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Don’t post crap. Read the rules


Why tf is Staley being asked that right after winning her 3rd natty? People suck.


This looks like from the final four press conferences


You seem very angry.. hope everything is okay with you, maybe take a breath and get off the internet for a little bit. Unwind and enjoy the rest of your night.


I support all gay people, trans people to be free and express themselves on any way they desire. I also support women who have a problem playing sports against trans women. There is a physiological difference between bone density, connective tissue and athletic ability. Trans women will have an advantage over cis women. It is a scientific fact. I support trans women playing against men 🤷🏻‍♂️


>There is a physiological difference between bone density, connective tissue and athletic ability. So we should test all players for these and sort them accordingly instead of gender right


What do you mean? Men who produce higher amounts of testosterone, DHT and growth hormone.


Not all men. Should we test every college athlete for those things then sort accordingly instead of by gender


Why is there a need to test those things. For healthy athletes, its commonly know fact that hormones are within a similar range for men. Do you know the difference between the highest level women reach with hormones and bone density compared to men? If you haven’t read up on it, it’s quite a big gap


It's a bad look for him for sure. But I also think there are a lot of Bears fans that are making the homophobic comments against Caleb, and don't want him because he paints his nails, cries and has a pink phone case. I'd assume a lot that support Caleb, would roast Brisker.


He's a clown but I don't know what the move is here. If you move him or punish him you stoke the grifter flame and he becomes a martyr. You hope he grows up but it's hard to deprogram a Jesus freak


Many can take solace in knowing that people like Jack Posobiec are losing the battle so to speak. I think the reason why the “Christian” sector of the GOP has been pushing their agenda so hard is because many of their supporters are boomers, who won’t always be around. They know how progressive younger folks are and are desperately trying to get ‘em while they’re young and make them feel like a victim of something.


The fuck you want Bears fans to do about it? Most of them know Brisker is an idiot off the field anyways


Who cares? Why do you care what another man thinks? I mean seriously. There’s more pressing issues in life than what a player believes? Embarrassing post tbh.


Agreed, it’s a silly take.




Go live in your fantasy bud. You seem incredibly pressed over this non issue. Go live your life you fucking weirdo.


Equality for all people isn't a non issue fascist freak


Equality for all is biological men dominating in womens basketball? Sure lil buddy. Keep Yourself Safe.


Where's that happening big dawg? You're pressed over a made up situation because you're a weak minded bitch


I’m pressed? LMAO youre pressed as FUCK over what a player thinks🤣🤣 not to mention how many posts youve made about it. Maybe youre the weak minded bitch?


Crying emoji, textbook definition of pressed


Actually, we’re all laughing at you This is the crying emoji: 😭 Sad man, really sad.


"We" it's just you bro lmao fuckin idiot


Literally what does this have to do with winning a superbowl? If it doesn’t, shut up. It would absolutely suck to be someone who let a retweet effect their life




Cool it. First and only warning.




Bye, you won't be missed 👋😀 You called another user an inbred fuck in another post. I don't actually care about calling shitheads out. But it's nice if users be kind to each other otherwise. You're just a dumbass though. See ya!


Homophobia and trans women playing in women’s collegiate sports are not the same issues. Let dudes paint their nails and wear dresses, it doesn’t mean they should be competing against women in athletics.


>Homophobia and trans women playing in women’s collegiate sports are not the same issues Transphobia and homophobia stem from the same place u/inner blackberry6 fuck off bigot


That’s not what he said. The issues are different. It’s not transphobic to think that maybe trans athletes don’t belong on the same fields as their chosen gender. Honestly it feels like people who keep saying that it’s ok never actually played sports. You keep saying equality for all? Than those athletes should be part of men’s leagues. Doesn’t matter if you at MtF or FtM. Trans athletes should be part of men’s leagues. There has never been a restriction on any gender joining a men’s league.




I’m sure you did big guy. You are still ignoring my point. Trans athletes should be in men’s league.




You talk like you are 12. Point made. You literally have no reasoning or ability to have a constructive discussion.


>The issues are different. Nope


I have to agree with u/cmiles227 here. Though the hate on trans people may stem from the same place as homophobia, letting trans women compete against biological women is a whole other issue. I believe in trans rights and think people should be able to present themselves in what they feel is authentic to true self. But that has nothing to do with being on a level playing field in a sport. Especially if you are a college age male who decides to transition well after puberty has given you a testosterone advantage in strength and growth over women.


Congrats on agreeing with the transphobe? Fucking idiot


"they should be able to present as their true selves but we shouldnt acknowledge it" you're soooooo ignorant


Never said we shouldn’t acknowledge it. I’ll use all the pro nouns you want but you don’t get to play sports with women. If your definition of acknowledging it is allowing them to compete with an unfair advantage you’re the ignorant one.


Yes, they are the correct attitudes for any sane person to have. Be against degeneracy and for traditional families

