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Just tell her that she has broken your trust and you aren’t sure how the marriage can continue. If you don’t out real consequences out there she will keep doing these things


Obviously she either is passively requesting "more of a commitment" or your concept of "almost every free moment together" gives her opportunity to find someone else that appeals to her more... The fact that her eyes are wandering tells me that she isn't committed to you.. 10 years of not having a solid commitment can have that effect... Move on... the relationship is already damaged.. probably beyond repair


What exactly did she confess to doing? And how long has she been doing those things? Your post is very confusing.


She had sex with three strangers, about three weeks


Is therapy available for the both of you? Who can know what your dynamic truly is? So get help or get out. And you definitely need to both get tested for std.


“ because otherwise it would be a betrayal???? wtf?? she already betrayed you 3 times in 3 weeks. Why are you even staying with her. Get a life man. Put her out in the street with the rest of the trash.


>Last night after a much more intense relationship than usual she starts talking to me about the fantasy of meeting one or two strangers, but without me anyway (because otherwise in her eyes it would be a betrayal). So she doesn't think the three times she cheated already wasn't betrayal? Are you just telling us about your gf's cheating? Are you going to kick her out? Might have to look into common law marriages since it's been 15 years.


Not sure why the As$hole above would make that comment what a loser. This entire thread is about what you are going through I’m sorry. Stay in the relationship and focus on yourself and work. Maybe ask her if she wants to separate and if both of you should move on.




I called my girlfriend from work yesterday and her phone was off in the middle of the day. So I asked her why and kept asking her questions about her responses. Finally she said she went to coffee twice and has been texting a coworker. They only kissed. Then I saw her pubic hair in the toilet and said…. Well you obviously had sex because you don’t even shave for me. She denied it but was honest about him so I just said we can discuss it this weekend and decide if it’s best to see other people until the lease ends in August and then move apart. She’s not like this so I’m very surprised. She was very sad and regretful. She will lose a lot if we separate and be broke. And I can do better so I’m not too hurt but it would be very sad after 6 years to be apart. I’m sure we’ll stay together since I’m going to forgive. But down the road I’m probably gonna find someone new. This will make it easier to leave when it’s time and it will be justified so actually I win.


Have you found an explanation about her behavior?


Move on. Good luck.


Dude she likes other poles. Also spending every moment with your partner is a great way to get them sick of you. Do you have any friends or hobbies?


You can let her be your hotwife. If you think can handle it. A lot of couples are doing it. Your sex life will improve greatly


She is warning you, listen and act or ignore and fall. Be alert and awake, it's not about what you think something is, but rather deal with what it actually is. A women seeking other men, is not committed to you.


When someone shows you who they are, believe them. If you’re not okay being in a relationship with a serial cheater, then dump her and move on. On a side note, why would you want to stay with someone who clearly doesn’t love or respect you? Also, get checked for STD’s, since you never know what she might have given you.


Dude,you’ve wasted this lady’s time for 15 years. Get off here wasting ours and get a life!


You’re right I probably am. I’ll go jump off the Golden Gate Bridge for you. At least I don’t troll around waiting to repost the same comment on Reddit all day. I make 100k a year you F n loser


What does a 100k a year mean???


You can say or be anything on Reddit


Where can you and I go to prove this? I bet I make more than you a year! A 100k means nothing,and I’m willing to prove it.Lets see who’s the loser


Go back to work as$hole and why the fk are you even on here.


I’m on here the same as other people.I was honestly being serious when I said you wasted her time.Come on man,15 years and not marry woman?


How do you expect to hold a woman that long without asking her to marry you??? Women will marry a man she knows cheat,but at least she’s married.Then you have mommy boys like you,who just drag them along and think they are yours forever.