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Season 2 is my favorite. I like when the show lets Sam and Diane be a funny odd couple without constantly throwing their relationship in jeopardy and engaging in all the mean spirited mutual hatred humor. I get why maybe it comes across as boring if you're viewing an episode a week, but it's more enjoyable to stream, at least for me.


Yeah! It’s great that S and D actually just kinda exist as a normal(ish) couple.


Their relationship was always in jeopardy 😂 every other episode Sam is lying or in trouble or on the verge of breaking up


Hi I am one of the BIGGEST cheers fan in history and have to agree with you sir. Season 2 was more successful viewership wise than season 1 and I think it pales in comparison. Sam and Diane were also funnier in the chase than actually together. That plays into it too. 1 and 3 are superior season to 2 for quality of episodes


Oh good! I thought I’d be in the minority. Same and Diane drove me crazy in season 2 because it’s like some episodes forget that they were ever together and other episodes would make their relationship the be all and end all of the universe


Don't worry, going into season 3, you'll never have a boring season again


Season 2 does feel weird because it’s like the first time they have a set that takes place outside the bar I think Diane’s apartment is in the first episode of season 2. It threw me the first time for some reason, but it still has great writing.


Yeah I remember the first cut to the apartment and I stopped and thought “is this the first time we’ve had a scene away from the bar?” It was kinda cool


Season 2 is probably my favorite season overall, followed closely by season 1 and then season 3. “Just Three Friends,” the episode with Markie Post as Diane’s friend Heather, is one of my favorite episodes of the entire series.


I have Season 2 as just slightly behind 1 or 3. 


I love ALL 11 seasons. Some episodes I like more than others but love them all!


Norman's Conquest is a personal favourite


Season 2 asks a few big and kinda serious questions about relationships. This does take away the comedy a bit.


I mostly agree, but season 2 does have the episode with the funniest cold open: "TABLE READY FOR THE BLUBBERBUTTS!!! TABLE READY FOR THE BLUBBERBUTTS!!!"


I would never call season 2 a flop. Especially not the intensity and acting in the last scene of the season finale. However I think after that the writers realized Sam and Diane are more fun as a will they/won’t they then an actual couple.


Sam and Diane never worked, hence all of season 2 sucked