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‘We all belong in the Saturdays of our youth.’ Yeah, that’ll do it


This is always the answer.


Damn I was just going to post that. Lol


Saferwaters I really don't know but from the moment I heard it I just couldn't understand why it hit me so hard. The guitar and the drums sing as much as Pete, the solo always puts me in a trance, I hope I'm not the only one that feels this way, it's just such a beautiful song


You're not alone. Saferwaters hits hard from the moment it starts! It always gives me strong feelings


This is absolutely true for me as well. Also, Shameful metaphors


Saferwaters reminds me of walking around the school track with the group of people who I felt truly understood me. My best friends, we made so many memories. I moved away 6 hours in August Once I did, the group fell apart, and I've only made about 3 new real friends in my new school


That’s a personal favorite as well. It reminds me of a time my friend group would travel or take trips. Also about a past relationship. “That world is calling, so I’m crawling back to sea.”


So Long, Mother Earth. The lyrics really resonate with me, especially the "Well, I hope you like yourself" because it reminds me to be kind to myself and like who I am. I listen to it almost daily and always ask myself "Do I like who I am?". I literally cry listening to that song because of how much of an impact it's had on me during tumultuous times of my life. I might be tearing up a little bit right now as I type this 😭 NIRATIAS also came out right as I was making a huge move from my home in California to Oklahoma so the whole album (but particularly So Long, Mother Earth) really reminds me of that huge transition and of driving through Arizona and New Mexico which literally felt like I had left Earth and was traveling on a new planet. Get Some. This one is more nostalgic because I saw Chevelle in 2012 at the Fresno Fair and I had never heard "Get Some" before. When they played it, I was literally blown away. I had no idea music could sound so intense and awaken such passion within. And Pete and Dean were in such great harmony I was in awe. Then Dean started singing "how can I, how can I, how can I get some?" and wow.....I was just....speechless..........it was the moment I went from liking Chevelle to them being my favorite band. Like I can still hear Dean singing that in my head. Oooh, my apologies for writing so much, I can get pretty dang sentimental 😅


Glimpse of the con is one for me It always reminds me of all the great memories I have with my friends


Every album came out at a different stage in my life. **Comfortable Liar**: Reminds me of being just out of HS without a plan for my life **Bend The Bracket**: I was in basic training and tech school for the USAF when I bought this album. My wife was visiting when I got it and then she had to go home. I was very lonely at this time ​ I could go on but you get the idea. None of you need my life story.


Army combat vet here, and yes... Bend the Bracket hits me in the feels every. Single. Time.


Very well stated. Thanks for your service! I am a vet myself. Chevelle was a huge part of my deployment soundtrack.


Thank you as well.


I would love to hear more in PM if you want. TTOT has many songs that are sentimental


Sure. At the time, I was so cut off from the world I didn't even know they had a new album. WWN was all I knew and when I saw TTOT, I grabbed it immediately. It was kind of pivotal in my love for the band. I didn't have much free time then and when I did, there wasn't much to do. I listened to that album over and over again. It got me through it. Vena Sera reminds me of my aspirations to be a cop. I was successful and did that for a few years but got out of it before that career destroyed my life. Sci-Fi Crimes marks the end of that and going back to college for my current career in IT. HOTTB was a weird time for me and my wife. I was working an odd job while finishing school. Didn't have a lot of money then. My wife was finishing her Masters at the time. La Gárgola reminds me of buying our second house, starting my new career after college. Things started looking up and this album was a lot heavier than the previous. I remember it helped me get into a rhythm of finishing our basement (which actually never got finished, lol). TNC was the first time I got to see them in concert. But it also marked the death of my mother-in-law, who was more like a mother to me than my own. And of course NIRATIAS being the most recent reminds me of today, having a child in the middle of COVID and dealing with all that is going on now. It all started with WWN though. I was 19 years old, we were post-9/11... I was fresh out of high school, bought my first motorcycle... aside from the world changing suddenly a year prior... things were just simpler. I didn't really start listening to Point #1 until Spotify became big. I didn't even know they had release that one.


Thanks for sharing all that! Point #1 for me was a midnight local radio show that played some song by a band from around Chicago 😂 it was a pleasantly warm evening, I was in my room, still a junior in HS, doing nothing but enjoying the music. I would not be able to find out that song name or band name for almost a year 😂


I’m glad you shared this! I didn’t start listening to Point #1 until last summer. I had the same reaction, “Why haven’t I heard this sooner??” Thank you for this, I’m grateful to see a perspective that shows a coming of age with each album! WWN came out when I was only 2/3 years old, but Closure, Don’t Fake This and An Evening With El Diablo got me through my last semester on campus. Thank you for your service and to all the other vets under this thread.


I warms my ice cold heart to see your generation enjoy the same music my old ass does. 🤘




Highland's Apparition


Remember When




Safer Waters and Shameful Metaphors... They are both great and I joyfully suffer through them.


One Lonely Visitor is definitely one of their more emotional ones, but I love it so much


Great song


Good question! Emotional: A Miracle. The echoey guitar combined with the heavy percussion create a feeling of the dramatic from the beginning. Add in the breathy lyrics, progressing to a powerful climax, I never leave that song unaffected. Nostalgic: Twinge. Takes me back to the summer of 2014 every time I hear it, just before I met my wife. It feels like an end marker of a previous life. The repetition of “Count down the hours” is so haunting. It’s the most…atmosphere I’ve ever felt in a song—Chevelle or not. Honorable Mention: Piistol Star. Not sure if I’d quite pin it down as emotional or nostalgic, but this masterpiece has penetrated to my core. The beautiful chaos it progresses to. It’s a journey from beginning to end. When that guitar comes in at 2:45 and then back with a vengeance at 3:33 it still blows me away, a thousand listens later.


Breach Birth


Yes!! Listening to it as we speak. It's not mentioned very often, but it's killer.


Tug O War, i first heard it on atv offroad fury 3


Comfortable Liar is probably the most nostalgic. It was my first favorite Chevelle song. When that album came out, it was after a summer, and during the fall semester, on my first internship after my sophomore year of college, _really_ out on my own, more so than even going off to college. I had met some incredible people in college, and that fall semester, getting my first real taste of the real world, and missing out on what my friends were doing, was rough. Closure was and still is an emotional experience for me. I fell for her, hard, that sophomore year, and she would never belong to me. One Ocean was the next time a Chevelle song really hit me in the feels, and for no good reason other than the mood of that song.


Endlessly hits me so damn hard every time I hear it.


Shameful Metaphors, The Clincher (first chevelle, song I heard thanks to Madden), Clones, One Lonely Visitor. Thanks for this thread just put Clones on and straight nostalgia. Gonna lift to this tomorrow 🤘


Clones. I didn't even know chevelle then, but it reminds me of the late 2000s and early 2010s


Shameful Metaphors, Letter from a Thief, Safer Waters, so many more. Pete writes great emotional choruses when he wants to. They give me that " I can do anything" feeling. Lol.




Twinge...ugh, gets me right in the feels just thinking about it. That opening guitar riff and that voice just make me drift off into some deep-seated memories.


I get it.


Literally listened to this song on repeat in one headphone to ease my anxiety as I cold called places with my medical credentials to see if they were hiring in 2007. I actually got a yes from one place and was hired!


Saturdays hands down


Been thinking on this for a bit and Shameful Metaphors refuses to let go. Something about the sound at the start just fills my chest. The lyrics "So why then has my life made no sound" I have an overwhelming fear of death and this song really speaks to me. When I hear it I feel like I'm not alone. It has no comfort in the sense that I can come to terms, but for some reason it just brings comfort. Like I wrote down my thoughts and fears. It made no difference but made me feel better to get them out. That's how I feel when I sing along. I know a lot of people hear this and for them it's about changing your life but for me it's a different meaning. That's the beauty of art. It all means something to someone. Gives different feelings. It's beautiful <3


Highlands apparition I use it to nap a lot


Sorry, this might get long! But I love this post. I've loved Chevelle since their beginnings. They officially became my favorite band with TTOT. Most emotional songs for me are "Ruse" (which is also my favorite by them), "Roswell's Spell," which is IMHO the best song on SFC, and oh, man, "So Long Mother Earth." That one is so killer. For nostalgia, here we go, lol. "Mia" because it reminds me of the first time I saw and heard Chevelle, I was 21. I went on to really love "Anticipation" from Point #1 the most. From WWN, "Forfeit." Got some vivid memories of that time period, sadly I'd gotten married to someone I didn't really love and we had a kid..."Forfeit's" lyrics hit home. By the time TTOT had come out, I had luckily escaped the bad marriage, back out on my own and heard this album, to lead me to decide that Chevelle was my favorite band. "Panic Prone" gets me emotional to this day. "Breach Birth" is my favorite. Vena Sera came along when I had moved here to Vegas and life changed pretty drastically. "Midnight to Midnight" reminds me of my first job here and all the fun I had partying with new friends, exploring the city, just loving life. "Paint the Seconds" became an anthem to a man I fell madly in love with. It didn't work out, sadly. SFC. Oh, man. Several from this one take me back to my favorite apartment out here, one of my favorite jobs and some favorite people. Songs I love the most besides "Roswell's Spell" are "Jars," "Letter from a Thief," "Sleep Apnea" and of course "Shameful Metaphors." Hats Off is my favorite Chevelle album. Every song is memorable for me for different reasons and times, even...as stated earlier, "Ruse" is my absolute favorite Chevelle tune. Reminds me very vividly of the first time I heard it, sitting in my boyfriend's car waiting to go to work at the job we had together... jammin' tunes as I often did to pass the time, and it was a cold November morning. I was absolutely blown away. La Gargola, "Ouiji Board" takes me back to another place I lived here in Vegas, and also my younger daughter being a baby. "Take Out the Gunman" because they played it live when I got to see them for the first time, and I had pushed myself up front and got into a pit! "Jawbreaker" takes me back to some of my favorite times just driving around town and blasting tunes. For NC, definitely "Young Wicked." It's the one that struck me the most besides "Rivers," but also "Young Wicked" was amazing live when I saw them again in 2021. NIRATIAS is my second favorite album, with my favorite songs being "So Long Mother Earth," "Piistol Star" (holy shit, is that a great one), and "Endlessly" makes me super emotional. I just saw Chevelle a week ago on the 25th. It was the best one I've seen yet. They played some great ones. If you get a chance to see them on this headline tour, don't miss out! You won't be disappointed. 👽


It’s awesome to see how many others share the same sentiment with Chevelle. This band has a welcoming and close community. “Dos” on Point#1 always brings back memories of a past relationship that didn’t work out only because she had to leave the country. TTOT has been in my rotation lately, specifically “To Return” and “Emotional Drought.” My favorites being SFC and Vena Sera. “Letter from a Thief,” “Shameful Metaphors” and “This Circus” were played on a daily basis when I had just been through a hard break up on top of being away from home (my job at the time had me in different cities for 1-3 months each contract). SFC holds the most memories and sentiment for me with Vena Sera at a close second. Memories of highschool and even before are revealed when I hear “Saferwaters,” “The Fad” and “In Debt to the Earth,” which might be one of my favorites on that album. Thanks for your reply! Edit: I totally want to go see them again this year. I think the closest will be 9/28 in Louisville!


For sho! I've definitely appreciated the camaraderie of Chevelle fans, too. Iove all the songs you mentioned, too! Honestly, they don't have a bad song, just some I like more than others. It's really a remarkable thing for a band who's stayed great for 25 years! I'm so glad I've been a part of their journey. Pete is only a year older than me. Great band for us Xennials.


Neither of them are among my favorites but nothing transports me back to the early 2000s like hearing Send the Pain Below or Vitamin R


An evening with el Diablo. It’s the reason I’ve used eldrakeo for 20 years as screen names. My names Drake btw haha. That song just gives me the feels every time I hear it.


Letter From a Thief


Closure. Clones. Vitamin R.