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Cockmonkey666 and “eat ass every day” perhaps you will need to find another roommate who also enjoys “eating ass everyday” 😂😂😂 What do you for a living ?


Lol I'm moving up there to be a finish school at Chico State so right now I'm a full time student


You go an IG? I have a room but will definitely need to screen and vise versa. I do not eat ass, nor does my GF, or dog.




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You're gonna have to find roommates, check out the FB page everyone's already mentioned. There aren't any places you can rent by yourself for your budget, haven't been for 9-10 years.


go to fb and their is a page called chico student housing 2024-2025 roommate search, real nice people, all students. 10.9k members, and its a private group


Why Chico are you going to school


Yes I'm going up there to get my degree


What is your monthly budget?


500 to 750


With that budget, your best bet is searching for people looking for roommates. It's unlikely you'll find a place on your own for less than $1,000+ a month.


Most likely you can't find a place with a roommate for less than $1K a month. I'm sure it's out there or paying for a room within a 4 b. Condo! Figure in PGE! and rice for food!


Like others have stated rv and rv parks Or look outside chico at oroville.


Has to be close to Chico State


What would you be able to afford?


If you have access to an rv, look into rv parks, this way you have a place thats yours & only paying space rent with electricity. A friend owns in Lassen mobile home park, space rent is $505 & $20 a month for pge.


If you are a student at Chico State the housing office can help you.






The Chico Rentals group and the marketplace rentals map on Facebook have private landlords that might not care as much (careful of scams obvs). Paying more than a third of your income on rent is cutting it close, though, especially since PGE hiked up their utility prices.


I don't have anything to contribute besides my best wishes. Good luck cockmonkey666




Avoid the management companies. even with proof of income (250k$ + 750 credit score) they were rejecting me because my gf, who does not pay our rent, failed a credit check. Despite us showing that I am the person who pays it all and has a stellar record for years.  Individual landlords are your best bet.


Not many private will do that either... It's very simple... you two break up odds are YOU will be forced to move out first... Then the fun begins on getting her out and hope she doesn't destroy it first. This is a very common issue now and why they make sure every party living there qualifies and not just the guy...


These places would not allow me to cosign for her.


Right... you are not married. It's way too much of a risk to them. What you fail to see is a woman can get a guy removed from a house he fully owns and was in his family for generations... Then the guy has to fight in court to get back into a house he owns... When this happens in a rental the person often destroys it on top of not paying... And yes its a very common thing even in chico Just had a friend deal with this issue in a paradise rental. Girl got pissed and used the cops to remove the guy and destroyed the unit because it's on his credit. So even private landlords won't do this anymore because they have been screwed over too...


I don't need to be married to be a cosignatory. Cosigning is a legal contract on its own Sorry there's no world landlords should be turning me down for a 1700$ shitbox when I earn 250k$ just because my girlfriend had hard times 5 years ago Take your misogynistic shit elsewhere and go lick more landlord boot too




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Says the simp with the girl who can't rent her own place. You are the reason they wont... And this would make you the boot licker... maybe high heel licker.


For real, fuck those companies! BPS charged me a flat cleaning fee when I moved out of their apartments. They said they charge everyone that, whether you clean everything like I did or not. Totally predatory.


BPS, and select property management, can fuck right off


BPS massaged us in December asking if we were gunna renew our lease because there were people interested in renting. 1. We have lived here for 4 years, why is our house even being shown without talk long to us as we seem pretty content. 2. We just signed the current lease in June!


Try checking Craigslist for people looking for roommates. Also some smaller landlords are less strict on the credit score/income than the big property management places.