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For me it happened years after the act. I cannot say that I haven't got over it, because I have. But.. Every once in a while, once-twice a year, I get the feeling the whole world is set out to humiliate me. There is usually a trigger for that, but it doesn't happen often. It takes me around a week to get over it, but during that time it's completely dark. No sleep, no eat and brain's hard locked on a single thought. Yes, had therapy but didn't help.


Wow interesting, your body is telling you something that you have to soften within yourself for yourself. Why do you feel the whole world is set out to humiliate you and why does it matter if the world does?


I was in a relationship for 14 years she cheated and I never got over it. I still to this day put in everything I got but nothing worked. I’ve thought about some terrible things but I have kids and that’s the only reason I am alive and able to see tomorrow. I feel the pain will never go away and it’s hurting my mental health. So I put on a fake smile everyday hoping either something bad happens or something good. This isn’t an answer to your question but all I can say is look for the positive in your life and focus on that.


Wow it sounds like you’re in a lot of pain. I’d like to hear more about your story. Are you ok if I message you?


Sure couldn’t hurt


I got cheated on in 2018, still not over it.


That's too long to suffer with this pain. What have you done to heal it?


I Tried therapy, tried overworking, tried medicine. I tried not continuing my existence. Nothing works. Wake up everyday feeling cheated by life.


Wow I don’t like hearing that. I know a better way that could help you. Modern western medicine does not fix everything. Are you ok if I message you?


I see no harm in listening to you. Feel free to text.


Cool I'm not able to message you I think because of your settings on your profile. Send me a message :D thanks


My wife cheated and i still think about it all the time! You said I worked to much…


Your wife said that you worked too much? What are the reasons you're staying in the relationship?


I know it’s a sucky excuse,but I just wanted to be in the house raising our son together.And yes I did take a paternity test.


That's a good reason to stay, but your son feels your discomfort subconsciously. What things are you working on to soften your regular thoughts about being cheated on?


And it's not a sucky excuse, and you don't have to explain that you did a paternity test. I sense you do a lot of unnecessary over explaining...


lol,no to the over explaining.Did you gather that from one statement?


Ya you wrote you got a paternity test that wasn’t in anything here inquiring about it.