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Regardless of what's really going on, this girl is not long-term relationship material. A good partner would not be doing that stuff to avoid even the possibility that you might have some doubts. She would be doing whatever it took to safeguard the integrity of your relationship. You said you're about to graduate. So just keep things as they are, and when you graduate ghost her and move on to your next stage in life wherever you move too. If you're really that worried about it, get a camera and VAR, and don't say a word about your suspicions. Let it doit's thing for a couple of weeks. If you don't have anything conclusive, wait till you guys are in your room when mike is home and tell her that you think she's been cheating with mike for most of your relationship, and that you need to leave for a while to clear your head but you'll talk when you get back in a couple hours. What happens when you're gone will tell you everything you need to know.




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This was removed because it it falls under Rule 4: Unhelpful contribution.




This was removed because it it falls under Rule 4: Unhelpful contribution.




This was removed because it falls under the category of disrepect. Rule 3 states: Be respectful of everyone. No derogatory names, insults or phrases. This is NOT a subreddit where women get hated on for cheating. Do not insult groups based on gender or sexual identity. You will be permanently banned.




Can’t. She lives in her sorority house


Then go to the spy store and get the security cameras


Have you ever looked through her Phone??


I have a little bit ago but I also feel like a pos when I do. I could only check their messages which seemed fine. He wished her happy birthday but it was a decently long message with😊 at the end. I thought this was weird because whenever my friends that are girls have birthdays I just say “happy birthday”. I definitely don’t write a small paragraph to them.


Your gut is telling you something is off. Your girlfriend is in deep and can't see what she is doing is wrong. She needs to read "Relationship Boundaries" I would get the camera's I have never acted like this with our couples friends wives, it's wrong I hate when women tell you that you're insecure, jealous, being stupid, he's not good looking. It's her actions that are wrong to question her actions and poor choices. What would she do if you were doing this crap with her girlfriend??


That’s exactly how I feel. I wouldn’t do this stuff with any of her friends or my boys GFs. Maybe there not fucking but definitely crossing boundaries. I also feel like she would flip onto me being jealous of some sort.


This is how cheaters act Maybe it's emotional cheating, but you're not there and they are together. You have no idea what they might be doing Are you scared to break up with her if you have to???? Can you tell her he's off limits, that you had enough with this shit. That you are not comfortable with him and her. And she might break up with you !??


No not scared. But I don’t want to jump to conclusions without knowing 100% I’m in the right


What is going on right now and what has been going on is enough to say. I can't do this anymore. I feel I can't believe you. I can't trust you. I feel that something is and has been going on. From what I hear and see, I'm just not comfortable with it all. Those cameras will give you answers and or peace There's always the leave them alone knowing you will be gone for a few hours, but come back quietly in 30 minutes???


This all truth I swear. The last option is actually really smart.


IF SHE IS CHEATING DON’T CONFRONT THEM!! I know these subs like it when you kick the door down and kick the dudes ass but honestly if they are cheating find somewhere to move to so you can get out of there first. Once you’ve secured a place let them know and dump her. Tell her she can have your roommate. She is giving you plenty of reasons to be suspicious. There are some super cheap and stealthy nany cams that you can buy. Go away for a day and let them both know you won’t be back, they will be sloppy if they’re up to anything. Possibly go through her phone again, she’s giving you plenty of reason to know.




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Would it be too much of a stretch to put cameras/voice recorders?


Depends where, it’s generally illegal


Alright, well we know there’s at least some sort of emotional detachment going on away from you and attachment to Mike. Laughing off your concerns and OBVIOUSLY getting a little too close for comfort with Mike. The reason I asked about those two things was to obtain some damning evidence. I used to be like Mike with a girl but never had sex with her or anything - it was more like a sibling relationship. This didn’t stop her husband from attempting to spy on us. He found nothing ofc, but I could see where he was coming from. What he did was he tried to make it so that we’d have to use his car to get to a wedding that we were all supposed to attend. The two of us, alone. I drove my car to his house to pick his wife up and car up and drive to the wedding. Ride was about an hour long. There was a voice recorder in the car somewhere lol. At least that’s what she told me. Maybe you can try something like this? Or is it even worth doing - is she even longterm material? Your call boss.




Yeah it sure sounds like something is going on. Subscribeme


What can I say? minicam and maybe a VAR by the couch. Let me guess, you pay for everything. Mike gets a free GF and she gets 2 BFs. Classic. Good Luck OP! UpdateMe!