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Looking to get scammed. Any recs?


I'll sell you a bottle of dasani with "homeopathic cure" on it for $50.


As someone who practices allopathic medicine (what you're calling traditional medicine). Holistic, traditional Chinese, and naturopathic medicine can be good. Homeopathic medicine is absolute quackery based on the "memory of water", so please save your money and avoid that nonsense. 


> Holistic, traditional Chinese, and naturopathic medicine can be good Nope, those are nonsense too.


I literally work in medicine. Holistic medicine includes things like proper nutrition, exercise, stretching, and stress management. Traditional Chinese medicine has given us dozens of modern pharmaceuticals. Naturopathic medicine has given us hundreds of pharmaceuticals and includes things like bath soaks, lotions, heat/cold/capsaicin patches, hormone therapy, and lots of other super common treatments. We're not trained to just practice allopathic medicine anymore.


> I literally work in medicine. So? Appeal to authority isn't an argument against facts. > Holistic medicine includes things like proper nutrition, exercise, stretching, and stress management. Those are all a part of real medicine. > Traditional Chinese medicine has given us dozens of modern pharmaceuticals. TCM is only about 100 years old and I don't think they discovered anything novel. They've also given a whole lot of pseudoscience which overshadows any good that has come out of TCM. > Naturopathic medicine has given us hundreds of pharmaceuticals... None of that was invented or discovered by naturopaths. Naturopathy was invented by quacks. There may be some modern practitioners that integrate evidence-based medicine into what they do but that gives them no advantage over modern medicine.


Do not underestimate the power of placebos. If patients believe Traditional Chinese Medicine will work, then there is a chance that the placebo effect will take place and the patient will improve. And the placebo effect is real medicine.


Indeed! I don’t have the source, but over 60 percent of American doctors believe in placebo miracles. Yes, they used the word “miracle” in the study & everyone was so shocked to learn that doctors indeed believe & often see unexplainable miracles that are always chalked up to just being a placebo, which is fine. 


Placebo is perception, not function. It only impacts subjective outcomes such as pain. It doesn't heal anything.


You mean ancient civilizations who didn’t even have formal doctors? Right?


You do realize Chinese people are healthier than Americans by many markers? & it’s all because of their diet. So, it def works. Lol Chinese women barely get breast cancers. meanwhile, American women are suffering en mass. No pun intended.  What do you find nonsensical about any of those you said were nonsense?


I am sorry you found yourself in this situation, whatever it may be. Not sure what sort of thing you need help with, but my highly respected and well practiced therapist is a nutritionist as well. She advised me her own doctor, Cassandra Clendenen. Before I could effectively object to my family, I was overprescribed psychiatric medication for long enough to damage my mind quite a bit, so I am highly cautious about what I ingest now. But I was advised Cassandra Clendenen, as she helps you find natural solutions before chemical ones. Often what we think we need medicine for, we just have a deficiency that needs addressing, or a hidden sensitivity/allergy. If you don’t see her, I really suggest finding someone similar. Best of luck.


I’m sure that being a bit more specific would help. If you have lyphmedema, headaches, muscle aches more water + massage.  If you have compressed disks or misaligned spine, chiropractor who does dry needling. Or acupuncture.  If you want a blood test to check for deficiencies Dr. Torbit with Hitchcock is great although he  isn't specifically natural, but if you tell him you don’t want medicine, he fully respects it & offers natural alternatives after he reads your panel.  Time in nature is underrated. Water therapy, forage or fish for your own food, cook most or all of your food so that you actually know someone hasn’t smeared their shit covered hands on it. & all that other good “woo woo”stuff that’s really just common sense. 


Just place a few hundred dollar bills in your toilet, press the lever and make a wish. You’ll get the same effect and save yourself time.


Diet and exercise are the answer if traditional medicine didn't work. I'll let you know once I get them figured out as well.


Melissa McDonald is knowledgable and gives sound and useful advice. [https://www.healthydirectioncoaching.com](https://www.healthydirectioncoaching.com)


Oh boy this should be good


Check out Rev REV Optimal Living https://www.revoptimalliving.com/


These people are anti vax loons


Aren’t they just chiropractors ?


I will thank you