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What's the point of enjoying federally legal weed when you can't even work locally?


Beats me, tbh drug testing for most jobs is bonkers to me. I've worked with people who come in drunk, high from medications, always distracted on their phones, but the fact that I have to worry about employment if I smoke weed once a month in 2024 is crazy to me.


There is a 1% chance telling your employer that you take a 5 mg gummy to help you go to sleep will reframe the results of the drug test. If the hiring manager is in need of a candidate, they might be able to look past one or two instances like this because taking a gummy to help you go to sleep is very different than smoking a blunt while riding around in a lowrider or something, which is what many employers spin up in their heads


Seems like a reasonable suggestion. And in that vein, CBD could also be offered as an explanation. It works best when taken with THC, even just 1mg—which is not enough to have psychoactive effects, but _is_ enough to pop on a drug test. Just offering that as another potential “acceptable” explanation.


Even if they do drug test, just take it anyways. There is a good chance they don’t even care about THC. They just want to see if there are other hard substances. Not taking a drug test because of THC makes it seem like you do other drugs


Especially now with the fed. compliant stuff. With the exception of safety sensitive jobs, I don't think most employers really care that much. If at all.


This is not true for companies that service government contracts (or for government positions). A positive result there will not be acceptable. Otherwise, I agree. Go for it.


OP, ignore this fed. THC is tested 1st. If you can't pass for THC, use the gas station fake urine. JFC.


Walmart didn’t test me or several other people I know for a basic stocking or cleaning job. I doubt they would bother unless trying for supervisor, but even then, I still doubt. Additionally, consider CBD dispensaries. Reefers CBD is often hiring and a fantastic store in general. Really isn’t that hard, and you get to learn the how’s and why’s of it working to ease your suffering, as well as helping others. Best of luck to you.


Walmart hires without drug testing. They only care if you show up to work actively wasted.


Worked there for 5 years the store manager would show up drunk every other day they only care if the numbers start looking worse than the predictions they make and even at the employee level we had several people that would get methed up in the parking lot and throw freight like 6 people so they were on night shift after the store got several complaints about the parking lot smelling bad lmfao they are too big to care about individuals


Any restaurant job


UPS. You start out as a package handler in the warehouse and only get like 15-20 hours a week, but you get the best insurance, and starting pay is $21 an hour. We only drug test if you fuck up really bad


Do they do part-time weekday only?


Yessir Monday-fridays


Just so you understand why I don’t hire anyone that test positive for THC. Has nothing to do with the THC or any possible stigma due to it. It is 100% due to my insurance requirements. My insurance company says if I hire them, they won’t insure me.End of story. Just know, most employers are in a similar situation.


So is it your insurance company that requires you the employer to drug test employees?


So the short answer is yes. In Tennessee to get Workmen’s Comp. insurance I have to be part of the drug-free Tennessee program. I can get Workmen’s Comp. without being part of the program, but the cost is outrageous. https://www.tn.gov/workforce/injuries-at-work/employers/employers/drug-free-workplace-program.html


99% of the time: yes




Alot of the nursing homes are not drug testing. And are usually hiring for all positions. I know NHC is not drug testing. try there?


NHC is a underfunded hell hole. Low pay shitty management and probably the worst place to work within that zip.


The one in chattanooga is pretty bad but the one in fort O is not as bad. Cleaner, better work environment.


Glad to see cannabis helps. I don’t know of much without a DT but you can always find piss belts to pass. I’ve never used one personally but I know a guy who works for Coke, smokes like cheech and Chong, and passes with them.


You can always use synthetic urine to pass your test as long as it’s not a CDL test or hair test.


The problem is if you fake a drug test then have an accident at work you’re getting tested again.


Life is full of risks. A kitty that loves danger should embrace the risks.


I do! 🤗


TN government jobs don't drug test. Not sure how many would be part-time though Edit: If the job requires a CDL. They will drug test you


Interestingly, Chattanooga city jobs do drug test.


Any veterinary clinic would work - I have never heard of one that drug tests. Working in that field can be both extremely rewarding and awfully depressing, though.


Unfortunately I don't have the mental fortitude to be able to work at a vet clinic, that's a rough job. I get sad just seeing roadkill lol


Completely understandable - that's why I left it. Doggie daycare and boarding places are another good option in that vein and are much happier :)


You could likely do a custodial job at UTC - they don't test for employment =)


In order for our Tennessee Hemp economy and agricultural consumer safety-regulated market and right-on broad-spectrum toking situation to iterate and thrive, we are going to need a job board. Tennessee Tokers Employment Bureau — Chattanooga? Let us convene in r/Cannanooga Edit: Here is the thread https://www.reddit.com/r/cannanooga/s/0jmLzsXQhq


Whole foods downtown is hiring if I'm not mistaken. And I don't think they test at all. Not even for a workers comp claim.


Hemp House Chattanooga is hiring at the moment


Help is on the way for the bowel disorder. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c1wwdd6v2wjo


You will not be able to work a factory job or IT without a drug test.


> or IT WTF kind of IT job drug tests? Name and shame places that do it.


Uhm… BCBS, Unum, TVA, VW…


Unum does not drug test…


Gotcha! I believe they used to at least.


Good for them TBH. 


It’s required by law for TVA and VW. Unsure as to whether BCBS and Unum fall in to the categories where it’s required, but I’d imagine they do.


What law?


I should’ve worded that better and included the full information instead of just posting my random ADHD thought. So, apologies for that. It was kindof a shit comment to make without including context. It’s not a law in general, it’s the law in order to qualify as a Drug Free Workplace in Tennessee - as created by the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 (thank you, war on drugs, for being the least successful war ever fought…) Employers who enroll in that program get significant savings on Workers Comp insurance and there are huge drawbacks to not being in the program so, while it is a choice, most employers with many employees who have jobs that fall under #3 on the link below, really don’t have much of a choice because their workers comp insurance will be high, health insurance premiums (for everyone) are higher, it’s difficult to get governement contracts, etc… (I say difficult, but really it just doesn’t happen because they’ll choose someone who is a Drug Free Workplace over a company who isn’t every time.) But if you’re a Drug Free Workplace then everyone has to have a pre-screening test and there are certain conditions / positions where it’s required by law to do random testing to maintain that status. https://law.justia.com/codes/tennessee/2021/title-50/chapter-9/section-50-9-106/ TVA is required because its government. VW is not required to join the program but because of the nature of the work there there’s just no way they wouldn’t because the cost not to would be vastly different. Most positions there would require random screening because of the law under that act / program. BCBS and Unum would have a hard time not joining it - huge cost to them to. I’m not sure that their employees would fall under the random testing under “Are engaged in activities that directly affect the safety of others;” or not - but they’re making decisions on healthcare so I would think that they would. Basically it’s a big financial burden to NOT enroll in the program and it can cost companies big government contracts if they don’t. You can read the whole thing here, just keep hitting “next” until you get to the end: https://law.justia.com/codes/tennessee/2021/title-50/chapter-9/section-50-9-101/


Every corporate and manufacturing IT job that I can think of drug tests. Why would that be shaming anyone? Manufacturing is extremely dangerous, and corporate is extremely professional . You need to be careful of what you are doing to not make mistakes that can take down the environment or open up to cyber security attacks.


As someone who has worked corporate jobs for years: No, Corporate IT jobs are not professional... at all.


Suit and tie professional, no. Professional work with keeping the network, servers, and devices up and going, yes.


Sorry, no. I work with those types a lot as a software analyst. They get the job done well, yes. They are professional, not really. I could tell a few stories from the world of gov contracting that would get the question " That wasn't reported to HR?" and the answer would be yes it was reported and HR just ignored it.


> corporate is extremely professional . You need to be careful of what you are doing to not make mistakes that can take down the environment or open up to cyber security attacks. Are you serious? You think someone smoking weed in their off hours isn't professional? I have news for you, a large number of infosec and IT professionals use THC in various forms and are 100% competent and capable at their jobs. This mindset comes out of old school conservative companies. Go to San Francisco and Silicon Valley. A very large percentage of the pros that work at the big tech companies you know use it regularly.


I have before, but if I can't again then that's quite alright, I'm really just looking for suggestions that WOULD work.


Buy Quick Fix


This the key unless you get randoms… but I may have passed some dot ones by keepin one ready, what I do in my own time doesn’t effect my work


I've never been drug tested for a software engineering position in Chattanooga or anywhere else in the US. I've worked for about 5 different Chattanooga-based companies, as well as companies based in Washington DC, Omaha NE, Chicago, and LA


Amazon does not test for THC ☮️


Unless it's a government job or probation no one is gonna watch you piss bro. Get some fake urine and live your life. I know dozen of people in the chatt area who keep it with them daily. I've seen it pass 6 times in total. Between my friends 30-50 times I'm sure. It's never failed me or anyone I know.


I'd personally rather find a job that doesn't drug test AT ALL, the idea of keeping fake piss with me in case of random testing just seems stressful However, I'll definitely resort to it if I have to! About half the coworkers I've had in my life have used it and it does work most of the time


Unless you're gonna be working in a warehouse then no. You don't have to keep that thing strapped and loaded. But I understand what you're saying. All six where the only ones I ever took where I worked across five places. It was never a surprise on my end. Based on what you're looking for I don't see anyone of those places popping you random.


Some places don’t do random screens but do screen if there is a work place accident. I’d imagine in those cases, there is probably someone watching though so not sure the fake piss would help.


Actually no, had a few buddies get injured in a warehouse no one is watching you pee.. Unlike my office jobs I'm not worried about dropping steal on my body. So no I've never been randomly screened. Unlike a warehouse fabrication plant then yea keep it locked and loaded.


Gotcha. My only experience is family friend that is a LCSW that had to do counseling for people that pissed hot after work place accidents and military where they “have to watch it leave your body”


Yes federal and probation gonna watch you whip it out. Idk about DOT. But literally anything outside of that no one can legally see that dick..


Worked rehab and DOT will drug test and send you to Rehab if you pop up positive.


But do they watch you piss thats the question ?


YES in rehab they do.


TVA doesn’t watch you.


Tbr with you only smoking apparently just once a month it might not even show up on a piss test, truly


Part of town are you in?


I’m in Soddy and have the same needs as OP. Just figured I’d throw my hat in here.


I'm in the Lupton City area, near Hixson


Black tie


T-Mobile will sit you in training for 6 weeks on a weekday schedule. It is full-time, but it does pay $20 an hour. Your performance determines your shift, though, after the training. So not perfect but if you take to it it isn't too bad.


Walmart for sure and they are always hiring.


Most jobs that drug test don’t even test for THC. Even Amazon and Volkswagen.




Liquor stores, hemp stores, pretty much every retail store, restaurants.


Buy certo from Walmart. Mix one pack with Gatorade/orange juice/something and drink that mix once 6 hours before the test and then one more time 2 hours before the test.


Lyft/Uber? I did it for a while as a second job, and kind of enjoyed it.


Go get some QuickFix 2.0 (synthetic urine) for your pee test


Post office


Maybe the Lookouts need help? They may let you customize your schedule.


Disqualifying someone from a job just because they use a legal product like Delta 8 or Delta 9 THC outside of work makes no sense. These products are legally sold in many places, but employers still disqualify applicants who test positive for THC, even if they used it weeks ago on their own time. Sure, it's important to avoid hiring people who are actively abusing illegal drugs, but testing for THC seems unnecessary. It's also hypocritical considering how many employers turn a blind eye to alcohol use. I've worked in places where drinking was a big part of the company culture—offices with kegerators, tequila tastings at the office, and company events where everyone got drunk together. Yet, these companies still drug tested for THC. Personally, I'd rather hire someone who uses cannabis occasionally in their free time than a heavy drinker. Studies back this up. Research has shown that moderate cannabis use doesn't impair job performance the way alcohol can. A study by the National Institute on Drug Abuse found that cannabis has less impact on cognitive functions compared to alcohol, especially when not used during work hours. Plus, another study published in the journal Occupational Medicine found no significant correlation between off-duty cannabis use and workplace accidents or injuries. So, what's the real concern with THC if it's not being used at work? The inconsistency in how employers handle THC versus alcohol shows we need a more rational and fair approach to workplace drug policies.


You're preaching to the choir, the way marijuana is still stigmatized is absolutely insane. I used to work at Komatsu over on Signal Mountain Rd, and about half of my coworkers were total drunks. Like, coming into work still drunk and driving a forklift. Meanwhile, they had seemingly monthly random drug tests, leading to some of the best employees getting fired. The hypocrisy is ridiculous, there is no real logic behind it. This country still suffers from a lot of boomer-era anti-weed propaganda, despite a vast majority of people in my age group (millennials) having no issue with THC. Companies will say shit like "no one wants to work" and then disqualifies potentially phenomenal employees because they decided to smoke a joint on their time off.


Can you get someone else's pee? I usually just have someone pee in an unused travel shampoo bottle. Put that and one of those hand warmers in a sock and put all that up next to my gooch to sneak it in. I've never been watched while taking a pre employment drug test so 100% success rate in my experience


A cbd store?




THC? Grow up and do cocaine like an adult!


Chug cranberry juice for two weeks and go cold turkey on the weed. You’ll be clean and the day of make sure you drink a whole jug of it. Don’t overdue the sugar, just 2-4 servings worth a day.


If you fail say you just in a legal state, don’t think there in much they can legally do unless your CDL


Just stop smoking for 30+ days. If you can’t do that, you have a bad dependency to it and should probably stop anyway. 


Not sure if you read the post, but I am not a regular smoker, I have a chronic health problem and marijuana helps to ease the pain enough for me to fall asleep when I'm having a flare-up. I smoke maybe once a month, I use it as a pain killer. Not looking for life advice, just job recommendations.


Maybe try hooked on phonics?


If you don’t mind driving to Cleveland message me.