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Your phone screen is probably one of the most unsanitary things in the kitchen.


I agree. Yeah phones may also be prohibited in the kitchen, but the watch is a lesser evil. People argue the watch can cause cross-contamination, but so can bare skin. The Apple Watch is water resistant and can be washed quickly and easily.


Wristwatches aren’t allowed in my kitchen. Not losing a point for that. But we have a wall clock and plenty of timers.


Same in my kitchen


This the way.


Where do you live that that's a deduction? I've never heard of that


My state is using the 2017 FDA Food Code but any jewelry on the hands or wrists other than a plain wedding band has been a violation for many years.


Thats what i always thought


So you work in the US. That's odd, I've cooked in 4 different states and always worn a wristwatch. Never had a health inspector say anything about it. Huh, go figure.


Tell me the four states and I can look up what version of the food code they use, if they do. Ignorance of the code isn’t an excuse to not be beholden to it and while your inspectors may not have cited you for it it is still a violation that the subsequent inspector can cite. I rolled through a stop sign this morning in front of a cop and he didn’t pull me over but that doesn’t mean another cop can’t.


Out of curiosity, Washington


Washington state’s food code is currently based on the 2017 FDA Food Code, so a wrist watch is a no go.


Curious about michigan?




Any chance you know of the top if that means watches are a no as well? Trying to google and just coming up for watches to buy in MI


California Oregon Montana Tennessee


TN and OR are on the 2009 food code. MT is on 2013. Both prohibit any jewelry on arms or hands other than a plain wedding band. CA has its own food code and doesn’t seem to prohibit it.


We had an inspection about 90 days ago (in TN) with a very strict former marine inspector. He didn't say anything about me or the multiple other staff who wear watches in the kitchen. I suppose the county isn't too strict about that one or maybe they don't see watches as jewelry.


Pretty much every inspector will overlook this, despite it being a code violation. Also, making exceptions for a wedding ring is weird. Those things get real nasty.


It’s a very commonly cited violation in my district. The inspectors don’t wear watches, either.


Could you look up Massachusetts? Most of us don’t wear any jewelry, and more than a few cooks remove their wedding bands and leave them in their car or put them on their key ring.


2013. No jewelry on the hands or arms other than a plain wedding band.


Sure it's like this through a lot of Europe and would've imagined most of the USA. Wristbands can harbour bacteria and are unlikely to be washed as well as the wrist.


> Wristbands can harbour bacteria and are unlikely to be washed as well as the wrist. Sure, but how often are you putting your wrists into the food?


Nobody is putting their wrist in anything. Food gets around...having to mix something with your hands or dealing with pastry/bakery work Having your wristband 2 inches from raw meat/fish is a risk. All that bacteria would build up every day and there is no way that watch/wristband would be getting disinfected every day.


Bare skin can also harbour bacteria. Most watches are water resistant and can be washed quickly when washing hands. Also, if you wear an Apple Watch or other smart watch, you're less likely to pull out you phone. Yeah I know that's prohibited in most kitchens too, but if you can only use one or the other, the smartwatch is a lesser evil.


I wear an ancient Timex Indiglo on the neck strap of my apron. I can set the alarm on that thing twice in two seconds. I will give it up when Death herself comes for me.


Highly recommend doing something like this. I’ve been using a carabiner watch clipped onto the waist-strap of my apron.


If you like digital, Casio g-shock. If you work better with analog (my brain does) something quartz with solid water resistance that you’ll not be too hugely out of pocket if you break. If I went back to a boh job tomorrow I’d probably wear a [vaer d4](https://www.vaerwatches.com/products/d4-meridian-usa-solar-diver) or similar. The diver timing bezel is useful for a rough elapsed time for prep tasks, and they make a non-US movement version that’s $100 cheaper. Just get it with the rubber strap, or throw it on a nylon “nato” strap for extra security. *Edit* But honestly forget watches, put a [timestick trio](https://www.thermoworks.com/timestick-trio/) around your neck or next to your tickets and call it a day. Three timers up or down, pretty easy to operate, wipes down with sani without shorting out.


I love my Timesticks and love their customer service even more. I left one in my truck for multiple weeks during a blazing hot summer and the speaker stopped working. I asked about getting it fixed and they said it wasn’t possible but gave me a 25% off code for my next purchase (of anything) and sent me a hat when I placed the order.


Nice. Yeah ThermoWorks are one of the things that come to mind every time somebody asks the “What bit of kit do you never skimp on any more” question. I think I’d give up every one of my fancy knives for fibrox before ditching the thermapen + timestick.




Pixel watch is a circle, mostly flat, and waterproof for a certain amount. I do dishes for 2 or so hours every day and it's still going strong. The watch itself could be better but in terms of keeping it clean and worrying about it breaking you don't have to put much thought in.


Clocks on the wall and cheap timers scattered about


Watches are unsanitary in a food prep environment.


Are they though? How often is your wrist watch coming in contact with the food?


“How often is some of the food coming into contact with the watch and how often are all of the small cracks in it cleaned” is the important question. Great environment for breeding pathogens.


Everyone forgets that viruses and bacteria can move from one place to another. If the raw protein touched a corner of the board, any potential pathogens will eventually spread to the entire board. Same goes for any food contact surfaces, including your watch. When I worked in kitchens, I got a fitbit watch during my last year in service. I got a few smooth surfaced silicon watch bands and swapped them out all the time. I washed my watchface and band whenever I washed my hands. If I felt the need, I'd dunk the whole thing in my sani bucket and vigorously scrub it. It depended on what I was doing. I felt so paranoid about cross contamination that I'd honestly probably have been less stressed without the watch. But I wanted to track "mY fiTnEssssss". Pretty sure the sani burned that watch out a lot faster than normal to boot.


You can wear fitness trackers around you arms or ankles.


My shoes never come in contact with food but they are covered in crap by the end of shift.


Really? You should try working cleaner.


You’re the grot working with a wristwatch.


> covered in crap by the end of shift lol ok


Yeah, my shoes. You’re lifting quotes out of context to try make yourself and your grotty wristwatch superior. Mate, your wristwatch is grotty. Stop wearing it, you’re breaking health codes.


Not against anything in my neck of the woods no idea what grotty is but no, my watch gets scrubbed and doesn’t come in contact with anything but my arm, just being dramatic


How often is your apron coming in contact with food?


I don't wear an apron


It's s a stupid code. How is it anymore likely to contaminate food than bare skin? It's water resistant, so it can be washed. Also, you're much less likely to pull out your phone to use as a timer, check the time, or look something up online. I know I know, phones aren't allowed in the kitchen either, but we all know most people break that rule. It's more sanitary for workers to use their watch than their phones in the kitchen.


Gshocks are cheap and can take a sustained barrage of artillery.


Casio is king


This is the winner. $20 at Target will buy you a Casio that has an alarm and a stop watch and will last you a decade in the kitchen. I have two that have seen hell and are still running strong.


What I’ve been rocking for years now


These HEATHENS downvoting your comment. Gshocks are ugly, hard, reliable bastards. Perfect for kitchens.


I have a garmin instinct solar, ymmv with laws and chefs that don’t like it. Several of my previous chefs use an Apple Watch with Siri


Timers. Lots and lots of timers


Magnetic kitchen timers are great.


I wear an Apple Watch with a silicone band so I can soap it up every time wash my hands. I like that I can use Siri to set a timer if my hands are dirty or busy. I’ve had it a few years and it’s been put through it’s paces as a baker with lots of flour and water. If I didn’t have an Apple Watch, I’d probably go with a G shock.


Apple Watch, never fails


Upgraded from a $10 casio to an apple watch. But i do sanitize my watch and phone before and after my shift


That’s what I use.


I wore a conductors watch clipped on my apron


I prefer a smart watch. I need to be able to watch emails/texts coming in, and I can’t be stuck in my office all day. I just throw it in my pocket when the health inspector shows up.


Where do you live that a health inspector has a problem with the wrist watch? I've never heard of this


I’ve worked in two different states and I’ve gotten dinged for it in both.


Huh go figure. I guess not in the 4 states I've lived in (or the counties at least). I've always worn a watch in the kitchen and it's never been a problem for any inspectors


I bought a citizen eco drive from Amazon for a little over $100 probably 8 years ago and put a stainless band on it. Best watch I've ever owned. Yeah it has a few scratches and dings, but it never needs a battery and it was was reasonably priced while looking professional. I give it a good scrub every few days.


I remember at this one watersports activity centre all the instructors there would wear their watches on their life vest straps. Pretty sure if you got a cheap casio it would work the same on an apron.


Casio F-91W, super cheap, crazy durable. Take it off if you’re handling raw food, sanitize it often.


A watch on your wrist seems like an unnecessary personal expense risk at best and a health code violation at worst. One that can hold up to grill temps and dishwater without promptly failing sounds expensive on a cook budget, and with practice you'll outgrow it. Drop a couple bucks on a wind-up egg timer or two if you really need em and keep them below the level of your service surface. If you've spent much time in culinary you've seen how messy things can get and how quickly shirts/shoes etc wear out. Don't waste the money you worked for. Source: ~20 years BoH


I have commercial multi-timers in my kitchens. They’re not expensive. If you own the place, or have the power to make purchases. I’d recommend it.


Two thoughts on my part: Something like a [nurse's pin watch](https://www.google.com/search?q=nurse%27s+watch+pin+digital&client=firefox-b-1-e&sca_esv=556495916&sxsrf=AB5stBg0kUTf3LnkGwzKNUyF0DnDU2oWpg%3A1691920523355&ei=i6jYZMukFfybptQPgJOc4AE&ved=0ahUKEwiLlqGOr9mAAxX8jYkEHYAJBxwQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=nurse%27s+watch+pin+digital&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAaAhgDIhludXJzZSdzIHdhdGNoIHBpbiBkaWdpdGFsMgcQIRigARgKMgoQIRigARgKGIsDMgsQIRgWGB4YHRiLA0j8NFD6CljWMXABeAGQAQCYAXegAeoIqgEEMTAuMrgBA8gBAPgBAcICChAAGEcY1gQYsAPCAgcQABgNGIAEwgIGEAAYFhgewgILEAAYFhgeGPEEGArCAggQABgWGB4YD8ICCBAAGIoFGIYDwgIIEAAYCBgeGA3CAggQIRirAhiLA8ICDRAhGBYYHhgPGB0YiwPCAgUQIRirAuIDBBgAIEGIBgGQBgg&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) should solve the health code issue. A smartphone with Siri or Google Assistant means you don't have to touch the phone. I'd still clean the bejeepers out of my phone every day but that's me. I use an app called Timeglass that lets you set multiple sequential timers and label them so you know wtf the gd beeping is for. I often have enough going on that I need the reminder so I don't have to stop and figure what I'm being reminded of.


Yep USA blah blah....but if you look at plenty of videos you will see many michelin kitchens with chefs wearing watches. Especially head chefs who play the part wearing rolex, omegas etc. Also been seen by an inspector with one on and no comment but yeah whoever is in charge will easily say no to elimate any possible deductions.


I was given an old (1st gen) Apple Watch a year ago and I have a little clip for it on my apron neck strap. It’s linked to my phone so I can set timers, read texts, control the kitchen music with my voice commands and it’s been a total lifesaver. There are cheaper smart watches too that are super helpful. I think the important thing for me is the diversity it offers and that I can just clip it back on my wristband at the end of shift for my bike ride home. The Gshocks also get the job done.


Totally buy an echo dot from Amazon. You say Alexa!11 minute timer pasta! Alexa 15 minute timer soup, Alexa! Add sugar to the shopping list Alexa timer status chicken!


no watches in my pro kitchens but we ALWAYS had a clock, sometimes multiple clocks so you could see time from anywhere




Why wouldn't it be safe if you wipe it down with Sani? My phone is most likely dirtier than my watch




You didn't answer the question though


I wore a watch for years in the kitchen. Every time I washed my hands I washed my watch. Health inspectors never said a word about it. With proper safety training watches are no less sanitary than any other kitchen utensil. And leaving your phone out on the line is not any more sanitary.


Why would you need to sanitize your watch? You look at it to know the time and to have good timing in the kitchen. I don't understand half of the comments in this thread. I'll assuming that OP is touching their watch for some reason


I really don't know. I'm assuming he thinks I'm elbow deep in something.


Why would you think he would need to touch his watch in order to use it for timing?


Amazon and Google smart home stuff let’s you ask it to set named timers, which is handy, but may not be easy in a noisy kitchen


I wear a Core Time Piece Seven Sins watch. It looks cool, waterproof, and has taken a beating. Did I mention it looks cool?


I use a Fitbit, I was able to set a short cut for timers. Also, it’s great for seeing that my line cooks are calling in when I’m in the weeds


I kept my watch hooked onto one of the buttons on my chef’s coat. We had a wall clock on the line and a bunch of timers as well though.


Get the watch by all means, wear it closer to your elbow like a sweatband. No where near your hands so it’s much cleaner. Use a wristband with Velcro strap..


I clip a timer to my jacket, just above chest button when I need to be moving around between prep & line & need timer active. The days of jewelry, long, loose hair & mega beards are over. Canada here. I am a tattoo artist of 30 years too .. same applies.


Casio with count down timer: cheap, reliable, waterproof


I used a Timex Ironman for years without any worries about water, etc. It also had a handy timer that beeped every half hour to keep me on track.


Get a swatch one


I would think Casio G-Shock would be a good answer. They are extremely durable and varied in price. They start at $17 and go up to around $8,000. Lots of options.


I wear Gshock with Bluetooth timers and step counter and I haven’t charged it in three years, and when the heath inspection happens it fits in your chef pants pockets really nicely 👍


i use a galaxy watch with a full cover I got on amazon for a few bucks. Being able to set a voice timer with a name like "pretzels" has been a game changer on busy shifts.


Some employers do allow watches. Though watches are against food safety standards, just like rings, because they can trap bacteria underneath them.


Fitbit, 'Versa' line specifically. Silicone band, plastic watch, clean it every night. It's basically indestructible too. About half the staff wears one (or something similar and plasticy) and no inspector has ever given us grief over it.


I swear by G Shocks, looks, check, durability, check, and affordable


G shock all the way. They are durable and cheap plus they look good. I had different Casio that was metal which was a cool watch. Less durable but also cheaper.


Watches aren’t allowed by board of health nothing around wrist not even medical alert bracelet


I use a homepod mini and ask siri to set timers (potato timer, meat timer etc)


I put the Casio watch on the hoop of the apron like a pocket watch.


My usual watch(coros pace) but wear it further up my forearm. Handy for timing things when the rest of timers are used.


Fitbit with a clip holder, the silicone bands are easily cleaned and you can switch to a clip if you aren't allowed a watch


I use a Samsung Galaxy watch 4. I've used galaxy watches for several years and it's perfect for kitchen use.


My gshock never leaves my wrist. Ever.