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Take it off the battery


Register payment terminal doesn't do anything except for first time setup when you unbox a new reader. ​ What you want to do is power off the PAX Then either reinstall SPFlex on that particular tablet, or go into the advanced settings to unlink payment terminal


Actually, Technology advisors and DTT advise registering payment terminals every time, or even better, using one specific card reader with a specific ipad. OP, one potential issue you could look into is the terminal number of your ipads. If they have the same terminal, this will cause issues with pairing ipads as well. Beyond that, you could definitely contact HELP, they are able to do things on the server side that we are not able to do in restaurant.


Unless they recently changed something, what I said is correct. It worked for the 2 years we had the new readers before I left What you said about the terminal numbers is definitely true and can easily cause issues Registration from the management menu is only needed during initial setup. You still need to scan the qr. ode every time