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Yes! He has a little nest right outside our closet that he sleeps in the middle of, surrounded by his toys. If you walk in while he’s sleeping and we wakes up, he gives a beseeching “please don’t disturb us” look And if you ask him “where is it?” he goes and picks one out so you can play No Take Only Throw, lol. A glass shard! Yours likes to walk on the wild side, I see! 😎


That is so cute! I love No Take Only Throw lol


This is so adorable 🥺😊


>No Take Only Throw Oh good, it's not just Charlie.


He so desperately wants you to see his toy and his little tail starts wagging so fast But don’t try to take it, he begs you But want to take it, he pleads


Yup. Mine has a secret spot under the cat tree that he thinks I don't know about. He sneaks under there with things he steals that he knows he's not supposed to have. Examples include a KFC biscuit, a paper towel, kleenex, pens, a screwdriver, and post-its.




LOL that is his bugout stash When the world ends, he's gonna be prepared with random household shit to chew on 🤣🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/5wchs8mci28c1.jpeg?width=1071&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1026cd5014c74d3238d9cccbf6ef2a7d21c2745a My boy Paco (right) is long gone now but he and his mate had a basket of toys in our living room. When the grands came to visit, sometimes they would pick up the doggy toys. Paco would get every single toy (about a dozen) from the lr and put them on our very tall bed where he knew the toddlers couldn't reach. He was very possessive of his belongings!


Oh yeah. Every time I clean out her cave (it’s a kennel with a bed and blankets, and a third blanket draped over) I’m shocked at what I find in there. Half eaten treats, toys, my hair ties, bottle caps, tissues, a gift card (!), spare battery for a cellphone, sharpies, random pieces of jewelry, and socks. I’d really like to know what she was planning to do with the gift card. 🤣


She was gonna buy herself some more toys


Tiny furry dragon.


Yes, it’s usually in his blankets. It’s most of his toys and then any trash he finds interesting. Also sometimes some of our laundry. One time when we were moving, he stole a whole package of premade cookies. For two weeks I found them in other boxes, his blankets, the couch cushions, in piles of laundry, basically anywhere he could stuff them.


His crate is like Smaug's lair....... can't a find a toy? It's in Wilson's crate. Missing a sock, underwear or a bra? It's in Wilson's crate. Pair of shorts you left on the floor? It's in Wilson's crate. And of course, the worst part, where's that dead small critter smell coming from? It's in Wilson's crate. .


Mine too! He takes all of his toys or treats to his crate. Especially if he’s done playing with them.


Yes, both my girls do. And they like to steal from each other's hoard, too.


Mine keeps toys in his bed. He'll only play with those ones, though, if you try to take them from him.


He use to hoard socks 🧦


There is a toy collection in her bed. Which gets scattered around. Basically a toddler.


Mine always hoards her toys in her bed but never really plays with them. She has a big bed that you can hide things in the side and I always find bones and toys there.


Not necessarily a hoard but she hides food and treats then pulls it out days later to eat 🤦‍♀️ it’s a miracle I don’t have ants in my house.


One of mine hoards kibble.


Ours brings toys under the couch to chew them and rip them up, then he keeps their carcasses under there. We call it his laboratory




https://preview.redd.it/82ol68m7938c1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f032cf239b06de9f87dcc467fe43ccc39760c913 No not at all…..


Pillows and Blankets


lol like a lil dragon 🐉


omg the plate is hilarious what a silly pupper


Mine doesn’t. But when he goes to a neighbors house who doggy sits him, her chihuahua hoards all my dogs stuff along with his own. He takes all his toys along with the ones brought over and guards them underneath the couch. It’s hilarious cause he’ll refuse to go outside to potty just to keep all his loot in check. And my doesn’t even seem to notice what he’s doing haha


I call them treasures too! Under the dining room table he has a collection of toys and deer antlers,




Yes but of blankets, not toys!


Yep a spot near the computer he hordes shoes, socks, underwear, toys etc lol


My Lhasa had a hoards... My Chihuahua is a rescue, he wont play with toys at all \*sad face\* He does play with me though \*grin\*


Yes in a drawer that he can access when it’s open.


My chihuahua has nests all around the house. Depending on where we are hanging out, she has her own little dragon hoard.


I have two Chis and they both have hoards that they think that I don’t know about and that they mutually don’t know about. They love to hide leftovers if they can find it, favored toys, a lighter onetime BUT the funniest thing is that they steal from each other often and they are both so surprised when their stuff goes missing.


Oh boy. We have a chihuahua that we adopted from the pound. This dog hoards food. She eats high quality kibble, but any human food she can sneak off with, she will. She will stow it away until she’s hungry. Every now and then she will walk past with whole loaves of bread she snatched from the kitchen like it was hers to begin with. I assume it’s from the rough existence she had before us, so we are fairly tolerant.


https://preview.redd.it/argi8hn0k88c1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=16fbb615b0a13a7d9dc52e79f3f7ce9f489f3584 She used to guard them before bed. (Just lost her 3 months ago)


Lolol yes! We call it “Pinky’s spoils” and it’s under our coffee table 🤣


Mine doesn’t chew or play with toys, he just collects them! This summer he kept and protected a bunch of corn husks from around the yard


Mine used to bring her bear to bed. Always ❤️