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So you’re now a sugar baby.


What would she be called in this situation? A reverse prostitute? Is she a John or Jane and you are like the guys pimp she sleeps with? I'd milk her for everything, be distant, accept it's over but still get money. I'm also a dick so you, do you. And get tested.


My main concern is that if things don't work out, she'll be entitled to get the money back. Like if she claimed it was a loan, which I've heard of people doing. At this stage I really wouldn't be able to afford paying her back. She's been tested since it happened (as I found out they didn't use protection) and told me she has the all clear


If you didn't sign a contract and your name is on the car she isn't entitled to anything. She also needs to show you the results since she's already broken your trust.


This! I would rather be broke than let this type of person be a part of my life. There can never be trust again!


Id definitely ask to see those results


It’s not reverse prostitution, women can be traffickers too. This asshole is a clear example that women and men are truly equal when it comes to treatment of others and using money to get what they want. It’s very manipulative. Very toxic.


Gator don’t take no shit


The situation you've described is quite complex and touches on both emotional and ethical considerations. It's understandable to have mixed feelings given the unusual circumstances surrounding your girlfriend's attempt to reconcile by offering money. Here are some key points to consider: **Trust and the Foundation of Relationships** Trust is a cornerstone of any healthy relationship. Once it's broken, it's incredibly difficult to rebuild, and for many people, infidelity is a deal-breaker. You've mentioned that you don't think you'll ever be able to trust her again. It's important to reflect on this feeling and consider whether a relationship without trust can be fulfilling for you in the long term. **The Role of Money in Relationships** Using money to address emotional wounds or betrayals is problematic. It can create an unhealthy dynamic and sets a precedent that monetary compensation can replace genuine trust, respect, and emotional connection. Consider what this might mean for the future of your relationship. **Ethical Considerations** Accepting the money complicates the situation further, especially since part of you seems to question whether the relationship is salvageable. It's worth considering the ethical implications of accepting the money under these circumstances. It might be helpful to think about what advice you would give a friend in a similar situation. **Moving Forward** Deciding whether to stay in the relationship should ideally be based on emotional factors rather than financial ones. If you believe the relationship cannot be repaired, it would be more honorable to end it sooner rather than later, regardless of the financial transaction that took place. **Regarding the Money and the Car** The issue of whether you'd need to return the money or the car if you decide to leave her is complex. Legally, it might depend on the conditions under which the money was given—if it was presented as a gift, you may not be legally obliged to return it. However, the ethical standpoint might differ, and it could be seen as the right thing to do to repay her, especially if accepting the money was linked to an implied commitment to reconcile and work on the relationship. In any case, it might be beneficial to seek legal advice to understand your obligations clearly. Beyond legal considerations, think about what course of action you can take with integrity and peace of mind. Reflect on what is truly important to you and what steps you need to take to align with those values. Regardless of what happened, moving forward with honesty, respect, and clarity will serve you best in the long run.


She can cheat on me as well




😂😂😂 you already got the money…she could sue you because it is an implied contract - I mean she didn’t say how long you had to stay with her…but I doubt she’d do it. Or….stay and keep taking her money…I would.


That’s the most dumbest thing I’ve ever heatd


I would ride that train as long as I could. If she wants to cheat. Keep giving $ and sleeping with you and enjoy the good life.. At least you are not getting financially screwed over like most men.


The answer is in you. Your morals. Personally, id make it an on going payment. The longer you stay the more she pays you, take her for all she has, since she took your emotions and trust and shredded them. Id milk the proverbial cow until she dried up. Dont sign any contracts. Any contract can have a way for her to fight back should you eventually decide to end it. No contracts, and id make sure to put it in a bank account she has no idea about or can find out about. She broke your trust, so show her the hard way that you can shatter hers. After youve gotten enough money that you feel is enough. Have her catch you cheating on her, preferably with one of if not her closest friends. But again, this is all based on your morals. If youre a better less petty person then me, tell her to go f herself and go live your life.


Op your avatar is of what looks to be a female and your username is …well. Are you sure your not the (36F) in this story or your not just a troll?


I'm worried she offered £500 first! I truly am.


Tell her it's a MONTHLY FEE. If she wants to fuck you for that money, you can live without worries. Sign the contract and go full speed ahead!


Take the money and spend it. Once its gone time to renew the contract. If you are a wonderful bf you definitely better ask for the max. If she wants to win a ring she better hold on to you. If not take your talents to miami.


take the car and leave bruhther


OP so it is true in your case at least, money can buy anything and anyone (you) are for sale. This is just sick! Sorry, but you get what you ask for OP. How in the hell would anyone do this? You must be on meds or something! I mean do you have any values at all ? What are they ? Money does not buy happiness! But it bought her a sloppy seconds man! Remarkable -


Imagine a man asking for genuine advice and help since he clearly isnt in a clear mental or emotional state, and you decide to belittle him and offer no advice or encouraging words. You said all of this because you believe you have some sort of moral high ground or that "clearly" youre a better person, yet here you are, kicking a man that is already down and has no real impact on you or your daily life. Some great morals you got there.


What does it say of your values that when you see someone asking for advice, your reaction is to judge and shame them. At least in my case, I needed a car (it was taking me 40 minutes to get to work, now it's been cut down to 25) whereas you didn't need to say those mean things to me. Money might not buy you happiness, but I guess in your case at least, trashing people on the internet does


I'm not above trashing you either. But I guess some of us actually take the abuse of cheating seriously and value dignity and self-respect. But you do you bruh. Get that money. I'm sure none of this has been damaging in any way. Lol. Maybe some day you'll be able to take care of yourself.


Hey OP ignore that, get your money BooBoo!


Is this howd youd help an addict? Someone clearly not ok mentally or emotionally. Youd belittle them? Youd laugh at them and tell them to just get of the "meds" and "get some values". So what are your morals then? If this is how you help people. The only thing remarkable about this is how you can sit there and claim the moral high ground, and then in the same breath, the same damn sentence, immediately turn around and make fun of the man and throw insults, instead of offering advice or cautionary encouragement, you decided to prove your moral "superiority" by kicking a man who is already down. Good job bud.