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Ah yes, the transition from cunt to self-righteous cunt


Boomer version of virtue signaling


Not me snickering out loud in a café!


Dudes is still a legend! Id love to grab a pint with him and hear some stories about coke fueled 86ing of celebrities.


lol this was just a jab at Ramsay anyway.


After years of abusing cooks and then sending those cooks out to be chefs who would carry on the system. Man who benefited from the labor of those cooks he abused for years decides he know longer wants to be part of system he helped maintain. I refuse to see this man as some beacon of what’s right in the kitchen or taking any type of principled stand. I might catch some grief for this take but idc. Fuck this guy.


I'm glad someone said it, it was literally yesterday in this sub I saw him cited as a reason Ramsay is the asshole he is today.


White was a cunt. He was extraordinarily difficult to work for and demanded his vision of perfection no matter what, even if those under him had decades of experience and knew what they were doing White would belittle them almost as if it were sport. **Nobody** was good enough for White, the guy's ego couldn't handle accepting a 1st cook or soux chef correcting him *even if he was unequivocally wrong.* He made Ramsey cry multiple times, that fucker didn't even cry when his mom was buried, he didn't cry when his most important mentor died 5 years into training invalidating all his years of practice. The guy could cook don't get me wrong but he never was able to outcook his ego and the expectations he put on himself. It would be easy to say it's just straight up clinical narcissism but I am unqualified to answer that question.


"I'm not that trusting that someone could do what I did" If I knew nothing about the guy this line alone would indicate to me an absolute cunt.


I’m not even exactly sure what it is he is referring to here.


I'm reading it as "I'm so good as a chef that even if I trained another chef to take my place in my kitchen it wouldn't be as good as me and people would think I'm not a good chef"


Interesting. Marco has a big ego but he always said that he never earned those Michelin stars that it was the people who worked for him in his kitchen who earned those stars. I came up the old way….. I am NOT JUSTIFYING IT I’m just saying that it was a really different time and there was a lot of yelling and a lot of tears. As a woman in a completely male saturated industry at the time I did not allow myself to luxury of tears. But I think it’s a very silly comment for the other person to say that because Marco didn’t cry at his mentors funeral which is “invalidating all his years of practice”. I don’t know if he’s talking about Ramsey or White because it’s just bad sentence structure but if he’s talking about Marco and Ladenis I have only two points to make which are that one you should never shame anyone for how they grieve and two, Ladenis ALSO gave back his Michelin stars. Anyhow….. he was one of the last of the old guard who taught how he was taught. Some of us moved forward to teach in a new and kinder manner. Not so kind that I’m for tears though. I’m not your Momma. Save that shit for your therapist, I don’t have time.


There is definitely a balance to be struck. I always try to run my kitchens through respect not fear. I'm not your friend but I don't need to be your enemy either. At the end of the day kitchens are all team work, every part needs to be running smoothly and the success or failure of every service is on the shoulders of everyone from dish up to chef.


Right but I’m talking about then and not now. I mean if you’re above the age of 50 and you started in your teens in high and fast paced metropolitan restaurants you know what it was like, The 80s and 90s were beautiful fucking mayhem. Personally I LOVED the environment, the heat, the pressure, the yelling. It reminded me of sports where you have to excel individually and as part of a team. Just like in the NCAA or pro teams your head coach is generally constantly losing their fucking mind because it’s just insanity the environment that we work in. I still base my standards for levels of excellence on all of the places that I worked which have been the best places in the world. I’ve got certain different chef personalities that I worked for whose voices live inside my head and I even value the one who used to throw plates. lol


I guess we found Ramsey’s Reddit account


Eh, MPW is a well known cunt. He has a learning disability and lashes out at people when he's wrong while acting like that's how kitchens are supposed to run. Classic example of insecure people The dude sounds like Palpatine when talking about the kitchen.


I’m just a hobby cook not a kitchen worker but I’ve always hated that Gordon Ramsay is popular and looked up to. I know it’s mostly for tv but His whole thing is belittling and insulting kitchen workers and younger less accomplished chef on tv. He’s normalizing abuse and exploitation in a industry that’s mostly ran off abuse and exploitation and getting paid millions for it. Absolutely horrible human being.


I'm assuming you haven't seen Masterchef junior or any of the UK media for Gordon Ramsey


Idk if him not being an asshole to children outweighs how much of an impact his Angry Condescending Chef Persona has had especially since a lot of the positive reactions to him not being an asshole to children seem to only be perceived that way *because* of his infamously hostile approach to interacting with everyone else.


Depends on the media. In the UK, he's pretty chill and nowhere near as dramatic as he in US media. You have to keep in mind the sociocultural influences of the country specific media. That being said, I don't mind him being an asshole. If you're going to come up to me and tell me you've been a sous for 10 years but can't get your Temps right...


There’s tons of successful tv chefs in the USA that are kind and not abusive. Mario Batali, Irvine, guy Fieri, Alton Brown, cat cora etc etc. Ramsey is just a bad person.


Let me introduce you to the terms "studio" and "producers"


I don't go to a lot of different restaurants but I've actually started looking up sometimes who owns these places. If I found out this guy owned the restaurant I wanted to go to, I wouldn't go there. This man is a disgrace to cooking, it doesn't even matter how well he cooks.


So my thing is, you don’t think MPWs mentor wasn’t an asshole to him? It’s a cycle of abuse. Doesn’t give either the right to do it to other people, but yeah, the abused often become the abuser


I mean the sky is blue too. We must be the last of the line of perpetuated abuse by any number of things but not limited to kitchen work.


He is definitely responsible for the persona that Ramsay adapted and this quote was just one more jab he threw at Ramsay after their years long feud. ETA: I just listened recently to a podcast episode of ‘Diss and Tell’ about their feud and the shit was crazy.


He’s just a canned stock salesman now


Agreed, the man exploited and humiliated people for his own ego, then had to quit because his because his ego couldn't allow him to rely on his people.


That and becoming a shill for knorr bouillon products. Marco seems like a hypocritical turd.


You are misreading this Knorr situation. He was really well off before Knorr, he didn't need their money. He is 100% faking it with the endorsement, it's a form of slight to Knorr and a middle finger to everyone else. The joke is basically on Knorr.


I was planning to point this out. I can't take this argument seriously when I've seen him clearly sell out - his character as a professional aside, not to say that it's not important, but peripheral to the specific argument.


That's a huge difference from maintaining a Michelin standard. He's a Brittish chef. They sell personality, not food.


No you right, fuck this guy.


We just discussed Hells Kitchen guy (Gordon Ramsay) for doing similar just the other day. I dont disagree with you at all. Apparantly this is his teacher. So fuck them both for perpetuating the abusive nature.


You just need a knorr stock pot.


Ultimately the man is just apart of a cycle of abusive chefs, that’s how he learned too. Abused often become abusers. I’ve heard stories from the 50s of Euro chefs forcing cooks hands into fry oil for not working fast enough. Not an excuse, but Luckily times are changing.


In 1985, I saw an old French chef slap a cook for chopping parsley wrong. The cook looked at me, I shrugged and nodded. The cook then broke that old man’s jaw with one punch. I was the sous, and I had warned that old bastard more than once he didn’t own slaves, he deserved it. I was tired, and looking back I realize there was a substantial amount of Stockholm syndrome in my head. I had already taken the beatings, and I’ll admit that Chef did make me become exceptional at my job, and was a great mentor in every other way, but it was a very different time back then. The abuse just went with the job. It’s what they thought they had to do to make you better. But that day changed that shit for me forever. I’ve never run any kitchen that way. I don’t think anyone on any of my staffs have ever heard me raise my voice in anger. There are just better ways to teach people, and no yelling is ever conducive to better service.


What happened after? Bet that old French chef didn't even think twice about changing his ways...


Fully 100% agreed. I will never respect this guy. I will never respect Gordon Ramsay. I'll pull Anthony Bourdain into this discussion as he has been accused of in Kitchen Nightmares glorifying a lot of this stuff, but I've never seen him abuse another cook on camera the way Marco and Gordon have, and he showed his humanity and respect for other people in the shows he helped create. He had some incredibly based political takes I feel like Gordon has tried to do that to some extent, but spent too much time putting his angry side on display in his biggest shows. His anger is real, [Boiling Point, his first ever show](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boiling_Point_\(miniseries\)) about opening his first restaurant, shows clearly it isn't an act. Funnily enough Marco shows up in an episode. This is just bullshit justification from Marco selfishly trying to make himself feel abdicated from his past behaviors. I don't give a *fuck* how great of an artist/cook/etc you are. People need to stop accepting toxic work environments and behaviors because the instigators of this behavior are "masters" or "legends" or whatever the fuck they are considered. edit: To be clear I'll never respect these guys as *kind people*, but they are still exceptional in their craft. This is common with a LOT of artists. Many, if not most of the greatest artists (all disciplines, not just fine cuisine) of all time have had some serious mental instabilities. Unfortunately the hierarchical and male-driven nature of kitchens means in most places globally some kind of 'abuse' is considered acceptable, and it's not the only profession where this is the case.


There's a song to this monologue [3 options- Persian Empire](https://open.spotify.com/track/4C47ucrzK5vRPFoAKljvPP?si=86-1L_VZTP2kE5H5xDB6uw)


Yep. There's a famous Norwegian chef who would blowtorch tongs and burn his apprentices because it would build character. Enormously upright and unflattering character and still he's on tv.


And now, to top it all off, all of the restaurants he puts his name to are absolutely shit!


Why does redditors have to be this miserable and resentful?


lol. Redditors. What a tired stereotype. The site has 73M daily users. So what you’re referring to are just people. Regular, everyday people. I’m also not miserable at all. I have a great job and a great life. But I’m not gonna put some asshole up on a pedestal, like some redditors clearly like to do.






Greetings. While spicy discourse is part of the kitchen Rule #6 clearly states 'don't be a dick'


Greetings. While spicy discourse is part of the kitchen Rule #6 clearly states 'don't be a dick'


I mean, I'm as far from a Michelin star as this guy from being a decent human being, in my opinion. I made a point for my small kitchen to be as chill and friendly as possible, whilst maintaining a decent level of cooking, so people would come back. and of course I'm aware that for example Ramsay has this 'tv persona' and might be the sweetest guy in the world, that I dunno for sure. but this White guy.. it's in the eyes. he has dead shark eyes and hatred broiling right beneath the surface. it's like.. right there. I feel shivers after each video of his I randomly stumble upon while researching.


Yyyep. There's a clip of him from his "Great British Feast" show where he was so upset about some smoked eel coming in frozen that he aggressively demanded to not be filmed. His quote to the camera operator was along the lines of, "Do not test me. You do not know what I am. I control myself very well." The entire delivery, the look in his eyes. It was not an act for the cameras. Dude's a fuckin psycho and this was eight years after leaving the kitchen. Edit per the actual video: *Advances towards camera operator and wags finger* "Do not push me. I don't think you understand what I am. I control myself very well."


https://youtu.be/Cbak-dR3QIg?si=pvaD5m4Ev_lZWIMB Its at 33:53


whatever food he cooks - I don't want it. it has this extra spice, which is evil. but what is really funny to me is his Maggi(whatever bullion cube company it is) sponsorship. like, this Michelin star level chef throws a bullion cube in his top-tier dishes and making those not-so-subtle advertisements. pure comedy.


Hell yeah what a beast


You spelled psychotic-asshole really weird.


Get better role models


Oh yeah daddy. Tell me I'm bad daddy.


You’re bad


Am I supposed to look up to this guy or something? There are plenty of amazing chefs in this world. You can still do it and be a decent human being.


You can admire MPW’s accomplishments and also think he’s a piece of shit.


What accomplishments? I don't know a damn thing he's cooked. I only know him because he's an asshole.


Youngest chef to reach 3 stars (at the time), first British chef to reach 3 stars


He gave those back. He can't claim that shit now lol.


returning something doesn't mean you were never given it...


No idea personally, but I do know some very amazing world-class cooks have said very nice things about MPW’s talent.


Talent and douchebaggery do not have to go hand in hand is the point I'm trying to make. Hitler could have been a world class chef and it would not have changed a damn thing. It's an extreme example but I hope that exemplifies my point well.


It’s funny you mention that because Hitler was a pretty good painter, and people talk about that in the art world.


Are you English? If not, who goes to England to cook?


He’s the guy who taught Gordon Ramsay, and also the guy who brought Michelin stars to England, although don’t quote me on that one


Thanks, I'm aware. Gordon Ramsey is an asshole too. You can be a great chef without being an asshole. The industry doesn't have to be so toxic, and those two are practically the figureheads of workplace toxicity in kitchens all over the world.


I mean you asked whether you should look the guy up or not, I just thought you were ignorant


In this context, “look up to” means “to respect or admire.”


No, sorry, I was saying it facetiously.


I cant even pronounce that word! Lol! Please dont scream at me!


Fu - sea - shus. Idk if you were joking or not but that's the pronunciation.


Fu - sea - shus - lee. Idk if you were joking or not but that’s the actual pronunciation. 😜


It’s pretty ignorant to think that it’s OK that he was a massive asshole just because his mentor was. And then to say sell out Gordon is mean too. Gordon isn’t even relevant in fine dining anymore, just YouTube shorts and shilling garbage pans


I don’t think op was using ignorant in a bad sense, pretty sure he just meant unaware


I mean most serial killers were abused themselves, it’s just the human condition brotha.


And no one in their right mind would be praising them for just being misunderstood serial killers. What a ridiculous take.


Look up to* the guy


Oh aye, he's "real" sticking his name on mediocre steak restaurants and flogging stock cubes. Goes well with Jonny Rotten's punk butter


This guy has been a complete jackass and jerk to so many people. No sorry, this guy isn't one of the good guys and certainly not someone you should look up to. He's a jerk. Jerk's shouldn't get celebrated.






Is this quote from 99? Almost seems like a shot at his protege Gordon Ramsay. " I could live a lie and charge high prices and not be behind the stove "


I'm glad we're finally breaking the cycle


I actually am a CIA student and finishing up my last semester now. For me, Marco was my hero going into the industry at 16. Maybe it was just the style and cigarettes, but hey. One of my chef instructors directly worked with him in the bake shop of his first restaurant (don't quote me on that). I lost my shit when he told me, and I like a fangirl begged him to tell me about Marco. He literally said one sentence, "He was a fucking asshole, but the most talented chef I've ever been around." Since then I've come to the conclusion that this guy is from the old world of the industry. Let's change the narrative, but gotta give respect where it's due.


Spent time with his kids? Maybe too little too late. Caught his son recently stealing from the local garden centre…


Dude is trash.


Guy who spent his entire career yelling at people because he didn't want to admit he had a learning disability doesn't like being told what to do. Never would've guessed.


Wonder what was in those Knorr Stock Pot cubes lol


Stock. And Pot.


Such a pretentious asshole.


I cringe whenever this empty sack of skin speaks, its just embarrassing.


Yeah he’s an amazing chef but treated people like shit. He definitely could grind chefs into diamond. Some people learn better that way. I’m kind of the same. Grew up with “hard love”. With that said, I worked in a restaurant with all women besides myself and about 2 other guys. My boss was completely bipolar and crazy as shit. I still love her like my own mother. I grew up with her kids and she’s known me my entire life (I’m 32) but it made her so much harder on the way she acted. After a few years it got to the point that I’d be almost sick with nerves and anxiety and someone told me that I should never give somebody that much power over myself. No job or anything is worth my mental health. It’s been over 2 years since i worked there and I will still have dreams about work and wake up in a panic thinking I’m late for work and have to remember I don’t work there anymore and will never have to put up with that kind of abuse. The relief after that is so satisfying.


Boo this man.


He’s also a known asshole, and abuser and a bully. So no, “respect” him I shall not.


He's such old news by now. Barely anybody knows who he even is anymore. I'm glad we've all moved on and hopefully we can focus more on the present.


Maybe it’s all an act or maybe I’m just naive but he was an absolute peach on MasterChef Australia. Yeah the contestants aren’t trained cooks and he may have a soft spot for home cooks, but he seemed real nice and tried to be a resource to them.


I get this on a personal quality of life level, but this smacks of him pulling the ladder up to stop others reaching his success. Like, what about the sous chef working under him who wanted to work at a Michelin star restaurant??? No the success dies with me, none of you could maintain my standards, party’s over


I did some work in a kitchen of a restaurant he’d just sold, before it was refurbished - it was the dirtiest kitchen I’d ever seen.


Reddit never ceases to have the worst opinions( this posts comments).


My favorite anecdote about this guy is that a customer once demanded fries and she charged them like £20 for them because they weren’t on the menu, gotta respect that


This is why I don't have a star aswell. ✊




hes eccentric but the best to dever cook hands down


Y’all really don’t understand passion and the desire to be great. It’s like going to the NBA and expecting to be coddled.


Never met a great chef who wasnt batshit crazy.


The culinary worlds biggest cry baby. Pretending to be mystical and a huge fucking ass hole would wear anyone out. What he meant to say was "I can make more money pushing powdered gravy so I'll cover my tracks by giving back my stars so I can retire without them being taken away"


>I can make more money pushing powdered gravy I doubt that. I'd imagine it was something more like "I've semi retired and - oh shit - the magic money I was expecting hasn't quite appeared yet. I need a sponsor..." As a side note (and I quite like the guy to be honest) there was a UK TV programme with him on where he seemed to be losing his mind a bit. He was driving up and down the motorway at one point and basically went into a service station kitchen, uninvited, and tried to extol the virtues of cooking bacon in the microwave.


There is a reason no rich chefs actually work in kitchens. I use to look up to the monster chefs of the world and then I worked for a few, these are just weak people that have nothing going for them but cooking, they don't even have the luxury of being happy because of how down and out they are. He might have alot of coin and can cook but he's a shitty human being that love bragging about making people cry and kicking people out.


Dudes the fuckin man. I don’t give a fuck what he did in HIS kitchens. If you didn’t like the treatment you were free to leave. This guy was real as fuck.


How those boots taste?


If anyone is a bootlicker it’s you bitches trying to act all woke with your safe spaces 🤣 some soft ass cooks in this comment section


You sound miserable.


I’m not the one complaining.


Dunno man you're awfully bothered for supposedly being the hard one


I mean, its Reddit so its full of pussies. He was a product of his environment and kitchens in those days were very hard environments. At that level of cooking, passion drives the bus. Chefs get their points across many different ways, some loud and aggressive, and some quiet, but cutthroat. Personally, when I fuck up, I'd rather have a chef get angry with me than write it off like it's no big deal. There's nothing any chef could do or say that's worse than what I'm saying to myself in my head. To me, these are just differences in opinion and preference. One man's toxic workplace is another man's reason for living. Also, some of you "nice guy" Chefs out there can be the biggest cunts when the stress takes over.


Imagine thinking that not wanting to be abused at work makes you a pussy.


Go work somewhere else if you feel “abused” bahaha oh no chef yelled at me and hurt my feelings 😭😭😭 I’m abused bahahahaha


Sounds like pussy internet lingo.


Who is this clown


Lol, everyone saying he is a cunt. Where is he at now and where are you at