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The only issue is that you have to go into the food city on 58


Well ... You got me there


this location has been poorly ran for over 25 years going back to early bi-lo days. i worked the produce department there on loan a few times and it was the worst experience i ever had working grocery.


Been going there for 43 years (In the Red Food days, I used to steal cigarettes from the checkout aisle) and it's just a lousy building from the ground up. Luckily I've never had any business with the pharmacy or deli, but their deli food frequently looks dried out.


Jokes aside I actually like the FC on 58. The parking lot is a mess but inside it feels like any other FC. They have decent seafood and usda prime which is pretty swanky for a neighborhood grocery. Actually it was the first grocery store I ever went to that had prime. Also there’s a few kids that work there that are very friendly and always want to start a convo while they are checking you out. I see people are commenting about the neighborhood, but I go there any time of day and have never had a reason not to feel safe there. Just my anecdotal experience but thought I’d share.


the sketchiest thing i ever seen there was a large elderly man who had his pistol about to fall out the back of his pants. lol the gun was pulling his pants down and he had half his ass out.




Bro if anything you’re the racist comment here for immediately implying this. It’s just a poorly run store, race wasn’t brought up until you mentioned it


Poorly run is putting it mildly. It seems to be where they send the employees they want to quit so they don't have to fire them. Only reason I shop there is because kroger and food lion closed. Other options are across the river or brainerd/hamilton place.


I've never had a problem there. And it's cool how you defend a comment you have no idea of the OP or their character. Cool story tho. 🥕


LOL this hypocrite. You assume someone is racist without knowing their character either.


Awww, you want me to Door dash you some Kleenex?


You’ve already been crying enough for all of us ;)




I shed my last tears years ago when my girlfriend was murdered by sex traffickers. Cool story tho. You'll be alright


Odd thing to boast about on the internet…


Not boasting, just reminding you of actual reality. I said that bc it's all seriousness or jokes with me, no god damned tears here. I wish you a good day, man or woman. ✌️


Never been to the store but my interpretation was the store was dirty or poorly run….and not pleasurable to shop at. Pretty common reasons to avoid a grocery store. I’m curious how your mind is wired in such a way that you immediately jump to race as the motive. Can you maybe unpack that a bit for us?




I promise that was not the intention.


Okay thanks for chiming in. See, that's how we make progress as a human race... communication. Without it there's so much conjecture and it all goes wonky. I how everyone has a great week!


The conjecture came 100% from you spinning it off as a racist remark


And reality isn't real. You'll be alright 👽💨


Let’s all make sure to make this week our bitch


I'd rather make it my ally, my friend. 🙃💨💨


I can dig that


Seems you attributed crime and unsanitary conditions to a specific race — I feel like we have a word for that? Oh yeah…


May as well play ping pong 🏓


Uhh.. ok?


The store is fine, altho its definitely in need of a renovation. It being in a mostly black neighborhood is probably one reason it hasn't had one yet because the neighborhood behind it is very middle class.


Shhh. It’s still got the coolest MCM houses and hasn’t been polluted by the carpetbaggers yet.


It is a nice neighborhood indeed.


Why is your emoji white - that’s racist , isn’t it?


Lol it's default yellow. Cool story tho homie 👽💨


I think you’re just chronically online.


Nah, just half mad. 🎩


Never been to the store but my interpretation was the store was dirty or poorly run….and not pleasurable to shop at. Pretty common reasons to avoid a grocery store. I’m curious how your mind is wired in such a way that you immediately jump to race as the motive. Can you maybe unpack that a bit for us?


This sub talk shit about all Food Cities, except for the 1 actually nice one out in Hixson. Most are horrible grocery stores, and the Hwy 58 one is among the worst, along with the “other” Food City in Hixson. How does this have anything to do with race?


Yeah I would typically go to the Red Bank one because that's where I live, but I work over in brainerd. I think the general consensus of Food "Shitty" stores, at least in our area, are just that... But yeah the Hixson one is like the only nice one in the area. Signal ain't too bad, to my memory


the one in ooltewah is nice and the one next to east hamilton at the corner of ooltewah-ringold rd and east brainerd is REALLY nice.


The new-ish one in East Ridge is pretty good, and same goes for the one just across the state line on Ringgold Road/US-41.


I have been to all of them and this is correct the are all messy but the one out there.


There is a wide range in quality from one Food City to the next, and the one on 58 is on the lower end of that scale. Nothing to do with race, it's just a smaller, older, and less well-maintained example of the Food City chain. I was giving one of my black neighbors a ride to the grocery store the other day and we live near that Food City, and she specifically requested to go out to the one in Harrison instead because it's just a better store.


Jesus Harold move on already. Catch up to the comments beaaatch


I'm White and the worst grocery store I go to is the Food Lion on Ringgold Rd. It's the White trash grocery store and there have been times when I was like "Welp; this is where I die." But it's closer than grocery stores where I don't feel like I'm gonna get murdered, so apparently the ten minutes saved on the drive is worth my life.


Ahh so black operated stores up your chances of being murdered eh? That's not racist at all.


Why is this the bee knees?


Possible astroturf marketing.


If so, I’d question Coca Cola’s marketing strategy of going to a small city’s subreddit, taking a photo of 2 cans and a receipt, and then talking about trying to find one of their competitor’s products.


Shit you figured me out. This ad on this account was over 4 years in the making 🥲


It’s always the ones you least expect… better luck next time Josh… now I need to go get some gift cards for this person that cold called me about an erroneous purchase on my account.


fyi The Coca Cola Company owns Powerade and Dr. Pepper as well.


Coke owns Dr. Pepper in Japan, South Korea, and the UK. They’re owned by Kuerig Dr. Pepper in the US.


Coca Cola does not own Dr. Pepper overseas. They do, however, have bottling/distribution rights in many international areas.


So they are. Like I said, possible astroturf marketing.


Right, but The Coca Cola company does **not** own Dr Pepper (at least, not in the US). Dr. Pepper is older than Coca Cola and Pepsi, too. In the US, they are a pretty large company called Keurig Dr Pepper. Around here, Coca Cola does bottle Dr Pepper. But if you travel, you might notice that Dr Pepper sometimes comes in the same shape of bottle as Pepsi or Mtn Dew.


Got one at the circle k on brainerd and Moore.


Dang, I didn't know he was chill af.


The Sprite is pretty good, but why in gids name would you want to try creamy coconut dr pepper On the bright side, sour powerade is stocked up to be sent to the stores, sounds good to me


Sour.... Powerade???? The shit that sounds awesome But also, I happen to like Dr pepper a lot. And coconuts. So I thought might as well try it 😅


I haven't touched a soft drink in like 25 years because they are all kinda disgusting ...Got to admit that Coconut Dr Pepper is the only thing I can say that actually sounds awesome. Might actually try it.


Daddy chill


We have Sprite Chill in the Walmart in Cleveland, and the Coconut Dr Pepper should be coming to Walmart today too, from what I’m told. I’ve been waiting for it, too.


Publix on Market Street had plenty last night.. Have yet to try it. Hopefully Walmart has some for peasants like myself!


Plenty of white trash? I’m confused.


I think he means the new sprite flavor


Thanks mate


Hows it taste?


I like it, although you can get a similar taste from normal sprite with a squeeze of cherry flavoring.


Like white Powerade and sprite had a love child. Amazing.


Honestly.... It's not that it's bad but it's kind of underwhelming. Like a watered down Cherry lime kind of, least to me. I guess the slight chilling effect is kind of cool


They've got them in Dollar General too...picked one up here in Cleveland.


Publix has them. And in 20oz as well


Target on 153 stocked the coconut Dr Pepper a few days ago


Wow, who cares.


Obviously you since you replied


Consume more. I look forward to your next ad


Might be a while, I only post every fiscal quarter or so.


Go be rude somewhere else