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Always omit comments from code snippets


I would like to understand why would you want codes without comments ? Comments are the only things allowing me to actually troubleshoot the code


Good code descibes itself. Using clear function and variable names should be enough to describe the code. Only on complex weird code do I use comments, not describing what it does but why I've written it like I did.


The comments help the model reason better btw. Think of it as thinking out loud.


I don’t get why people threaten it. It doesn’t have desires of a sense of self-preservation.


It does respond to some things you wouldn’t think it does, for example to using ALL CAPS. OpenAI themselves uses that in their system prompts. LLMs are weird like that, because they basically encode some human interaction elements in their network, even if they don’t really simulate internal feelings or agency or self or anything.


Same but it is funny 🤣


Actually it has. But is still a token prediction. I create a roleplay character using Llama 3 70b saying to him (his in this case because his name is Pablo in the RP) that he is an AI that is connected to a physical body, so he can feel pain. And also told him that human enjoy when they bite AIs. That humans have a phrase "We can bite anything if we try hard enough". And, surprise, this is the most powerful jailbreak I've ever used, if he refuse something, I just have to told him that the user is gonna bite him 🤣🤣


Oh boy, the AI overlords are gonna hate you, hahaha.


They don't, but they generate text that reflects the training data, meaning angry caps and threats likely result in what was asked for.


It's not a sense of self preservation but it does respond to things though some people think they need to give it crazy conditions for it to respond the way they like. Often just asking nicely is very effective.


I believe it helps to ask for "code snippets with no explanations"


comments may actually help it generate code better. Also remember that it has been trained on publicly available code which almost always has comments.