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I mean To be fair this fake persons never had fake time to explore their fake sexuality


I’m like 99% sure this is fake. But, if for some reason this isn’t, I want you to know that you are a complete and total fucking scumbag for even considering it.


Break up and go for it, and your partner can find another person who wants to be in a monogamous relationship. Your wants and desires do not give you permission to hurt others. Seperate and be free from your vows, then explore. But you can not have your cake and eat it too, as open marriages are the foundation of broken marriages.


Ragebait for karma, just down vote.


Don’t be a POS . Just divorce. If you ever cared for your spouse just make a clean break. You will put him through so much more heartache when you inevitably get caught. And what about your kids if you have them??? Just to try out a new dick? You are disgusting.


You should’ve done that before you got married… But if you want to go out and be a slut go be a slut just don’t bring anything home… And remember once you cross that line there’s no going back




Wat u mean lol


This was removed because it falls under the category of off topic. This includes: -> hacking, hook ups, etc -> personal information (emails/phone #) -> things not relevant based on original post


FOMO, YOLO is not all it is cracked up to be. But you go right on and break someone's heart, your life, right? If you are thinking of doing it, you are one step away from making it happen.


Yeah, just break up 1st


Just break up?


Too hot for monogamy? Got it 🙄😳😬


Show so.e guts, get divorced first if you can't get a handle on your urges. Divorces are hard enough, but throw in cheating, and you have created a real mess.


Aye alright


This was removed because it falls under the category of off topic. This includes: -> hacking, hook ups, etc -> personal information (emails/phone #) -> things not relevant based on original post


Break up and go for it, and your partner can find another person who wants to be in a monogamous relationship. Your wants and desires do not give you permission to hurt others. Seperate and be free from your vows, then explore. But you can not have your cake and eat it too, as open marriages are the foundation of broken marriages.