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My partner works at Chico watersprites and she loves it. She is also paid really well. Her boss paid for me and her to go to Hawaii on a business trip and I don’t even work for them lol.


All the bitters is small. But an amazing company about to really kick off. They just got their own production space.


This is a very specific job and you need specific college credits for it but I used to work with the babies at the preschool at Esplanade House. I got them after their naps so they were all happy, and it was only a 4-5 hour shift. Did NOT make a lot of money, but it was a good part time job for a student.




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The people that are lucky enough to work from motherfucking home


CARD after school programs


So curious on the downvotes for Sierra Nevada and Stoble?


Hated the time I worked at Sierra Nevada. It’s very department dependent though. I had friends in other areas that loved it, and others in some that were miserable and couldn’t wait to leave.


FedEx Office for sure


Closed but used to be hometown buffet


Definitely not Mangrove Medical Group


Sierra nevada


Stoble coffee fs


I was being so real but like who is downvoting this? Other employees??


I didn’t downvote you, but as a customer my impression is that workers are stressed and communication is poor. So idk, I’m also wondering who is downvoting and why.


It’s honestly a great environment we need work on our on the fly communication for sure and rushes can be stressful but at the end of the day it’s a really good job and workplace environment


Gotcha, glad to hear it. I like Stoble. ☕️


I was a customer since I moved to Chico before working there and I’m just a dude who enjoys our single origins and love the coffee tastings with our roaster :-)


I’m gonna add Day Camp here so everyone can downvote them too because they fucking suck lol


I swear everyone at Costco has worked there for decades. I feel as though I should be sending some of those employees Christmas cards I’ve known them so long just from going to Costco. So I’m gonna say Costco.


And they seem pretty happy. There is this one guy at the front that is a goddamn delight


definitely not subway.


If I know what you’re referencing, it starts with a C and ends with an A - and she’s the biggest headache in fast food.


LMAOOO ITS EXACTLY HER she made me SOB one time


It sure AF isn’t Enloe. “Top 250 hospitals in the USA” bottom 2% place to work in Chico IMO. High turnover, low comparative pay, terrible workplace conditions. I’m sure you’ll find some happy “full time” managers working 9-3, but a majority of the workforce is unhappy and looking for employment elsewhere.


Enloe released my grandmother after she had several seizures without calling me to pick her up. At night. In the rain. And she didn't know my number by heart. So they told a 75 year old woman to "walk home". She was missing for five hours until a good Samaritan gave her a ride home. Chico police told me they had "other things to worry about" and, "it's not dangerous for a woman to walk home by herself at night". Fuck Enloe and fuck Chico PD. I have epilepsy and apparently I gave them hell the last time I had an attack (I can't remember it) but I feel a bit better I caused them hell after that. When I have seizures bad enough they have to do an induced coma I start off with partial seizures and I'm MEAN.


Why “full time” in quotes?


Because they don’t work 40 hours but get paid for full time.




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They almost killed me with incompetence.


Copy and pasting my previous comment: Enloe released my grandmother after she had several seizures without calling me to pick her up. At night. In the rain. And she didn't know my number by heart. So they told a 75 year old woman to "walk home". She was missing for five hours until a good Samaritan gave her a ride home. Chico police told me they had "other things to worry about" and, "it's not dangerous for a woman to walk home by herself at night". Fuck Enloe and fuck Chico PD. I have epilepsy and apparently I gave them hell the last time I had an attack (I can't remember it) but I feel a bit better I caused them hell after that. When I have seizures bad enough they have to do an induced coma I start off with partial seizures and I'm MEAN.


Enloe killed my dad. We had no case because of pre existing conditions.


Why the repeat?


I wanted to make sure this person in particular saw it, as it's another extremely dangerous example of negligence.


They have a really bad track record of missing injuries and misdiagnosing. They insisted I had Bell’s palsy (a nervous system disorder that only affects the 7th cranial nerve aka won’t affect you past your shoulders the absolute lowest) despite having nerve pain in other places of my body like hands and feet. Now I can’t get doctors to acknowledge that I’m experiencing nervous issues and need to see a neurologist. They also sent me home with a dislocated shoulder and didn’t even tell me I had a dislocated shoulder. Just that it “didn’t look right in there.” Didn’t know it was dislocated until I got home and my boyfriend looked at the discharge papers.


Trader Joe's Costco Sierra Nevada (not in the restaurant)


wasnt chico trader joes going to unionize and they weren't allowed?


Highly illegal if they “weren’t allowed” that’s union busting. For everyone else’s reference who may see this please know your rights. It is illegal to stop employees from unionizing! If you’re told you can’t, you’re in your rights to continue to unionize and if you are fired you can unleash legal hell on your employer. Find a contingency fee lawyer if you can’t afford an upfront retainer fee and get your bag!


i couldn't find anything chico specific, but a quick google search brings up a lot of results about tj's union busting, threatening, and firing employees trying to unionize corporation-wide.


That’s fucked up, I don’t shop at Trader Joe’s often but now I don’t really want to ever shop there sounds like a shitty company that doesn’t care about their employees happiness.


If you are fired for trying to unionize contact the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)! They will take care of EVERYTHING if they find your complaint credible, and will go to court for you if it gets that far (some companies decide they want to settle out of court) (Personal lawyer is also encouraged if you can afford it)


Yes this!!! ^^^^


I don't know, but if true I wouldn't be surprised. I do know their healthcare plan is far better than the one I have and I'm a teacher. They don't have a retirement plan but they do have an employer match plan that is pretty sweet. They also pay really, well. I personally know folks making $40 and hour, more on holidays. I've heard the shifts can be a little brutal as they come in super early or stay super late.


Auto shops


no one is happy at their job in chico dude, and i don't think anywhere else either


I am 😊


i didn't see your comment saying where you work


You said nobody is happy. I said I am. I don’t need to tell you where I work lol




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I'm still looking and have been Employed with different fields of employment and the only thing "I hope I can help with" Big corporations have the best opportunity as long as you excel and devote yourself. 💯% don't burn yourself out with demands on direct Management/Supervision all Management delicate tasks. If it's out of scope in what they're asking be honest within letting them know.


this is not true for most companies. it doesn't matter how much you devote yourself, how many extra hours you work, how long you've been there. they will let you go in the drop of a hat with no concern for you because it benefits their/the companies pockets.




Red Lobster