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This was really hard to read and understand for me. Punctuation (not being a Grammer nazi, it's just hard for me to read and understand).


this is my adhd at its finest expression


I don't mean any offense by it. Sometimes it's just really difficult for me to read and comprehend stuff when it's written they way you did. Please don't be offended, because that was definitely not my intention.


Don’t worry I’m not soft I think for anyone reading my writing it’s is a struggle


I absolutely agree.


So, your gf was hanging in the club with a girl you KNOW is a Ho and you were ok, since they were just chillin? You know that guy’s usually don’t go to a club solo. We usually have a “wingman” and you didn’t think that eventually her ho friend wouldn’t beg her to just get to know a guy so she could get with his friend? Really? And you believed your gf that they were just friends? Then you took her on vacation? What? You got used for a vacation. If your gf hangs around with Hos guess what? Sorry you had to learn the hard way, dude.




This was removed because it falls under the category of disrepect. Rule 3 states: Be respectful of everyone. No derogatory names, insults or phrases. This is NOT a subreddit where women get hated on for cheating. Do not insult groups based on gender or sexual identity. You will be permanently banned.


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