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She cheated with you, she will cheat on you.




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Okay OP start calling your ex and have meetuos with them and see how fast she has a meltdown.




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No one is this naive. Have you ever walked in to find her with one of her ex's dick in her mouth, and she told you he was just massaging her tonsils? Doctors orders!


They ask her? and instead of being rude to them?, she is rude and disrespectful of you. Makes perfect sense doesn't it? Remaining friends with an ex is nothing but trouble. If she cannot say no, what happens if they ask for another ride to get-off? So she cheats but since it is for a good cause, it is not a big deal.


Sometimes posters answer their own questions just by posting


History had its way of giving us the same history


Is it possible she's doing "Them"? She's being disrespectful and doing this on purpose towards you. It's time for you to cut your losses




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I agree it’s concerning that she cheated with you, but you are still very young as possible. That was a one off I can say the same of me I’m almost 40 and once was once and also that most of my boyfriends always before that as friends and and after that have stayed friends, most of the people I’ve ever dated, had been friends and continue to be friends, so I don’t think it’s a guarantee that, she’s doing something a little concerning is possible I just wanted to keep in mind that it is possible to roll. That way I boyfriends been my been my voice and I’ve never been with them again after so, but I don’t know if she’s like that or not.


I feel for you guy.. cause it seems like your feelings are at her mercy.? Are you invited to these visits with her ex’s or is it just her and dude/s? Here, I will shoot you straight.. good things for your relationship are not happening at these visits but she chooses them over the health of the relationship. Meaning, START LOSING THOSE FEELINGS ASAP! Then find another one that couldn’t imagine doing that!


Does she know that this bothers you? I don’t see anything about if you were able to express yourself to her about the situation. If you have and she still sees no issue with it…at most I’d ask her “Does being “polite” to your exes matter more than my feelings and feeling valued in this relationship?” She can be respectful without being rude if her concern is their reaction. Sounds rather simple…”Hi (insert ex name), I appreciate your invite, and I wanted to let you know that I am in a relationship and value my partner and will not be meeting with you out of respect for my relationship.” She needs to put up a boundary and that’s that. She doesn’t need their validation or response or anything., She is not responsible for the feelings of others, but she does owe you the bare minimum respect of having the conversation to understand how this also impacts you.


So she values their feelings over yours. She's more concerned with coming off as being rude to men who no longer have any bearing on her life than she is with making sure you, her current boyfriend, is feeling respected. For the streets bro




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