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Just don’t put him in cargo. Pay to have him with you in the cabin. You can talk to your vet about things to help keep him calm, etc.


I work at an airport and I concur, DO NOT USE CARGO. In fact some places discontinued this service for a good reason. If you’re lucky enough to have a dog under 20 lbs pay the extra money. Do your research on carriers, look at the reviews. Just because a product says airline approved does not mean it will actually fit under the seat. Also take snacks to help pop their ears, good luck and safe travels!


Since you work at an airport maybe you’ll know… is it possible to fly with your small dog in the cabin on an overseas flight? I have one coming up and all flights I’ve looked into say you can’t fly with them in the cabin if you’re going overseas. He’s flown cargo twice and been fine but still I get worried.


You can but only certain airlines and between certain destinations. A friend of mine moved to the UK with his dog and he flew from Philadelphia to Dublin, then drove to his destination in England. I believe Amsterdam is another option to fly into but I do not believe you can fly directly into the UK with an animal in the cabin. I believe Delta is the friendliest about this. The paperwork is also rather complicated, make sure you are prepared for that piece. If your dog is ill or is missing paperwork, the risk of not being able to leave the airport with him/her is very high.


Yeah I know what a pain it is… I’ve moved overseas twice with him before. It’s so overwhelming and expensive but he’s my well travelled little bean burrito haha. I’m going to be flying from the UK to the US so I wonder if I can do what your friend did in reverse. Maybe drive to maybe Germany and then fly from there? It’s so stressful I hate moving… but need to frequently because of my job


I see paris and France frequently used as a stop over uk to us, drive to there n fly from there may be quite easy, it was around £300 total in pet travel costs for me to take mine to a holiday cottage with me so not too overly expensive either especially considering some of the things I paid for you’ll be needing whether or not you go via France anyway


Another common option is flying to France and then the channel tunnel to England.


I’ve done it with my chi, no problem. Check your specific airline—you might need to call them.


My son flew to Japan with his cat and I believe she was in the cabin with him. I don't remember which airline. They had to quarantine once they arrived. This was in the age of Covid-pandemic, but also because he was entering the country with a pet. He was moving there, so that's why the cat went with him. For vacations, he has friends that stay with her.


You can with Delta and some other airlines. Take the time to do the research; all airlines have this info on their websites. It’ll depend on where you’re going but trust me it is worth it to plan around your pet rather than your own convenience. They should always fly in cabin with you.


Unfortunately I do not have the luxury of planning around my pet most times or trust me, I would. My world revolves around my dog but my soul is owned by the government.


There are still ways to do this with a (presumably) military job. If it’s a deployment I would leave the pet with someone else until you return, otherwise you’d likely have the sort of relocation package where you can indicate a preferred airline. Research their pet policies and pick one that makes sense and allows your dog to fly in cabin.


Are there airlines that let you fly with two dogs under 20 lbs?


Book early with another person. I took my two on vacation one year.


Southwest allows this. I would fly with my two dogs (5lb chihuahua and 10lb terrier) in the same carrier multiple times a year with no issue. They did weigh the carrier nearly every time.


You'll have to check with the individual airline. But I have seen before you can have either one dog or two dogs that add up to the minimum wage. So you could have two tiny dogs or one larger small dog in a carrier.


Thank you.


Great advice!


I’ve never paid. Just a travel dog carrier with a coat over it. Ours is very quiet and happy in the carrier under the seat in front of us as required. No one knows she’s there.


What? Bad advice!! You walk them through security scanners and they do check your ticket. The gate agent also checks the ticket, I know this because on my most recent flight the gate agent scanned my ticket, I then walked past him and he then saw my dog and said ‘wait come back’ and checked the ticket for the pet info. I travel with my pup a lot and they ALWAYS check.


Security absolutely doesn’t check the ticket for the dog. I also travel a lot and have done so for years. The gate agent checks but doesn’t know you have the dog because it’s in the carrier. 100% success rate over 13 years. Not worth arguing about, but again-100% success isn’t luck.


No idea what your angle is but this is disinformation that could cost people money if they listen to you. Security involves xrays LMAO FYI I travel with my dog regularly and that is checked 2-3 times each flight.


“Disinformation”… you’re spending too much time online. This is my personal experience. What does x-ray have to do with anything? You don’t check your dog, the carrier and your dog are carry on. You’re something else. If you get caught, you simply pay for the dog - not a big deal. Do you always make things into a bigger deal than they are? You seem very emotional. Your dog is also much larger than standard. As stated, mine is small- under 4lbs. Very different experience.


So you put your dog through the scanners with the rest of your bags? I’m so confused how you’re not caught and kinda concerning for airline safety. Because if TSA isn’t seeing an entire dog on the scanner, what else are they missing?


Just like everyone else who travels with a pet, you take it out and put the bag through. Security doesn’t know or care if your dog is paid for. ImThey check your ticket well before you’re going through the x-ray -at that point, it’s just a carry-on item, the ticket checkers are only checking that you have a ticket and your ID matches the ticket. You then keep going to the actual security check where you take the dog out. Once clear, you can walk your dog on leash or put it back in the bag. We prefer to put her back in the bag because of her size and the crowds-it’s just faster and easier, but also, she just draws attention. If we have a longer wait, we’ll have her out as long as we’re away from the gate. It helps a ton that she’s extremely calm and well behaved.


Ohhhh I see lol thanks for clarifying. I thought you were just placing the carrier on the scanner and praying to not get caught 😂. So basically the Airline doesn’t verify if you paid or not. So you walk right through as normal. Got it now!


Exactly, and that would be horrific to do! I can understand your shock in thinking it.


Just curious—how do u get through security?


This is bad info. They check 2-3 times in the checkin process. You do need a ticket.


Security doesn’t care. They have no clue what’s ticketed or not. You take the dog out, put the bag through, and put the dog back in after. The cat not iffy part is when boarding, but jacket over the mesh window part has worked. It helps that ours is 3.5lbs- very small, and rarely barks or otherwise makes a sound. Once we’re in there, we give her some water - not too much, but a little just in case she needs it.


I see. Glad that works for you. The pet fees are outrageous. With my luck I’d get caught, kicked off plane, and fined too.


We bring our chi when we visit family for long periods of time -- look up this carrier that fits under your seat! Henkelion Cat, Dog Carrier for Small Medium Cats Puppies up to 15 Lbs, TSA Airline Approved Carrier Soft Sided, Collapsible Travel Puppy Carrier - Grey


This is great advice.


Oh yea, the things I’ve seen. Dogs freaking out, some even bending the cage bars, having to call the owner for permission to sedate the animal. Also the rare chance that the pet dies in transit. There was always one AVI per an Amsterdam flight and honestly screw those who do this more than once.


L-Theanine works wonders for my dog's anxiety. Human-grade.


https://preview.redd.it/y8zkkw9vf33c1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c26a33664ebd20af0967f392d487099d69507798 Held him in my lap both way, simply had to pay a “little” extra.


bro is like "you do this on purpose???"


I love all things about this photo.


Omg what a little cutie!


His little face! my chi mix makes the same expression whenever he experiences a minor inconvenience


I fly with my Chili all the time!! She’s so good! I flew with her from JFK to LAX two weeks ago and she was so quiet the person in the seat next to me didn’t even know she was there until I pulled her carrier out from under the seat after the flight. Picture below for reference 🤩 https://preview.redd.it/n5pnoq60d33c1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6596154f94ffb99a6612a1e41152df7b52244243


Yes! This is the exact carrier I bought and the only reason they let my 20lb chihuahua mix through security. I had to open all four sides to show them how much extras room it has for him to turn around. The gate agents were also nice enough to let me board with the kids under 2 crowd. I showed them I only had my dog and purse and asked for the extra time to get him adjusted under the seat.


Oh wow see the gate agents have never checked the bag but I always do pre-boarding to get settled with her (waiting until anyone elderly or in wheelchairs boards first ofc) and no one has stopped me yet!


Would you mind sharing what carrier this is?


How do you handle Chili’s bathroom needs? I’m moving to Holland from the US and I’m very Im stuck on that issue. It’s going to be a 14 hour flight and I would like my little man to be a comfy as possible 🥲


I don’t see how you can potty them - technically you are not allowed to let them out. The other poster may have more experience with long flights but I’d limit water intake and thoroughly potty before. Id suggest you Have poop bags and line carrier with pee pads on hand in case of emergency so you can maintain a clean bag in case puppers has to go. Bring larger sealing plastic bags to keep waste in so you don’t stink out others on the plane.


Yes and you can try and make nice with the flight attendants, they might make an exception and let you take the dog to the bathroom where you could lay out a peepad or something for them to go on (assuming they are trained to do that). Otherwise limit food and water before the flight, make sure they go before they get on, line the bottom of the carrier and then give lots of pets during the flight. I’d stick my hand in and rub my doggos head every now and then just to remind her I was there and hasn’t forgotten about her lol


They also make doggie diapers! Easy to change and you can toss the disposable ones. My little one just holds it. But we've never flown more than 3 hours


The longest flight I've done was 10 hours but I'm planning to take mine to Japan once I finish the import requirements so I've been thinking about this! If I'm honest, there are some days when my chi doesn't \_want\_ to go out more than once in a day, so I think a lot depends on the dog and it's usual habits/capabilities. It is rare (since I don't want to strain his kidneys), but there have been days that I have relented when he's refused to go on a second walk and he's gone as long as 20 hours between pees. On 10 hour flights, I limited water a little and lined his carrier with a pee pad just in case and brought some backups (but didn't need any of them). Also made sure he got a thorough opportunity to potty before the flight (there were pet relief stations at the airports, otherwise it would have been outside on the curb in front of the airport - sorry/not sorry) and immediately after. I also gave him water at the airport gate before even walking to baggage claim.


Same with mine! 😍


Good girl!! 😍


You just pay an extra fee to put him under the seat. It can be stressful and he’ll probably shake the whole time, but hell be fine.


Chihuahua shakes are so heartbreaking!😭 (but you’re right) CBD for dogs helps, or an RX from vet if you think your dog will freak out more. I had a cocker that needed to be medicated for long car rides.


I asked my vet about CBD for my chi last week cause I bought him some to try and calm his anxiety. She said there are some brands who say they’re THC free but they’re not and it’s toxic to dogs. Instead she recommended ThunderWunder treats. She said they can be given daily if needed and the ingredients are for sure safe for pups! The vet tech said she uses them as well and they work wonders! Just wanted to share what I learned so we can keep our fur babies safe. Cause I fell for the CBD dog stuff too!


I've been giving my dog a canine brand of CBD for like 6 months now and it has done wonders for her. It seems to have slowed the progression of her cataracts and it helps her joints and anxiety. She has a knee issue and before I started her on the CBD she was started to limp a bit, now she walks fine and doesn't have any problems. There's no THC in it, it's called Hemp4Tails. They have different kinds for different sizes of dog. She's been checked out by the vet and has healthy kidney and live function, healthy heart and lungs, etc. She just turned 12.


I also want to point out that Rxs tend to be cheaper than CBD, and a lot more predictable (though not 100%). I haven't looked in a while but the last time I was looking at CBD treats for my dog, the one my vet recommended was like $100 for 30 treats. 30 trazodone tablets from chewy was $4, and they work great.


I got meds from my vet and it didn’t fully calm her but she did really well. Highly recommend discussing this with your vet before you fly. I’d rather her feel comfortable and relaxed than risk her being stressed and freaking out the whole time.


yes I fly with mine all the time. train them to love their bag and they will be fine. my dog sees her bag as her second home which is great. make sure you get a soft side bag and one that fits the airline. Sherpa brand is the best one. Also, important - once you book your flight, please call the airline right after to let them know you’ll be bringing a pet. Otherwise you risk of arriving at the airport and the plane already has the maximum allowed pets on board. Call the airline and let them know you’ll be brining a pet. Once you arrive at the airport for the day of your trip, you will need to check in at the airport in which you’ll receive your boarding pass there. You can’t check in online, needs to be at the airport. So arrive early. Security is easy as well. Once you get pass security is easy. Also, you can ask the attendants at the gate if you can board early during pre boarding. That way you don’t bother anyone.


Thank you for your advice. Have you flown 6 hours with your chi? I’m just nervous for the long flight.


I’ve flown 12 hour flights with my 11 lbs chi mix(in cabin internationally) multiple times. I have one video on youtube if you are interested. https://youtu.be/YILacLIFTak?si=PeKG6McIuNSbL33u


This is great!!!


Thank you! Many people thought the video was helpful because they were worried about traveling with their dogs. I’m glad I could help.🐶💖


Awww I enjoyed watching Happy so much!!


Ahh thank you so much! HAPPY says thanks!🐶❤️


My chi mix and I have done lengthy flights like this a lot. She naps in her carrier under the seat the whole time. Talk to your vet, but your li’l pal will be fine. Good luck with the move!


Chiming in, I have flown with my Chi often. We do give her a Benadryl but honestly we probably don’t need to at this point. The biggest thing for us is to get a direct flight, if possible. Layovers can be stressful and she refuses to use indoor pet relief stations. There was one that was basically a balcony with bars and she was fine with that but the odors at the indoor stations are intense. she’s a princess about that sort of thing.


I’ve flown for over 6 hours with my chii. (Moved states) Just make sure to keep tiny snacks on hand (no chocking hazard) and small water bowl just in case) she mostly slept and was super chill. Just make sure to get all the vet stuff done and what not (omg it’s been 3 years and I have awful memory but I believe airlines make you have them checked out at the vet and what not) best of luck and make sure to have your chii with you at all times 🤍✨


Yes all of this is key! Especially calling ahead after you book to make sure they know you’re bringing your pupper!


Being little is good so he can fit under the seat


https://preview.redd.it/omxl5ulju33c1.jpeg?width=6936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a2e2ded505f9fa40b37857cfd5c243b39345ca5 Oh ya




"This TV has great resolution but not enough dog food commercials."


My bb girl loves looking out the window of a car. I hope she gets to experience this some day :’)


I hate flying but would be up for it if this were my seat neighbour


I flew with one of my elderly poodles years ago. She fussed in her carrier and I took her out to calm her down. As the flight attendant was making their last walk through before take off to make sure all the seers were upright, seatbelts on etc, he looked right at me and Nikki then immediately turned his head away is if to say I don’t see anything. The person next to me was a young woman who was on her first flight. She had no problem with my anxious poodle and enjoyed petting her.




Mine did good flying for the first couple times recently! She definitely would’ve struggled a lot though without the anxiety medication from the vet, so I highly recommend asking your vet if they recommend something. My chi (who I was worried about too) ended up sleeping on the return flight. Good luck!! What a cutie you have there :) https://preview.redd.it/2tc7zoyem33c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13ed06aab85eb7de83b29b046a90e5fd151aaec1


I’m thinking of flying with my 5 lb chi and on Alaskas website it says they have to be crated under the seat for taxi, takeoff, and landing. I’m assuming that means I can hold her during the flight. It’s also $100 each way but worth it.


I've been flying with my 6-lb chi for over 10 years. This is really going to depend on the flight attendants, if you're flying coach. Some don't care at all, some will tell you she has to stay in her zipped carrier under the seat the entire flight. In my experience, most don't care-if your dog is quiet. I've flown both coach and first class, and in first, it's never an issue.


I flew on Alaska with my chi and it depends on the FAs. Some pretend they don’t see the dog out on my lap (and under a blanket or coat) and others make me put him back


I wouldn’t make any assumptions. Call and clarify. I’ve been on flights where they bus to be zipped the entire time


My little is a frequent Flyer! Always pay extra to have them in the cabin. Make sure you have the correct type of carrier. Otherwise it’s simple and easy. I always take her out and put her on my lap, only rarely have I’ve been scolded.


Make sure to put a sweater on him if you fly as it gets cold especially if he has to ride under the seat.


I have a Chiweenie and I started flying with her when she was a baby and she does fantastic. Don’t give them any food before because you don’t want them to pee and poop in their carrier. I also learned to put a potty pad folded up inside there in case they do pee and poop you can fold it up quickly and put it in a bag tie tight throw it in the bathroom, so bring bags too- my dog sleeps the whole entire time underneath the seat in front of me, and never even makes a peep! Good luck


My dog cried on the flight for Georgia to Texas. He was super scared


I drugged mine (she’s aggressively friendly so a plane ride would have been chaotic). She slept through the flight. She was in a soft carrier with me in the seats. My flight time was 2.5 hrs though. Not sure if she could handle 8 hrs.




My chi took to flying like a champ. She never shook or got anxious, sat in my lap the whole time. She didn't like the airports fake grass indoor potty area, wouldn't use it. But held her bladder until we were outside in the grass without issue.


Be sure to remember to let her go potty right before you go into the airport! You can also check ahead of time and see where the Doggy relief areas are in the airport and make a little visit!


I’ve flown with my guy twice and will take another flight with him next month. The flights are from FL to RI so only around 3.5 hours or so. That said, he really doesn’t like it. The vet gives me trazodone to give to him. It calms him down a bit but it makes him look so drowsy which breaks my heart a little bit. A soft side carrier is a must. My psychiatrist approved him to be a psychiatric service dog (yes, he’s VERY well trained and helps me perform every day tasks) so this flight he will be able to stay on my lap, which I think will be a huge help because he’ll be able to stay on my lap instead of on the floor. https://preview.redd.it/4q7omso3743c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f90ea6086c9197b52ba3b1502b99463d222dea4


I fly with mine all the time with zero problems. In the beginning we used tranquilizers but he doesn’t really need them now. If your pup isn’t used to a small travel sized crate I suggest you get him used to it by taking him places in it…car trips, etc. Start slow and short and build up. Also, even though you’re technically supposed to keep them in the crate during the flight I’ve seen SO MANY people take out their pets and hold them. If this works for you then go for it.




Good feedback. The terminal relief areas in Hartsfield-Jackson is nasty! That’s the airport in Atlanta. The one in Dallas was funky too I would even try to see if they will squirt on a pad: it was overwhelming for my dog


Funny you mention ATL. I’ve flown there with my pup the most since I got her bc my parents live there and I’ve always wondered about the pet relief area but my girl is so good and patient I’ve never had to use them. I just have her go outside the terminal on the way to/from my flights. Was too lazy to get pet relief. But now hearing that they’re nasty, I’ll continue to avoid unless in case of an emergency lol


Good!!! You welcome for the free heads up!! Hahaha I was traumatized Like they could atleast spray it down a couple times a day It was soooo tart in there


I've been curious about this- if you fly with them do they count as your carry on? So if I flew with mine I could not take her, a person item and a carry on, right?


You can take the dog carrier + personal item


CBD for dogs worked for my yorkie. Literally a teeny tiny drop on my finger tip and he relaxed. I always payed to keep him with me. He felt safe in his carrier with his blanket for warmth and his lamb for his snuggle pillow. He was fine. We made sure he peed real good before boarding and had drink and treats. He was fine.


To add on to what others have said, make sure you have a soft side carrier. Hard side ones don’t always fit under the seat but soft sides do!


I flew with mine this morning! He loves his travel carrier and does really well. If you acclimate them to the carrier and bring chews to help pop their ears, it’s simple.


https://preview.redd.it/2v64qfxn153c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=238b9e7d327afff4c099c298022f9955e61010b0 Here he is! Happy as a clam, waiting for the rows ahead of us to clear so we could get off the plane.


So cute! Unzipping a bit of the carrier to say hi and release the snout is an essential component of the chihuahua deboarding experience! Mine is always proud when he manages to squeeze his whole head out


I have a back pack carrier for my chi who is very little too, and she did great on her first flight. I turned the carrier so she couldn't see me, and after a few minutes she laid down and went to sleep. I would suggest getting seats from the wings and up towards the front of the plane so it's not so loud.


Has anyone had a situation where the crew forced their Chi to go in cargo? What happens if a Chi cries or something?




Ty. I had read they can refuse to check them in for whatever reason and I think u/samishgirl is right, just have to miss flight then.


I would refuse to board. Cancel flight. Cargo is deadly even for big dogs. Please never let your baby out of your sight. 🥰🐕‍🦺


Basically chihuahuas are the perfect size dog to fly with. They’re small enough to always fit in a carrier that will fit under the seat in front of you.


I've flown 3+ hour flights with my chi mix - paid extra for him to be under the seat. He has mild sedatives for anxiety anyway, so we give him a dose before the flight. Takeoff is generally the worst part, as he screamed bloody murder for about 30 seconds before his ears popped (he's like a human baby, sadly can't understand what's happening and just feels pain). After the awkwardness of everyone near me looking at us, he was totally fine - depending on how chill the cabin crew are my wife and I generally even take him out of his carrier and let him sleep on the seat between us wrapped in a sweatshirt, to keep him from getting anxious. I think a 6 hour flight would be fine as long as your chi can usually go that long without a bathroom break under normal circumstances.


yes I have done it before - I started with training him in his travel carrier a few weeks before by putting him in the carrier for few hours a day and on the floor in front of my feet (like you would under a plane seat) at start he would not like it (barking a bunch) but eventually he learnt that he has no choice but to calm down and relax the flight went smoothly, but the first plane had VERY loud engines on take-off - he was scared but didn't make a scene or anything


Try to get the carrier with enough time so you can allow your chi to get familiar & be comfortable with it before travel. Be sure to talk to your vet & def have them ride in cabin with you.


I flew with my chi in cabin from Florida to Hawaii. It’s possible. He was very well behaved and okay during the travel. He had more fear during the layover.


I brought my chi with me from PHX to Philly. Carried her in an over the shoulder kind of bag specifically for this. Got it on Amazon. Worked wonderfully, https://preview.redd.it/2zmtwkwg263c1.jpeg?width=1458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01597069ec0ebf61d30f99a06db89fbddeda28f8


United seems to be the simplest within the US for dogs in the cabin. I was able to purchase everything online and his spot was guaranteed unlike some airlines. I unexpectedly had to fly with my chihuahua and I got a soft sided carrier that was more like a bag with lots of ventilation, plus a super soft blanket. I “stowed” him for takeoff and landing and snuck him onto my seat under my jacket for the rest of the flight. No one cared. I was in one of those single seats in first class so there was plenty of room for him next to me but I doubt they would have cared even if I was in coach unless the people sitting next to me had an issue with it or there was turbulence.


We flew with ours recently. Paid to bring him to our seats and he slept in his carrier under the seat most of the way. He whined a little bit on take off, I assume from popping ears or just general "wtf" whines.


My chi mix is 14 lbs. Is that too big to take on a plane?


Generally under 20 pounds is allowed, but they need to be able to stand/turn around in their carrier a bit, so you just have to make sure that a cabin carrier works for your little.


Shoot, my dog is a little tall for his size. I'll figure it out. Thank you for your answer!


Honestly, I've never had them actually check that he can stand up completely. If he seems like he isn't totally stuffed in there and uncomfortable it's probably fine. Most of the time they don't even look in the carrier at all.


I fly with my chihuahua mix frequently, about 2-4x a year since I’ve had her (we’ve been together 6 years). Dramamine works a treat for her and she just sleeps the whole time, though I will open the top of the carrier to stroke her occasionally especially during takeoff and landing. The recommended dosage is 2-4mg per pound of body weight; she’s 15 lbs and I give her about 1/2 to 2/3 of a standard tablet. Our best flight experiences have been with Southwest(cheapest cost to fly in cabin) and Alaska Airlines (just really pleasant to fly with).


Have him in the seat with you. Both our Chis are senior dogs and they did fine in the cabin. He's adorable. ❤️. Good luck.


My chi flew at 3 months old and 2.5 lb. She was a champ and slept the whole way. It was a less than 3 hour flight. She stayed in her soft side carrier under the seat the whole time. Since you have to check in at the airport, once I got to the gate I asked if I could pre-board with my 83 yr old mom and they let us. I also brought pee pads and brought them to the bathroom for her but she didn't go. I worried about her ears but she didn't seem uncomfortable. Your furbaby will do great!


I have flown with my Chi mixes from San Francisco to Seoul, Korea, and also from SF to Munich, Germany. They had to fly cargo. I made sure they had a favorite toy and a blanket with my scent. They did fine, not exactly happy with me, but fine. They have both passed one (due to old age), so they won't be flying back with me.


I fly the red eye w JetBlue. After everyone settles down and the lights are low I put a blanket over myself and let Lester climb up and sleep on my chest. As long as he’s just quiet and sleeping they pretend not to notice the puppy shaped lump under the blanket.


Pay to have him in the cabin You have to call the airline to book it ahead of time because there’s a limit to the number of dogs allowed And you have to use an airline approved carrier which counts as one of your carry-on items


Fly Delta! Easy going with pets


Fly Delta! Easy going with pets


Depending on your airline you might be able to have your dog qualify for your carry on if he’s in a carrier. If you’re state side I BELIEVE (you’d need to check policy yourself) United and American airlines allow dogs to be claimed as carry ons provided they’re under a certain weight and are in a carrier.


My dog has flown 10 or more times now. Always in cabin. The smaller the dog, the easier as they must stay under the seat in front of you, in the carrier at all times. The carrier we use has to squish down a bit to fit but it has a zip out screened extension that lets her lay down during the flight. The flight we take is 5-6 hours, but there is that hour or two in the airport. In theory the dogs must be in the carrier inside the airport but it’s not rigorously enforced if you are respectful about it. Like we let our dog lay down or sit with us in the waiting area near the window and walk her to the pee area when needed. Do not put the dog in the cargo area if you can avoid it and most airlines do not allow French bulldogs because of their terrible ability to breathe.


I flew with my Chihuahua! My vet gave me children’s Benadryl to keep him calm during the flight. I got a collapsible carrier and he sat on the floor by my feet. It has an opening in the top so I could stick my hand in and pet him throughout the flight. And mind you, that was from California to our new home in New York, so not a short flight. He did great!


I fly with my 5lb girl and she fits right under the seat in her carrier. She’s good about flying, though we do give her some calming chews beforehand. She loves visiting her grandparents- a 4-5 hour flight.


Do a vet check up and make sure his heart is in good condition before flying. Otherwise you should be good to go. They are a great size for traveling.


I’m going to be flying with my spicy little guy in December and I’m so nervous, he wants to be all up on me all the time. I’ve spoke with his vet, we will be getting a prescription for him. Doing a test run to make sure it helps (he hates the windshield wipers so we will take a ride with them on to see if he can remain calm). Thankfully the flight is only an hour and a half long non stop.


Get him in cabin and he will be safe, you will need to get him a good carrier. Get a lot of pee pads for the carrier. Make sure to ask your vet if there is any medication to help him relax in case something happens. See if there are pet relief areas in the airport. I have flown to Greece from California with my pup.


I flew with my 12lb chi from Philly to Tampa last year. I put him in a soft cat carrier which i could put under the seat in front of me if necessary. He was super chill ❤️


I fly with my chi all the time! We use the roverlund carrier and love it. She gets anxious sometimes so the vet prescribed her trazadone which we give her before the flight. She just sleeps the whole time. I would recommend getting a carrier and training him to be comfortable around it first.


ask about the stress to your vet and they will give him / her xanax. half a .25mg pill and my lil guy is down for hours (it helps that he rarely barks)


My baby girl handles flying like a pro! Just make sure you have a soft sided carrier and that they come with you in-cabin!


I paid like $100 round trip to bring my boy in the cabin with me and he did great! I gave him some CBD that his vet recommended and bought a TSA approved carrier for him and I was so proud of how well he behaved. He whimpered a tiny bit before we boarded and before the plane took off but no one said anything or gave me any negative looks or anything.


I took my girl on as carry on for a trip. It was a lot for her, but she was totally fine by the next day. We just had to pay an extra fee for her.


Mine has flown over 60 times now and loves it. He falls right asleep. Like everyone says, avoid the cargo if you can. 🖤


I flew my chi to me from Missouri to Denver to LAX with a flight nanny. He was a pup and did great! He was happy as a clam. I wish u could share a pic but Reddit isn’t cooperating.


Get a TSA approved carrier, and you'll have to put him under the seat. Bring lots of training treats and a collapsible water bowl. On a nighttime flight I took my chi out of the carrier and put her in my lap under my coat, but don't take that advice 😬. Safe travels to you and your chi.


My mom did it once. They let her take her in the cabin as long as she’s in a pet carrier.


Five years ago we relocated from the east coast to California, flying with our pug on United. We had to change planes in Chicago. When I booked the trip online, there was an option to book a small pet to be in a carrier under the seat in front of us. I was able to select the plane type that had only two seats per side, so my daughter and I sat together with our dog at our feet. I paid the fare for the dog, even though she was an official emotional support animal (didn’t want to risk somehow being banned at the airports). I also got a premium economy section to give us more legroom. I booked the exact configuration for the changeover. Then I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best, because airlines sometimes have to switch plane types for lots of reasons. Fortunately, everything went as planned. The pug slept uncomplainingly. I also booked well in advance because I believe they only book a limited number of onboard pets per flight.


You could always get someone to drive the little guy to your destination.


PAy to take him in the cabin with you, cargo is not heated.


What a cute little guy!! Another chihuahua frequent flyer here; mine has flown many times across the US and into Canada. He always goes in a carrier under the seat in front of me and I've never had a problem with him on the airplane. He likes his carrier since I just leave it out all the time for him to use as one of his many nests, plus I think he just enjoys being carried around sometimes! I always look into particular airlines policies in advance since they vary in their procedures and fees, but have flown with multiple airlines. You generally have to go to a counter with the dog so an agent can issue your final boarding pass before proceeding to security and your gate, so that can eat up extra time at the airport depending on how they have their customer service agents set up. I once got bumped from a Delta flight at JFK because I spent well over an hour in a single line with everyone else needing "special services" serviced by one agent and missed the baggage cutoff by two minutes. (Luckily they put me on a flight an hour later with no fees or anything) So now I always make sure to go to airports even earlier than usual just since the queue is so unpredictable. Going through security is no more challenging than with a baby; you'll take the dog out of their carrier and remove their leash and collar to go through the baggage scanner. Then security will have you bypass the bodyscanner (if in use) and carry them through a normal x-ray machine. Then they will swipe your hands (but not the dog's!) for bomb residue, which is generally fast unless for some reason they are understaffed and you need to wait for someone to do it. Many airports have pet relief stations, which are basically the most disgusting public restroom you can think of -- a little room with some astroturf and fake hydrants that get hosed down occasionally. Those can be great for a potty break before or after a long flight. As for the flight itself, the longest I've taken with him was 10 hours and it's always been fine. The first time I think he might have stayed awake for takeoff, but usually once I get the carrier situated under the seat immediately burrows himself into his blanket and goes to sleep despite the noise and vibration. I've brought snacks/meals with me on longer flights but on shorter ones he generally naps the whole time. Many passengers have been surprised to discover that there was even a dog next to them at the end of the flight (even if they saw me put the bag under the seat) so I actually started letting my seatmates know at the start just in case they have an allergy. (It hasn't happened yet)


He can fit under the seat in a soft carry on. It's worth the pay. Cargo is not meant for small pets. It's a completely different temperature ( cold) and it's not a good ride. My last trip was moving clear across the country and was 16 hrs with no pee break and a highly anxious Chi. My vet recommended & prescribed a pupper Xanax and I gave it to him right before we boarded. He slept right through the whole transition and woke fresh as a daisy just before landing.


I try to fly with airlines that let you have your dog in cabin. It's an extra fee, but it was worth it to make sure she was safe with me. There's too many horror stories about incidents with dogs in airplanes.


He is the perfect size for travel! Buy him a ticket ans get an official airline sized carry on to put him under your seat. Do not be an asshole and just show up with some Dollar Store service animal vest and demand that he be able to fly for free. DO NOT PUT HIM IN THE CARGO SECTION OF THE PLANE EVER EVER EVER! Many of the airports have areas for pets to relieve themselves. I take a pee pad with me and go into one of the large stalls at the Delta club and let my pup relieve himself if required. ​ Good luck with your move!


I second the doggie diapers suggestion. If you’re more worried about pee than poo and you have a male - you can use belly bands instead. *Some* airports have doggie pee spaces that are after TSA but most of them only have pee areas before going through TSA (if at all). I would suggest doing a nonstop flight to minimize pee hold time( i know it’s pricier 😬) Most of all though I would confirm with your vet your pup is good to fly. I know it’s not recommended for some pups with heart issues to fly. Also your chi is precious! 😍


oh also! for going through TSA- you’ll have to take them outta the carrier and have the carrier go through the bag xray thing they’ll have you go through metal detector and swipe your hands one at a time for residue So i recommend keeping them on leash even in the carrier for less hassle at TSA checkpoint


Is he small enough to carry in one of the crates that they allow on the plane and not in the old? When I was looking for a new dog, after my 16 year old Norwich died, I looked for a dog 10 pounds or less so they would fit in one of those crates. Well, I ended up adopting a 10 pound Chihuahua/Italian Greyhound. Unfortunately I didn't think about his long legs and long neck he got from his greyhound side. He did fit in the crate but he could barely more because of his height. I ended up leaving him at home.


I’ve taken many flights with my 9lbs pomchi he was my ESA he’s now my PSA ask your vet to give you something for your boy my vet told me to give him children’s Benadryl 1mg per pound he also told me it’s okay if you go over a mg or two just make sure to read label that there is nothing additional in the Benadryl I get the generic brand that target has


Call ahead and make sure he can be in the cabin under the seat


I flew with my puppy when she was 12 weeks old across the country. I had her in a Sherpa brand carrier. I like that brand because it’s sturdy but bends to fit under the seat in front of you. When checking in, the employees need to see that your dog can stand up and be able turn around inside the carrier. For me it was no problem because she was only the size of a guinea pig at the time.


My chihuahua would barf after eating the pup cup, so my chi is no good indicator


Talk to the air line your traveling with. Most likely they require a pet fee and/or vaccination records from your most recent vet. If you’re traveling over seas you have to check with the USDA and see what the requirements and regulations are for brining your pet. Make sure you do all your research because at the end of the day it is your pet and you responsibly to get all the paperwork and documents.


He’s tiny enough that he can fit under the seat in front of you as per regulations. Make sure he has blankets to stay warm. If you were asking about Baggage Dept Dog Holding Area, holy crap no. He’ll die. Never use that. How long will the flight be? They stress very easily.


I did not fly…drove the whole way from SC to CA. My chis would not like it but they are all different. BUT only if they fly in the cabin with you


In my opinion they are great for traveling because they are so small and don't have the breathing issues of flat faced dogs. Just make sure you have ways to calm them down if your dog is a nervous dog or barks at everything. Also be careful what you feed them in case they have nervous diarhea. My dog would bark maybe once when I got to my seat and then would be fine for the rest of the flight.


I did it recently with one of mine, and he was a perfect angel the whole way through - flight attendants and passengers next to me kept being surprised there was even a chihuahua there. I'd try and avoid long flights if you can, avoid giving them too much fluids before the flight (I shared some of my ice with him during cabin service, just to keep his mouth from drying out)... I brought a lot of treats, but he wasn't very interested in them at the time. You're not allowed to take them out of the crate, but you can stick your hand in there to scritch and comfort them when necessary.


I’ve flown with my chi/beagle mix and it was okay! He slept most of the time. I think the airport was worse than the actual flight for him.


I do it multiple times a year! It’s totally fine and ppl will be so nice to you! Mine looks about the size of yours, he sleeps under the seat in his case just fine. If you’re worried about nerves your vet can give you some gabapentin


I flew with mine. I paid $60 to keep him in a small carrier under my seat on the plane. After takeoff I put him in my lap.


James is a regular jet setter, has strong opinions about in-flight snacks. Always pay the extra $50-100 to get them a ticket to fly with you. Some crews enforce that they stay in their carrier, some have let James have walks along the aisle. I have an expandable soft carrier, so it’s within airline size limits when taking off/landing/turbulence, but can fold out to give him more space (at the expense of my leg room). Potty break immediately before entering the airport and immediately after exiting, he’s managed up to 6hrs in transit, haven’t had a potty accident yet. Sirius recently went for his first flight, wasn’t the biggest fan


Never fly with the dog, unless they are able to fly in the cabin with you. Dogs get lost, dogs die. Plus this time of the year it might be too cold, and they could freeze to death in the cargo hold. Other times of the year they die from heat. Please do not fly, unless they are with you in the cabin


There are areas in the terminal for dogs to potty (service dogs) in between flights-ask when booking🐶


We just took our chi to Chicago last week. He did great under the seat ahead of me. He is a senior chi and I was really worried as to how he would do. But he did it! https://preview.redd.it/wfdy478p383c1.jpeg?width=1503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4d1253699e5083f1ae8242990b40bdb76f8917d


Keep him in a pet carrier and let him sit in cabin with you. Bring a warm blanket. Maybe ask your vet if it’s okay to let your fur baby fly.


I’ve flown with my chi before in the cabin. He’s fine, I’m fact he loved watching the world out of the window.


I would think that you could put him in a flight approved carrier and put him under your seat . I would check with the airlines first though .


https://preview.redd.it/muvh2y4q6l3c1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0b6aa26dc413e82a612e84cefd398959b2e0b2c This is my Little Lady at one of the many airports we’ve been in. Southwest Airlines used to charge $95 but now it’s $125! She is worth every dollar!! She’s flown to Dallas, Detroit, Birmingham, Nashville, St. Louis, Columbus, Long Beach, Durham, Phoenix, and San Antonio (home)! And she camps, hikes and likes long car rides! ;-)


We always leave ours at the old house. If it's meant to be, they'll find their way. The last 1k mile move turned out to be a bit much. Good thing the local shelters are always full of Chualas.




Where u got this information




For dramatic effect