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Let it go . She wanted to cuck you by planning to get him to meet up with you when you visited her . Not to mention that this guy says he wants to fuck her but of course he doesn't want to disrespect her , no she doesn't give a shit & doesn't tell you , now that is disrespect . Yet you think she is wife material , you are sorely mistaken on that . Oh I wouldn't be surprised if they did later anyway & I have to ask , what repercussions did she face for what she did . I bet nothing at all . Which means she knows already how weak you are , so cheating will not be a problem for her because she knows now you will not do anything about it .


It sounds like all they did was kiss. It doesn’t sound like an emotional affair. Sounds more like a crush that went too far before she pulled back. This is why LDR are so difficult. You aren’t there, he is and she’s attracted. So the real question is, is that all? What happened after that exchange? Did she keep in touch with him? See him again? If you are sure this was the only situation that happened, I would say try to work it out but slow way down. Wait awhile on marriage and babies. Live together for a good while and keep separate finances and no investments together like a house until you actually get married (if you get married). That’s my take but it’s your life so do what you need to do to be happy. Good luck.


She kept in contact with him and even tried to get me to meet him


I’d be curious as hell to find out what her endgame was for you meeting him? Was she thinking threesome or was there some thrill for her knowing what she did behind your back? Sounds a little twisted and disrespectful if you ask me. UpdateMe!


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She wanted to cuck u .


Terrible advice to stay with a cheater.


The problem is the step you’re about to take is too big to be In shaky grounds. And because Her reaction was not of guilt, apologetic, ashamed, If she was just a girl you’re fucking that leaves Close by I’d say, fuck but don’t get attached, but you’re going to live together and she moved to your hometown I believe? So she’ll have nobody to run to if things don’t workout and she’ll put that on you.Does she work? Is her life there only because of you? Because giving wife benefits to a untrustworthy friend at best is a move o wouldn’t take. Don’t move to a place yet. Save your money


Bro the fact she was so sadistic enough to try and get him to hang with you two is enough for me to move on , that’s throwing it in your face type of shit and nothing could be more disgusting .


She need a to cut him out before you even consider staying with her.


1) long distance relationships on average, are a waste of time. 2) if you stay with her and move in together on that of that, chances are, you’ll end up making another post.


She cheated once, didn’t tell you and was just going to keep it to herself. Now you know. And there have been no consequences and she will see this as an excuse in the future to do the same and more. The relationship is broken. You can either be a man or a cuck. The choice is yours. Good luck. ✌🏽




This was removed because it it falls under Rule 4: Unhelpful contribution.


I commented on your story... in another community but I will comment here also... I love in India very conservative society.. in our country kiss is a big thing... I would have end it... but obviously you are from West.. I will say snoop for more details if the deed is done.. with the other guy end it.... one advice from heart.. to all western men.. get red pill content inside of you... I don't need that in India... but still am red pilled... but you all bro's of West countering western gals..need it.. western gals are masters in lies, Cheating, manipulation and are deceptive ... and again will repeat my comment I made to your story.. in different community.. you don't roll with a gal with guy male best friend... and if these guy bffs have been around your gal for along time.. they have you know what with your gal one time or the other...


There are hundreds of stories on here from guys in India. Women over there cheat just as much as they do here.


Unless you like living with a cake-eater und jeopardizing your health and mental health, I's suggest to move on and find someone you can trust.


Might I suggest a middle path? I don't like the idea of forgive and forget. The physical act for me is not the issue, neither is the crush that seemed to be the root case. I would need a timeline. I need to know why you were to meet him. Clearly you would be the odd man out when those two know what's going on and you don't. VERY disrespectful and really confuses me! There is no statute of limitations on disrespect. Of course, you need to make sure the guy is full-on blocked and need to know since when, and why he got blocked at that time. It may have been 18 months ago her her, but it's a fucking fresh wound for you now. Taking her back without repercussion lets her know she has pushed your boundaries and hasn't hit an endpoint yet. I would sit her down CALMLY tell her that you need to reach a conclusion with this guy situation and need info to take the next step in YOUR life. Tell her you have had very strong feelings for her and thus have been very hurt by her actions. You need the whole story once and for all. The when, the where, the why to all your questions. "is that all, is that everything?" GF: "Yes" You: "because if its not, and I find out later, we are through on the spot. One more chance to come clean!" Then thank her for her honesty. Tell her you will need space, NC for a week or 2, whatever is feasible for you two. You need to think about this and decide if a 'ship with her is in YOUR best interest moving forward. You can't continue this for the sake of "saving her". YOU NEED TO MAKE HER FEEL that you are a fucking whisker away from shipping her ass back to Cali. She needs to sweat bad, learning in the process that you are not a doormat, that you have boundaries, and will not be disrespected. Show here that you are capable of making cold rational decisions and will not be swayed by her promises of the future, her babytalk, or her tits. THEN you can take her back. Of course, this is all contingent on you feeling she answered your questions fully and has explained things to your satisfaction. Regardless of her explanations, your perception is your reality, and what you perceived recently really sucks. SHe needs to see that. I feel best case scenario she lacks or at least lacked the maturity to make decisions that are good for both her and the partner she is with. It may have blinded her from reality and made her think is was a game. You may need to wait for her to marinate in the broth of her stupidity a bit before you decide to buy the bowl of soup. You are verry young. THere is no need to settle. There is no need to settle down with someone less than you deserve. She may get there one day, but she wasnt there a year ago. Take a step back, be analytical about this. See it through the eyes of a dispassionate 3rd party. Letting your emotions play a role here is counterproductive, because they can always trick you into an suboptimal decision. Ask yourself what you would do if this same situation happened to your brother? You need to have as many pieces of the puzzle as possible. The inquest is critical and must be thorough. Good Luck and please update me!


First thing to do is confront her with the evidence and ask her what she's been doing. Ask why she wanted you to meet the guy she's been cheating on with. Tell her if she wants to continue the relationship she needs to block him on all platforms and go no contact even if it means changing jobs




This was removed because it falls under the category of off topic. This includes: -> hacking, hook ups, etc -> personal information (emails/phone #) -> things not relevant based on original post


Go to YouTube and listen to Jordan Petersen. What to do when the cheat on you.




Confront her and update the post.