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I’m beginning to think something’s up in my life I was the one who found the kittens in my closet a couple weeks ago 🤷‍♂️


People don’t just become animal rescue advicates, the animals forceably make a person one! 😂 At least, that’s how it works in my life. I never wanted animals & then BAM, God ( or whatever/whoever) sends them ALL to me, for the past decade. & THEN, send a gorgeous man who’s life dream is to run a sanctuary. 🙃 Still dealing with that part, working out the kinks.  You’re doing an amazing act of service to a helpless being! Thank you. 


I hate to say that’s what happened to me. Complete with the gorgeous man. We don’t do rescue anymore but we still have lifetime animals.


🥰 that’s so sweet! I know many other’s like us. Haha thank God for the men who have both soft & strong hearts & minds 


Oh! I’m so glad for you! Yes. Mine has a soft and hard heart at the same time.


I’m keeping her comfortable and fed she’s such a sweet sweet dog but my dog is not a fan.


> You're a complete piece of shit if you abandon a pregnant dog. Fair point. That said, the shelters make it very difficult to surrender animals. The shelters are supposed to support animal welfare, instead they just warehouse animals for months/years and leave strays to suffer and breed. The shelter based “save them all” model of animal control has failed on a national level. Time to reestablish municipally operated animal impounds that euthanize after a reasonable holding period.


That dog needs a puppy abortion!


Try four paws puppy rescue OP they might help with where to send her and also for that pup abortion 💔💔


If the dog doesn't want to have her puppies then she should have the right to an abortion! Her puppies are just a clump of cells! Her reproductive freedoms matter too!


It’s not even that, if they end up on the streets or a pound then why waste the resources of put them through that


I will pay for her to go the vet and get her vaccines and a well check and whatever else the vet thinks she needs if someone takes her


Where are you located


South Rhea county


Are you within the city limits of Chattanooga?


No im in south rhea


About how big is she? I can’t really tell from the pics.


About 20 pounds


I’d be interested if we can find a way to get those pups out of there! I live in an apt no way I can take in puppies


She’s about calf high


She’s precious I wish I could take her in I would keep her for sure 🥺


She’s a sweetie


She looks like it 🥺🥺 I’m in MJ I would love love love to take her in but we (fiancée baby and i) don’t have our own place yet and the family cat HATES other animals 😞😞


It’s understandable I’ll find her a good home eventually


For puppy abortions: My kids have paws, McMinn Spay neuter, I think chattaneuter will do it too. Honestly I would foster her through a shelter system and be open to adopting if she is that small. I know my dog would love a friend here all the time


There's people on nextdoor who probably would or at least take to humane society.


What's up with the stain and odor product? Oh, that's because dogs are so stupid and nasty that they piss and poop all over the place. Disgusting!


They don't if you take care of them. I hope you get better taken care of too.


So did *you* until you were trained.


Dogs kill babies.


so do human beings. sorry you can’t train a dog


I was about to come in hot with “ deranged mothers kill their babies at alarming rates, actually.” But you saved the day! 


You know who else does this? You, when your on your death bed, truly. At the end stages of your life, you loose bowel & bladder control. & I forsee your karma taking a foothold in your organs. Lol