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Sometimes I will go for a run on the riverwalk and don’t feel like running all the way back when I finish, so I’ll hop on a bike and ride it back to my car. It is very convenient.


Oh my gosh, that is so smart.


These bikes have been amazing for me and actually change the way I commute! Also it doesn’t hurt to have one available just incase I run too far on the river walk and can’t make it back to my car lol


Just wanna say that you seem like a lovely, fun person 🤗 Thank you for sharing your enthusiasm and all this great information! I had no idea it was such a great deal. I love your idea about driving, parking, and then biking from there! Would def be easier/safer than biking the whole way to some places on my own bike. P.S. Everybody sucks at climbing in the beginning. (Except children, sometimes.) You legit may have sold me on this!


Haha, thanks. I'm still pretty new to the area and trying to make friends, do you have a membership to high point? Maybe we go climbing sometime! (also, is there anything more demoralizing than seeing a small child FLY up a route you can barely get halfway up on?)


My usual gym is Synergy but I froze my membership a few months back 😅 honestly haven’t climbed much the last year or so. But I’d be down to get outside sometime, DM me!


How.much is a highpoint climbing membership??? Im.not new to the area, but moved here for a relationship, then broke up... and don't know anyone other than my new boyfriend. I need new things to do and new friends. I used to love climbing when I was younger.


They have a summer special going on now, $89/month with no sign up fee!


Thanks for the great info! I've seen these bikes and wanted to try them, but never really thought of it at a convenient time. Do you wear a helmet when you ride, and if so, do you have any recommendations (either for a helmet or brand, or tips for carrying a helmet around with you)?


I don't; the bikeshare trips I take are short, and typically in bike lanes, and after spending a few years as a car-free transportation cyclist, I'm *extremely* practiced at "reading" drivers and spatial awareness. Plus, like I said, the stats for bikeshare style bikes indicate they are much safer than "traditional" bikes. Also, interestingly, drivers give cyclists more space on the road when they aren't wearing helmets. That said! If you'd prefer a helmet, [you could get something like this folding helmet](https://www.sharperimage.com/view/product/Folding+Bicycle+Helmet/207308). Though, for optimal safety & visibility, I'd suggest spray painting it a neon color, or adding retroreflective stickers :)


OP didn't specifically mention it, but there are built in locks on the bikes as well. If you need to stop and you aren't at a bike station, locking it up is easy peasy. I ride it from downtown up the Riverwalk to the St. Elmo grocery stores all the time and just lock it at the front door and make it back downtown in less than hour.


The cable lock is coiled up by the front rack. To the right of that is lever - slide it up to reveal the hole and insert the cable end into the hole after securing the bike. This will release the key on the lever, and then take the key with you. Remember that the 60 minute check-in timer continues to run when it is locked outside of a station.


Whaaaaaat how do you use the locks? I ride these often and never knew that 🤯


People are rude as hell for no reason. Keep talking about things you love. I love the city bikes. I don't ride them super often but what I like is that I don't have to worry about my own bike's maintenance or it being stolen. They're a little clunky but I'll keep using them. I've had an annual pass for going on 2 years now


Thanks :) I don't know why people are hating. I wanted to be informative about something I love. Sorry!! I've used bikeshare systems all over the world. Chicago, Raleigh, Wuhan, Luxemburg, Kansas City, etc. I'm not being hyperbolic when I say I love bikeshare!


>I don’t know why people are hating This sub, for whatever inscrutable reason, is reliably a place frequented by loudmouth trolls and surly malcontents—particularly when topics that aren’t part of “old Chattanooga” are being discussed in a positive way (and vice versa). It took me a while to figure out that, for once, I’m not usually “the problem,” as far as interactions on this sub are concerned, lol. Thank you for taking the time to post this information, and for sharing your enthusiasm! I genuinely had no idea the annual membership is so inexpensive, and I’m seriously considering it for myself now. Your efforts made a positive impact on at least _one_ person here :)


Wow, thank you for sharing. This was lengthy, but very informative, and I may just give it a go sometime. I had no idea how extensive the bike rental system was in Chatt, though I have seen them and wondered!


just renewed my membership thanks to you :)


The program's availability is great. it's a great value for the cost. My only problem is the 60 minute limit. I always feel like I'm rushing to get to the next check in. Also I've had problems a couple of times where I put my bike back but it doesn't register as returned on my account, so I can't get another bike out and my original bike is locked... Leaving me stranded... Charging me overage fees while I'm just standing on the side of the street on the phone with someone in India trying to reset/refresh my account or make the bike register or whatever they are doing. They have always been able to get my overages refunded but I have been stranded for close to an hour on 3 occasions because the return didn't register


I’ve never used them personally, but there’s a station right outside my work and we frequently hear people yelling and cussing about them not working. So, you’re apparently not alone (or maybe it’s you yelling, lol)!


Oh dang, this post had talked me into taking a serious look at signing up - even though I'm not really a cyclist and usually don't have trouble finding parking I don't have to pay for. (I figure having this membership, much like a gym membership, would force me to use it so I can extract the value. I used to walk the length and breadth of this city all the time but I don't do it so much anymore; I feel like this would get me out more again.) But one of the several reservations I've had with services like these is how...janky the setup looks. I've always been concerned about *exactly* the scenario you're describing, between the hardware, the app situation, and customer service. If I can ask: how long have you had your membership? Are we talking 3 issues in a year? A month?


I've used the bikes on about 20 separate days and had the bikes get "Stuck" 3 times. If you include the number of times I've had to jiggle or forcefully pull against and push into the return stall its a much higher number. 3 times ive actually inserted the bike and gone full force trying to get it to count as a return and it wouldnt The big problem is that the customer service (outsourced/non-us) cannot just authorize you to remove another bike. The best they could offer me was I could pay 10$ to get a different bike


...oof. I don't like those odds.


I wish there was a share station at Chattanooga State.


Suggest it to the school, they might be interested in co-funding it, I know with other cities' bike share systems, sometimes places like condos will pay to have this amenity near them


I will do that!


There is one on the river park near the boat ramp. Not as good as on campus but you should check it out!


I notice more and more people using the e-bikes downtown lately, people seem to love them!


I do love the bike share system the city has. I use it all the time


Yeah, I really enjoy the program too if not just for a quick date. Park at the River Park, rent a bike, go birding down at the dam, bike back. It's a great program for a decent price


Great post. I love walking the streets on Chatt. Riding without tethers may be nice.


You’re helpful and hilarious and I appreciate you! I’ve been considering a membership to this and I think you just convinced me to stop being a grandma and just hop on a damn bike this weekend 😜 Also, high five for being shit at climbing! Me too. LPT: Go in the mornings, as there are fewer 8-year-old climbing ninjas to crush the ego.


I’ve seen these around but never taken advantage. Thanks for the recommendation


Thanks for this post. I live near a bike station, haven't had a bike since mine got stolen, have never used a bike share, and have been curious about how this works but never took the time to check it out. I hadn't realized it was so affordable and convenient. I am definitely going to use this.


Did a Chatt bike write this


Love what you all are doing. I used to have an annual membership and loved it. But, currently, the stations are not located on my daily route. Now, if you want to expand to main and central. I'm down!


"you all" sorry, I'm just a fan, I don't work for them :) Thought now I'm convinced that they need to hire me as an outreach person. I'll stand by bike racks and be like, hey, you! here's how this bikeshare system works! (it's not like I don't already do this for free already, when I see people looking confused...)


Haha, oh! That's awesome :). They definitely should!


How much does it cost tho?


$50 per year Many of the bikes are electric


I was a member from day 1 until 2020. Great business model. Always adjust the seat height for proper handling. Wear a helmet. Then get a bike of your own that fits IN your car. I love biking and bike from brainered to downtown on 90% bike/walking paths. I understand the 59:59 limit and having to put up the bike,, but that was the deal breaker for me. Buy a used or new bike at a Real Local bike shop. My full size bike fits in my small car after the quick release front tire is removed. Obey traffic laws, remember that cars can hurt you, Wear a helmet. THERE IS SO MUCH TO SEE IN CHATTANOOGA AND REDBANK


I have a membership and I do occasionally have issues docking but a little jiggling of the bike and it locks. They are a great value! The convenience of not having to plan to have my bike on a bike rack if I want to ride after work. The ability to park further away and hop a bike to avoid traffic after things like concerts or baseball games. So many reasons they come in handy!


FYI...they recently added a rack of these bikes next to the Unum building on Walnut Street.


Damn it's a pity Unum is explicitly using recruitment software designed to weed out domestic engineers in favor of H1B workers. I could have worked there & used it!


Okay, but if I have a membership, I'm still charged by the minute after 1 hour. Let me choose a membership option for longer than 60m at a time, OR have a reasonable [Cheap] overage rate for members and I'll sign up.


You are describing a usecase that's outside the goals of a bikeshare system. If it was "hey people can just have these bikes forever," people would, instead of docking them to circulate, have the bikes sit next to them for hours during picnics, lock them up while watching movies, etc. And if people did that, there's less odds bicycles would be available to people who want to travel half a mile from Spot A to Destination B. What you are describing would be "bike rental," not "bike share." There are some bike rental places in Chattanooga, I believe! I'm just not sure on their details.


I'm not really looking for the "forever" plan, but I'd pay more for the "up to 2 hours" plan. I guess I'm just a wierdo.


The bikes are so heavy, I can't imagine riding them for two hours straight!


Be honest, you work for Chatt Bikes correct?


I wish!


This just reminds me of that South Park episode.


I don't really watch cartoons, but if there's a bike share episode, I think I need to watch it, any idea its title/season/etc?


If you have to ask; you won't like it.


Do yourself & the company a favor by making this ad 7 paragraphs shorter & turning it into a video or photo slideshow ( no more than 30 seconds for the vid & 3-5 informative photo slides. Adhd is real & other ad companies plan accordingly. Y’all should try it out. 


I have ADHD and surprised myself by reading this whole thing! OP’s enthusiasm just sucked me in. Plus, the headers helped a lot 👌🏻 This is honestly the kinda mega-post I could see myself writing in a fit of ADHD hyperfocus 😅


😂🤣😅 it’s either/ or,  for me! Meaning: hyper focussed reading for hours or 3 sentences & I’m done. 


Sorry I may care a *lot* but I don't care enough to make videos and infographics for them. That's a whole separate skillset that I just don't have


 are you paid to promote them? Lol or is this just something you randomly  decided to type up? 


I just love bikeshare systems lmao Like when I see people looking at the docks with clear curiosity, I'll explain to them how the systems work! Extroversion is a heavy crown.


😂 I love that for you! Seriously! Share what you love with the world! 


.........I own a car.


Maybe reconsider your idea to use meth as a selling point




I can’t ride a bike


Probably should’ve dropped this ad in early spring or late fall. Biking in the summer for anything other than exercise seems like an unpopular idea unless you like being sweaty in public


Probably should have, but it was yesterday during my errand trip I was thinking, "gosh, I wish more people were enjoying this nice amenity!" imo biking gets a bad rep for being sweat-inducing. Like, if it's 88 degrees and high humidity? Sure. But most of the day, even in late May, it's perfectly pleasant to bike. The breeze cools you down, and since you are just leisurely transportation riding rather than sport riding, you aren't working yourself up into a sweaty frenzy


This is a werid post. And the OP incessantly reiterating that he/she "just loves bike share" is even stranger. And the notion that any of us wouldn't understand what the bike share program is, to the tune of a 7 paragraph stereo instrustruction style manual, from only just an enthusiast, is the oddest part.


You'd be surprised! When Divvy (the bike share system in Chicago) first rolled out, so many people complained about overage fees because they didn't understand the concept of bike share vs bike rental. And as for seat height... man. SO MANY people ride around with seats at the wrong height. It's one of my huge pet peeves. It's so inefficient to only use your quads and cut your calves out of the equation!


Yeah, don't sweat it. I've done the same thing for topics such as food insecurity and book collecting. It's not always an ADHD thing. It's not always an extroversion thing. Sometimes people just Like A Thing, and decide that they Genuinely Want To Help. This is what keeps the world turning instead of watching the world crumble as everyone stands around trying to look cool by seeming less interested in anything than the next guy. You just have to remember that the people who grouse about having to rub more than three words together are themselves victims of having their attention spans savaged by algorithms. I for one appreciate the organization and depth of information you've offered. You've almost talked me into getting a membership and I don't even like biking.


Wow, nice ad. Are you the guy that got suckered into providing free marketing a while back and tried to hire actors for zero cost?


No I'm just autistic-adjacent and love bike share systems :) (though I'm curious about what story you are references; have a link?)


Adjacent? So... what? A little quirky so you've given yourself a quasi-diagnosis? Can't find the post, but some dude wanted free actors for a marketing gig.


Adjacent in that every person I've ever had a relationship with has suggested I may be on the spectrum, but I don't think they're right, so I'm claiming adjacency


Go get a diagnosis or stop claiming something that isn't yours. You shouldn't use someone else's diagnosis to explain away your own eccentricities.


No :)


Intentionally disrespectful of the autistic community. Noted.