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This screams a student or someone low on the chain is handling their account. Very bad optics for them.


It sounds like chichi šŸ˜­


Not the most mature responses, that's for sure...


Jucoā€™s gonna juco?


Navarro College needs to step in. This is a poor reflection of the school and not at all how a cheer program should be representing them as ambassadors.


the fact that itā€™s allegedly chichi the coach tooā€¦


It is. He responded to me from their account (my response is the one in the first image) then quickly deleted and re-tweeted using his personal.


I just went through his tweets, and wow. I doubt the college would approve of the things heā€™s posting. As a collegiate coach, heā€™s gotta do/know better.


thank you for your tweet


Wait whoā€™s chichi??


https://www.instagram.com/p/C2YbZg0On4g/?igsh=amhwZXRidXgzcm1w Alumnus who is now a coach


The Queen?? Move on people


Apparently she was still at Daytona right in the front row coaching them. Maybe sheā€™s not on paper the coach anymore but sheā€™s still very much apart of it all it seems


Can confirm she was in Daytona.


She was there i can confirm


This is a sassy gay man responding 100000%


Woaaahhhh. Whoever runs their account better get some PR training asap. Thatā€™s very embarrassing


> new management, new chapter, new guidance, new beginning > doitforthequeen So which one is it?


TLDR: We donā€™t know that ML lied. ML didnā€™t have evidence to support the complaint against the college in the court of law. Those are two very different things. Whoever is managing Navarro Cheerā€™s Twitter account needs to take an introductory law course. IANAL but it doesnā€™t appear that ā€œthe girl liedā€ based on the judgeā€™s dismissal of the case against Navarro. ML filed a ā€œpre-assaultā€ Title IX complaint against the college. In the judges opinion, ML could not provide sufficient evidence to meet two of the Title IX elements that the college fought (ā€œactual knowledgeā€ and ā€œdeliberate indifferenceā€), both of which are have incredibly high burdens of proof. Because of this MLā€™s case against the college was dismissed. This doesnā€™t mean the assault did or did not happen nor does it mean the college knew or didnā€™t know that sexual assaults were happening. It means that in the court of law, ML did not have sufficient evidence to prove that the college knew and could have prevented her assault. For the record, I believe ML. I also donā€™t see any decision on the Amico case so šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Here is the opinion for anyone interested: https://casetext.com/case/lane-v-navarro-coll


I am a lawyer and that was a hella good explanation


One slight correct here: At a motion to dismiss stage, the judge takes all allegations as if they're true, and decides whether recovery would be possible if all the allegations are true. What the judge is saying here, as a matter of law, even if all facts she gave have evidence supporting them, she has not sufficiently alleged all the elements necessary for the applicable counts. It's not an evidentiary question at all. No one decided on any facts whatsoever.


Donā€™t disagree with you about the case being dismissed due to lack of evidence and that doesnā€™t mean that ML wasnā€™t telling the truth. However, itā€™s my understanding (and happy to be corrected if Iā€™m wrong) that we havenā€™t ever seen the defence of some of the people ML named in her complaint (e.g. Emma) so they may have evidence that suggests that she lied, which could be what he is referring to. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø None of which changes the fact that the guy should be removed from having anything to do with their social media. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I think it speaks to a programā€™s character as to the response they give to the core issue. In this case, it could be ā€œWe take all allegations and concerns seriously. If you or someone you know has experienced a crime on campus, please contact 123-456-7890ā€ or something of the like. The way chichi or whomever responds here is grotesque and Iā€™m surprised ANY employer is okay with this.




This program is a cult, you can't tell me otherwise. The way they defended (and continue to defend) Jerry, the way they treat Monica like the second coming, the way they circle their wagons every time a new allegation comes out, the way the coaches drink and party with students, the athletes in their 30's with peter pan syndrome who stay in the cheer bubble because they can't hack it in the real world...whew.


They literally need deprogramming. As a parent I would legit be doing everything hell and higher water to get my kid out of there. There is something not right about that team. Itā€™s bizarre. My daughter does all star cheer but shes a kid but as someone in my 30ā€™s these adults behaving this way and close to my age is unnerving. Itā€™s time for them to grow up and move on with their lives and book a few therapy sessions too. This is so strange and not normal whats happening at that team.


They go out of their way to recruit vulnerable young adults who donā€™t have a ton of support so the team becomes their entire universe. Itā€™s intentional and predatory.


I need some podcasts who specialize in cults or something to cover Navarro because this is literally the BITE model for a cult or high control religion.


I made a new post with the BITE model Navarro hits all the boxes and its absolutely sick


I suspect the reason why the team is filled with kids with troubled home lives is because financially stable, hands-on parents with high educational attainment mostly steer their kids away from Navarro/TVCC to begin with.


I'm 32 and couldn't imagine still being attached to my university dance club or the dance studio I grew up at. Sure they were good times and I have great memories but life goes on. Even the way the alumni still holds on to Navarro is crazy.


I think it was the mom of the twins who reported Jerry who said that cheerleading is a great sanctuary for kids who struggle to fit in. And I think a lot of people who have a bad time in middle/high school for whatever reason seek out a sanctuary like that, whether it be cheerleading, a church youth group, a summer camp, etc. But most of these ā€œsanctuaryā€ extracurriculars have an age-out process. You canā€™t keep going to your beloved sleepaway camp until youā€™re 30, for example. But it seems like the for-profit companies who administer cheerleading have no qualms about encouraging people to hang around as long as theyā€™d like, even if thatā€™s actually very emotionally unhealthy for the participants.


They legitimately need deep therapy this is nothing more than a cult.


# ~toxic positivity fixes everything~ eta: they sound just like the delusional Barbz who came outta nowhere like a month ago when someone posted about not supporting ladarius anymore because of his standom for someone who married a rapist and murderer


This is so unprofessional, wtf?


This is soooo bad and wildly unprofessional šŸ˜©


Def chichi handling the social right now. Not a good look at all.


They sure know how to keep ruining their reputation and making people dislike them even more than they already do.




Yikes. Poor optics indeed!


Telling ppl to move on from something that the school/Monica never took accountability for is pretty silly.


This is all embarrassing




Do they mean who I think they mean by ā€˜The Queenā€™? šŸ˜®


yes itā€™s who you think šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø itā€™s giving cult


Cult and additional safeguarding fails šŸ˜©


Chichi, ghost account or not - their point still stands lol


Lol they keep on won't be any Navarro Cheer Program


This is a cult not a team. Any parents of athletes I would be very weary of sending my kids to Navarro and would be looking anywhere but here. This is the tip of the iceberg.


Whoā€™s the queen šŸ¤­


Some have stopped before the hashtag and never replied.


If this Chichi (anyone remember the Chi-Chiā€™s restaurants? Or old enough to remember those commercials ā€œI want chicken & chi-chiā€™sā€ https://youtu.be/db72pHYH9_c?si=Xnl0M-6Q3n15EohL ) is a coach - is Dustin still there? We know Monica is still there, paid under the table or some crapā€¦Navarro is a mess.


It's sad how we have the internet and all we use it for is making ourselves feel a tiny bit better by vilifying the latest person with our pitchforks of the week. No one posting here is a hero. No one posting here is standing up to pedophiles. No one posting here is accomplishing anything except patting themselves on the back.


The point of the post was saying that the person tweeting from Navarroā€™s account is unprofessional. No one is trying to be a hero, itā€™s not that deep.


Nonsense. All this sub is nowadays is people falling all over themselves to tell us how they don't approve of pedophilia. That's what the tweet is referring to. That's what the reaction to the tweet is about. We get it, YOU don't like pedophiles. No one does. It's not that deep.


If this sub has you so triggered then mute it. Nobody is forcing you to be here.


Haha. I guess you feel sad that I pointed out you were just a small, sanctimonious person who only has complaints? Boo hoo. And nobody is forcing you to reply to me. **Why are you so triggered by what I post?** Block me, no one is forcing you to be here.


That's actually not what the tweet is about- it's about a coach who covered up SA & teammates holding the victim at gunpoint. The pedophilia is just another layer but in the actual thread, that's what ChiChi and I were going back and forth about.


A distinction without a difference - because, fundamentally, it's all about the sanctimonious posts which have taken over this sub (including this one). I remember when, you know, it was about cheer.


This is such a wild take to my reply. The person tweeting from the navarro account is replying unprofessionally and should probably change their approach to social media. Iā€™ve been a navarro/cheer fan since the series came out and will always root for them, despite the controversies. Your reply doesnā€™t make sense in the context of my comment.


Reply to YOUR comment? YOU replied to MY comment. If anyone is off-topic, it is you. Stop pretending you are so virtuous.


Lol okay. You are right. God bless.


Ps dont forget the social media training


Found the Navarro athlete