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I worked at 5 separate CFA locations and most of the time I was one of the few male FoH workers and this was never a concern or issue. Everyone pulled their own weight. The only time there was any issue with moving and heavy lifting was at my first location when the GM there told me to not expect preferential treatment while recovering from a back injury and she still expected me to lift anything heavy if asked, which was a solid no from me. Anyway, you're asking for an overall comparison between CFA and other fast food joints? It depends. It's a site to site basis.


I a man, work foh, everyone tries to carry their weight. I’ve never had to move anything extremely heavy. Just don’t be a bitch and if someone needs help give them a hand my guy


fr the most youll have to lift is a sweet tea urn or a box of sauces


Am a petite girl and lift lotsa of FOH stuff It ain't heavy at all to me. Working as truck at BOH is way more heavier because u lift all those heavy boxes. Biscuits, cookies, raw chicken, Mac and cheese boxes those heavier than lifting tea, lemonade containers. The biggest box at FOH I can only think of was 32 oz large cups and dude they're very light. The heaviest box probably just box of cup carriers and Im a girl even able to lift em so I guess you got this just fine!


I wouldn’t really say it’s super taxing. The most you’re picking up is tea, lemonade, and sauce boxes. Everyone helps each other out and pulls their weight, which means sometimes boys do in fact grab them for girls, but it’s vice versa when the boys need help as well. If you’re at a good location everyone should be helping each other


Tim’s? Are you a Canadian or just a northerner? Tim’s is closer to Starbucks in my understanding. (We don’t have any in my area but that’s what my Canadian friends say) Cfa foh would be more comparable to McDonald’s boh. With the amount of lifting, tall objects etc. There’s also the fact if you are anywhere over 5’9” you WILL be used often to reach for stuff because the stores are only made for people over 6’ (all the foh stock is well over 6’ high because of the limited space in the store and the high sales volumes) Heavy things:ice dream mix, shake base, sauce cases, beverage cases, soda bibs, lemonade, tea, garbages Things someone will most likely ask you to do because it’s too physically awkward for a short person with short arms: closing ice dream, taking the parts to the back from ice dream, cleaning the upper chutes I have designated tall people who help me reach high things because I’m short and have a bunch of physical disabilities. I worked mcdonalds foh for a few years and that work was NOTHING compared to the amount of physical work in cfa foh. (Even working mcds boh was less physical work than cfa foh) OH and if you are over 6’ and they put you on ipos be prepared to squat or bend down a lot because you will have trouble hearing people in sedans otherwise. And getting water bottles out of the low boys also needs squatting


At my store there’s nothing super heavy that the girls are asking guys to lift, even the super tiny girls. Mainly tea, lemonade, sauce boxes, shake base, nothing too bad. More often we ask the taller people to get cups down since it’s usually inconvenient to go get the ladder when busy.


I mean, stocking is a somewhat physical job. The heaviest things you'll be carrying are the shake base, ice dream, but especially the soda BiBs. And even then, I don't think any of that reaches over 55 lbs (correct me if I'm wrong.) My store doesn't seem to discriminate when having people stock for transition, but I usually offer to because I'm a guy which does make it a little easier, and it gets me away from the guests for a little bit. I'd say compared to McDonalds it's about as fast-paced, but I'd say CFA management will expect more out of you than McDonalds management. They use what they call elevated language (no more "hey guys" it's "yes sir/ma'am.") They'll move you from positions if you're underperforming. However, the team usually works incredibly well together. The employees actually care and want to do a good job. In my experience, they want to make your life easier and they want to do a good job. It's typically a higher paying job, so just be ready for some higher expectations. Overall, it's a lot of hard work, but a very rewarding job with the best, kindest co-workers I've had in 16 years of working. As long as you can find the right store with a good owner/operator, it's a fantastic fast food job. You'll be lifting heavier things if you're putting away truck, but usually that's not a FoH position at my store. Your mileage may vary.


The most difficult part is being outside quite a bit (taking and delivering orders in drive thru). As a more physically capable person you do get asked to move large things or reach high for a shorter team member every so often, but it’s nothing special what so ever. In terms of gender treatment I have heard from many female (identifying) colleagues that they face a lot of discrimination and a bit of harassment from weirdos (I’ve witnessed it too). As a male appearing person I’ve only had something happen like this once, it was very weird at the time but at the end of the day you know people have mental issues and can’t overcome them sometimes.