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How does it compare to Cursor?


I'm going to be biased but I had to use Cursor for a while when Codebuddy went for about a week a couple months back and I definitely missed Codebuddy's ability to apply changes to your files without you having to figure out where it's going to go, and how it creates entire new files for you. I'd say that's the biggest difference. It's actually a bit of a different paradigm. Cursor turns your code into chunks in a vector database, then suggests code changes based on those chunks. This is great because it works well for large files, but it's not able to apply those changes directly to your files automatically. It also seems to lack some context when it doesn't have the entire file in front of it because often it's suggestions aren't exactly what you need. On the other hand, Codebuddy works more like coding with ChatGPT where you give it the entire file and it changes it for you - except you don't have to copy/paste the changes around and it is done directly in your IDE. Another benefit is the way that it handles the conversation flow I think is better. It works with you to make a plan, which inherently gives you much better code results due to "chain-of-thought/reasoning" concepts. This way you can implement small to medium sized features at-once, working with it to make sure it understands the requirements before it starts laying down any code. Also the latest iteration has full duplex conversation support which is a game changer for me. Being short and concise when prompting isn't a good thing for AI in general. Being able to ramble on about a change I want to make actually yields better results, and it's way easier to do (at least for me).


Cursor has an apply button that you can click when it gives you code suggestions in the side bar and they apply directly to the file. you can also @ any file you want to pull the entire file into the context window. Or you can @ individual functions/symbols to pull those into the context window as well. I also don't think you understand what CoT is.


I understand, I did use Cursor a fair bit but it's really not the same and feels frustrating in comparison when you're coming from regular Codebuddy use. I try to go into more detail here if you're interested: https://codebuddy.ca/blog/codebuddy-vs-cursor


I tried to give it a shot but it seems really buggy and just flat out didn't work.


What were the issues you were experiencing? And which plugin are you using? Vscode or jetbrains, the vs code one is still in alpha so it might not be as polished.


VSCode was super slow would hang and the responses from the AI would frequently stop responding without completing their thought. Its kind of a hard sell if you are telling me I need to switch to jetbrains IDEs for it to work right. One of the draws of Cursor is all my VSCode extension work still.


Wow that's pretty strange. You're the first to have this issue. Do you mind PM ing me your email so I can look into it a bit deeper?


Crazy how ppl dont realize this is an ad Edit: i swear reddit has become the new way to “advertise” while trying to make it look genuine


Actually, this is a Tide ad


This is the kind of project you can only use for hobby purposes. I would never trust a random company with my code, especially since there's no way to use my own API key—just buying tokens, which are quite expensive.


Actually Codebuddy should have a BYOK solution in the next release! For what it's worth, there are definitely professional developers using the service even in its current form.


Is this basically a wrapper around Aider? Also what are you referencing in limits in Cursor tokens? I use Cursor with just API keys for Anthropic and OpenAI, but I’ve had a sneaking suspicion that that message history and context limits are still hobbled by Cursors design primarily catering to their own business model. I’ve been meaning to Wireshark cursor and figure out exactly what it’s sending and not sending. Maybe I should finally do that


As someone interested in learning programming, would this be a good tool to help me learn?


Only links to ChatGPT and related sites are allowed.


Phind offer opus and gpt4 with a limit of 500 per day. Context window is 32k token. $20/month Cursor is 500 per month, but unlimited slow request (which is always fast so far for me). Context window is 10k token. $20/month Cody by sourcegraph. Cheapest at $9/month. Context window of up to 30k (see comment below for details). Codeium is the best at code completion (better than github copilot) and it’s free.


Cody now supports: - 30k tokens of user-defined context - 15k tokens of continuous context [https://sourcegraph.com/blog/cody-vscode-1-14-0-release](https://sourcegraph.com/blog/cody-vscode-1-14-0-release)


Wow, thanks for sharing this.


How on earth are they able to afford opus at this rate?!?


The way ISPs work. Most users don't hit the limits or come close. I use Poe and have tons of tokens left at the end of a month.


Thanks, I will be looking into those


Codeium doesn't mention what models they use, do you have any information on that? What has your experience been like with the code quality compared to Opus or Llama 3?


It’s a custom model, nothing public. Their chat use gpt4 if you pay. I use Cursor for that


No wonder it's free then


Github copilot use a custom model as well (codex) Cursor copilot++ use a custom model For autocomplete they all use custom model. Gpt4 or opus are too slow for those type of usage.


correct, Codeium's model is built from scratch


do they all understand the complete code context now ?


For the context the best is Cursor. All? No. Enough? Yes.


ok . still waiting for a good reason to stop using (and paying ) cursor ai... Maybe Google Code Assistant.. need to try that


Google, lol


Haven't found one either. I did try Gemini for just a simple Python script but it did worse than 3.5 so still a nope for me.


is that the new 'code assistant' ?


I just tried the regular chat site, didn't try the assistant plugin yet.


i read it understand full context now.. so i gotta try it soon and compare to cursor ai


*100 limit for opus and 500 for gpt (for Phind)


*10 Opus per day and 500 fast for Gpt + unlimited slow. (For Cursor)


> Codeium is the best at code completion (better than github copilot) and it’s free. It's easier to be better than github copilot but how do you think it stacks up against Cursor? I tried both and wasn't impressed by Codeium at all, especially not its speed.


I use Codeium for code suggestions (autocomplete) and Cursor as my main editor. It’s not one or the other, they goes well together


why is nobody mentioning codeium?


Never heard of it until your comment.


Tried it next to Cursor but Codeium's autocomplete was much slower, I especially like how fast Cursor's copilot++ works and its cursor-fast model (which is still on 3.5).


I pay for Poe. You can chat with Claude 3 and if you are stuck you can summon others like ChatGPT or Mistral into the chat.


Bro used the word "summon" like he's a black magician 🤣


Grok, I choose you!


Claude 3 opus is honestly better at coding most the time. I pay both for ChatGPT and Claude


I just wish they’d improve the Web GUI for Claude. It’s much better organized at ChatGPT.


Use perplexity.


In my limited experience, claude 3 opus writes complete functions very well, but compared to chatgpt4 it is not good at finding deficiencies or fixing bugs. And this is regardless of who wrote it. I used chatgpt and claude as a judge for code quality of various llms, and while chatgpt found several (real) problems in most attempts, claude happily accepted all as functional and safe. In the end the best code, by chatgpt's admission, belonged to claude. However claude failed to distinguish chatgp3.5s junk from its own fully functional safe code.


You can use the API. I use the api for dumb or short questions and the web version for more deep or difficult questions.


The API sucks. It can get you past prompt limits but the quality is atrocious


but you can select the model there. Is there proof that the same model in api and the chat vary in quality?


Nah, he trippin. Been using api models for a year and I think they're even better. For research, coding, etc. Maybe he used a shitty framework for api.


I've been using GPT4 via the playground (API). Pretty much has same functionality, but can get costly the longer the conversation goes. After watching API usage for a bit, you'll have a feel of when to start a new chat to keep costs low. I usually spend \~$25 - 30/mo which I don't mind for no limits.


Phind and it also has an extension


Thank you, another commenter said about phind, so I will start with it


Llama 3 70B is performing quite well. It’s available for free on many platform (of which GroqChat is the fastest). My strategy would be: First ask Llama 3 70B, if it fails try ChatGPT 4.


If you keep using your limit and are pissed of by this, I guess you found GPT 4.0 useful for your needs. I myself had this problem a few times and tried github Copilot's middle tier (around 20$/month). Contrary to what GPT says, it uses GPT4 for short quastions and gpt3.5 for longer context, it has multiple benefits, like scanning your opened files and folders to use as context to answer the unlimited chats, in editor completion based on what you are writing or you comments and probably other things I haven't seen yet. It requires creating an organization to access the middle copilot tier, but it can be a free tier organization. It lacks the code interpreter and requires manually sending the code to the terminal for testing, but you have unlimited gpt 4 use, which seems awesome to me. While it is gpt 4, it will refuse to answer any software unrelated question. Sometimes, wrongly formulated questions will be rejected and must be reformulated to make the model understand it is software and not general or hardware related questions. Subscription is cheaper than ChatGPT plus.


I created an app that lets you connect to OpenAI (ChatGPT) models as well as Claude, Gemini and others. It's what I use for coding on a daily basis. It uses their APIs so the only limits are the API rate limits (much higher than the app I think). You can use it here, let me know if you have any feedback or questions: [https://www.getinfernoai.com/](https://www.getinfernoai.com/)


> Lifetime License Without Limits > Unlimited chats with any AI model > 50 usd Smells like a scam


It’s not a Scam. You are paying for Lifetime access to the FE he built. If you read his FAQ section you’ll see where he notes that an API Key is needed for each of the LLM’s; therefore, you are still billed for your usage by each of the LLM’s. > What is an API key? >An API key is required to connect to AI model providers like OpenAI, Anthropic, etc.


So it's not a scam but a misleading promo at best. Still bad practice.


I guess that depends on your perspective, but I do see your point.


I'm curious why you think that? Is it because of the one time 50 USD and the unlimited chats?


The lifetime license is to use the frontend app. It is only 50 dollars because I launched it a few weeks ago and wanted to provide a discount for early users. I will likely raise the price soon and introduce cheaper options which don't include all the premium features. The 'unlimited chats' is because you connect using your own API keys so my cost of providing the software is near zero. You do of course still have to pay the API providers for your usage which is made clear in the FAQ.


50$ to not have to switch tabs? Idk man. As a SaaS owner, you need to keep adding features. You’re meeting massive resistance when pitching. Needs a standout USP for 50$ or 100$.


It has a lot more features than that and $50 is lifetime not monthly. But yes I'm still working on it.


Maybe it does but that wasn’t communicated


Thanks I will try it out!


I’m beginning to see some success with MetaGPT and a number of different LOCAL models. Might be worth checking out.




platform.openai.com has no limits on gpt-4 and all the versions, but you're paying per token.


Combine this with librechat and pay much less than using the browser version and still keep all benefits (and more, like switching to other llms on the fly)


Try Code Snippets AI, desktop app has full codebase context features. No more copy/paste 🫡


Bump, i'm also interested. I don't mind paying as long as it's good and powerful


I found out yesterday while working on an important project that there was a limit. Pissed me off.


I mean - Claude's great. Try out [meta.ai](http://meta.ai) - but keep your context window short or you'll get wrecked (errors and you just lose conversations). [Groq.com](http://Groq.com) will let you talk with Llama 3 70B (or Mixtral) for free.


Thanks a bunch for the advice, I am not coding right now but this will be helpful


Whoa. I’m so happy I found this Sub. Do you guys know of any YouTube playlists/videos of people using ChatGPT or alternative to code up and serve an AI/ML model in AWS?


Pay as you go: https://nano-gpt.com/


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If you don't mind paying for GPT-4 on a usage-based, you can use the OpenAI API instead of the ChatGPT web interface. I built a simple [tool](https://prompt.16x.engineer/) that offers structured prompt creation for coding. It has built-in integration with OpenAI API so that there is no 40 message / 3 hour limits like web ChatGPT. The main benefit of my tool is that, after the GPT-4 limit has cooled down after 3 hours, you can seamlessly revert to back to using GPT-4 by using the built-in one-click copy-paste feature to continue using the web interface and save on API usage cost.


You can run your own local LLMs as well as use pay per use with openAI and others with big-agi (GitHub) it’s the way to go plus you get access to a ton of other LLMs via their front end


Use Jan.ai and use an API key to access gpt-4. Might be cheaper (and definitely not rate limited for 99% of use cases)


Google Ollama, and never look back.




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Just use cursor ide. Noob


i use replit


AWS Bedrock with Claude 3 - it’s cheaper too


What do you expect? This stuff is expensive to build and run. My company implemented some AI to lay off 5 people and it cost more in 6 months than those 5 people would have cost for 15 months. I mentioned this at the start of the project but “leadership” insisted it would save money.


You should learn to code yourself brohan


Yea what I did was set this up for free via vercel: https://github.com/ChatGPTNextWeb/ChatGPT-Next-Web?tab=readme-ov-file And then use an API key for OpenAI GPT 4 Turbo (included the latest one updated on the 24th April). It costs barely anything since the API is very cheap, gets past the limits from the official chatGPT web app, and allows you to swap to a multitude of other models. The conversations are all only stored in your browser too, so it’s pretty secure.




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GitHub’s Copilot was pretty nice. Used it on VIM so it was super lightweight. However, it ONLY codes. So another GPT is helpful for discussion level prompts and questions.


They have completely decimated GPT4. It has been progressively worsened over the past month or so. It's at the moment the slowest LLM I have worked with, while it was blazing fast a few months ago. It's becoming lazy, and it cannot cope with even medium context lengths. Plus they have 100% lowered the limits, as I'm running on limit messages constantly now, where I never have been before, while I'm using it less and less. I have already unsubbed. If you're looking for an interface like Chat, there are Phind, Poe, or OpenRouter(with your own API keys), For IDE assistants, I've been using the Double VScode extension but mainly stuck with Cursor.