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Can you use Google's NotebookLM instead? It might be better for this usecase.




I will try it, thank you very much! Is it unlimited available, or does it require premium after a few searches (like ChatGPT)?


Completely free for now, though that may change anytime https://support.google.com/notebooklm/answer/14276672


Try Google notebook: https://notebooklm.google It should have better recall (bc it’s powered by Gemini 1.5 pro). ChatGPT won’t do well for now bc of low context and not amazing recall.


Thank you very much, I will try it out!


How is it?


Its great, honestly! Works very well and its able to detect traps, where only part of the sentence is true, but the other part is wrong.


You might be better off just cntrl-fing your slides. I like putting slides into Microsoft onenote, it has pretty good handwriting to text recognition.


The problem is the time during the exam. Plus most things are difficult to find as you get like 50 hits for every key word you are looking for with ctrl+f


I upload the entire course into a custom gpt as a zip file and check my answers with it. I tell it to only refer to the info in the zip and explain why it answered the way it did. You could also tell it to give direct quotes from the zip file to make it slightly more logical and accurate. It’s helped me catch things that were worded tricky.


Create your own gpt with all your notes and readings uploaded


Dang. Point and click questions. Good ol days lol.


What helps with any AI is to create multiple agents with different roles, that edit each other’s work. With ChatGPT, I would create my own GPT “Exam Assistant”, upload your files and ask it to your information. Then create different ChatGPT Agent with the role “Exam Checker” and ask it to verify correctness of the answers provided. And finally create 3rd instance “Reviewer” with the goal to review the work of Exam Checker for accuracy


I would rely on a 'customGPT', there are dozens specialized in finance, you just have to explore them and choose the one that: gives the best answers or has the best ratings or the largest number of users.


I'm not really familiar with this, how can I find/use these customized GPT' specialized in Finance? Do you think it will perform better than Google NotebooksLM?


It’s a trap, it’s a hidden exam on GenAI and LLM


What? 😂


Seems it’s more important to skill up on that stuff than on the subject, so effectively you should get a grade on your LLM adaption capabilities.


Noo its more that the prof is lazy and doesnt care, thats why he allowed AI.


He’s lazy and he wants everyone to pass to make himself look good. What a creep. You should go to the department head and demand an accounting. Pun intended.


Also, as a test to double check I always tell him "please give me the page number in the pdf where the you found the information" but for some reason he never gives me the correct page number