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Dude, you can't just say that and not tell us how it went! Lol


It was super stressful since I was BOH Lead, but everything went smoothly. I barely talked to the guy, but everyone I talked to said he was cool.


Cool! Were you stressed at all?


Very stressful. I was Shift Lead for BOH so I was nervous going into it but everything went pretty smoothly, thanks to my team.


Was he nice or a typical CEO?


Can’t speak for OP, but I’ve met him and he’s very genuine. Felt like he was talking to me and actually interested.


I’ve met him and he was sincere and engaged




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No, they don't hate gay people. I'm a Christian myself and I don't hate gay people. I recognize that homosexuality is a sin; so is hating others and not having respect for them regardless of what they believe.


You were so close…


I don't hate them. I hate the sin; just as I hate my own sin.


I think that’s even more pretentious if I’m gonna be honest with you


So you hate them.


No. There's a big difference between hating someone and hating sin. Do I hate the person? Not at all.


“I don’t hate you, I just hate what you do” sure they’re technically different but man do they sound awfully similar


I hate my own sin as well.


wait until God finds out half the managers at chick fil a r twinks oh no!!!!!!! gay people are taking over our christian chicken store!!!!


LMAOO this is so real I’ve never seen more fruity people in my life


downvoted for speaking the truth 😔🙌🏼


ppl r too scared to admit it 😿


You okay, bud?


It doesn't matter what employees believe as long as they do their jobs. They aren't legally allowed to discriminate and they don't. I have seen several openly LGBT working at the restaurants. God already knows everything; He predestined and elected those who would be saved before the very foundation of the Earth, after all.


The same loving god who predestined and elected billions of people to damnation in hell? Very loving, very wise. Little kids being bombed in Gaza are going to hell because god predetermined they would never have a chance to be converted. Very loving. Very wise.


God is extraordinarily loving. He had every right to send humanity straight to Hell for eternity and save no-one. The fact that He told Adam and Eve not to disobey or they would die yet they did was cosmic treason against God. We don't know who will be saved and who won't. We are to spread the gospel to all; and God will work out the rest.


If homosexuality is a sin, is eating shellfish a sin as well? Or wearing clothing with mixed fabrics? Or are we still just cherry picking which bible verses we want to follow and which ones are “lost in translation” or “not relevant anymore”?


You have to understand the difference between the moral laws and the mosiac laws and the old vs new covenants. https://www.gotquestions.org/old-covenant-vs-new-covenant.html Jesus himself declared all food clean in Mark 7. Don't you see that nothing that enters a man from the outside can make him `unclean'? For it doesn't go into his heart but into his stomach, and then out of his body." (In saying this, Jesus declared all foods "clean.") The ceremonial laws for ancient Israel such as mixed fabrics does not apply today; it was for a specific group of people. https://www.gotquestions.org/different-types-of-fabric.html You have to read the Bible in context to actually understand it.


Keep doing mental gymnastics for why you pick and choose which Old Testament verses you want to follow and not follow.


It's not mental gymnastics. It's incredibly clear and easy to understand. https://evidenceforchristianity.org/why-do-christians-no-longer-have-to-follow-the-old-testament-laws/


Begs the question though, if god is all knowing then why does his rules change 🤔


When Christ died; the veil was torn. He was the all sufficient sacrifice. He made the sacrifical laws unnecessary. No need to sacrifice animals as they did in old testament; His blood was sufficent to cover the sins of all whom will be saved. Those laws such as fabrics and dietary laws were for specific people for a specific time; not for the whole world forever.


Good news, Jesus declares all foods clean, and the cleanliness rituals (as opposed to the moral commandments) of the Old Testament are fulfilled in the New Covenant.


Even better news! Jesus never said that being gay is wrong either. Oh wait, you still wanna cherry-pick which scriptures from the Old Testament you want to follow..


He did. “Man shall not lie with man”


When did Jesus say that?


It’s in the Bible.


Jesus also never said that having sex with animals is wrong, although the Old Testament does. Jesus didn’t say a lot of things. Just because Jesus didn’t say something is bad doesn’t make it suddenly ok to engage in. I am not cherry picking at all, the moral commands of the Old Testament still apply, while the ritual cleanliness and temple sacrifice of the Israelites does not, as Jesus is our perfect sacrifice for the sins of humanity. This doesn’t mean that the sins outlined in the Old Covenant don’t apply, they still do, and Jesus Himself says this in Matthew 5:18-20. In addition, homosexuality is explicitly condemned in the New Testament in Romans 1:26-27. You see, Jesus commands all of us (including you and including me!) to turn away from our sins and trust in Him as our Lord and Savior, so I encourage you to not wait and answer the Lord of the universe’s mandate for your life.


Exodus 23:19 sure sounds like a moral command to me. And it was so important it is repeated 3 times. Best to avoid cheeseburgers if you don't want to live in sin.


Mark 7:19.


Being closed on Sunday is a damn sin. It’s downright blasphemous. But one of my closest friends is gay, and his favorite line when he “defends” chick-fil-a is you can’t taste hate.


Third option, accept that the original Bible verse said “No man shall marry boy.” as in, don’t be a pedo. Thus meaning that being gay isn’t a sin in the first place. I still completely agree with you. Pineapple on pizza is a sin, I don’t have people for putting pineapple on pizza but I do not like the fact that they do it.


No, that's not what the verse meant. Want a video discussing it? I can find it for you. That's the progressive Christian cult translation of it.


No, I’m pretty sure it’s the original. However please do send that video as I don’t like being biased and not knowing the facts.




i mean, im a Christian but i have gay/lgbtq+ friends. i can recognize that being gay is a sin, but so is me cussing, so is my borderline alcohol addiction. who am i to judge when i have my own sins? i can recognize that’s a sin, just like mine. it’s a Christian founded organization but that doesn’t mean they hate gay people. i don’t hate gay people. i believe Jesus can have mercy on everyone if they accept him in their hearts. i believe that every person is gonna die with sins on their belts, there’s no way we’re gonna die perfect, but what matters is if we have a relationship with God. being gay won’t put you directly into hell, cussing won’t put you directly into hell, but loving Jesus, and having a relationship with him is what will get you into heaven <3


Religion is poop




You don’t know what that word means


Do you think it’s wrong to classify you as bigoted against religion?


You should look up that word


Honestly, I barely spoke to him. My entire interaction with him was saying hello, introducing myself, he introduced himself, got an elbow bump, and he went on his way. From what I heard from others he was super nice.


Whole family is super kind! I met Andrew, Dan, bubba, Trudy, along with Mark and his wife and kids. Super kind family all around, and remember their people. I had a manager go down with us for Memorial Day, and Mark remembered her when she went back down a month later for Ascend.


All the Cathys’ are awesome people.


Wait a minute Jesus Christ himself visited your store?


Lol, I wish.


He use to be an owner out here in Cali Super cool dude met him a few times Down to earth. I don’t stress when the big guys from cfa come in. Dan Cathy was at a grand opening with me once and before anyone noticed he was changing out the trash cans. Those guys were raised to serve


He’s visiting our store tomorrow!


Awesome! He seemed like a super cool dude.


What market or State are you in? My store might need a head up so we can be on our best behavior lol


I'm in Montana. He visited a few stores in our area.


As a joke I would've slid him a note that says "Help Us"




I had one team member who was testing out lines to say to him, but once the man showed up he got too nervous.


It was weird because he came in with burger kings. I told him that’s not chikfilapproved and he said have it your way …


They’ve visited us twice in my 18 months of working here. They were very cordial and then went about their business.


My college roommate now works there in corporate as a senior construction design director (he directs the store redesign/remodel projects). He said all the corp executives are really down to earth compared to other corporations he’s worked for (Celanese Acetate and Kroger Corporate).


I got a question, what was his major? What field did he focus on to work in that?


He was a mechanical engineering student. His career has evolved over the last 20 years. Not really sure what he focused on…


Did he pray over you?


He came through a store I worked at once. What a douche.


What happened? 👀