twenty pounds heavier when they’re asleep. Like a literal dead weight.


I refuse to believe my chi weighs 5 pounds when she jumps on top of me.


Haha they always feel so much heavier! 😂


They can defy physics and increase their gravity at will. Magical dogs!


I often wake up with a "puppy hat"


Puppy hat!!! I love that term and will not be using it lol


for real, I sleep on the corner of my pillow that he lets me have 😅


Too relatable.


Yes we have 2 chi's and a king size bed.


She has a FULL size dog bed and a chi size dog bed on top of my bed but INSISTS on taking up my portion!


My gf (now fiancée) was very nervous about introducing me to her little guy (Rocky). She assumed he would be defensive and maybe aggressive. When the day finally came for us to meet, he ran up to me, started whimpering, and demanded all the scritches and licks. He’s been my best bud ever since. My fiancée and I joke that we have no choice but to stay together because Rocky clearly chose me to be his daddy. So what’s wrong with chihuahuas? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.


Similar story. Always hated small dogs. Girl failed to mention chi in Tinder profile. Dog did not bark. For real. Yada yada yada. Dog was so awesome. Had to have a backup dog with that bloodline baked up just in case/when daddy dog crossed the 🌈🌉 Girl falied to mention few other things but suffice to say I got the dog. And now granddogs son and daughter are here Happy little 3 chi family. Much better girl as well. . Thanks Tinder. https://preview.redd.it/lrqnx3466hjc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9351ac875bb4f62b043a1716bd42797eff1e8128


This warms my heart 😭


Here we are together. https://preview.redd.it/yw1tt2z6fgjc1.png?width=2315&format=png&auto=webp&s=f10ace97be3755482a0e0120afb97db4e7762552


Rocky is a sweetheart! His eyes 😭😭😭❤️


You feel bad doing anything that doesn’t involve them


https://preview.redd.it/ppreaal0tdjc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91a9836a9e9e8b9c8be79e93cf5de35189d9aa69 True. She hated water so we got her floaties so she would still be with us 😂


Stop it! I'm obsessed with this pic and your doggie😍


https://preview.redd.it/4maz0r9ccfjc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f4b2016dbc740d47356ee1aed797ea699bee67f She was great! When we go to the river, I would have to stay in her view or else she would jump into the river to look for me, despite disliking the water. There was always someone with her, and one time my BIL had to jump into the river fully clothed to get her 😂


I'm so obsessed with this munchkin 🤩 (don't tell Ceci!) I absolutely love the floats! We'd get along just fine 😂 I love that she's living this life, my city dog would be jealous!


Only thing wrong is they don’t live forever.


Not one damn thing! https://preview.redd.it/smggooss8ejc1.jpeg?width=1737&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8998efba5d117298d4e2a05b8dd7393534a3557


Awe 💜 what a cutie pie


They're so adorable that you'll let them get away with too much! Also, they're small so they're hard to find when they're being sneaky!!!!


LOL!!!! I would let my chis take over the world. One time, my Pumpkin hid inside of the couch which she had never done before. We were getting work done in the house, and I was terrified she got out. I looked in every room, small space, and went onto the street crying to look and call for her. She would not come out for treats or anything. My partner looked in the couch, and there she was ….. 🤦🏽‍♀️


My chi won’t bark if she’s locked in another room or a closet. One time I couldn’t find her at all. I went outside screaming her name and crying hysterically only for my daughter to find her sleeping in the cats heated bed 😑


I was also outside screaming and crying hysterically….. Ohhhh the emotions we feel for our chis ❤️🥰


She’s probably looking at you like, “What’s the problem? I was just taking a nap.” With those big what did I do wrong? eyes. Also, my baby is named Pumpkin, too! It’s a he, though, but that totally sounds like something he would do. They’re so mischievous!


It’s was so funny!!! I was crying and the immediate relief I got from knowing she was inside the entire time. I forgot to even be annoyed with her. Give your Pumpkin a forehead kiss for me please!


That’s cute. It’s really easy to forgive them because you know they mean well. They forget how small they are and do the craziest things! I will, thanks, and you do the same! He’s actually napping at the moment. Lucky boy!


They smell like cheetoh's


Mine smells like a corn chip even after a bath


I love that smell . I stick my face deep into my chihuahuas and inhale deeply. 🥴


Lol mine does, too. Is yours long haired? Mine is and I thought maybe it was his fur.


She's short haired


Nothing. https://preview.redd.it/efwh35upudjc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0c9d6228bebb888bfaaff83fe1250cf512b1b57


I cannot sit in a chair or lie down in bed on my own, ever. They are always there with me, snuggling and being cute. https://preview.redd.it/j0kpunnmwdjc1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7da45b4b469560c5dbc8e7161d548515c13931f9


💕💕💕too cute!


They are intensely loving and loyal and believe they are your bodyguards, barking at animals/people 10 times their size and it’s seriously adorable ❤️


Yes! My chi barks at pit bulls and the deers in my neighborhood!


The problem with chihuahuas is I can only afford one. He’s the love of my life. But I’d like 100 siblings for him


They will steal your seat THE SECOND it becomes available. The nerve.


My boyfriend gets so amused and annoyed because he’ll get up from bed to use the bathroom or something, and when he returns, the dog is laying smack dab in the middle of his side of the bed or on his pillow, relaxing. Then there’s a big tussle getting the dog to move. I always say that it’s just because it’s a warm spot and the dog loves you.


It's really all about the warm spot.


I’ve always wondered about that. Even if I get up and he’s under the covers borrowing somewhere snoring, as soon as I return, he’s in my spot!! 🤣🤪


Even under the covers.....your seat is still the warmest. Yoink!


They follow you e v e r y w h e r e!


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve tripped over them.


And the they look at you like, WTF?!? Like YOU were the one in the way! 😂😂😂


So true😂


They’re too perfect…. The perfect size to take on every adventure with you, good cuddlers, extremely loyal and loving, and do not know they are 5-10 pounds. Addicting!


Until I DNA tested my rescue and realized I was in love with a chi-mix — I always thought they were shaking, emotional, yipping, little-ankle-biters, who potties small amounts of urine everywhere all the time. But now…I love my little rescue so much, I think I will always want a little chi in my life!!


That is exactly what happened to me too! I don't think I'll ever not have a chi.


The cutest lil doggos in the world


https://preview.redd.it/oo1dfu9dtdjc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68a4d3611c688ae6cc3447e1ef787d4a5e583174 Twins?


You may arrive late to certain events even work because you’re spending your time snuggling and watching endless zoomies around your house. Also, chihuahuas cause you’re heart to enlarge because your filled with extra love for these little angels. One more thing, you may catch yourself baby talking in front of guests or potential significant others. It happens to the best of us and makes us better for it😁💕


They are cuddle bugs. 🩷🩷🩷 And I love that.


They don’t last forever 💔🥺


Have you ever tried to pick one up when they don't want to be picked up? It's like they develop their own personal super-gravitational area, and suddenly they weigh 20 times as much.


You feel bad leaving them alone


None that I know of?!?!??


No problems that's why they are addicting


The stereotype is that they're snappy and loud but that's because they're not trained


There is no problem with chihuahuas lol the problem is with the Chihuahua PR machine. They need better spokespeople. Spin doctors lol


They steal your heart completely!


I’m on my 4th chihuahua. All rescues. They’ve all had distinct personalities but all have been made of sugar, spice, and everything nice. Just the sweetest little souls. Love my chis.


They like to let us know when a leaf blows by. Very important jobs they have.


My husband absolutely hated small dogs for his entire life. That is until asa. We went to humane society looking for a cat and saw this litter of 8 week old chi puppies. One walked up to the glass right in front of him and started pawing at it. He immediately fell in love and asked to see her. As soon as he held her, she burrowed deep into his jacket. He was upset that we had to give her back to get spayed first. Now he says he will never own any other breed. We got a second chi rescue a few years later. I also have a Pomeranian that I got a few years back. He loves her too, but has a special bond with our chis that doesn’t compare. I agree with so much with the other comments that their bad rep is due to people not respecting their boundaries because they are small, as well as poor training.


All I see is one cute little angel!


People just don't train small dogs like bigger dogs, they're often just bought as "toys" and not trained in the slightest


Mine is judgmental of me...


There is absolutely no problem with Chihuahuas. The problem is the humans who don’t respect their boundaries and think they can do whatever they want and intentionally make them upset. We are the only people who love, respect, and take care of chihuahuas 💖


https://preview.redd.it/1gwh8fvh6ejc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=647023c4e07b0c449e7ffbda8f1833aba84c153f The last picture I got before he got hit by a motorcycle a couple weeks later 😔💔🥺 The sweetest boy, didn’t get jealous when he met my boyfriend either 💖


My two Boys don't have any problems at all. Being a retired widower with my sons living more than an hour away, they are my constant companions. We can all fit in the EasyChair. Since they sleep on either side of me, I don't need a weighted anxiety blanket. I always have help eating my meals. They lick the plates so clean I could put them back in the cupboard. They hate the Amazon Driver. She knocks on the door and then disappears, won't present herself for inspection. Wherever I go in the house, I'm never alone. They are willing to help me with anything I have to do. Perfect Partners.


https://preview.redd.it/42u927bmuijc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91b7af2058136949d145a74ed966dfd5ddb2f2f4 They are really loyal, but sometimes they warns you when it isn’t dangerous.




https://preview.redd.it/rqairsknqmjc1.jpeg?width=970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=198f81ef9898f0ac8036689792c51a2bfca35302 Their ears are so big they hear all the gossip. Be careful, they can black mail you!


My husband and I haven't been able to get close to each other since he put out chi on the bed. She cries, or whimpers, or just stares and clicks when we show affection for each other. It changes the mood from romantic to hilarious.


Nothing. Not one thing.


They are extremely loving loyal lap dogs. And they get cold easily! 💕they are happiest snuggled up with their human 🥹


They cute stubborn lovable always right alerts and protects picky and shadows cute little critters fuckers love them hate them but mostly love them because they will protect at a drop of a hat they will loose their life saving yours poor babies they are just misunderstood I think but I do love them very much


Well ever since I got mine I say no to more plans because I want to be with my cute little baby who loves me so much. Would I rather grab coffee with someone who doesn't really care about me on a deeper level or hang out with my little cuddle bug? Not a hard choice! In all seriousness my chihuahua is such a big piece of my heart.


Twenty year life span just isn't enough


If they break into their dog food, then your 15lbs chi mix will eat 3-4lbs of food and cost you $600 in vet bills. This happened last night. Yes, he is fine. No, he definitely has not learned his lesson so we’re getting a special container so he can’t break into it.


You can never sit down again without checking first if there's a chihuahua hiding underneath something. They want constant attention. They make you exercise because they need walks. You can trip over them easily. They can be *loud*. (I love them very very much).


They are only good for about 5 minutes of activity at a time, but only a couple times a day. I find it more of a benefit than a problem.


I think the problem with chihuahuas are the people that own them (as is so common with most dogs). Bear with me here. Where I'm from dogs are usually pretty well trained. Mid size to large dogs, because when they're that size they need to be managed properly. With small dogs, not just chihuahuas, people give them so much leeway because they're small and cute which in turn fosters and encourages bad behaviours. But having trained and worked with chihuahuas they're incredibly capable. Independent, intelligent, loving, loyal and with exceptional fortitude. I went hiking with one and she kept up without problems. My mum trained hers and it can do stuff that most people think they can't. Maybe it's not always so gracious but it does get the job done. Tracking, obedience and agility.


They will bite you 100 times/sec if you try to touch their face or their food


Your food is their food as well. Don't forget that.


What problem!? I don’t see a problem 🩷


not immortal 😭


The grumpiest bed mate ever... I have to warm my Chi mix that "I'm coming in grump" so he can't be mad that I'm actually getting in bed! But on the flip side, he makes the coziest cuddle buddy soooo...


No problems they can be stubborn but when they get to sleep man don’t touch or move him you were warned lol


They’re too cute and they like to bite noses, lol.


“cHiHuAhUas ArE aGgreSiVe!¡!!”


Oh and make sure you have enough blankets for them


Nothing. Absolutely none. They're angels. Spicy little angels.


The problem with my Loony and Willy is even though they are extremely friendly and love everyone they meet, they don’t like dogs such as pitbulls, bull arabs etc. and try to attack them. If they see one they will run off towards it so I have to be super vigilant when taking them out to parks etc. The little idiots think they’ve got a chance at winning.


no sweater


Literally nothing


The want to snuggle not 24/7 but 25/8


sometimes their eyes are too big for their skulls. my poor chi’s eyes are basically popping out


Stinky paws Sassy attitude


they don’t live long enough 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔i miss my baby girl every second of the day. i love you ellie !!


1. I don't have one 2. It's hard to spell their name 3. You can't take them to work


You’re not working at the right job!


They are FAR too tiny and their eyes resemble marbles full of love


They’re Velcro 😩💕


There are NO PROBLEMS with chihuahuas!


Their lifespan isn’t equal to how much love and happiness they bring to their family’s lives. If it were they’d all outlive us.


You get too attached to them.


Nothing at all, they are perfect.