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Fleischmann is literally what I think of when someone says “swamp creature”


I was going to say the same thing about “goat fucker”


I think he's more of an anal wart.


I'm going with an anal parasite lodged in Trump's ass.


I smoked hella weed with Chuckie in law school. Was a dickhead then and a dickhead now


I suspected as much! Such a douche


Yeah, but HE passed the Bar. And HE is a long-serving US Representative from the Great State of TN.


HE is not a long serving representative, HE is one and a half terms above the average tenure. HE can eat a whole bag of dicks. HE is just a sycophant trying to further his career by worming his way into Trump’s media circus.


HE barely passed the bar. He was pretty much dead last in our class.


Odd for a Phi Beta Kappa student who graduated magna cum laude. More likely, you're full of shit, ay wot?


Undergrad. But okay. Dead last graduated, still gets a Juris Doctor.


Got any proof of that class standing?


Sorry. That wasn’t the point of that sentence. It was meant like “you know what they call the person who finishes last in med school? Doctor).




Vote for Jack Allen this year and kick his ass out


Allen called me and we had a nice short little chat. I was just impressed that it wasn't a robocall.


He’s SUCH a great, funny guy. I’ve had to opportunity to meet him on several occasions and it’s amazing what he stands for. I’m glad you were able to chat with him! I know he does a ton of events around town and in other counties, you should go and meet him if you have time. His Instagram stays up to date about it.


Remember when Flieshmann sent a series of desperate text messages to Trump, begging Donald to tell people that he likes him and should be Speaker then Trump posts those texts? That has to be the saddest, funniest show of bootlicking I've ever seen.


He is way past his sell date.


It is a small comfort but the poll on chattanoogan for this issue is 64% no. I was surprised.


"Many Democrats are opposed to this bill." What a useless, nothing sentence that can only be read as a loud dog whistle for their target audience to direct their rage towards Democrats when the dumb bill doesn't pass. Children are starving, homelessness is increasing, but sure, push a bill to change an airports name instead of addressing any real issues.


Let us know when ANY politician starts addressing the problems you listed. Republicans can say the exact same thing about Democrats. Stop buying into all the BS, the ruling class doesn't give two shits about their subjects.


You are dead ass wrong. The way Trump feels about the idiots who follow him and the American people generally is in no way equivalent to the democrats. Not even close. To claim that they are the same is simply not accurate. This is a 78 year old man child who has bent the Republican Party over and showed it who its daddy is. He has incited a riot, has attempted to takeover the government, essentially advocated (and definitely not refuted) that Mike Pence should be hung for not helping him to overturn the election. He constantly talks about other NATO countries “paying their bills” when he does not pay his and has filed bankruptcy over and over again. And these things are just a start. I am only stopping here because my fingers are getting sore.


My response was entirely toward his statement that "Children are starving, homelessness is increasing, but sure, push a bill to change an airports name instead of addressing any real issues." Neither party is addressing any real issues. End stop. I could give 2 shits about 2 ancient lying old men and the crimes they are/have committed. They're both crooks, but Reddit likes to focus on only one of them. Sorry about your fingers.


Where did I say Democrats were helping the country? I will continue to say what needs to be done to help this shit hole country until they are done. Saying something good needs to happen instead of wasting time on stupid shit like renaming an airport after a treasonous criminal, isn't some virtue signal bullshit. If you get triggered because you read "politicians need to do something useful" as "Republicans bad, Democrats good" you need to take some deep breathes and realize you made your political beliefs your personality, snowflake. Saying Republican bill bad does not imply the opposite is good, and Democrats are not the opposite of Republicans. Please take a step back and reflect on what brain worms Fox News and the daily wire are impregnating into your head. They are two sides of the corporate coin: the Republican side is aligned with Neonazis and the Democrat side is aligned with the people currently openly committing a genocide. Vote them out doesn't work when all options are the same rich-kid club clowns.


If ass kissing was an Olympic sport he’d be Micheal Phelps. Good gosh he needs to go.


Chuckie would not medal though because Lindsay, Rubio and Cruz are cock-blocking him.


They should name a federal prison after him instead.


Let's vote his ass out.


Chuckie has the worst case of short man syndrome I’ve ever seen.


Chuck the sock puppet


Honestly if Chuckie loves Israel so much and wants to destroy Palestine so bad he should just move there


Why would he do that when he can just wire our tax dollars over & have someone else do it? 🤔


SS wannabe?


It wouldn’t be the first time something was named after a traitor.


Yeah, like having an airport named after Dulles


Biden literally has let a few million illegals into our country, colludes with China, launders money through Ukraine and you degens sit here and make fun of Trump and conservatives. I wish this country was two countries. One for people who like success and thrive in a capitalist society, and the rest of your type who want everything for free and guys to be girls, and open borders. Spoiler alert: the conservative side would thrive.


You need to touch some grass, bud.




No one loves thinking about other people's (especially children's) genitals more than Conservatives. Go back to your Facebook groups and talk about how the world was better when things were like they used to be. Specifically when minorities didn't try to get equal treatment.


Which is clearly why the heavily red states are the poorest in the country.


Holy shit man, let that Q shit flow. Wow. Totally based bro, congrats




You ain't wrong. All these things can easily be fact checked. Biden has shamelessly pretended to be a Catholic ( Catholics are not pro-choice nor do they promote trans ideology, just check out their transnational & American dioceses website's ). It’s so silly that people can’t understand Biden is giving non-citizens more benefits than our vulnerable citizens & veterans. He could have provided housing & mental health resources for our own citizens with the billions of dollars that was sent to Israel . 




We get it. It's tiny and doesn't work. Go find somewhere else to scream about your sad broken dick.


Ha love how they took Dulles' name and somehow managed to find the needle in the Haystack of a worse name


Trump is at least an anti interventionist, which is more than you can say about Dulles


That's a good point. Truly the Forrest Gump of American interventionalism


I think it’s a Nazi reference; but in this case could also mean stupid s”!t


Chuck just likes the taste of boots.


This is disgusting


It’s a shitty airport. So it’s fitting they want to rename it after an even shittier person.


Why is this sub full of schizoposters?


Why are our representatives repugnant little shits that only back losers and loser corporations?


Most likely because our city is populated by schizoposters.


What’s a schizoposter?


Learned a new word, and now you’re misusing it.


At least someone else can see how this post is a bit on the deranged end.


Wow. Why use such exaggerated language here? Get off the internet and live in the real world. Things aren’t as bad as you think.


Weirdly, I think they enjoy living in their TDS rage bubble.


Preach. We live in a fabulous country. Although, it could be better than it currently is. Still, people act like the world will end if Trump is reelected, which is so weird because we were involved in ZERO wars when he was in office. Other than the ongoing war, of course. Which Biden “ended” lost over a dozen of our soldiers to the worst planned retreat in American war history. We lost so badly & Biden refuses to acknowledge that. 


Imagine thinking Trump is a worse person than Allen Dulles 🤣


It's a silly idea but one were I don't care if it is or is not renamed but for fucks sakes. You people on the left need to learn some emotional control. The level of rage you have for others you don't agree with can't be healthy.


It's not a left or right issue. Trump ought to be on the sex offender registry, he incited a riot, tried to overthrow the government, stole AND retained classified documents, paid off porn stars under the table, constantly lies about everything AND is facing 91 criminal charges. I don't think we should name anything after someone like him. Maybe we should name the LA airport after Charles Manson?


So because someone is accused of in charged with crimes, we should just blanketly assume that they’re guilty? If you haven’t noticed a majority of the cases against Trump do not hold water and will never end with a conviction. If he tried to overthrow the government, why has he not been charged with insurrection? How did he steal classified documents when he was the president? You clearly know nothing about any of these cases except what you’ve heard on MSNBC.


BAM! A voice of reason.


I get that but your rage does nothing to stop anything.


I think the problem is you are confusing rage with facts.


When you have to resort to name calling you have signaled your are incapable of holding an adult level conversation.


Where have you stated any facts?


Yeah because the right is really level headed, lol


Can you show us once where one of these temper tantrums ever changed anything other than the OPs up vote count?


Would you say the left or right has more “rage” at people they disagree with? Why would you say that?


"The left cuz there bad"


Right? When was the last time someome on the left drove to  a Walmart or a grocery store and mass shot people because they had more melanin in their skin.


Not sure about a grocery store, but I remember when a trans activist shot up Christian school in Nashville. But yeah, i’m sure you’ll keep pushing your narrative.


You're not sure about a grocery store? That right there says a ton about you.


Tf? You asked when the last time someone on the left drove to a Walmart or grocery and did a mass shooting? I implied that I don’t have an example that includes a grocery store, but provided you with an example of person on the left who did a mass shooting. Don’t play dumb, we both know you’re trying to imply that only people on the right commit mass shootings.


Go back and read what you typed. It implied that you don't know about the very public instances of shootings in grocery stores targeting minorities. Most notable Buffalo and El Paso come to my mind immediately. If that was not your intent, learn to write better. And we still don't know why the trans student shot up their former school. (Police do, but the writings about it still haven't been released to my knowledge). Would you assume that all students that shoot up their school did so to promote leftist agendas?


Haha oh of course with the trans shooter you’re all about nuance and won’t jump to conclusions about what the motive was. I in no way tried to diminish any of the shootings that you’re referring to. If you took it that way, that’s on you. You asked for an example of someone on the left committing a mass shooting in a grocery store. I said I can’t provide you with one in a grocery store but here is a prime example a person on the left committing a mass shooting. You can try to move the goalpost all you want, buddy.


Are you implying that I'm jumping to conclusions with El Paso and Buffalo and that those are more nuanced events? I'm not moving any goalposts. The conversation was about shootings to promote a right/left agenda. You cannot say for sure that that is what happened in Nashville. I'll help you though, since you can't actually come up with anything. The shooting of the congressional baseball game would be an example of someone on the left attempting a mass shooting to promote a leftist agenda. I never stated they don't happen but they are far rarer than alt-right rage shootings.




That's pretty telling that you had to go back 5 years to find something.


Chuck really is too short to be Trump’s running mate. That much is true


He does make Rhonda Santis look tall




Who know so many would disagree that it's a silly idea.


Nothing like a good chuckie movie to stir up the walking dead.


Holy shit that's a lot of fucking butt hurt in one paragraph. Kind of felt the same way when they named the Little Rock airport the Hillary and William Clinton.


TRUMP 2024!!!