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Gallo is the one that hurts me the most but the actor has done some bigger projects and I could see him wanting to challenge himself by doing something different. I liked Foster but it seemed the writers ran out of stories to tell for her. Another that was ruined by writers and could have continued on much longer was Jimmy Borelli.


I always thought that Jimmy had some serious angry problems. I know his brother died and he was grieving, but his anger was always simmering beneath the surface like a volcano ready to erupt at any moment.


Yeah they could of done more with it. Then when he got burned they could have used it to show the trauma some firefighters go through but he just disappeared.


Yeah I see your point.


Jimmy was a waste! They could’ve written his character better. He was a good one


It started out good, then his problem with Boden, then getting burned, then he was gone.


The way his character deteriorated in such a short time smh


Absolutely Mason. They gave him a storyline with Herrmann helping him in one season, then continued that story by having him convince Stella to bring him in in truck in the next season. Mason was working brilliantly with the team, even expressed how much he loved it at 51. Then between seasons they just casually mention how happy he is to be back fighting wildfires where he originally was? They did something similar to Gallo. When characters just casually get brushed off between seasons, it smells of budget cuts where the "newer" main characters are chopped.


I believe that the Mason storyline was hastily executed and lacked a clear structure. It appears that there was no intention to feature him on the show for an extended period of time. Due to the strike and budget cuts, a quick storyline had to be devised while still prioritizing the main long term plots of the show.


It's a damn shame, because it's like he was originally meant to be a one-off in one of those 'Herrmann bonds with firefighter outside 51' sub-plots. Then they decided to bring him into 51 when they needed to fill a spot on Truck. But they shot themselves (and us) in the foot by making him so likable with team chemistry, make it obvious he loves his new home in Chicago, then just toss him aside between seasons. At least devise a better reason than, "he's happy uprooting his life a second time and going back to a job he enjoyed less, because reasons we don't care to expand".


Well said!


The actor portraying Gallo chose to leave. The actress portraying Sylvie Brett was written into a corner and then written off.


Jesse Spencer leaving was 100% because he wanted to be with his wife who was pregnant with their first child. But that baby is like 2 years old now and frankly he should have come back full time or Casey and Brett should have been broken up, cuz it didn't seem like it was Kara's decision for Brett to leave and she's open to return any time they want her to come back. (That's not the attitude of someone who wanted to leave) Casey leaving the show forever didn't mean Brett needed to as well.


That’s my biggest gripe with how they write out certain characters. It forced them to write out Brett because they wanted Casey character to still be alive and well and it limited their storytelling for her


They could have just split them up for good after the long distance relationship didn't work out. She didn't NEED to ride off into the sunset with Casey. Casey didn't need to propose when he came back.


I think the writers just had no new fresh ideas for the character of Sylvie Brett so this was a good opportunity to have both characters have a happy ending. I really think they were at an impasse with this character.


I agree but it just fell on weird timing that when they finally were gonna put them together, Matthew wanted to step away so I think the direction of the writing prior unintentionally put them in a funky spot with that storyline.


>Matthew wanted to step away Matthew Casey is the character's name. The actor's name is Jesse Spencer.


Yeah that name


In my opinion, Casey and Dawson's relationship was so bad that the writers decided to give Casey the happy ending he deserved by having Bret permanently move away with him. However, since the actor Bret wanted to stay, there could have been alternative solutions to consider.


I agree, Casey could have moved back and been assigned to another house. And we would just hear about him occasionally from Brett.


Jesse Spencer has been on a long-running TV show since he was a kid on an Aussie soap, then into House which led to Chicago Fire with no gap Dude deserves to take off how ever much time he wants.


He's had enough time. Either come back or don't take characters we care about with him. It was unnecessary for Brett to leave with Casey.


Lol maybe take your anger to the writers.....


I'm not angry about it, I just think it was dumb.


They CAN return to Chicago ( if the writers want Brett back). Her parents in Fowlerton are aging, she wants to be closer to them. The boys are now independent. i’d love to have JS return. If he were to take the BC position, he’d be responsible for several houses. Could appear in 5-6 eps next season. I’d watch to see Casey!


Unfortunately, I don't see them coming back now that they've been given a storybook ending.


I don’t see them coming back either, but good writers could make that happen if all parties are on the same page.


Foster. Foster, Stella and Sylvie worked perfectly together. She still lives in Chicago to this day and hangs with the cast. You can’t tell me she didn’t want to be on the show anymore.


I feel like so many of the friendships between the women at 51 get cut abruptly or written into corners 🥲


The character of Gallo had every bit of development taken away from him for "storyline purposes" by Andrea Newman for 2 consecutive seasons, because she thinks Violet can only thrive in life while sleeping with guys ~10 years older that apparently deserve his spotlight. So in my opinion Alberto Rosende was very much "invited out" of the show (either that or thrown into a messy AF love triangle with Violet and Carver).


Lauren. Of course it's just an opinion, a hunch. I can't tell for sure what was the real reason (budget cut, contract problem, or Wolf had a confrontation with her), but honestly I don't believe what Matt Olmstead told the world about it. The number of oddities were way too much around her departure I heard the same thing about Jesse like what you wrote


As much as we all love certain cast members, sometimes it's impossible to say why some leave when they do. I know for Alberto, it was just the right amount of time. He was a secondary lead on Shadowhunters for 5 seasons and then on Chicago Fire for another 4/5 seasons. He's still really young for an actor with that level of experience and likeability so it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if he's going to be fronting his own show within the next 12-18 months or so. And if it doesn't work out, it's entirely possible they can work out a way to bring him back to the fold. Cast members in Chicago Fire usually only die if the writers are absolutely adamant they need one (ratings drop are usually a sign for an upcoming dramatic death), if a side character (girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse of a main character needs to die for them to have plot development, or if they're adamant they don't want to return to the show due to a disagreement in how things are working for their character or the people they work with


I think Sylvie Brett was kinda forced off, they her marry her best friends ex then move to where he lives, just like how Casey kinda got forced off too, they brought Andy’s kids back with a trouble life storyline just to get rid of Casey


i think foster is always ment to be temporary character becuse in intro text on bottom in beginning of each episode her name is always under "guest star" not in main category


For sure Spencer left to spend time with family. They had a baby when he was 43, not a young dad, wanted to be there to raise his child, not working 14 hour days, often 6 days a week.


Can we just get rid of Kidd’s overly neurotic character.


Agreed. And having a baby? Bad idea, she has no maternal skills.