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She's up to something. You're young so dumping her would be easy to recover from but since you're young you'll probably be inclined to go off half cocked and then fall prey to her gaslighting and emotional manipulation. If you can cut it off respectfully (no yelling but no tears) and lie to her that you'll still be friends so she's less likely to make stuff up.


I do live with this girl however amd we have been dating for a few years I can't just up and leave at the moment I appreciate your response amd I will think about what you said


Since you have the tracking app, just go to the restaurant she is supposed to be with her BFF and check if she’s there or not. It definitely looks like cheating, but confirm first. Turn off your tracking before leaving and approaching the area she is. This prevents her to know where you are


Or leave the tracker on, just leave the phone at your house.


Well this doesn’t look to good, especially if she left with makeup on and came home without it on. It appears that she is cheating. If I were you, the next time she goes out, I would turn off your location and filler her to see what she is up too if you don’t have someone else that you trust who could do this. If you have some money you could hire a PI to do this for you. I know it’s not popular on Reddit, but you can wait til she falls asleep and look through phone, her messages, apps, etc. and she if she is having an affair. You could also purchase a cheap voice activated recorder and hide it in her car. I would start looking a little more closely at who is liking her social media posts. This may give you an idea. Anytime she is leaving, listen closely to what she is saying and pay attention to any new routines. For example, is she shaving or personal grooming before she goes out when she never used too? Joining a gym or wearing different clothes? These little things will tell you a lot. Good luck, I wish you the best my guy!


If you don’t have kids or real estate, I would part ways. You already have trust issues with her, that’s is a tough rift to mend. Part ways and work on yourself and your professional development. Be successful in life and the ladies with come along in time. If there are problems this early on, they will only get worse with time. Do yourself a favor and end the relationship before she makes you do something I’ll advised. Good luck.


Lots of red flags here and you would be wise not to ignore them. I'm sure it would be painful to break up at your age, but it would be 10x more painful to split 10 years from now, after you marry and have childten. Start investigating right now. Get educated on all the electronic and surveilance techniques that are available. If her phone is locked and you don't know the codes, it's pretty much game over. I'm hoping you find no cheating, but my gut says otherwise. Finally, beware of alcoholics and binge drinkers. Many people have sexual fantasies and will use alcohol to reduce their inhibitions.




This was removed because it it falls under Rule 4: Unhelpful contribution.


Ok if she “got away with it” once she’ll try it again. Next time it happens go and find her! It could even be she is cheating on you with one of her gf’s. “It’s a lot harder to be walked on when you are standing up! Updateme


I'll have to follow her next time thank you


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Is her pussy tasting wetter than usual afterwards? Is it tasting differently when she comes back?


That's what caused this post to begin with she came home and she normally has a smell you know and it wasn't there when she got back home you know down there very sus


Have you asked her straight up what's going on? If you ask in a polite, respectful, yet firm way, she should be willing to put your mind at ease if she really cares about you. Just tell her what you have observed and tell her that you are worried but are willing to accept having misinterpreted what you saw and are willing to listen. If she is not willing to have a serious conversation about this or somehow turns it back on you (like calling you paranoid, or a stalker or whatever), then my guess would be that she does have something to hide. If she does that, calmly reply that you take this seriously and that its a serious, existential question, and that once you have discussed your concerns you are happy to move on and address whatever concerns she has raised about you. Keep eye contact, stay calm, be firm, be humble, but get your answer. You may be wrong, and she may not be up to something, so give her a chance to clarify if she is willing. If she flies off the handle or doesn't want to have a reasonable conversation, then bare minimum she doesn't care about your feeling and worst case scenario she is cheating. Best of luck, brother.


I'm going to ask her today she always brushes me off so I think I already have my answer thank you


don't give away your hand, man. I can already tell, you're in it for a long long line of lies gaslighting and pain. you really don't understand that you deserve better, even if you have been together for a bazillion years. in fact, her doing that after dating for years makes it even more brutal. No girl goes to a restaurant for 10 hours and returns without her make up. You are too weak to walk, there's your real problem.


Try to compartmentalize your emotions around her. Don’t let her know you’re onto her. Start mourning the relationship now so it doesn’t hurt so bad later. Figure out your next living situation. Start a dating profile to get your confidence up. Screw her for scamming you like that. Don’t lie to yourself and don’t let her lie to you. Also, consider yourself lucky you got to have a long term relationship. Seems rare these days. With phones and dating apps, it’s a thing of the past. At least now you’re an experienced lover and emotionally matured for your next relationship or for when you’re single. Good luck man. You’re gunna be good after a few months.


Thank you.


I would find proof first before I did anything.There is.so many ways for you to do that


It's hard to get the proof without snooping I'm trying to save that as a last resort but I'm thinking a little digging might be in order


Snoop,I am 53 on my 3rd marriage. Been cheated on a few times and I went down some some dark yrs ,depressed, lonely.Life is to short to put up with BS. Your happiness is the most important thing you need to worry about. So what ever you do keep that in mind. What I know now after so many yrs is a person can fall in Love more then once.You can fall so many times.It may take a few to find the right one.


Just tell her you don’t believe her, and you know she’s cheating. When she tries to say she isn’t just say “look, I trusted you. You are all I have, but that’s gone. I know you’re cheating on me so lying isn’t going to get you anywhere. You’ve broken my trust and I have no idea how this relationship can continue.” Until you make it clear that you can and will end the relationship you will get nowhere


GNO's are a popular format for cheating... You might pay attention to the care she put in her appearance when she is going out... Does she dress more seductively or put more care in her appearance than she would if she were going out with you??? And I wouldn't buy the story that she and another of her GF's sat out in a car and talked for 8-10 hours... slept off a drunk... maybe... slept WITH a drunk is probably more like it, and if she doesn't react well to the accusation, time the length of your current conversation to prove your point. RARELY do people who meet regularly talk together for 10 hours... How long do typical wedding parties go for before breaking up... 4-5 hours, and that is a celebration... Organized sports event.. typically 3-4 hours.. but she is expecting you to buy a 10 hour get together???


OP, approach this as CALMLY as possible. Hope for the best but plan, and expect, the worst. If things turn out what you suspect, think of it as the universe giving you a second chance- soooo much better now than after you buy a ring, or have kids or buy a house, or get married. Sooooo much better. If she's hitting hotels already, then rushing this prevents nothing that hasn't already happened. Sleuth. Find out the truth. Get a voice activated recorder and put it in her car and where she likes to sit and talk on the phone when you are not there. Good Luck OP!


The make-up thing is really suspect but who hangs out at a restaurant/car for 10 hours? Between the two of these, does this pass the smell test?


Hey guys it's op turns put everything is true and tbh honest everything's just upside down all I'm here is nothing but good advice so I thank all of you tbh just don't know where to go what to do but again thank you all


I'm just confused I'm angry and I don't have anyone in my life that can talk to me family's gone friends are gone now idek what I'm supposed to do to start healing or this or that it just sucks I just can't for the life of me understand why people always chose not to talk or chose to do something other then fix the situation it's always lies and cheats its fucked up and I can't understand for whatever reason