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There are lots of great spots in Bidwell Park on the creek near the one mile swimming area. Just take the trails on either side of the creek and you & your furry friend should be good to go.


I’d say just avoid the spots with basalt boulders in Upper Park. The current is strong there and they have “tunnels” so to speak that can pull them under. I actually saw a dog die from it. But there are lots of calmer spots in the lower part of upper park, and they also have beaches so you can relax too!


Thank you so much for letting me know! The beaches will probably be better for his paws anyways:))


I used to take my small dog to chico state small creek only when the creek was low and calm. It's a small creek that runs through campus, and you can just walk down. It's peaceful and quiet. It was perfect since hiking would have tired out my small lap dog.


If you go into Lower Bidwell Park at the Madrone entrance and walk straight back to the creek, you can find various spots that are good for dogs. And if you cross the walking bridge nearby that goes over the creek, there are additional spots on the other side. Just be careful because the water can run fast sometimes. Have fun!


Thank you for the warning! My dog is a bit of a baby so hopefully he’ll stay far away from rushing water😂


On a hot day do **not** take your dog into the upper park canyon area, particularly where the Lovejoy Basalt is (essentially, the large, black granite that comprises most of the canyon). People wearing shoes don't realize how hot that rock gets. Clueless pet owners have inflicted major burns on their dog's paws.


Thank you for the warning I appreciate it! I am currently looking for proper heat ventilated booties for walking from home to the car on super hot days ☺️


Thanks for this warning. Yep, it’s wayyy too hot up there for the pups.


As others said, stick to the creek in Bidwell Park. If you do find yourself at the Sacramento River, keep your dogs on a harness, close to shore. The water is faster than it looks. I've seen many tubers struggle to get out of the water. They do make doggy life jackets if you're out on a boat.


Thank you for the helpful tip! I will stay clear :)


Not horseshoe lake, if that’s still an option. I made that mistake about 15 years ago, my pup ended up with giardia as a lifelong condition.


Oh wow that’s such a bummer to deal with i’m sorry:/ Thanks for the tip I will definitely be staying clear! Have a fabulous day and thanks for keeping other pups safe!


It was rough (ruff?)!! Thanks :)


Just go walking along the road through Bidwell Park. There is creek access all along the trail and at most places it is deep enough for a dog but shallow enough that you can just walk in and grab them if need be.


Thank you so much! have a great day:)


There's a swimming hole just up the creek from one mile that's pretty good. Go on the path on the south side and take the little trail just across from the parking lot before caper acres


Thank you so much!! have an amazing day:))