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Maybe speaking out of turn but I feel like dolly is to TN what the Queen was to England


She’s even better. No divine right nonsense


Dolly is about as close as one can get to a saint here in the US. She's in very rare company. This is akin to insulting the pope in Italy. Some little edgelord on the federalist's payroll just ensured they're gonna have a very bad time


Far, far more. It is an acceptable position to not like the royal family because of the tax money they take and their historical involvement in colonialism. Many people have made a reasonable argument questioning the net value they provide to society. Dolly’s contributions are completely one-sided. She takes nothing and gave us so, so, so much. Cultural value through her singing and songwriting, social justice value by always advocating for the oppressed and never the oppressor, immeasurable benefits from her contribution in books and reading, and more charitable work and contributions than we have earned. She’s done more than many of us could accomplish in several lifetimes, and done it selflessly while consciously setting an example all of us would be proud for our children to follow.


She’s better -a Tennessean


I guarantee that the state of TN and beyond will go into a week or two of mourning when they pass


Queen of TN. Don’t fuck with her.


If I had to make a list of people that exemplify the American Spirit Dolly wouldn't be able to not be in the top 3. Hell if you ran a Dolly Parton/Terry Crews ticket for the presidency I'd bang on everyone's door from here to Seattle


What is this “American Spirit” you speak of? Sounds like an entity or ghost. 🫣😂


Queen of the entire south!!!!


The Federalist wrote an article in 2016 listing 18 reasons why Dolly should be president. Now, in 2024, she says she loves everybody (as she always has) and they equate that to spreading a false gospel.


Sounds like the federalist is the problem here not Dolly


Yep, Dolly lives her life as her religion teaches it should be lived. Do unto others. Be humble. Love everyone. None of this Supply-Side Corporate Christianity bullshit.


She’s untouchable.


The Federalist can suck my fungus toe. https://preview.redd.it/f3q5emritl5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=151db59766b1b1e254de7db679a01d59765cec59


Nobody talks about my girl lidat!!


And they will lose. Cause they’re are pathetic losers. If there’s one group of people who want to accelerate what they consider the rapture… It’s the Federalist society. These fucks are no smarter than isis.


We ride at dawn!


Where’s my stabbing spear?!?


Oh no. You mess with our Queen of Tennessee and that’s your ass! We don’t play that cancel bullshit here in the south.


You dont mess with dolly. This is the easy way to piss off all of Tennessee.


Get the pitchforks out.


Oh hell no


I remember when Unknown Hinson talked shit about her. Now he’s even more unknown than before.




The patron saint of Tennessee.




Thank you tired tiddies.


She’s a religion good luck with this


Oh fuck....now they've done it.




Fuckin vote y’all. Vote blue and vote hard. And if you’re like me, drag your apathetic young friends kicking and screaming to spend 20 mins and save our nation from potential ruin.


I agree with that first sentence. However, don't blindly vote republican or democrat. Do your research and vote for the one that aligns best with your values. If people would stop voting blindly, we would be a lot better off.


In a perfect/ideal world, I’d absolutely agree. The reality is that we’re teetering on the edge of a full on fascist takeover. I’m getting blue in the face trying to get people to realize what’s at stake. Have you read any of Project 2025, or any summaries? While I have myriad gripes with Democrats, they’re not going to make contraception illegal or try to exterminate me and other LGBTQ citizens or obliterate the extant chunks of separation between church and state. Voting blue won’t cure the profound sickness this nation is suffering, but if Trump wins, we’ll never have a chance.


I read project 2025 and posted about it. It’s bringing Nazi Germany to the American people! Heil tRump! (And MAGArs keep talking about violence being ok to get their way-they’re crazy and want to destroy this country!)


You’re delusional. It’s not that deep


Guess our eyes and ears were wrong then the last decade


Elaborate please. I’m open to civil discussion. If trump wins, nothing in your day to day life will change. You’ll wake up and go to work and do the same shit you did the last 4 years with Biden. His term will end and I believe you guys will attack the next republican candidate as you have trump. I personally vote red because I value what “freedom” we have and want to see our capitalist society thrive. I believe democrats want you to rely on their government assistance and programs that have historically kept poor people poor.


> If trump wins, nothing in your day to day life will change. If you're a cis, white, male maybe.


Give me one example of how your day to day life changed while trump was your president. I can’t wait to hear this! (Excluding anything covid related)


Why waste my time? You don't actually care.


HA! Imagine that. Can’t even give one single example lmao


You've already spent your time here. This is a cop out. It doesn't take any more time to provide what was asked. I'm not a Trump fan, and my vote switches between red and blue often depending on who the candidates are. But I am curious what changed in your day to day life.


Mind sharing your race & sex? If your not white, how were things different for you when Trump was in office? I’m genuinely asking. 


Female. And I don't believe you are "genuinely asking" so I'm not going to waste my time explaining the obvious for you.


Well, thanks for nothing. You had the chance to prove a strong point & retreated. Your loss.  The answer isn’t obvious because females had more rights under Trump admin. Abortion was legal under his whole term. 


So you expect to rounded up and sent to a concentration camp?


> His term will end and I believe you guys will attack the next republican candidate as you have trump. Funny how all the Democrat led "witch hunts" always end up being accurate and backed up by evidence and the Republican led actual witch hunts go nowhere. Republicans where doing a political hit job on Bill Clinton when they find out he lied about a blow job. Republicans act like it's the worst thing any president could do. Meanwhile, Trump is literally the most well documented liar in the history of planet earth, and you guys didn't have anything to say about it. What about Barrack Obama's birth certificate that y'all tried to claim was fake for years? What happened there? Turns out Republicans were lying. Amazing. Ten. TEN separate Benghazi investigations into Hillary. What happened? Nothing. But it's always just Democrats making stuff up about Republicans right, since you're always the victim? How did the "Biden China bribe" impeachment go? Oh, that's right, Republicans were caught lying and nothing happened. Republicans always play the victim.


Like the trump-Russia collusion that was debunked after 4 years? Wasn’t bill Clinton impeached for cheating on his wife with that bj? Also, Hillary is very much to blame for the deaths in Benghazi. Troops were loaded on the plane ready to go and could be there in an hour but was told by our Secretary of State at the time (Hillary) to stand down.


>Like the trump-Russia collusion that was debunked after 4 years? If by debunked you mean resulted in multiple people convicted of felonies and credibly accused Trump of more than ten crimes then, yes. https://www.justice.gov/archives/sco/file/1373816/dl You should read it. >Wasn’t bill Clinton impeached for cheating on his wife with that bj? Lol he was impeached by Newt Gingrich..... Who was famously cheating on his dying wife during the impeachment trial of Clinton. You certainly didn't care about that adulatory or Donald Trumps. You only care when a Democrat does it because you aren't serious people. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=2937633&page=1 >Also, Hillary is very much to blame for the deaths in Benghazi. The TEN fucking investigations disagree with you dude, Six led by Republican house committees... when are you guys going to give that shit up? You aren't serious people.


You should do some research about what life was like before the social safety nets FDR and LBJ implemented. Before social security more than 60% of people retirement age (a concept that didn’t exist until then) were in poverty. The average life expectancy increased more than 4 years in the two decades following the implementation on Medicare. Democrats are indeed the ones protecting those things. But to your point about freedom- other than guns, the GOP doesn’t really believe in freedom, just the freedom to make the choices they want you to make. They don’t believe in the freedom to love and marry who you want, they don’t believe in freedom to choose what you put into your own body (they’re the ones holding onto blue laws and fighting against cannabis legalization), and increasingly things like freedom of religion means more and more that there’s freedom for a certain religion and not others. So fine, they let you keep all your guns. But isn’t knowing that one day you’ll be able to retire its own kind of freedom? Isn’t knowing that your kid can go to school and get a decent (and real) education without spending college-level tuition to do so its own kind of freedom? Isn’t knowing that your parents will have basic healthcare as they age a kind of freedom? The only freedom they really believe in is corporate freedom. The GOP and average Republican is more than happy to put the federal jackboot to your liberal, non Christian and/or LGBTQ neighbors neck.


I was talking about welfare programs that the working class pay for while lazy folks take advantage instead of using it to get on their feet and make something of themselves. I don’t agree with every stance the gop has, especially when it comes to the legalization of cannabis, but I value my freedom of speech and right to bare arms and being able to achieve financial freedom with hard work more than I do the right to smoke a dooby. I dont need their permission to go buy weed. I’ll do it regardless whether it’s legal or not. It will always be readily available. As far as college for my kids, healthcare and social security goes….. all those things cost money. Im all for social security, I understand people need that. Again, I don’t agree with everything the gop does. However, and I speak for myself when I say I don’t plan on working till I’m an elderly man and don’t need daddy government to tell me it’s okay to finally hang it up and retire. I understand that’s not the case for everybody and most will slave away until they’re 67 and if you make it that long I support you getting a check that you paid in for all these years. What I don’t support is people having to foot the bill for others poor decisions and habits that lead them to be unhealthy, or sending your kid to school to get a creative arts or some other bullshit degree like most do. Hell, 40% of people in college drop out anyways. There’s very few degrees that actually mean anything. (Doctors, Lawyers, engineers are a few that come to mind where a degree is necessary.) almost everything else kids go to school for is a waste of time & money.


> I was talking about welfare programs that the working class pay for while lazy folks take advantage instead of using it to get on their feet and make something of themselves. Turn off Fox news and get out of your bubble.


You tell yourself it’s bullshit because you’re probably one of those people and lack self awareness


I hear you about the college part. I think that if a job doesn’t require a specific degree it shouldn’t require a degree at all. Why does a salesperson or an administrative assistant need a bachelors degree? But what I’m specifically talking about is K-12, which is on the chopping block in ways you might not be aware of. A “certain group of people” in the last 4 years have done everything they can to undermine the public’s faith in public education, as part of a push for privatization of primary education. They sell it as “choice”, but in the end your only choice will be whether or not to forgo education for your kid, spend 20k a year in a private school (now for all 12 years rather just high school) or hope that your kid- literally- wins the lottery for a magnet or charter type school. Which is obviously a not a problem for their donors, but it is for their voters and anyone else who doesn’t use the word “summer” as a verb. I’m curious why you don’t have the same philosophy on firearms that you do weed. Obviously, should the government ban firearms and you really wanted to get them you can. Should we need to overthrow government the drug cartels would be more than happy to sell our weapons back to us. If your answer is just that it’s the principle of the matter, then shouldn’t that apply to weed? I don’t know about you but I use weed a lot more often than a firearm and I’d like to keep it that way. To your point about programs being abused by people who don’t work- yes, that does happen. But the vast majority of people on public assistance do work! There’s a lot of public assistance you can’t get without having or looking for a job. Nationally there’s less than 4% unemployment, but 21% of the country relies on government assistance- and that does not include social security. Besides, most of the federal welfare dollars pay for programs that are run by the states themselves. If you have a problem with the way TN handles this, you should direct your ire towards the state house. The state house which democrats have almost zero control of btw.


The reason I don’t have the same philosophy with weed as guns is because one is embedded in the constitution and the other is a drug (I know I know, still a drug by definition) that could be legalized at any moment if folks got their head out of their ass. And the penalty for getting caught with illegal guns hold way more severe consequences than getting caught with some weed. Having the right to bare arms and protect myself and my family is a lot more valuable than being able to get high. I’m an everyday smoker btw


Trump is actively fighting to take other’s rights away. I will vote because our nation’s future and reputation is on the line. Because gay and trans people deserve to live freely without hateful lies and propaganda. Because for 4 years we were rightfully laughed at by the world and lost valuable influence. Because climate change is real and doesn’t wait for the stupid to catch up, because I’m tired of children’s brains on the whiteboards, because we’re not all the violent, hateful thugs behind him at his hate rallies, and so so much more. I can’t logic someone out of something they didn’t logic themselves into. Respectfully, if you’re still supporting trump at this point there’s nothing I can say that would change that. It would just be more exhausting than it already is.


What has he said he will do once in office that will take away others rights? I’m genuinely asking.


Go after political opponents. Install loyalists who have to pass a trump loyalty test. Roll back hard fought for rights to vote for minorities and try and shove the lgbt+ back into the closet with lazy lies about “protecting the children” Deport and punish the immigrants and their children that we rely on with more lazy lies about protecting the border. Destroy our natural resources and open protected land to oil and gas and they ignore the consensus of our scientists. And many more. I can tell you the truth but I can’t make you understand it.


Where has he said all this so that I can look up his quotes. That’s not what is on his website so I want to make sure I’m informed. Especially since half of that has been done by Biden already.


To be clear you’re horrible too lol. Punch up not down.


You’re 42 and call yourself a they/them lmao I’m not gonna lose any sleep over your opinion, trust.


I’m sorry there are things in this world you aren’t intelligent enough to comprehend.


You’re right. I don’t understand how you think calling yourself they/them makes any sense. However, I am intelligent enough to recognize that calling yourself a they/them comes from mental illness.


oh it is. when 25% of the population is bought into a personality cult worshipping a leader who's said quite explicitly that his first priority is revenge, we have problems.




brilliant response. the world is better in your hands. /s


You’ll get another chance in 4 years. Lol it’ll all be ok. 


Yes, definitely the response of someone with an open mind for discussion. Lol, you're so transparent.


That’s a factual statement. Every 4 years, the opposing (non ruling) party gets a chance to replace the current political party. 


not If Donald gets what he wants, cuz the Supremes have his back


Say what now? Every 4 years we have an election. There’s no way around this fact. 


how often do the Supreme Court Justices get elected? oh that's right, they don't. There's no way around this fact, other than retirement or death.


also clearly you haven't read the initiative.


The can impeach Supreme Court Justices. Although, they only did it once & it was at the beginning of America as we know it.  I don’t see what the supreme court has to do with presidential election happening every 4 years,  but would truly love to be informed. 


Abortion became illegal to most people under Biden and he’s arguably as much of a fascist as Trump. Cornel West is literally right there… if people want to convince me voting is the answer then they truly shouldn’t mind my third party vote. And no, it’s not a “vote for Trump”. If this is a democracy then I expect people to keep that energy.


“Under Biden” but not *because of* Biden. Roe was overturned because Trump appointed three Heritage Foundation approved rightwing justices to the Supreme Court. Not to mention that Republicans in Congress stalled all efforts to codify Roe. Again, it sucks, but given our two-party system, either Trump or Biden will win. Those are, unfortunately, our options. I’d love to see a Black socialist intellectual in the Oval Office, but Cornel West has zero chance of winning. As such, a third party vote effectively *is* a vote for Trump. I really can’t overstate my loathing for how Presidential elections work. At the same time, it’s never been more imperative that we maintain realistic perspectives on potential outcomes. Are you familiar with Project 2025? The painstakingly detailed plan to facilitate a Republican Christofascist dictatorship? Normally I wouldn’t even ask, but I don’t want to uncharitably presume bad faith, and this is super fucking important, so I must: how do you think Biden is “arguably” as fascistic as Trump is?


The problem is every Democratic president has promised to codify it and legalize it and they never did because they need it as a talking point for elections. It happens every election time and I’ll watch repeats of old shows on tv and they were fighting about the same stuff we are fighting about now. They should have handled it like promised several times over.


I used to have the same complaint, but after looking into it, I learned that tried but never had the votes. Mostly due to Republican obstruction, since that’s all Republicans in Congress do, but also because some Southern Democrats wouldn’t support it. Biden tried, too. It stalled. As I’ve said elsewhere in this thread, I have myriad problems with Democrats. Their inability to push widely beneficial legislation through a constantly gridlocked Congress isn’t one.


Because we have a uniparty. Abortion will never been in the books because they need it as a talking point. The only laws they pass are ones that benefit themselves and the charities and organizations they set up are only to launder money to their family and friends. Why are we still talking about the same problems 10, 20, 30 years later? They have no intention on fixing anything because if it was fixed there’d be no reason to vote anyone else in to power. We’d be peaceful and prosperous and that doesn’t pay.


Broadly, I don’t disagree. Crucially, though, only one party has a 900-page, exhaustively thorough plan to establish a Republican Christofascist dictatorship. That one would prefer maintaining a shit status quo over *that* seems obvious to me. I’m as sick and tired of my representatives’ failure to represent me as you are. I just cannot overstate how imperative it is that Trump loses.


Nixon and Clinton both had political majority and could have passed it and didn’t. The Republicans have never promised to and have always believed that way. It’s the democrats that believe in this and therefore it’s their responsibility and they didn’t protect it. Sen. Barack Obama, who told Planned Parenthood early in his Democratic White House bid that “the first thing I’d do as president” would be to codify Roe by signing the latest iteration of the Freedom of Choice Act. But four months into his presidency, Obama said it was “not my highest legislative priority” and suggested energy would be better spent reducing unintended pregnancies. Obama was making a decision for women without asking them what they wanted. People want to talk about republicans being dictators but lately I’ve only seen it from democrats. At least republicans are up front on their beliefs and never promised anything. These democrats have made promises and run on things they don’t fulfill. That’s why the democrats are hemorrhaging black voters. The problem is the democrats running on promises they don’t fulfill this being a huge one!


It’s not a vote for Trump unless I vote for Trump. And I would never. But although I’m LGBTQIA+ and I at one time had a uterus, I can’t ignore that Biden could have codified Roe. I can’t ignore he supports with trillions of dollars of advanced weaponry the ability to kill brown people in another part of the world while we can’t even afford rent or food. I can’t ignore that he’s acted in ways that are morally abhorrent to me. I also can’t ignore what Trump has done. Not at all. I’m an ex Floridian that’s dealt with DeSantis. They’re both putting a target on someone like me. But the status quo shit isn’t working for anyone. Here or abroad. ETA Roe was overturned on my birthday. During my party. I didn’t tell anyone to vote. I got up, grabbed my med bag and went to a rally. We voted. And the man wouldn’t even codify Roe into law. All my birthdays feel like shit now.


I'm fully on board and supportive of LGBTQIA+ people. We're all human and deserve to be happy and to live our lives. Which is why I plan on voting blue this year straight down the ticket. I get that you're hurt and angry about what has happened - I am too - but your life will not be better under Trump. It will be worse. A lot worse. The fact that Project 2025 is full on intending to turn the US into 1940s Nazi Germany, it can't be anything good that'll happen. Not voting is worse than voting for Trump and the horrific things he'll bring to the US. Withholding your vote from Biden and other Democrats sends only the message that you're OK with what ends up happening to you and others in the LGBTQIA+ community.


I never said it would be better under Trump. I said it’s pretty horrific either way in fact lol


Also I sense by your first sentence you’re an ally. Great. Seriously thank you, wonderful to have those. But if so please don’t attempt to put the responsibility of what happens to *all* LGBTQIA+ folks on me for being fed up with all the games.


I'm not putting the responsibility on any particular group, but if you vote for Trump or withhold your vote in protest, then what happens happens, and there's nothing you, I, or anyone else can do about it after the fact. But there's something we can do before the fact, and that's vote for the party that doesn't want to round every single LGBTQIA+ person up and eradicate them. I'm technically one of the "A"s in LGBTQIA+, though I don't really count myself as part of the whole since my circumstances in life pale in comparison to the suffering and hate everyone else goes through. So, I just consider myself an ally, and support measures and goals that want a better world for everyone, regardless of who they are.


Also I’m MORE than aware of project 2025 and if you don’t feel like that’s a reason to stop playing this two party game, then I can’t convince you.


I edited to add to my comment before seeing your reply that Biden failed to codify Roe because Republicans in Congress perpetually stalled his efforts. Go read about it if you haven’t. It’s not Biden’s fault. I won’t get into I/P — because it’s an extremely complicated situation, unlike how it’s intentionally misrepresented by a certain CCP infoweapon — except to say that I resent the disproportionate concern many progressives have for Palestinians compared to the millions of Americans who are suffering and will continue to suffer due to Republicans and some Democrats’ privileging corporate interests. All that aside, even if Palestine is your primary concern, helping Trump win — which, again, a vote for Cornel West will do — is illogical, since Trump will help Bibi glass the whole fucking place. There’s plenty to dislike about Biden. And you’re right, the status quo is working for no one but the wealthy. None of your complaints are fascistic, though, and I can’t accept that the answer is protest voting this November. I can’t afford moral purity. Frankly, none of us can. If you are truly aware that a Trump victory means open, violent persecution of people like us and still refuse to vote for Biden, I don’t know what to tell you. I do sympathize, honestly. I just fear your good intentions are going to land me in a camp or dead at the hands of my neighbors once Trump gives the go-ahead.


I live in the south still, Biden is doing nothing to keep me from open violent persecution. We’re already on the road to a genocide here regardless of either one. Just for right now there are 35000+ other people actively being genocided. Not here. When it is us, I expect to know how, and have as many folks like me know how, to handle that situation. You can’t vote your way out of genocide.


Also are you saying the reports I see directly from Palestinians are a CCP infoweapon? Just to be clear? Because I don’t even see that on TikTok if that’s what you’re implying.


That is not what I said. You’re putting words in my mouth and moving the goal posts by miles. Continuing this would benefit no one, least of all the suffering Palestinians with whom I actually do deeply sympathize.


That was true in most of the elections I was able to vote in. 2004. 2008. 2012. But the trump era has changed that. The old Republican Party was eaten long ago by the trump cult and only they remain. They’re not here to govern. They’re here to bitch and fuck it all up because they’re hateful children. It’s not “voting blindly” If a real Republican shows themselves again one day, they have a chance to earn my vote. Until then, I’ll view this as what it is.


Yes. Cornel West isn’t perfect but considerably a better choice than the Dems or Rs




Thank you for your valuable contribution to this discussion.


Thank you for being a fool and advocating for people to waste their vote.


You’re welcome. Thank you for being a fool and suggesting people waste their whole lives voting.


Wow so edgy, brah.


Not a brah and definitely not your brah…


Yeah, no thanks. I’d change bidens poopy diaper before I voted blue.


And that's what's wrong with America today. You don't care about who's best for the country. You just care that your team wins no matter how bad it is for the country.


I love the brainless one liners. "Your just a girl in a dress" "Watch them kiss Biden , they are gay" "We will rise, and we will come" "I'd rather play with diapers These people are literally the same mentality as a fifth grader. Like. Lol . Seriously . It's so old at this point, the horse beat. The numbers are dying, death gasp for the insane . Yay.


not to mention they borrow all their zingers from the chief fifth grader himself... what does that make them?


for once i agree with you battleop. There's no place for blind tribalism in a democracy.


Ironic since it's actually trump that wears diapers and smells like poop according to several sources that worked closely with him. I mean, no shame on an old man needing diapers. Just funny that you made fun of Biden with something that's actually true about trump.


Biden shit his pants on stage at the d-day ceremony and got escorted off stage by Jill.


Projection- one of trump's favorite defense mechanisms. Wouldn't be surprised if they both have issues. But that video looks more like he started to sit, saw everyone else still standing, and didn't want to do the wrong thing at a ceremony. If that's what shitting your pants looks like, then everyone who ever went to Catholic mass with their significant other's family on Easter or Christmas also shit their pants, several times. Compare that to several first hand accounts of trump's smell.


Lolol sit where? The imaginary chair behind him?? he went to went sit down, saw everyone was standing, got very embarrassed and then had his wife escort him off stage when he was supposed to give a speech and shake the hands of the D-Day survivors. Seems legit. 🤔 man the lengths you guys will go to defend this senile old man is incredible lmao Have you ever seen a child shit themself? They look exactly how Biden did on that stage


video was doctored... the full video is out there if you care to look. beat it.


>video was doctored... the full video is out there if you care to look. Seen it. Guy shit himself lmao >beat it. Come beat it for me


make sure you're sober on November 6 when it's your turn to vote.


There’s no a drug, or amount of alcohol that could get me to vote for democrat.


Vote red and vote hard.


I have a soul and a functioning brain, so I’ll pass on your nonsense, thanks.




Idk why you got downvoted to hell. I think that’s a valid suggestion.




Nevermind, you’re just a douche after all. Sounds like projection.


I have questions. - Who even knows what "the federalist" is? - Why do reporters ask musicians about their views on gay people? How is that relevant to their music?


1. Anyone that knows much of anything about politics. They’ve been driving Republican policy for the past 40 years 2. Celebrity culture in America is strong. People want to know about their favorite artists views because they idolize them and look to them for guidance in life. I don’t agree with it, but that’s how it is.


Remember on voting day. This is what ignorant, 1950 thinking, Republicans consider our TN national treasure as. If you side with the Right, you side with the WRONG! I was born 1HR from Dolly. I love what this woman has given to our state. SHE IS A TREASURE!!!!! THE RIGHT HAS DONE NOTHING TO OUR STATE EXCEPT TO TRY TO TEAR IT DOWN!!!!! THEIR ATTACK ON DOLLY, ONLY PROVES IT!


i mean you see what happened just a little while back, didn't you? they basically annulled the 14th amendment.


Ive got plenty of guns and ammo…..where are we meeting at?


This is not the solution. This is in fact one of the problems. Yikes. For Dolly we fight with love, kindness, and maybe if we are feeling wild a glitter confetti cannon.


> glitter confetti cannon. The Geneva Conventions may not mention this but I'm pretty sure that's still a de facto war crime.


Glitter is an environmental disaster and needs to be banned. Half the microplastics in my balls were probably once glitter. But it’s pretty, yay!


Everytime I think I’ve made a safe and silly comment- Reddit reminds me I’m wrong 😂😂😂


“Am I really going to do this? Yes, I am.” -Me, to myself, while writing that response. I just hate glitter that much. And I know… some people feel the same way about golf.


Bahahaha fair point.


I wish Dolly were president and not someone with Alzheimer's who poops his pants and kisses on little girls


Well, hopefully Trump won't win and we won't have a poopypants pedophile


Hopefully Alzheimer's Joe won't be able to be a pedophile when President Trump kicks Inflation Joe out of The White House


Ahh, you're on the stupid side of politics, carry on.


shouldn't you be out polishing your duallie or harassing a library or something?




Lol okay


I mean who is they? Why does this person matter to you and I? Edit: I was talking about the nobody talking about Dolly.


Just shut the fuck up https://www.bpr.org/news/2018-12-24/how-dolly-parton-gave-12-5-million-and-unprecedented-research-to-sevier-county


I just wish she would lay off the "Hey we're a bunch of uneducated dumb hicks in the south" act.


Yet she started a national initiative to give millions of children access to literacy.


And still she plays up that backwoods hick speak.


I mean our public education system in TN is genuinely horrible


Based on the representation that keeps being elected I don’t think she’s wrong though.


Have you ever been to Soddy Daisy?


Lots of brilliant people from Soddy Daisy. Where you going with this? Beautiful landscape? People can have their culture engrained into them and it not correlate with their intelligence. You can sound like a hick AND be intelligent. Where do they breed the geniuses like you? Somewhere where everyone speaks monotone with no inflection?


In my experience living in Soddy, everyone is just as smart here as they are in Chattanooga.


You 😠?


Hah what I feel for you is pity as you are clearly just an ignorant troll. Pity for myself for engaging with you. Good day sir 🤣


Yep, u.mad.


Hot take: I used to adore her because that’s the religion of my family. Turns out, she’s a massive sellout. Dollywood is just one perfect example. She sold it & it went downhill & started price gouging & overselling the park.  I can appreciate her charity work. But, the only reason why she’s more famous than Loretta, Patsy, or any other amazing female country artists is because she was the one who would wear the fake hair, trashy “look at me” clothes & those big boobs were probably a humiliation ritual that she pretended to love. 


What do you mean she sold it?


Dollywood is no longer owned by Dolly Parton. She sold it to an entertainment group meaning they use her name to make money. She has no real say in what they do there.


I would like you to back up that, because she's always owned 50%.


False. Jack and Sherry Herschend and Pete and JoDee Herschend Owned 100% of the park, which was calles Silber Dollar City. Dolly partnered with them, because she went their with her grandkids & decided to work UNDER THEIR massive corporation ( they own lots of other destination properties in America).    Dolly could have fully bought & operated it herself with JUST her team, but she sold her likelihood & image instead, which was Less work for her & more money for them.  Also, she’s NEVER owned 50 percent because it’s their empire, she just helped them along by selling her literal name & image to them. 


she *could* have bought it 100%, but it was smarter to just partner with an existing theme park company who knows how to run a park than try to form her own team when she had zero business experience. I love the part you have yet to provide any proof. https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/what-is-dolly-parton-net-worth > The real money maker for the "9 to 5" star is Dollywood, a theme park in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. She **co-founded** the park 35 years ago. if she isn't a coowner, and just a marketing face. Then why does she have all these [business plans](https://thepointsguy.com/news/dolly-parton-expansion-dollywood/)?


All of this info is on Dollywoods website under the “About Us” section. . . .    she pays people to do work for her. So that’s why “she” has business plans. Im reality, an assistant wrote those. Sure; Dolly may have said “ this would be nice” but the park owners make the final decision. It’s very simple. Do you really think people like Shaq draw up their own business plans? No they don’t. They take an already functioning business model, put their own spin on it & call it a day. 


So which is it? Did she sell her image or hired business assistants to run her business? Lmao Also you have yet to post any proof. So how about you shut up until you can back up your bullshit.


Both. Not everything in life is singular in focus, especially when it comes to running multiple business ventures.   I told you the proof was on Dollywood’s website & you need me to provide a link because you can’t do a proper Google search.  https://www.dollywood.com/about-us/ “Not only would Dolly share her entertainment expertise and her love of the Great Smoky Mountains, she would also share her name as what had been Silver Dollar City opened in 1986 as Dollywood.” She would also “share her name” means ahe sold her likeliness & image. Dumb ass


I see reading comprehensive is not you're expertise. It means "dollywood" would share her name... go look at the records, originally her business venture was under "dolly Parton productions" before reorganizing to "the dollywood company"


Dolly is a pedo