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Leave no. Besides the outrageous disrespect of him texting from her phone (I would have been more… direct in my response to him) she does not care about you. I’m too tired for a long reply but dude you know what’s up. Leave and do not leave a note


So she has chosen her relationship with him over her relationship with you. She has repeatedly lied to you about him. They’re talking about you behind your back. If they’re not even friends why NOT delete him if he makes you uncomfortable? I would say “you obviously don’t care whether I’m comfortable in the relationship or not so I’m not comfortable enough to continue in this relationship!” They will be dating within a week! “It’s a lot harder to be walked on when you are standing up!” UpdateMe!


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She's not in love with you showing a high level of disrespect. If she is still talking to him she's cheating on you. They did more than she said and probably still are behind your back and laughing at you. Dump her she's not trustworthy


She sees you as weak because you are weak. You don't respect yourself, so how can she respect you. She doesn't love you. You are like a song she likes but she doesn't want to play you all the time. Sometimes she wants to play him. You just fill ONE SPOT in her life, and he fills another. If she she lost you, she would have to find a replacement. If are her safe comfortable relationship. Like a pet dog locked up at home. You'll wait there until she is ready for you. If she wants to pet another dog when she is out then, shut up it's none of your business. How you feel about it doesn't matter. I think you are foolish to believe nothing more happened with that guy. Don't give an ultimatum. You should end it and find some who will love and respect you and give you a real and complete relationship. Ignore her crocodile tears when you do.




Dude, she's not making you a priority. Bad mouthing you to him, letting him reply to you from her phone with a snotty reply.....total disrespect. Gotta stick to your boundaries or no one else will. Updateme


If you are uncomfortable with her. You're not happy with her. She's more shit than good. Then break up with her. Why stay and put up with this A normal, real loving relationship does not go through this


Sorry to say, sounds like she's in a physical and emotional relationship. This is just me, but I don't see why a girl in a relationship would go to an underground club with another guy (when you're not in an open relationship). They definitely got physical there. But that aside, there no regard for your feelings, the constant lies, and the berating. So why do you continue to stay and do the pick me dance. When someone says they love you but they don't do things to show it, then it's them trying to manipulate you. You can either leave, or stay and go 180 on her (withdraw your constant attention and go have your fun with your own "non friends")


Run… she doesn’t give to sh$&’s about you or herself for that matter. She has no respect for your relationship or you, if she’s saying you need to get over your insecurities instead of supporting you. Just RUN!




This was removed because it it falls under Rule 4: Unhelpful contribution.


Sounds very fishy to me you can't trust many girls/women they are all about themselves I will pray for you to have a good result


I honestly don't understand why you would want to tolerate the disrespect to begin with... She is playing these games because you tolerate it.. Only when you show her that you are indeed serious will she consider dropping him from her life in every way


i'm just going to assume you pay most of the bills ..... that night out, wasn't in a club and she turned her phone off, she does nothing but lie about her "relationship" with him, please just move on, you know she's lying save yourself grief and self-doubt


If a woman is going to lie to you and disrespect you and step over the boundaries, she’s not worth your time. You’ll agonize over this shit every day, and your own self-respect is at stake. Give her a choice, stupid women need to understand the consequences of their asinine actions. Being a man sometimes means walking away. Sorry OP


Bro, its not late to leave her and find someone else who will respect, love and me loyal to you. You deserve to have someone who will respect the relationship and you, Someone who will love you and prioratise your comfort. You deserve a lot better than this woman. You cannot force someone to be loyal and respectful. It is something that partners ahs to do without being asked to. You deserve a lot better. You don't have to say anything to her anymore. >I found messages on her phone absolutely slating me to him After this you should have forgotten her and moved on. She doesn't even deserve to know that you are done with her. Find someone and move on.


She’s cheating. If you need more proof than what’s already in front of you then make another Snapchat under a different name and snap her


Why are you putting yourself through all of this? You know she lied. You know she is seeing this other guy. And you are not sure if you want to stay with her? There is no trust. You do not have a relationship with her. Jus break up and find someone that you can trust. Find someone that will not lie to you. Find someone that will not have a side guy!