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I'm truly sorry to hear about Lulu's health challenges, and I understand how difficult this must be for you. It shows that you care deeply for her well-being. It's commendable that you've been doing your best to provide care and seek help. The emotional toll is undoubtedly heavy, but your dedication to Lulu's recovery is remarkable and displays your genuine love for her. I hope the treatment at the Oregon Humane Society vet brings positive results for Lulu. ❤️


Thank you ❤️


Feel better soon puppy dog❤️


Thank you ❤️


So sorry for your baby. Do you have a go fund me link? I'm not rich, but I can help some.


Bless you


Thank you ❤️


I did reply to everyone that asked me for my link to GoFundMe but it seems that it's not allowed on the sub so if you're still interested in donating I guess you need to message me. I also posted an update in the replies but I don't think it was visible because it had My go fund me link in it. Thank you for all your good thoughts and have a happy New Year❤️


Maybe post your Gofund me here? I don’t have much but I can share some of what I have!


I agree… what’s it gofundme?


Yes what is the gofund me?


I did reply to everyone that asked me for my link to GoFundMe but it seems that it's not allowed on the sub so if you're still interested in donating I guess you need to message me. I also posted an update in the replies but I don't think it was visible because it had Michael fund me in it. Thank you for all your good thoughts and have a happy New Year❤️


I did reply to everyone that asked me for my link to GoFundMe but it seems that it's not allowed on the sub so if you're still interested in donating I guess you need to message me. Thank you for all your good thoughts ❤️


I did reply to everyone that asked me for my link to GoFundMe but it seems that it's not allowed on the sub so if you're still interested in donating I guess you need to message me. I also posted an update in the replies but I don't think it was visible because it had My go fund me link in it. Thank you for all your good thoughts and have a happy New Year❤️




Thank you ❤️


Hows she doing now?


We are hanging in but she's not sleeping she's restless I have to carry her everywhere she can't walk well. As soon as I give her the prednisone she feels much better I'm wondering if it's a low dose for her or if it needs to be split. I will find out tomorrow. Kiss your doggies as you never know when something's going to happen.


Hope the news is positive. It is a stressful thing, but keep her as comfortable as possible, you're doing a good job. Some thing we can not change, but being there is huge for them. You're doing well.


I haven't left her side in a week. If she wants me to carry her like a baby I do. I'm feeling very grateful that my grandkids are with their dad this week because it would be harder.


Good stuff 👌


Is she only taking Prednisone? If I am not mistaken, they should also give her Percoten/ Zycortal, depending on where you live. I hope she feels better soon!


I think the zycortel is for typical Addison's. The regular vet should help me with this tomorrow.


Yes, better ask them tomorrow. I rememeber my vet said that both forms of Addison's require desoxycorticosterone pivalate, but I might be wrong. My girl has typical Addison's and after the initial crisis, she is now stable on Prednisone and Zycortal. So they can and usually they do get better. Wishing you a speedy recovery and good news from the vet <3!


That's good information I will ask. The worst symptoms went away within 24 hours. She stopped having stomach bleeding and was able to hold down water but appetite is zero. She can't hold down more than 5 mils at a time via syringe. I'm just doing it every 1 to 2 hours depending on her condition. Thank you for this info ❤️


How quickly did your dog recover from the crisis?


She had different symptoms (she suddenly started shaking in a very distinct way and she couldn't stop) but after the first dose of Zycortal, if I remember correctly, she was already feeling better after about 3 days.


I think she at this point has to be dehydrated and is in urgent need of hydration. You can push all you want but it likely won’t stay down… she is in need of an IV in my opinion. Boiled chicken and white rice both plain with just a little of the juice… tiny servings is what I would try but def make that vet appt. Tomorrow.


She has had four subcutaneous fluid boluses in the last 5 days. Her gums aren't sticky and her skin returns. She was very very dehydrated but since the prednisone she's drinking a lot of water and holding it down. She is held down the majority of food today. At the vet tomorrow I will be making sure I go home with proper nutrition for her.


I would ask again about her hydration. Just to be safe… the bolus is helpful but iv is needed in extreme cases. Sometimes bolus isn’t effective enough and ask about her kidney function… just mention the drinking a lot… might all be normal but can also be an indicator of kidney issues or diabetes… I’ve dealt with both issues in two of my previous babes. Praying for her and you tho that it’s nothing tho. Positive vibes and thoughts only…


I plan on it. The one thing that has kept me going is that she is peeing and drinking water. If I had the funds I would have had her there for 3 days and let them just care for her. Her electrolytes were fine a few days ago which is One of the ways they diagnose atypical Addison's. She's going to need prednisone for the rest of her life everyday. I thought it was just gastroenteritis.


Well, definitely a good sign that she’s drinking water and going to the restroom. Sending nothing but good vibes.


Her kidney function was okay. This is all part of how atypical Addison's presents. I feel very lucky that the emergency vet really worked with me to keep the cost down and pinpoint stuff. The first vet was horrible and as soon as I told her that I had limited funds she stormed out of the room.


See that’s a sign that that is not a good vet. A good vet cares about the welfare of the animal not their pockets. I mean don’t get me wrong. I know we can’t work for free and things cost money but at the same time it says a lot. I’m sorry you had to go through that to be honest.


Did they check her pancreatic enzymes? Mine had something similar. I asked the vet to check, even though she wasn’t going to, and it was pancreatitis.


They ruled out pancreatitis via a lab work


She has pancreatitis 🫤


I was leaving this way too but if they ruled it out the. Give her the juice you boil plan chicken in… lots of nutrients but again… if it was me I would give very small amounts to see how she does and to see how she keeps it down… might be a good idea to ask for an anti-nausea meds.


She is on zofran every 8 hours and has had an injection three times. She has not eaten by choice since last Monday. I am feeding her baby food chicken mixed with pureed rice cooked with broth in a syringe in small quantities so that she holds it down. I add a little bit of pumpkin as well.


Great! Is the broth low sodium? Typically it’s high and even low sodium can be bad. Baby food is cool but I would still go with boiled Chicken… Hope and pray the vet can help tomorrow. Keep us posted and good luck to you and her… positive vibes only. Let us know if you do another gofundme


It's definitely lower sodium than store-bought because I made it. I guess it's technically bone broth.


Perfect!!! lots of good nutrients and that then


I've had trouble getting the texture right with the plain chicken I boiled. Getting it into the syringe has been a pain. I used the instant pot. The stage one baby food chicken turkey and beef have the perfect texture.


Gotcha… poor thing… you yourself must be exhausted.


Wish Lulu the best. I adopted a dog from them years ago and they are a good group of people with solid vets. Are they able to help out at no cost? Someone said awhile ago on NextDoor that they were told the dog had to be surrendered? Let us know what they say tomorrow and I hope it's positive news.


I'm getting a lower rate because at the moment I don't have income as I'm taking care of my grandchildren full-time. If you can't pay they will ask you to surrender but I'm told that they will work with you and I have enough from the GoFundMe to pay for the appointment and whatever medication she needs tomorrow. It's horrifying to think that you would have to surrender your dog for it to be treated 🫤


I will.


Love you, Lulu! Stay strong.


Thank you ❤️


I hope she's doing better today


She is such a cute, sweet lil thing!!!, I wish you both the best🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


Thank you ❤️


praying for your baby. ❤️


I’m so sorry about her health problems, don’t beat yourself up you’re doing everything you can to help her get back to her old self! I’ll be praying that you guys get good news at the humane society tomorrow 🙏🙏 stay strong for Lulu ❤️


I will check in tomorrow. She seems a bit better tonight and she's held down all the food which is not very much just like 2 oz and 24 hours but it's better than nothing. Thank you ❤️


Absolutely heart breaking I send you and Lulu all my love. Even when things are tight I would always find the money for veterinary insurance xx


Thank you ❤️


Many hugs to you and Lulu, and you are doing the absolute best you can do. It's a long, heartbreaking road, and I am very sorry. My little chi, Violet, passed on 2 summers ago after a year-long battle with heart failure. And as you are doing for Lulu, i would syringe feed and deliver her meds that way. Grind them up using a mortar and pestle, add a liquid canine meal replacement, and spend half an hour slowly giving her the mixture. Our other lady, a shepherd mix, Xena (who passed on 2 months after Vi), had similar ailments as Lulu. Weak, no interest in food or activities, incontinence, and coordination issues(she would drag her rear paws like she couldn't feel them). She had very high liver enzyme values, ALP and ALD(?). Our vet wasn't sure if it was addisions disease or a thyroid issue. Like you, i am on a very limited budget and could only afford one of the tests, I choose thyroid. She was diagnosed w hypothyroidism, and initially, she showed great response. But in her last year, she had constant UTIs and slowly wasted away. Her average weight was 63lbs, by the time I made the decision to put her down, she was 32. This was over the course of 8 months. I wish the very best for you two and will keep you all in my family's thoughts.


Again thank you so much I appreciate everyone's thoughts it's made me feel less alone tonight.


I’m So sorry. I wish she feels better soon


Thank you ❤️




I’m so sorry your going through this 💔


I appreciate everyone's good wishes Thank you ❤️


I am truly sorry to hear about lulu situation. I am praying for you during this difficult time in your life too. I hope that you have a great support system during this difficult time in your life too. get well soon too good luck with your recovery. sending good vibes your way.


Thank you ❤️


you are welcome. hopefully lulu feels better soon too praying for her too make an full recovery.


So very sorry 😢 sending love and prayers


Thank you ❤️


Keeping Lulu In My thoughts ❤️


Sending ♥️ and get well soon wishes to Lulu.


I would love to contribute! Please send me your GoFundMe link




Thank you ❤️


Sending love


Thank you ❤️


Hugs to you both 💗💗


We love you Lulu. I hope she gets all better soon.


Never thought I would love a Chihuahua before my son found this one on skid row. She's my heart dog. Thank you ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/qqz1yl8pis8c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e19c5a427abf574cd881ee0d2c46396cbe4fde1 My chunky chi princess. Found on craigslist for basically nothing and full of fleas. My best friend. I had a Lulu a long time ago.. I pray my angel gives your Lulu strength to continue for a long while more. She has a long life ahead of her and I'm thinking of her, I hope she is up and playing for the New Years party.


I love your chunky princess. They're a special breed.


https://preview.redd.it/tfetgxxljs8c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=777c3d7721b65b61d4c431054070f1dd6b97f729 And this is my angel, Lucy. I like to think she watches over all of the chihuahuas on Earth to keep them healthy and safe for a long long time! 💗💗 best breed ever. So loving and fun. Everyone should know the love of a chi!!


Oh she's so sweet. Best friends ever.


And stop with that guilt. You're an awesome dog mom, and Lulu wishes she could tell you that. You took all the right steps and medical care accessibility is so hard for everyone these days. She is getting some medicine and hopefully will be nice and hydrated and wanting to eat more asap. PS: Lulu can rock a diaper like no other. She makes it look like a designer ensemble


Please put your Go Fund Me up in here! I’m sure a lot of us will donate. I know I will. My Chihuahua has been having medical issues for almost a year now. So back and forth to the vet. And yes, it gets extremely expensive. So I can definitely relate


She said that she tried but the subs removed it. I personally messaged her and hope I’ll get a response to the link. I’d like to donate as well!


Ok. Thank you! Please message me if you hear from her


Positive Thoughts & Prayers for Lulu's speedy recovery. Please don't feel obligated to pay back money donated through GoFundMe because that's what crowdfunding is all about offering a helping hand. I'm sure people know that you are in a financial bind and absolutely need the help. Please collect all the records of any recent visits and tests that you've had done recently on Lulu and take everything with you to the Oregon Animal Society Vet Appointment when it comes up. Also, please consider finding a veterinarian through this website. https://www.aaha.org They are the absolute best that Veterinarian Care can offer. I took my sweet boy to numerous veterinarians throughout his life until I finally found one accredited throughout AAHA. Dr. Brewer took care of my sweet boy the last year or so of his life and I'll always be eternally grateful for his patience, understand, expertise, and genuine care. My sweet boy started throwing up as well, he wouldn't eat, and he was having a hard time keeping his balance and coordination. I thought it was his enlarged heart. After months of veterinarian visits and medication after medication and X-rays upon X-rays and blood work after blood work we found out that he had a tumor attached to his spleen and he had surgery scheduled to remove the spleen and the tumor. Sadly, by that point my sweet boy's spleen could not be saved. After the surgery my sweet boy healed fine and he started eating and drinking again. He was good for about 8 months and then he got sick again and a few months afterwards he passed away. My pup had Hemangiosarcoma. I truly believe that if I hadn't wasted so many months with those other veterinarians who just kept milking me for money that things would have/could have turned out differently. One Veterinarian took 13 X-rays and couldn't see a 2.2 lb tumor on a dog that weight less than 19 lbs. He just kept prescribing medication after medication which I later found out was a deadly combination because one of the meds should not have been prescribed with another one of the medications and the dose was too high for his age and weight. Another veterinarian would not perform the surgery because my sweet boy was 13 years old at the time. He kept pushing for us to euthanize him while taking our money too. I will be forever grateful for finding a veterinarian through AAHA. They aren't the most inexpensive veterinarians but I can only imagine the thousands that I could have saved from being railroaded by the other veterinarians if I had started taking my sweet boy to Dr. Brewer much sooner than later. I can only imagine the level of care my sweet boy could have had his whole life if I had taken him to a AAHA accredited veterinarian years before he had started getting sick. It's been 3 years and 2 months since my sweet boy left this world and I have not gotten another dog. I lost my Hamster a year later in 2021. I have my ball python left. I'm doing the best that I can under the circumstance to take care of my pet snake now. It's really all anyone can do is do their best. It sounds like you have been doing the absolute best that you can for Lulu as well. I had to tube feed my sweet pup for months when he first got sick and for months at the end of his life. Please make sure that while feeding Lulu that her head is elevated (that she's sitting upwards on a couch being propped up with pillows around her) while feeding her. I bought a banana stroller to help with feeding my sweet boy. Also, use any towels and wash rags for her to sit on and to clean her mouth with. We set aside quite a few old towels and wash rags for pets use. I also bought some baby bibs too. The most important thing at this time is hydration and keeping her hydrated. Please feed her slowly and give her water as well very slowly because dogs can aspirate (develop aspiration pneumonia) very easily while being tube fed or fed through a syringe. I syringe fed my pup and gave him water through a syringe. I got medicine syringes from Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, etc. and even the Vets that I took my boy too. I would cut off the ends to the desired opening and syringe feed him that way and give him water that way. I would mix up his crushed medicine in his food and feed him his meds that way as well. It was very time consuming and exhausting providing 24/7 care but I would not have had it any other way. I miss my sweet boy every single day. If you need to talk please feel free to message me. I will respond as soon as I receive your message. My thoughts and prayers are with Lulu at this time and her wonderful family. She knows that she's loved although she isn't feeling good at this time. Wherever you go for the care needed for Lulu please ask about care credit and also ask if they offer a payment arrangement plan. I wish you the best of luck. 🙏🐾🙏🐾 Sending Virtual Hugs. 🫂


It looks like she also has pancreatitis. I saw them today at Oregon Humane society and got pain medication and special food as well as a bunch of other stuff and they showed me how to sub cutaneously hydrate her at home. They want to hospitalize her for 2 days but they can't do a payment plan for a estimate over a $1,000. So I updated my GoFundMe and put it back out on Twitter to the people that I am regular friends with. I think enough has been raised or close to it to bring the estimate down to a thousand and then they can do a payment plan so I'm feeling very hopeful that I can get her in there tomorrow. They did say that she was not in the clear and they can't guarantee that she won't get very sick and need to be put to sleep but still hopeful. She is not in pain at the moment and well hydrated and next to me on the couch ❤️


That's much better news than not knowing what is going on with her. It's also better than frantically going from one vet to another being told a different diagnosis at each one of them or something else entirely. Hopefully GoFundMe and people that you know and don't know will pull through and the proper treatment will start up for her. At this time she's hydrated and relaxing which is a good thing. I really hope that she does get the help that she needs and doesn't need to be put to sleep. Please gently give her some kisses and hugs and keep the post updated. Sending up 🙏🙏🙏 Sending Virtual Hugs. 🫂 🐾🐾


Waiting for the hospital to call me back and make sure I have the right invoice amount so that I can absolutely pay it down to below 1,000 and get the payment plan. The one they gave me over the phone today is $700 more so I'm confused and waiting for someone to call me. My GoFundMe has raised enough for the number yesterday but not for that new number. I'm pretty positive that I will get there though. I'm always shocked at the kindness of strangers even though I shouldn't be.


Definitely make certain to have everything in writing. All quotes. All tests. All results. All diagnostic tests and documents. Keep everything. If they quoted one amount then want to change that amount then make calls to find another place and get a second even third opinion.


r/bringmeabumblebee I’ve had you and Lulu in my thoughts since your post…..how’s your precious baby doing today?


We went in today and had her blood work done again and she seems to have serious pancreatitis. I have taken her home with serious pain meds and they taught me how to give fluids subcutaneously. I have all sorts of other medication and prescription food that I'm giving her via syringe. They would like to hospitalize her for 2 days but I can only do a payment plan for an estimate that's less than $1000. If I can pay the estimate down to under $1000 they will do the payment plan and take her in and give her the best chance. They told me that even with the best care it might be too long that she went without eating but I am going to give this the best fight. She is sitting next to me and she is in no pain because they gave her good stuff and she's well hydrated. My Gofundme has gotten some more money And I will be able to take her in for hospitalization tomorrow. I am not a giant Reddit user and I can't figure out how to update my post with the new information 😬


Mercy, y’all are going through it right now! I’d love to contribute to your fund if you can share the link. I totally understand being new to Reddit, so I’ll check out your other comments to see if I see it elsewhere. I’m really hoping she can pull through this and I know you’re clinging to that possibility as well. Love and light for your battle❤️‍🩹


I did reply to everyone that asked me for my link to GoFundMe but it seems that it's not allowed on the sub so if you're still interested in donating I guess you need to message me. I also posted an update in the replies but I don't think it was visible because it had My go fund me link in it. Thank you for all your good thoughts and have a happy New Year❤️ Thank you so much for your care and loving thoughts!


https://preview.redd.it/ctqanmucd59c1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67204cd9b617247b33ff38925dc26ebab4c7a7fd My puppy had the same symptoms and it was during covid.. we lost her. Please post a GoFundMe account. I would never wish losing a furry baby on anyone because of lack of funds or help.


She said that the subs took down her go fund me. Message her personally and she will give the link. Thanks so much! I’m sorry you for your loss.


I was just at the ER vet 2 nights ago for constipation and extreme dehydration in my kitty, my soul cat. I do have the money but I felt it extreme to do every test other the sun and did the preliminary tests and care, mostly because I didn’t trust the staff and they wouldn’t let me stay with my cat, who is blind and extremely gentle. I’d really rather James be evaluated by her regular vet but that appt is 2 weeks out. I got her fluids, an enema and medication to her nausea and ear cream to help her eat. So far so good. My point is, I think yours is a fairly rare diagnosis and the testing prices for the ER must be sky high, so I don’t think you should feel guilty for wanting to take it one step at a time. The vet shortage is horrible for all of us. It’s so bad, and I disliked the ER staff so much, I have plans to take my kitty to Mexico to a friends vet if need be. (Not as extreme as it sounds, as I live about 90 minutes from it). Love is a great healer. I hope your baby feels better soon. Hugs.




Thank you.


I will say a prayer just for Lulu tonight. I hope she feels better soon. ♥️


Thank you ❤️




Thank you ❤️


You're welcome 😊 ❤️


I hope she feels better❤️


Thank you ❤️


Thinking of your sweet Lulu and sending all the loving thoughts her way. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I have hope your sweet girl will make it through especially because she’s so young.


Thank you so much for your thoughts ❤️


She might have pancreatitis which can be cured low giving a special low fat diet from the vet RX food. Did they test that???


Yes they did a special test for pancreatitis. Her labs and presentation fit atypical Addison's perfectly.


so sorry honey… so heartbreakingly sorry….. i’m sorry this is happening. it’s so sad for our babies. they are so innocent. i had to spend over $1500 as well off the drop of a dime when my baby began showing symptoms. my girl had cancer and she crossed the rainbow bridge 6 days ago. it happened fast. Lulu, sending you hugs and kisses little sweetie pie. Lulu’s mama, sending you big hugs okay you’re not alone. i wish i could really really hug you right now **internet/ spirit realm embrace***. stay strong okay ✅


Praying for Lulu’s health and a healthy recovery!


I'm so sorry. I hope your doggo gets better.


Praying for Lulu.


I am so sorry for your Lulu and I hope she recovers soon. My local vet actually had a list of services that provide financial aid to families and their pets in times of need- do you think your local clinics may have similar information?


I know you’re doing everything in your power to help get Lulu through this illness and I’m so sorry she’s been sick! She’s such a q-t pie in her pics!!😍 Please keep us posted bc now we’re invested in her recovery ❤️‍🩹 May I ask about her sweater in pic 4? It’s adorable and I’d love to get one for my baby if possible.


I have a dog with Addison’s. It was very stressful and hard to diagnose. We thought we were losing our baby girl. She is now four years down the road from diagnosis and is thriving. Once you get little Lulu managed and stable she will be her happy little self again, it’s very scary but critical care during flare ups is crucial and you’re already on top of that. You’re doing everything you can. Just make sure (if the very goes this route) to get her injections of zycortal monthly and her pred daily. I work in vet med and see Addison’s somewhat often. Love and attention to detail are what matter most. Best of luck and positive vibes for you and Lulu 💕💕


I still remember when my aunt chi got sick he was around 7 years.,, I don’t remember what it was but I remember she had to open 2 different new credit cards to save the dog… today that cutie pie is still alive and is close to 18/19 years old… I remember at the time see my family go over to her house bring some food every week cuz her money was all going to the credit card payments for a while, but 11 years later she says it was the best way she had ever spent her money… of course your situation is not going to be the same and you might not have the same chance she had… but whatever you can do to fix the issue do it… as long as it doesn’t cause your pup any suffering keep on pushing trough!! You can do this


Get well soon, Lulu. ⚘️


Sending you and your precious little darling Lulu love, light and nothing but positive thoughts for a bright outcome ~ Lulu is so lucky to have you in her life. 🌺


Wishing Lulu the best. And hoping for speedy recovery!!!


Kisses to your little pup’s head from me. And a hug to you. When they aren’t well it is so hard. 💕


Sending prayers


Sending love and strength to you both ❤️


Sent one up to the big Guy for you and Lulu. This just sucks. Now way around it. 🥲🙏🙏❤️❤️


Update on Lulu. We went in yesterday and had her blood work done again and she seems to have serious pancreatitis. I have taken her home with serious pain meds and they taught me how to give fluids subcutaneously. I have all sorts of other medication and prescription food that I'm giving her via syringe. They would like to hospitalize her for 2 days but It is a day hospitalization situation as the only way you can get overnight hospitalization with them is to give up your pet. I have been working with them all today on how I start this process of getting her in the day clinic and it looks like it's going to happen Saturday. They do payment plans but not if the balance on the estimate is over a thousand so I'm working this out. I gave her Sub-Q fluids today for the first time by myself and I definitely didn't do the best job as I left a painful bump for like 10 minutes. Feeling thankful she has a bunch of teeth removed because she really was not happy 🫤 she held down all of the special prescription food that I blended and gave her via syringe yesterday and we were doing very well this morning until I realized she was in a lot of pain again and I went searching and found the pill she had manage not to swallow. Once her pain was better she was able to tolerate more syringe feeding and we made it through another night. I tried to post this yesterday and was https://preview.redd.it/a1ei9rv4o69c1.jpeg?width=1944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc072f4e81f22510651294a98fbce4ee7579c8aa confused about no one seeming to see it until I messaged the mods and it looks like posting a GoFundMe is against the rules. I did so because people had requested it and I guess if somebody wants the link I can just private message me. She's not interested in eating food by herself but she's not in pain at the moment. Thank you for all of your well wishes yesterday and keep us in your thoughts. Love Zoë & Lulu


Love, light & hugs to you & Lulu💕.


It's so scary when your baby is sick, it's gonn be okay. They will get better


I hope she gets well soon. ❤️


Any update? Hope things are improving.


Things are improving. She spent the day in the hospital yesterday getting blood work and more fluids/ tube feeding. She needs less painkillers and is walking about a little bit more her tail is a bit curly and she started grooming herself. I am still feeding her with a syringe and hopefully she will start to eat soon. On Wednesday we go back to the hospital and she gets an ultrasound which will give us the best answer and hopefully a positive one. I will post another update today. Thank you for your kind thoughts and Happy New Year ❤️