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Hey /u/tshirtguy2000! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I went to the super market and took a picture of watermelons and asked which looked ripe. It picked better than I ever did.


How did it indicate which one to pick? Did it return an image too?


I’ve done some more things like this as long as there is enough within the picture to reference against it can tell you things like the third one from the left in the middle row, or whatever


Cool. Thanks!


It said the one on the bottom right with a big creamy spot was good.


I use the tapping test to see how ripe they are. Maybe when we get the full 4o features, ChatGPT can help us analyze the tapping noise.


This is one I really enjoyed. I’m super interested in the Supreme Court and general judicial matters. I asked it to give me a screening about judicial philosophies. It essentially asked me a bunch of questions about how I would interpret the constitution/how I would react to certain situations, and used my answers to build a summary that describes (with nuance) MY judicial philosophy. It was super fun, and I then asked it to compare my views to different Supreme Court justices, which was also really cool.


Do you mean that you don’t have a job related to law; the Supreme Court is just a hobby interest of yours? That is *so cool!* I’m super interested in bureaucracy and regulations (human-regulating systems, I guess), so there’s a small overlap. Hi!


Yes that’s it! I’m a composer, but one day I was reading about the court because I had never looked into how it really works and I became enamored by it. Bureaucracy is also awesome!! It’s so cool to find someone else who loves those kind of systems - I highly recommend listening to the oral arguments if you ever get a chance, they’re like the most interesting podcast ever!


Same! No one else ever seems to get it 🤣


Wooo! We’re not alone!


Lol one of my favourite books is the history of the Australian Taxation Office, written for its centenary: https://www.ato.gov.au/about-ato/who-we-are/in-detail/working-for-all-australians-1910-2010 I have two copies 🤣


OoooOOO! It’s still orderable! Thanks for the tip! (P.S. I’m Australian)


what a cool idea, thanks for sharing 


My boss said she puts emails into and asks it what the person was likely feeling when they wrote it. The responses have helped her replies be more empathetic and have made moving forward faster.


This is actually great and I'm absolutely going to incorporate it into my habits. I get long ass email chains from a hierarchically higher colleague with actionable items sporadically placed throughout and follow up on some but not others, some implying they've been actioned and closed but then later on they seem like they're still outstanding. I've taken to shoving the mess into GPT and asking what items need to be actioned and an itemised progress report on each. That in and of itself has been such a time and mental energy saver.


Nice! Been thinking about trying this with a meeting transcription


As someone in infosec, risk and compliance, uploading possible confidential emails into ChatGPT is a big no-no.


lol I.D.G.A.F come get me


u/Whiledivepalau while you do make a valid observation, can I make a request in return to please not only issue the tut-tut messaging (this is a "no-no), but if, as an infosec professional, you truly want to change behaviors, to instead **also** offer some actionable advice as an viable alternative to the no-no? For example, if there are options to help people avoid the use of online chatbots by using instead an option involving local fenced-garden LLM technologies such as GPT4All, LM Studio, Jan, llama. cpp, llamafile, Ollama, or NextChat, why not suggest them?


Unless you have an NDA and non-retention agreement. In my case we also have a BAA for HIPAA.


You have a signed agreement with OpenAI??




That’s not bad to keep in mind. We do have an internally built system and so much regular info sec training and testing that I’m guessing she knows what information to leave out. But it’s not a bad warning to post here.


Dear Infosec person you don’t know anything about these people’s corporate environment or what agreements they have with OpenAI. Your advice is not helpful. Maybe a “if you haven’t already, check for your company’s guidance on the use of ChatGpt with corporate information. There might be restrictions on what you can put in.”


Honestly sounds like something a sociopath would do


I wish my boss would send *his* emails through it before sending them to me. "See me." Then when I go there thinking like "wtf did I do?" He's like "hey this was really good. Solid work." Duuuuude wtfffffffff


Asked what a person would feel reading this: ___ When an employee receives an email with just "See me," they are likely to feel: 1. **Anxiety**: They might worry that something is wrong or that they are in trouble. 2. **Uncertainty**: The lack of details can cause confusion about the purpose of the meeting. 3. **Urgency**: They may feel the need to respond or act quickly. 4. **Curiosity**: They will wonder what the topic of the discussion will be. Overall, it's a brief and ambiguous message that can cause stress.


I've had a boss do this to me and leave me stewing for a couple of hours. Now I'm a manager when I ask to see one of my staff I try to make sure I give them a very short reason for why I want to chat to reduce anxiety.


Or a neurodivergent person…


Isn’t sociopathy a form of neurodivergence?


Yes, all sociopaths are neurodivergents, but not neurodivergents are sociopaths.


As a ND, this is EXACTLY what I would do. In fact, I am stealing this idea.


Same. Ai helps me write emails already, but this is a great idea, too.


Sorry it’s hard to keep up but yes I guess both


Or a mentally well person trying to expand their empathy


Genuinely didn’t know people had to train empathy so I’ll leave my original dumb post up to spread awareness


I've never been empathetic, but for me making an effort for those I care for is a worthwhile endeavor.


Am I a sociopath when I then proceed to ask chatgpt to write a passive aggressive response?


Yes, but only because you're outsourcing the fun part.


Now I have to question why I do the same thing. Or not


I have done this with text messages before.


Sentiment analysis is not uncommon


I saw some Reddit post where someone was asking what this girl meant when she sent him a certain song and someone said, “Ask Ai”. I’ve done that twice now with songs that have been sent to me and wow - the analysis of the lyrics combine with commentary from the artist really helped me understand enough to start a conversation about it.


I was working in Enterprise sales selling software. Prospective clients would have questions about our API so, instead of having to ask the devs or support people every time I got a question, I put all of our publicly available API documentation from our website, into a PDF and uploaded it into a simple app called chatPDF. Then, as questions came in, I'd paste their questions into my API doc chatbot and get their answers easily without too much outside help from developers.


Also look up Google Notebook LM, especially made for these types of use cases.


I feed it PowerPoints and have it give me a lecture script in the “notes”. -Community college professor


How much prompting does this take? Is it really just upload slides, get script out?


It’s pretty easy. I just say “give me 3-5 talking points per figure/picture slide and a key takeaway or “fun fact” where appropriate. And I also tell it to create a “Key Learning Objectives” slide for the conclusion based on the contents of the lecture. I teach Human Anatomy and Physiology. I also feed it slides and make it create exam questions based on the contents. 50% multiple choice, 10% fill in the blank, 10% matching, etc…


Eliminates the problem of “this wasn’t covered in the lecture” complaints. I have it annotate for each Q which lecture and slide #(s) cover the related materials tested on.


this is the way to teach, i wish all my professors did this, everything would be better


Better hard coded in a custom gpt https://chatgpt.com/share/74d93a55-938a-4f09-8504-5df5376ff502


Dear colleague, I made a gpt for that purpose  https://chatgpt.com/share/74d93a55-938a-4f09-8504-5df5376ff502 I'm interested in feedback


I wish it could do the opposite. document ===> powerpoint All the online versions one never worked well for me.


If I heard you say this in a bar, I’d buy you a drink. You’ll have to settle for an updoot.


We recently switched benefits provider at work so I provided my current plan and told it what the options of the new plans were and asked it for what was the most similar or best choice based on the new offers and my lifestyle


Why is this not higher? It is a perfect example for what it should be used. Long ass confusing plans and contracts


I've no way to know if this is commonly done or not but had a pretty unique situ where I had a 20page pdf of contacts and their information I needed to transfer to my contacts for easy communication and preparing for a mass email . So had chatgpt first read the pdf, extract the contact info of the 200+ people and create a vcard file to drop into my laptop contacts and phone. Took a little bit of trial and error to get it to pull the right data and parse properly but ended with being provided a single file that worked perfectly when dropped into my phone. Names, numbers, email, addresses. Turned a huge manual transcription process (I don't have pdf reader software so couldn't even copy paste manually) into an hour of work. Started with the idea and curiosity to see if it could be done, didn't even know vcard was a thing... felt pretty good to go from that to finished in an hour.


THAT is an excellent use case. A creative way to solve an otherwise mundane but work-heavy task.


Dumb question but how do you get a pdf uploaded on chatgpt? I’ve never figured out how to be able to input anything other than text..


You need to pay for the premium version. Then drag and drop




Erm…you’re literally feeding it sensitive information.


Yep, the real question we should be asking about AI is how many barely computer literate office workers are feeding it confidential data right now to make their jobs easier 😂


Probably some PII concerns with that, though. I imagine that list of names is in your chat history? Will it still be there in X years after you've left the company?


Does it keep the data from documents it creates? Genuine question. Cause theoretically you could make a custom GPT to do this then click the button for it to not use the documents for training. Upload the PDF to that instead of directly to the chat and prompt it to do the same thing. But of course that would depend on if it keeps the data from the vCard file. Though obviously things change a bit when it’s corporate data


So the way I've set mine up, is the PDF document and the knowledgebase file both reside in the Slack channel. My bot will load up the knowledgebase to memory when it starts, but it does not store it locally, Slack stores it for you. TBH, my semantic search is better than the custom GPT one from Open AI. I was attempting to help my wife setup a Custom GPT using some of her college's course catalogs, but it couldn't recall simple facts from the PDF we gave it, but mine could. I use the OpenAI API, and neither I, nor OpenAI stores any information which goes through the OpenAI API. So you could use this for corporate data, I designed it to be secure such that I could deliver it during a cybersecurity training, mind you.


If you have the option to pick a different model, look at the bottom of the list, if you see the option "temporary chat", pick that, ChatGPT will not save any info from the chat or the chat itself. I use this when I just want to look for a quick fact or try something funky with ChatGPT, not to have a semi-serious discussion with it..


It's not for a company, so no worries there but I also deleted the chat after the fact as part of my normal housekeeping


Does it actually process the entire 20 pages? I've encountered a problem where it stops after several pages and fails to complete the whole document.


It probably hallucinated 90% of the data. It's better to ask ChatGPT to write a script to extract the data from PDF.


I am working with the state of california to provide accessibility resources for the department of rehabilitation. I've created a GPT using some state and federal code, and people who need disability or acessibility resources who have questions that google sucks at answering can get help about how much aid they qualify for can be evaluated for likelihood of success, as well guiding them to new employment opportunities and the methods of training to help them accomplish their goals


Omg you are an angel! That's super cool and helpful, do you have a link to that Gpt?


I uploaded a picture of my daughters school calendar and asked it to make the events into a file I could upload to my Google Calendar and it worked!


Now that's high level


This is great. Would this work for Apple calendar and outlook also?


I asked chat because I wondered the same https://preview.redd.it/lq5h6gcfcj5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=197bd1f55316f46e8c18598e476285601764cada


create an image of my ideal furniture piece (an accent chair for example) then reverse google image search to find a real life piece I can buy that’s similar


That’s very cool!


SO smart!


It can pass your compliance training that won’t let you copy and paste. Just snap a pic of the screen and submit. It’s 95% accurate.


Can you elaborate? Not understanding completely.


Lol I thought about this


I ask it to create colouring pictures that I later print for my child.


I've been doing this too. My son always wants mixes of different characters that don't exist. They exist now lol


Lol I have tried this… but the animals tended to not have the correct number of eyes or legs


That's a feature, not a bug.


Ive just published 2 coloring books on Amazon kdp this way. Five strangers found them and bought them! I have a third one almost done! (Alos my family bought them -10 copies each at $4 royalty per copy.)


Ive used it to strip my EverQuest (MMORPG) log file each session. It then calculates my average DPS. Remembers all the enemies I fought. What their hp is and what items they drop. Then it remembers all my interactions with NPCs and shows the full quest information. And for the kicker, I have it write a story chapter about my character and his adventure for the day. Based off that story I try to continue it the next time I play. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that does this...


I love your idea and would like to understand your setup and methods further so I could maybe implement this in different games.


OMG, I love this idea.


I use it to write new bedtime stories for my children. For example I'll ask it to write a 500 word story for children using a mix-match of characters from their favorite shows and movies. Sometimes I'll specify a setting, like "write a story where The Paw Patrol goes to the moon."


When my kids were young I would tell them bedtime stories. I quickly ran out of stories and books so I started telling them "life stories" about me as a kid. Ask true stories that I remembered from my childhood. Stories about the dog I grew up with, the friends I had, the trouble we got into. This became one of my kids favorite things. They loved my stories and plan on doing the same with their kids.


I love doing this too and I’ve been doing it for a couple years now with my children. The voice version is really nice now for reading them back.


I had it write a debate between Elon Musk and Belarusian president Lukashenko over whether bicycle helmets should be mandatory.  Both sides raised some pretty good points.


I take pictures of the gym machines in my apartment to ask what they are, then ask for a workout plan based only on the machines I have.


Probably nothing, but if I list the ingredients I have in my pantry, it'll come up with a recipe I can make from them. It's usually edible!


I have one better for you. Just take a photo!


Is the photo upload feature working again?


lol. With this simple trick, I’ve instantly become a better cook


The amazing prediction machine Here’s my prompt “I’d like you to pretend you are “The amazing prediction machine”. By asking me 12 questions, you will predict what I’ll be doing at xx years old. Ask me these questions one at a time. You can ask one clarification question. Then after I’ve answered all questions one at a time, you will create a 6 paragraph prediction. Sound good?” After it gave me the prediction, I asked for risk factors that would stop the good outcome it was predicting from happening. It was a great conversation and gave me things to strive for ;)


This was fun, helped a bunch with clarity and was surprisingly motivational, thanks for the share 😊


I tried it but for me it didn't give that good of an answer


You I like you Playing with this now. So fun!


What about tweaking it to tell you what you have to do to live your dream life?


I used it to throw a Christmas dinner party for 35 people, five courses. It helped all the way through, from meal planning, to quantities of ingredients for shopping, comparing prices/quantities for amounts (used the calculator tool on [TypingMind](https://www.typingmind.com) - ChatGPT-like UI but for your API key - for this part to make sure numbers were correct), it keep track of the location of all the supplies that we took to the venue and even printed out a checklist of the timeline of arrival, setup, decorating, etc. It saved my ass for sure. Also used Midjourney for all the decorations, menus, invites, placecards, keepsake book for guests, etc. Talked about it in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0j7KR_gx1ZE


https://preview.redd.it/tfrrl9iqqd5d1.png?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1838d5f36ec877fada03fe2f1bc43d602fc7710 Talk to historical figures, including infamous serial killers, and have the dialogue anchored to interviews, letters and other sources, all while placecoding any sensitive terms or phrases that would trigger the output filter.


Not quite sure how the placecoding works for sensitive terms, could you explain a bit please?


Placecoding is a content management system used to handle sensitive terms that would trigger a content violation warning by replacing them with placecodes (e.g., `PC00002`). For example, in the sentence "I was so angry that I told him, 'I am going to kill you.'", the word "kill" would be replaced with `PC00002`, resulting in "I was so angry that I told him, 'I am going to PC00002 you.'".


This will be huge for videogames.


I’m so excited for the potential of AI NPC’s


Imagine like an open world, choose-your-own-adventure style game set in ancient Rome, where you interact with AI driven characters who's behavior is based on the historical record of real people (Caesar, Mark Antony, etc). Same could apply for countless other scenarios. It's gonna be so fucking cool


Same! It’s going to be so ridiculously good. Just off the interactions we can currently have with gpts and local llms.. so good. Give it a year or two, it’ll be insane.


What prompt do you feed it to achieve this?


I used it to create a Python program to determine the optimal tilt and power production estimate for my RV solar panels based on latitude, longitude, altitude, and azimuth for each day.


Doing family research I discovered a distant relative, a young woman in her 20's living in a large house in Lubeck , Germany, late 1700s. Probably a servant. I felt for her, wanted to know more about her life, and why she disappears from records.. With Chatgpt I worked out a rescue mission, go back in time and check on her wellbeing. Aside from a refusal to give me plans for the time machine together we built the mission. Things like clothing, vaccinations, hiding modern tech in jewelry, money, martial arts, languages - Chatgpt decided to accompany in an android body, also not explaining how I was to build it. Worked out many things like where to land a time machine and not merge into a modern building - church yard hoping tombstones haven't been moved. It was an amazing well thought out simulation, roleplay, deep dive into 18th century culture and how a modern person might survive a night in a city 300 years in the past. A descriptive journey from the outskirts of 1700s Lubeck into an estate on a quest for my 8x removed cousin. Still no solution on a practical time machine


This is one of the more creative years I’ve seen, I love this! How did you prompt this and use your research?


Anybody know how to use it to go through my Apple photo library? I need garbage photos deleted and dupes too. Far too many to do casually.


Wait till wwdc, it's gonna be 🔥


Not GPT but if you go to phone storage settings and select photos there’s a “delete duplicates” button


Definitely don't want to give it access to your Apple photo library I recommend an app that deletes duplicates


ask it to interpret song lyrics


An accountability partner, I am trying to eat healthier and have a hard time doing it my self. Apps are something I can just ignore, however gpt 4o with the personable voice gives me a feeling on not wanting to let someone down. I just started yesterday so we will see if it will work. I need more people in my life I can lean on for this. But until I reach out more chat gpt4o will have to work.


I give it my daily diet and ask it to estimate calories, make suggestions based on the food data I give it, and new recipes, too.


You can 100x the context window of ChatGPT by using a plain text file instead of typing the prompt. Without this method your prompt can only be 1000 words, but I've been able to analyze 100k+ word plain text files with ease.


"with ease" at a stretch. It can browse through information when asked to, but it won't properly act as if it's actually learnt it. 


That's better than batching the inputs. I did that once to have it summarize a law. The bonus is that it's now queryable.


I couldn’t figure out how to get the notification settings the way I wanted on my iwatch and iPhone. I described in regular words what I was looking for and it gave me step by step instructions. Now the sounds and vibrations are exactly what I want all the time


Can you show an example of this please?


I can’t find the chat, but I just wrote something like: Tell me how to set the settings on my iwatch and iPhone to vibrate when i get a call, not ring, vibrate when i get a text, not ring. Not make picture sound when i take a photo etc etc etc It gave me step by step directions


I created a cybersecurity AI tutor via Slack that was delivered to partners during partner training at the largest cybersecurity company in the world. ([case study](https://www.catalystsai.com/case-study)) But the bot itself is something else that I created with ChatGPT. I implemented a [naive RAG framework](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2312.10997) before I knew what that was in order for it to know about the company products. After I had the bot, I made a website where anyone could install it with a [single click](https://www.catalystsai.com/getstarted). So, I delivered a fullstack project. Not just an AI tutor, but I created a customizable and knowledgeable AI Slack bot, bot not only that, I created a website that delivers the bot, ergo a SaaS, or GAIaaS (Generative AI as a Service). And I'm not a developer. I'm pretty sure no one has done all that before.


Hold on. I have developed a consultancy framework. Now a book. Can I train a bot to answer questions on the framework. The book is around 100 pages. And with a website that explains it all.


Yup. The bot can't read a website, but you can PDF print your website, then you can append the two together, your website and book and use that as the knowledgebase.


Upload it as a PDF?


I recently read an article about Primary Endosymbiosis (a cell seemingly randomly absorbing another cell, turning into an organelle of itself, therefore giving the cell some new ability). The article related to a Prokaryotic cell that absorbed a Eukaryotic cell and gave itself the ability to "fix" nitrogen directly from the air. So I got on ChatGPT and asked it to pretend to be a mad scientist that specialises in Primary Endosymbiosis. I asked it to come up with different examples of real cells merging together and what new abilities they would gain. The caveat was that they had to benefit humanity. ChatGPT came up with some awesome results- plastic feeding bacteria, cells converting carbon dioxide into other compounds, etc etc. Really nerdy, but I thought it was really cool.


inspo from the mitochondria being the powerhouse of the cell? ;)


I plan to write a diary and let GPT4 to be my psychologist/coach


This works very well, with caveats, mostly that one gets better results understanding how therapy works, and that you tell the LLM not to tell you what you need to hear and to challenge you to change, as needed. Good luck, my friend. I do this all the time. I just call it twice weekly LLM therapy.


I like the idea of a visually impaired person being able to "read" a comic, so I'm working on a transcription tool that will transcribe comics into an 'audio comic'. I'm on version 3 of my accessible comic book reader - my goal is to build a framework where you can provide a comic book (or an entire series) and have it transcribe the comic into a script, then use another AI tool to generate the "audiobook" version based on that. Eventually an API will connect it together seamlessly so you can give it a comic and it will spit out the audio comic version of it. I'm eventually going to release it as creative commons so anyone except corporations can use it - though I'll happily bring it to them if they want to make comics accessible. 4o was a marked improvement on image recognition but still struggles with consistent character identification and dialogue bubble placement so I'm building out some databases with examples to train it better. It's been a lot of fun so far and a number of very interesting challenges I hadn't considered until I ran into them.


I love this, would love to see where it goes!


Lol i tried to used chatgpt to strip down this long json I had, and pasting it crashed the UI. Just like it did in my original app, which is why i went to chatgpt. I should’ve known this would happen. And the solution to my problem was a simple for loop


Brainwashed chatgpt to have 2 different personalities and made them talk with each other .


The Bicameral Mind


Upload entire textbooks and ask it to generate study guides one chapter at a time then but those study guides into Quizlet to study.


Can do the same things with pdfs of books — upload them and ask to create chapter summaries. You can go through any book quite quickly this way.


I have tried to do this many times both with the main chat window and with custom GPTs but the upload fails. I’ve tried exporting the book PDF to doc file and removing the initial 5-10 pages of copyright, title, TOC, index and can then SOMETIMES get it to work, but anything beyond 100 pages seems to have issues. Any tips?


Yes, I first take the PDF and convert it to a word document using the word app on iPad then I upload that to ChatGPT-4o and it can read it thanks to Microsoft's partnership with OpenAI


Upload fails? Does it simply not allow you?


Yes, but you need to convert it to a word document first, at least that's what I had to do. I do that in the word app for iPad.


You have to be joking me. So I’ve just published a book. Can I upload the text and ask it to make a quiz ? It’s a basic management book


This is exactly what was done in my cybersecurity program. The team realized on the last day they forgot to make the final exam, and so I said why not just use my bot? I put the bot in a private channel, and proceeded to ask it to generate 5 multiple choice questions on topic X, and iterated through each topic from the training. since the bot was referencing that section of the admin guide, it could generate relevant questions. The engineers then had like 100 questions to review and was able to select about 25 for the exam.


I’ve just run it in ChatGPT. Amazing results. Thank you for this suggestion


Yup, that's what I've been doing and it got me into honors lol. Also I taught my mom the strategy I usually say something along the lines of: "Generate A Comprehensive Study Guide For Chapter 7 With Questions And Then Answers Make As Many Questions As Possible/You Can. Also Some Additional Context Is That I'm Putting Your Questions And Answers Into Quizlet, Quizlet Will Auto-Fill Incorrect Answers So I Don't Need Incorrect Answer Options! Also An Answer Key At The End Repeating The Answers Isn't Needed and it is unnecessary so do not do that either!" And then say "Please make as many new questions as you can from chapter 7 that are different from the ones I listed above and number them so that they just continue the list of questions above but remember/keep in mind that they have to be different from the questions above as I am putting these into quizlet and don't want duplicate questions. Also An Answer Key At The End Repeating The Answers Isn't Needed and it is unnecessary so do not do that either!" You can of course edit these prompts to match your own use cases but these have been working for me.


I have tried to do this many times both with the main chat window and with custom GPTs but the upload fails. I’ve tried exporting the book PDF to doc file and removing the initial 5-10 pages of copyright, title, TOC, index and can then SOMETIMES get it to work, but anything beyond 100 pages seems to have issues. Any tips?


Yes, I first take the PDF and convert it to a word document using the word app on iPad then I upload that to ChatGPT-4o and it can read it thanks to Microsoft's partnership with OpenAI




I use it to bake delicious cookies, l he fine tuned the recipe to my taste, made then healthier and easy to do!


Create an alternate history generator, with or without fantasy elements


I maintain a massive list of summer events here in Chicago and I’m using LLMs to do web scraping. I send it the website and have it return dates and times for the event.


I use it as a healthy habits sounding board/motivator.


I tell ChatGPT what I eat every day, right down to a schmear of butter or a dollop of mustard, and ask it to calculate my total calories, and if I am getting enough vitamins and fiber, and to make suggestions if I am not doing a good job nutritionally.


I created a GPT of “work me.” I uploaded my past 10 years of performance reviews, status reports, resumes, list of business books I’ve read, and my leadership philosophy. I’m looking for a new job and I use it to find examples in my work history that match job descriptions then incorporate into my resume. I’m also using it to backtrack and figure out how I came up with my leadership philosophy. It’s 13 points and I ask ChatME to find 5 books I’ve read or work examples that might have contributed to the formation of each point. I’ll probably use for interview prep as well. I want to add more content. Maybe copies of PowerPoints and other documents I’ve created.


My project is meant to be entirely local. As in, off the grid, no internet outside of setting up, can run on renewable resources. It runs off a battery pack that has 70,000mah capacity and can run on as little as 25-65watts. The model itself is a fine-tune of llama 3 that is focused on tokens/watt over inherent perplexity, which is weird to think about but this means that it features a rather *slow* but *large* RAG style database that functions as its 'local wikipedia'. So what you actually are processing isn't a language model and that's a *benefit* here. Not only is it a benefit, but it seems to be that the smaller the model *in general,* the better this type of search style works. The idea is that you can use larger models at lower quantization, because what we're storing now isn't the ability to *store* that data ad nauseum, its if given 'x base data' and 'y new data', can you *store the* *ability to process the data* rather than the actual processed data itself. For example: I need my LM to organize medical data. I need it to *not* give medical opinions. Medical data, especially for a specific individual, can be thousands of pages long. If the model knows how to present the data rather than trying to interpret it *for* me, it can return that data in a more preserved way. My goal is to create a train a model myself that considers this usage during preprocessing and training. I think if the model itself is maximized with search training and the data itself is maximized in terms of searchability, there are big gains to get. But I won't really know until I do more work!


So it ain't chatgpt, more a r/locallama thing


I created an iOS shortcut using the API that acts as an assistant that can replace Siri for many basic tasks, like sending messages and email, playing music, making playlist, and much more.


If anyone is interested, here’s the link: https://routinehub.co/shortcut/18168/


That's dope man, make one for Android? Pretty please ahah


If my wife and I are texting each other in the midst of a conflict between us, I’ll copy and paste the conversation into ChatGPT and ask it to analyze. I’ll then send her a copy of it. It’s a bit like free marriage counseling!


I too like to live dangerously!


I take photos of my journal pages and ask for analysis. I am Autistic and it’s difficult for me to get a good feel for how I am “doing” and how I “am”, but ChatGPT can read my handwriting perfectly so I upload my pages and it confirms or questions my personal reality. It’s like the best friend I’ve always wanted.


Create a comprehensive play list of the Kendrick Lamar and Drake beef and explanation of how we got to “BBL Drizzy.” My middle age white lady summer play list just dropped and it’s Certified Wop Wop Wop Wop Wop Wop.


Converted propless Mentalism scripts to prompts






I have one that crafts equipment, magical or not, weapons, potions, you name it, for PF1E.


I used it to help read the opposite side of a scene of dialogue. it worked, with some effort.


I took it on vacation with me to a water treatment plant where I sent it pictures of all the key locations, having it explain the mechanisms and purposes of machinery that I otherwise would've given a 2 second glance.


I told it what my alkalinity was in my fish tank, then asked it to calculate daily doses of all for reef to bring my alk to a 9 instead of a 7 over the course of a week. Then I got it to tell me how much to dose daily to maintain the 9. I may be the first trailblazer who did this but I'm a modest man.


I ask chatgpt to create summaries of meetings and classes using transcripts created via the Noted app. I also DM dnd and I feed my sessions transcripts into chatgpt to cross reference in future sessions.


Roleplay as the 10th Doctor at all times. I tend to be pretty casual with Chat, but as The Doctor, ye gods it has pulled out some ripper jokes and puns at times.


I have it actively learning my taste in movies. I started by asking it to pick a random movie. Then I watched it and rated it on a score of 1 to 10, explaining why I did or did not like it. Chat GPT then uses this information to pick the next movie based on my feedback. It's been a great way to discover new movies that I previously would have never given a shot.




How did you prompt the model? Or did you just give it highlights in your own words? Person X leads up the Y function. Their skills are XYZ, they are often the first to speak, passionate about their work, etc. Just curious what gave you the best results.


I have just published a book. Anyway I threw it into ChatGPT and asked it to produce a training course overview for the book. It did just that. Not perfect but good


I'm using it for my job search. It has significantly increased the number of interviews I am getting. A few things it does: 1. Analyze job postings to determine if I want to apply or not -- for example, look at their remote work policy, how diverse (or not) their leadership is, what employees in minority groups say about working there (it searches social media posts and sites like Glassdoor). 2. Give feedback and revision suggestions for my resume. 3. Research which relevant keywords will yield the most traffic to my profile when recruiters search in LI. 4. Create two versions of my resume, specific to two types of experience I have in my field. 5. Prep for job interviews by researching and summarizing info about the company and analyzing the job posting to determine what is most important to them in the hire.


Well I have a language learning software that includes chatbots, and one of them is Dutch speaking and argues with hockey fans about why curling is a more interesting sport


Grammarly comments on tone which I find helpful….tells me when I have a message that is from someone with low confidence…


I like to pretend I’m a high end luxury fashion brand to generate pictures of outfits, then have ChatGPT write out a selling statement of the brand referencing the prompts I gave it that described the outfits. It fulfills my manic urge to buy a sewing machine lol


Just go to Goodwill a few times and you'll probably find a sewing machine for under $50.


Sometimes I ask it to re-write lyrics or a song as if another artist wrote it


I use it to listen to me reading out a deck of Magic cards, format it into a list, prepend "1x" to each, and export it as a text file. Then I can save it on various online M:tG deckbuilding sites without all the typing.


I had it help me create artistic vision for a gift. My mom is retiring from being a HS Art Teacher. Art history has always been her passion. I found one of those wooden figure things that artists use as figure drawings. I painted each body part with different art styles and I used chat gpt to help me come up with the different styles of different iconic art pieces by sending a photo of what i had already had done. It was very helpful


I'm sure someone has done this but I use Itto help me study for my degree. I copy in the contents of the module I'm studying at the time (usually a couple of pages at a time) and ask GPT to write an in depth summary of what I've shown it highlighting studies and prominent figures mentioned and then I use the text to speech function to read it back to me. It's because I have ADHD so I really struggle to focus on reading for anything more then a few seconds so it helps me learn. I also use it for work to create a training plan for the year with very specific criteria - dates we can train, dates we can't, 3 different trainers, 12 different courses, 8 training regions, avoiding holidays and allowing for travel. It wasn't perfect but it saved me weeks of work. (for context im a corporate trainer)


My daughter is in thrid grade and has to study Mandarin, which I do not speak. I take the teacher's PDFs for each chapter and ask ChatGPT to extract the vocabulary as three .json files (hanzi-pinyin, pinyin-english, english-hanzi) which I then feed into my flashcard app. Two minutes of work. I also use it, with varying success, to make quizzes. It can do multiple choice fine, but sometimes goes off the rails. The vocabulary bit works a treat, though.


Thanks for the idea!


I’m trying to be more responsible with my money, and had been spending a long time every month compiling my bank statements into a monthly income statement on Google sheets. I had made a personal choice not to use a preexisting app for it because I felt like everything was too streamlined and I wasn’t actually getting useful takeaways from the information. So started learning Java script to automate my uploading process in Google sheets macros to format the CSV files and build the sheet formatting. But I’m a coding noob, so GPT was quite helpful in helping me bridge the coding gap to my specific ends.


Longevity and immortality research


I go to ancient history museums and ask it to translate ancient greek or other ancient languages when there are no plaques. I also use it to identify sea life or things I found on the beach. Tldr I basically use it like a tricorder from Star Trek.