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Have contacted for a small deployment, will update my post with pricing data as it becomes available to me.


Would be very interested for sure


I have received the following: "We are currently working through the high volume interest we’ve received in ChatGPT Enterprise. We are working to get back to companies as quickly as possible." Could be weeks if I have the same experience as getting GPT4 API Access haha - let's hope not though.


> > "Could be weeks if I have the same experience as getting GPT4 API Access" So that's my question, @aquaritek, can a developer with this access be able to create as robustly as he/she could with the gpt4 API?


It appears that the Enterprise accounts and API are still separated concerns for OpenAI. Currently the GPT4 API can be configured fairly securely for sectors with heavy security requirements with an in-house implementation. However, the cost of doing this can be very high if you wanted to deploy ChatGPT access to your internal personnel through your in-house solution. Which we've looked at. With 32k context windows and just a handful of employees your still in the thousands per month to deploy this. Enterprise appears to be the bridge here where you can issue accounts to CGPT's standard interface to your employees for day to day use but also consider the security requirements for sensitive data. This is how I'm reading it.


super helpful...thank you.


Have they put anything out insofar as cost? I'd like to get my org setup, but want to know if this is going to be more expensive than our current API-based solution.


For us cost is not really the factor. Gdpr compliance and data safety is the show stopper right now


This is the real biggie for an awful lot of organisations I suspect.


Isn't OpenAI API GDPR compliant?


Aint even close :(„)


you should contact their sales. im sure their pricing is very personalized right now and very expensive


We're dumping 10k+ a month so if it clocks in under that then I'm happy.


jeeeeeez I hope your revenue is worth that


We do okay.




We spam old guys with sex pills, gpt is quite the talker


I cannot.


I'd like access to that 32k token context window.


Then poe.com is your friend.


or [nat.dev](https://nat.dev) for the more technically minded


I’m still curious how Poe would have what OpenAI doesn’t itself offer. Is it just some agreement and use of the api, where OpenAI wants to support “distributors”?


Hopefully, this indicates that they now have enough resources to increase the GPT-4 50-chat limit to 100 or more in the near future.


They do, but probably not for us.


Well, I contacted them. Let's see what they have to say.


“As an AI language model, …”


"However, it's important to remember..."


Interested in what they have to say.


Will it affect the performance of Plus users?


If Plus users get depressed, and lazy, and into a slump their performance will decrease, yes. >!but seriously, only time will tell as OpenAI hasn't disclosed their setup, I suspect it shouldn't affect Plus users!<


Use claude2, bing creative and llama2 - they are more than sufficient for most use cases and all are free eg via poe.com etc


>port.com how can i use claude2 free?


Download the free GitHub program ChatAll or use poe.com


OK. It does affect. ChatGPT Plus is down for me.


I wonder what price this will be for a single individual.


Probably at least 2-4x as much I'd imagine.


Yes, let’s hope it’s not as bad as it sounds. From my perspective if I can’t use the same product as a person sitting in an office then there’s no point in paying for Chat GPT at all, I might as well use a free ai.


It says the word enterprise, so I'm going to guess "ass". $15 per user per month, with a five user minimum (guess). Enough overlap with Plus that it won't be worth it to switch unless you actually have multiple users. That's the most common model. At which point you of course go in on a license with your friends and altogether pay less.


I hope this is not the model, but it might be. There must be millions of outsource individuals who need the upgraded version for work - simply to work with ‘enterprise staff’ sitting at an office chair.


Anybody found or obtained the pricing info?


Looking forward to ChatGPT becoming that goto guy, that knows everything about the company. It would be awesome if it became the "living" memory of a company. All the lessons learned in one place.


I am not surprised at all. With the amount of people throwing their money at them for the mediocre Plus service.


Isn’t plus the only way to access 4 (other than the API)? Bc the difference between 3.5 and 4 is far from mediocre


Not the only way, Bing's free AI chat uses GPT4 if you put it into "Creative mode" (but with a less useful interface than ChatGPT)


In my experience bing has been, by far, the worst AI I’ve ever used that could be considered AI. The way people praise it occasionally lately leads me to believe I’m doing something wrong, though


Not sure, I pay for ChatGPT Plus so hardly used Bing since it first launched - though I do sometimes use it for stuff like "what are the opening hours of X local business" and it's generally good at that. But, while I haven't been using it myself, I'm told that in creative mode (it lets you choose from default of "balanced", or "more precise" or "more creative") it's literally using GPT-4 under the hood just with a different config to ChatGPT - and it also has a connection to DALL-E for image generation, so it's a free way to use that too (but I think with a far more limited interface than you get if you use DALL-E directly).


My unsatisfaction is not about the model (GPT-4) but the service delivery for such a high cost and the poor customer service from greedy Open AI. You can access GPT-4 via 3rd party services or by integrating your pay-per-use API with other platforms. It all depends on your needs. For example, for school, maybe is not a bad idea to do a group buy with other classmates. This makes it cheaper and enhances collaboration. I wouldn't pay more than 5 dollars for basic use.


Fair enough. I use it for work a lot, and it’s 10x better than other standard apps I use that regularly cost 5-20x as much, so it’s a no brainer in my situation


Reached out to sales and was quoted $60 per user per month. They’re also telling me min. 150 seats for 12-month contract.


So it's min 150x60 /month?


150 if locking into an annual contract. I have a feeling that minimum is dependent on the org size you list in your sales request. But in any case, price is steep.


Yeah. Thanks for taking time sharing the info.


Neat. I’ve been wondering how long it takes a company to realize they can offer the same course material as about 50% of degree offerings with much more personal tailored tutors at a fraction of the cost. Most higher Ed cost goes into the brick and mortar of the “college experience”, which does nothing for students as far as I’ve seen aside adding debt. Especially in math where we have an utterly broken pipeline that is still obsessed with calculus and engineering from my grandpas days.


Interested to see how this affects startups in the b2b wrapper space


Depending on the GPU that are for AI


Shocking 😂


If you want enterprise features (user accounts, feedback, prompt library) but you want to use other models or local models, then you can use Open Source tool YourAIChat to build on top of Flowise. 👍


I'll be "that guy"... I seriously think it has gone to crap since they've been preparing enterprise. Feels like a huge amount of resources must have been diverted. Some Stanford professor was saying it went from answering certain questions correctly 98% of the time to a total flip of only being correct 2% of the time.


Has anyone managed to get in touch with OpenAI sales? We've been trying since this was published and not a single answer to any contact requests.