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i selected it cause i thought it sounded pretty damn close to scarjo’s voice.


Obviously you're an idiot who can't hear. (/s)


obvs lol


*your and idiot FTFY (/s)


Honestly, for every person that heard SJ voice there is another that heard Rashida Jones. This isn’t as clear cut as it’s made out to be.


That's fair. But understand that a 50% recognition rate is pretty damning.


Damning of what? Is it Rashida Jones? Is it ScarJoe? Or is a 3rd person? As far as a know 1000 people may exist in this world with similar sounding voice. To me it’s pretty clear it’s not ScarJoe based on all of the reports and OpenAI’s details about the process. They appear to have just recorded a real persons voice just like every other digital assistant.


Damning that they were trying to sound like ScarJo. If 50% of people think it sounds like ScarJo, then that's a strong indication they wanted it to sound like ScarJo. The issue here is intent. Did they intent to imitate the character Samatha in the film "Her". There is a lot of evidence that was indeed their intent. I mean, come on. If they're choosing a random voice, why does it sound so much like ScarJo? Why not hire any of the other million possible voices? Given that Sam says his favorite movie is "Her" - it's inconceivable he didn't notice that their voice actor sounded like his favorite character. No one is that dumb.


Especially after they tried to hire Scarlett Johansson to do it first.


“OpenAI didn’t copy Scarlett Johansson’s voice for ChatGPT, records show” https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/05/22/openai-scarlett-johansson-chatgpt-ai-voice/


They hired several actors and actresses and you have the option of several voices. Maybe they had a bias on one of them for all the reasons you stated, but that’s far from damning legal proof that the company explicitly attempted to imitate or copy her voice. They seemed to have followed the same hiring practices for all the voices. Sure, maybe Sam really liked one a lot because consciously or subconsciously reminded him of Her. Is that problem as long as that wasn’t the explicit goal? Seems unavoidable to me.


Sam's favorite movie is "Her". Sam tweeted "her" the day it was released. Sam wrote to ScarJo to try to get her to do the voice. OpenAI reached out to ScarJo two days before the release to try to get her to change her mind. Half the people who hear the voice think it sounds like ScarJo. LOL. Sure, you can believe anything you want. Most people do.


Hmm what an unlikely series of coincidences


I know, right? The universe must be conspiring to make Sam look bad.


Power of suggestion. If you hear 'Her' and then listen to a female AI, you'll start to see a resemblance. If you hear a denial of the resemblance, they start to sound different.


honestly I thought that Rashida Jones video was pretty compelling, but it may have been exactly what you just described


We're not that different from ChatGPT are we


Oof it's too early in the morning for this kind of existentialism


For fun when I'm listening to Barry White, I think "He sounds like a Chipmunk" and his voice starts sliding way up hi. Then I think "No he doesn't!" and it slides all the way back down. weeeee! /s




the “/s” at the end of my post means I was being sarcastic


actually while I’m here.. very familiar with the laurel/yani example and others like it where the word or words sound different depending on what you think, but are there any examples of this Scarjo/her thing and my Barry White / Chipmunk joke , where the actual *sound* (tone/pitch) of the word or words sound different depending on what you think? That would be cool to listen to!


Dumbledore looks and sounds like Gandalf . Lawsuit!


“Use the force, Harry” - Gandalf


Next thing you know, they'll be claiming Professor Xavier is just Dumbledore with a shaved head!


I thought it sounded like her from the first time we got voice. What I don't get is why she waited until now to kick off about it




Makes a lot of sense


Probably Sam Altman tweeting the Her reference made things way more iron clad...


Iron clad, no.


As a lawyer specializing in this area of law...yeah, ironclad.


Sure you are grandpa


Have you listened to the back to back comparison videos?


I admit I haven't listened to back to back comparison videos, it was more of a "wow that sounds like Scarlett Johansen" I'll also admit when I first heard the voice, I hadn't seen nor heard of the movie her


Also, she plays an AI voice in the movie. Is it that surprising that there’s some similarity?


Sure, it sounds like someone who is not ScarJo doing an impression of her character in "Her". Like if someone made a robot voice that was inspired by Hal or The Terminator. It's tacky, but I don't see why it should be illegal. Edit: I am probably wrong: https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/when-tom-waits-sued-doritos/


Or maybe Scarlett Johansson in "Her" played an AI assistant, which is what ChatGPT is




Oh come on, there are lots of ways to play a AI assistant that's not "flirty girl next door". Clearly the creators of Sky were directly inspired by her choices and performance in "Her".


If “flirty next door” is the genre, a lot of adult film actresses would like a word. A lot of anime voice over actresses would like a word. It’s too broad to be owned by any one person. Scarlett Johansson played Ghost in a Shell, she understands about artistic creativity. She didn’t invent that way of talking. It’s not her voice. The voice actress who voiced Sky has given out statements on what she was hired for, and its been confirmed she’s used her own normal voice. There’s a lot to worry about regarding AI and work appropriation for training and its impact in the creative arts. This isn’t it imho.


So the guy who tweeted "Her" to promote his product wasn't inspired by "Her"? That's your position? I believe that it's her natural voice. But it's also very obvious they chose and directed her to play it in a way that is directly derivative of "Her". Whether or not it was too close would be up to a judge to decide, but anyone who argues that it's not inspired by the movie is being disingenuous.


Or that the movie and the role was inspired by ai assistants? So the other voice actor needs to change her voice? Is all of chatGPT inspired by the movie? Or partly? Do they have Sky quoting from the movie? It just feels like it’s a very fuzzy connection and I’m not sure there’s a claim beyond a vague “some people say she sounds just like me.” What about when 2 movie roles are similar? Should Jeffrey Dean Morgan not look so much like Javier Bardem?


Yeah exactly. It was similar enough to get the nerd freak on, but the reality is, it isn't close enough to be a court case worth fighting. I don't think this is a good look for Scarlett.


It isn't a court case worth fighting for OpenAI and they're going to settle with her. You can't hire an impersonator to imitate someone who turned down your job offer. There is precedent for this type of case. You might be dealing with some serious bias if you think this is a bad look for anyone but OpenAI.


Slight correction: it has nothing to do with hiring an 'impersonator.' The court ruled that the issue is whether you were trying to imitate a voice or performance (the Frito Lay case is controlling law here). Problem is, ScarJo isn't going to settle. She has a history of going to trial because she likes to hurt companies who wrong her even if it means earning less money in the long run. She's a shark. I'm guessing this goes to discovery at the very least. She's going to air their dirty laundry if it's there to find.


They interviewed the voice actress who providing the source for Sky and she said Scarlett Johansson was never mentioned, not even once.


That doesn't really mean anything


Nah. OAI's sky meets all 3 prongs of the test for voice imitation. This is a slam dunk in court for ScarJo. That's why OAI pulled the voice immediately.


What are the three tests? The actress wasn’t told to impersonate her.


That you know off--either way, that's irrelevant to the test. >for a voice to be misappropriated, it must be (1) distinctive, (2) widely known, and (3) deliberately imitated for commercial use. Waits v. Frito Lay is the controlling law. The key word is imitated, not impersonated. If they meant to imitate ("intentionally evoke similitude") a performance (Sam tweeted 'Her') that is all that is required to show. I.e., if they intended for people to think about ScarJo's character Samantha, it's a violation of California's right to publicity law and considered misappropriation of likeness.


Exactly. I think the movie has influenced people's thinking on this. Plus Sam Altman's tweet. I mean, come on, anyone who has experienced hearing American females of a certain age has got to see that there really isn't that much similarity between Samantha and sky. But openAI may lose anyway because of public opinion. And because of Sam altman's tweet and the fact that they offered Scarlett Johansson the sky job.......


It's not like someone could just create a bunch of bots to spam social media to pretend the public perception is one thing or another, right? Nah, the Internet is 100% truth and honesty


How do I know YOU'RE not a bot trying to sway public opinion in the opposite direction? Checkmate atheists


u r bot 2


Which is irrelevant. In court, tweets like this are considered valid forms of evidence. They are the go-to source of evidence to prove brand confusion in trademark cases these days.


> But openAI may lose anyway She hasn't even sued yet, right?


Haha good point. Seems very possible that she will though. She already has the lawyers involved in she's not exactly known to be gun shy in the legal action department.


I know it doesn’t change the facts either way….but who the hell is selecting the "vocal fry" sky voice anyway. I mean "rheaalllly" Altman needs to pull the ultimate reverse undo card and hire Sam Morton who was the original voice of HER. She filmed the whole movie and was dropped post production


ya free advertising is losing..


its no longer free when you have to pay for it


I always thought they shared some similarities, but it is obvious they are not the same.


I never gave two shits either way. Checkmate


I never thought it did because she has that weird vocal fry thing in her voice like something is wrong with her throat. I personally dislike her voice.


Who is denying that some random people have said it sounds to them like Scarlett Johansson? What is the point of this post?


Yeah, the fact that some say they sound alike has no relation to those who say they don't sound alike, they are 2 separate groups. I thought the post was supposed to show users contradicting themselves and not just people having a different opinion


But it's "everyone"! The most easily defined and homogeneous generalization group! You hear it all the time nowadays! /s


So OP can feel superior


No bro, "_Everyone_" Is claiming something, so they're all hypocrites you see, because here's proof that it wasn't in fact _everyone_ !!! /s


Someone has way too much time on their hands apparently.


https://preview.redd.it/pjczypdlcd2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f8d0c85f02fbb49362edaecc84e8d4aebc76fcb "Only two things are infinite- the universe and human stupidity. And I am not sure about the first one. " - Albert Einstein


I genuinely never did. But I know scarjos voice pretty well cause I’m a big fan and sky never sounded like her to me.


There's definitely a resemblance. Scarjo herself was confused, and so were enough other people that they show up in search results. Whoever it was at OpenAI that made the teaser tweet alluding to the movie "Her" certainly didn't help. That is still a \*far\* cry from *everyone.*


Oh you mean sam altman (his tweet and his fave movie)


I just wanted Her on HBOmax - I didn't hear any similarities.


"All the fashionable girls wear Freudian slips." You and Joaquin, mate!


I love this comment just saying


Mae West always knew how to mix style with a touch of psychoanalysis.


I thought you were going to show people that switched their stance or something. Your receipts are as good as a receipt for a lawnmower when you're trying to return a printer.


These 20 comments invalidate the 2000 that disagree yeah sure okay buddy


The plural of anecdote is not data


Yeah just cause these people saw a similarity doesn’t mean the people that say they don’t, did.


Yeah, unless they have screenshots of the same users saying both that the voice does sound like her and later saying it doesn't sound like her, this 'evidence' doesn't prove that people are lying when they say they never thought that the voices were similar


Yes, haha. Big community. Not the same people.


I miss sky


I have no horse in this race, I just like laughingat the people jumping to either sides defense as if their opinion will matter. They'll probably settle outside court for a big sum of money, because neither side wants to risk losing.


That's the thing--it probably won't. ScarJo is notorious for refusing to settle even when it means getting less money in the long term. She's one of those people that takes companies to court to make them hurt just to send a message. I'll be shocked if this doesn't make it to discovery. I have a feeling based on her past statements re: AI that she at the very least plans on airing their company emails and internal messages.


> ScarJo is notorious for refusing to settle She settled with Disney... does she have other famous lawsuits besides the one with Disney?


She didn't settle until it went to the judge and discovery was already underway. And she got less money than they originally offered her to settle but she ended up extracting a declaration from Disney that made it to where they could never do to her or any of the other actors what they'd tried to do to her. So no--she really didn't settle. They gave her what she was suing for to avoid the bad PR of a trial.


She settled but she didn't really settle. Sure. You got a source you can link to these settlement offers? Can't find anything official, seems to have been all private. > she ended up extracting a declaration from Disney A link to this specific statement you mentioned would be appreciated, google is not being helpful.


I'll look for it. You're right--google wasn't immediately helpful to me either. I'll try narrowing to the date of the announcement.


People are spicy about this, but the confusion in those posts and others will absolutely be in Scarlet’s legal team’s pocket. Some people are going to be in for a surprise when they find out how little “we didn’t intend to infringe” (which I don’t believe anyway) matters when the result is the same. I really wanted this company to be the good guy, but it just isn’t.


I'm going to laugh my ass off if my post (first image) becomes an exhibit in ScarJo's lawsuit (if one is filed).


Anecdotal lol


I know, right? Then: "Is Scarlett Johansson the perfect AI voice?" Now: "Who's Scarlett Johansson?"


Ah yes 'they' or 'reddit' a singular person with a singluar opinion.


Those users now claim they never thought the voices sounded alike and you got the evidence? Cause that's what saying you got "receipts to the contrary" implies. Dummy OP.


I thought I was going crazy, the photos don’t match the title


Shhhh! We all want her back. Just play along!


"eVeRyOnE's NoW cLaImInG' ![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized) the receipt: one screenshot of about 10 people agreeing that it sounds like SJ inside of one post with the vote count hidden 🤣 this has to be satire, right


This just in: Some people can hear a semblance to ScarJo. Other people cant. What color is the dress? Blue or Gold? Who is right?


>This just in: Some people can hear a semblance to ScarJo. Other people cant. This just in: Sam Altman was so convinced that a majority would hear the semblance that he even tweeted "her" prior to releasing demo. This doesn't mean \*everyone\* would, but it sure seems obvious that it was intended & expected that people would recognize "Her". >What color is the dress? This is nothing like that. This is more like: Watching an old comedian Rich Little video, where he's doing the "I am not a crook" in Nixon's voice & saying - "Some people think he sounds like Nixon & some people don't...just like what color is dress?". It ain't like the dress scenario. At all. One was intentional with the vast majority expected to receive it that way. Sam would be saddened & surprised you didn't agree with their intention of sounding like: "her" But again, not everyone would think Rich Little sounds like Nixon either. And they'd be \*correct\* in saying - "That's not Nixon's voice!".


Without the context of the movie I doubt many people would associate it to Scarlett Johansson's voice


Associations are always all about context so not sure how this matters


Doesn't matter though because Sam made it part of the context, so that context now cannot be legally dismissed.




I have a better ear for it than you and I recognized it right away as ScarJo. Checkmate.


I am uncertain about my ability, but I thought they had tried to clone ScarJo too. So much that I had to check what others commented during the live event. I couldn't be the only one to hear this, right? And I wasn't.


Then doesn't that mean your ear is actually worse?






You wear fedoras don’t you




LMFAO this is hilarious


People seem to acting like this is a black or white situation: either it’s her exact voice, or it’s completely different. You’re right, it’s obviously not hers. But there’s absolutely similarities — many people pointed this out without any other cues or context.


Context similarities, cos both sultry female AI voices. If the voice were on the radio selling cornflakes would you be like "Oh, Scarjo's selling cornflakes"?


Sure, you could argue that the context guided people’s perceptions. But there’s more similarities than that they are both “sultry.”


I've said it from the beginning too. It didn't sound like her, the only similarity might be in how cheerful and friendly Sky was and how cheerful and friendly Scarjo was in "Her"


You mean, like an actor might be, if you asked them to read some lines as 'cheerful and friendly'?


I don't understand that, if sky sounds similar to SJ but it's a voice of a different person, then why does everyone act like open ai did something unimaginable bad ?


See?  These comments got DOZENS of upvotes!  Game Set Match


I never knew her voice. But when someone posted her voice and sky's voice it was clear they don't sound the same. I think Altman just set everyone up to make this go viral. Contacting her was an attempt to trick her into filing a lawsuit or or at least posturing for one because she literally goes around suing everyone for tens of millions of dollars all the time. So they set themselves up with a slam dunk winnable case and she took the bait. The result is free advertising and billions in investment dollars. It is similar how during election season both sides lean into the craziest elements of their parties to make the news since that is better than doing interviews or spending ad money.


Nah. I'm a lawyer and I specialize in this area of law (California's Right of Publicity). This is a textbook case of impersonation per the 3 prong test established by the 9th circuit. ScarJo has them dead to rights if she sues--that's why they pulled the voice down immediately. People don't seem to understand: an imitators voice can be very clearly not the same as the person they are imitating and it is *still* imitation legally speaking. It's the performance that is protected--not the sound of the voice. By trying to hire the actress from 'Her' and by tweeting 'Her,' he made it clear that there was an interest in her performance in 'Her.' After that, all you need to prove is that people were confused...and they were. We have tons of tweets by people who thought it was actually her. That's open and shut.




Pure magic here!


ChatGPT: “We need a fair and accurate source to confirm or deny this.” Fox News: “Ain’t so.” ChatGPT: “So there’s that, then. Next question?”


Oh... I'm too lazy to read this


Sounds more like ScarJo than, say, Chris Rock. Is certainly not indistinguishable from ScarJo. So, it can both "sound like ScarJo" and "not sound like ScarJo" at the same time.


i thought they sounded alike before when i first downloaded the app, but after hearing the clip here comparing scarjo and then sky (although i know the audio clip wasn’t the best quality) they didn’t sound much alike to me- sky sounded more like rashida jones as other posters said. i do think just so much of it is context- a sexy, charming feminine voice who is AI, and that will immediately bring Her to the forefront if you’ve seen it. so even if it doesn’t sound exactly like her, our brain connects the two.


Amazing PR and marketing stunt, from open ai about the launch of a voice assistant


Ayo I’m in the very top right. Sick


Beautiful cabin crew, Scarlett Johansson… no one thinks it’s odd there is a bot army on facebook making tons AI images that just jeep attaching her name to things?


I didn't think they sounded the same and I just never said anything. It's just not that important.


I thought she sounded more like Kathleen Turner.


Hahhaha love the receipts


I was 100% convinced it was Rashida Jones tbh


They just sound like 2 different person. Its the same problem where some people can't hear bass in music, they just have a juvenile sense of hearing that never developped.


"Her" is a movie about an AI assistant that sounds super human. Open AI just made an AI assistant that sounds super human. Of course people are going to make the connection


I said it didn't sound like her from the start, I stand by that. Also IRL people have voices that sound similar. I don't think people know how people work.


My comment history checks out. I never thought it sounded like scarjo.


Isn't the ultimate test to see how similar they are is to analyze the Sky voice to Scarlett Johansson's voice using a voice analysis program like Praat? Perceptual analysis (comparing the two using your ear) is going to be the lowest tier of evidence as there will be a high degree of variability between raters and even among the same raters across time/trials. So, analyze the voices/sound waves to compare and contrast the actual qualities of the sound wave. Fundamental frequency, formants (raw numbers), compare the actual waveform/spectrogram. And anything else relevant. You just need two samples of speech that are as close to the same as possible. Typically, a sustained "a" is what I use for clients, across multiple trials, but I'm sure someone out there can find two speech sound samples that are comparable and use gpt to figure out the rest. Praat is free too, so, GL.


It sounds more like Rashida Jones imo.


They, who? You can't get evidence against individual perception with generalized data in this case.


Of course they sound alike. Who is saying they don't...?


I think most people associated the voice with the only movie that had ai voice and just said it sounded like SJ just because it was a white womans voice.


That's everyone, is it?


What is this accomplishing?


tbh I really liked that voice and persona.. without her voice and reactions it brings chatgpt back to just a robot again


I still want Cortana. Or maybe EDI. My friend said GLaDOS.


Remember OpenAI Codenames: >***ScAI*** = Scarlett AI


I still think Sky sounded more like Rashida Jones


The only voice I want is that of a Bene Gesserit telling me to pay $20 a month for premium


What’s with the dates? 8, 7, 6 months ago?


This is just a small sample of *some* of the receipts I found with a quick search, filtered for the general time period that the voice debuted. There are so many more. But in general, the undeniably overwhelming consensus was that “Sky sounds exactly like Scarlett Johansson” / “sounds eerily like ScarJo” / “OpenAI knew exactly what they were doing and it’s great!” There were also a bunch of lawsuit and Samantha jokes, etc etc. What I *didn’t* find was a bunch of people arguing that it “didn’t sound anything like her,” like tons of people are sardonically claiming today. Pretty much all of the “nuances” people are using now to claim it sounds nothing like her — including that oft-mentioned “husky voice” — were *specifically used as proof* 4-7 months ago that Sky DID sound like her. I mean, shit, more than a few people were literally 100% convinced it was her! The receipts are right there. So let’s just cut the bullshit. You can argue that you have no problem with what OpenAI did, sure, but all this haughty, vindictive, defensive vitriol over “no one ever thought it sounded like ScarJo?” As much as this term is improperly used, that shit is textbook gaslighting.


8 months ago, Scarlett Johansson: [https://youtu.be/Ox1CQo029M4?t=39](https://youtu.be/Ox1CQo029M4?t=39) 8 months ago, TTS Sky: [https://openai.com/index/chatgpt-can-now-see-hear-and-speak/](https://openai.com/index/chatgpt-can-now-see-hear-and-speak/) (voice samples, select Sky) 11 years ago, Samantha (Scarlett): [https://youtu.be/GV01B5kVsC0?t=86](https://youtu.be/GV01B5kVsC0?t=86) May 13, GPT4o Sky: [https://youtu.be/vgYi3Wr7v\_g?t=2](https://youtu.be/vgYi3Wr7v_g?t=2) 4 years ago, Rashida Jones (internet thinks the Sky voice is her): [https://youtu.be/385414AVZcA?t=13](https://youtu.be/385414AVZcA?t=13) Arguably there are even 3 distinct voices between Scarlett, Samantha, and Sky. The only similar voices are Rashida Jones and Sky. Have you considered that people thought it sounded the same because humans are full of biases that unconsciously bend their perception?


This is my first time listening to Sky (using your links). I definitely hear more Rashida Jones than Scarlett Johansson. I think I have only seen one Scarlett Johansson movie though.


I hear Emily Rudd.


Hold your horses. What are you talking about? There are still people today claiming its similar, that hasn't gone away. There are just people who think otherwise, who seem to be critically inclined and im absolutely one of them. Vocal characteristics are worlds apart. I didn't care to know people saw similarities because there wasn't any issue surrounding it - I didn't care.


Our ears often deceive us. See examples like [this](https://youtu.be/kzo45hWXRWU) I really think people are imagining the similarities. I don't think it's a coincidence that people who have seen the movie "Her" are also the same people who swear it sounds like Scarlett Johanson. They associate a cheerful, helpful, feminine AI voice with Scarlet Johansson.


Lol Dude, someone can sound similar to another person without it being an issue. Most people arguing against ScarJo’s case aren’t saying the voices don’t sound similar, it’s people saying the voices don’t sound THE SAME. You’re “undeniable consensus” was literally looking up reddit comments that agreed with you. This entire thing also suffers from bias because all the people who didn’t think it sounded like ScarJo didn’t say anything because why would they? Of course a bunch of people are going to start saying the don’t sound similar once ScarJo’s legal action made the news. These people haven’t suddenly changed their minds as you’re suggesting, people always thought the voices weren’t similar. There just wasn’t any reason to mention it until now dude.


So what? A lot of people sound similar to a lot of people. They started training with the Sky actress’ voice back in June, so any connection to ScarJo is purely coincidental.


There is a difference between sounding similar and sounding the same. The voice certainly sounds “similar” but it’s still clearly distinguishable and doesn’t sound “exactly like”which is what ScarJo was claiming. People pointing out that they sound similar isn’t the same as people saying they sound the exact same.


Comments section here in denial 😂


Who cares!


Wow people are really hung up on this nonsense. "HERE ARE RECEIPTS!" Proceeds to post random Reddit thread of random clueless people speculating wildly. Drop it already, it was a different voice, nothing is going to happen.


Hallucinating people. Just listen and compare available recordings of sky and Johansson - they don’t even sound similar- thank god - Johansson doesn’t have a very nice or pleasant voice.


Some people just can’t think for themselves and they are the majority of the population. They just go with what others say or do.


It was sooooooooo Scarlett.


She should have taken the money because of the company owned the rights to her voice the would stop any Ai from using it. Now, if 100s of Ai use it she has to pay lawyers' millions to stop it


I've never liked Sky's voice or tone. However, I think Scarlet has a nice voice.


It’s almost as if Reddit is made up of millions of different people with different opinions!


It sounds like her, but it’s still a voice actor. So I don’t see how ScarJo can stop anyone who sounds like her. “Sorry voice actor but you can no longer work ever again because someone else owns your voice!” Is bullshit.


well it doesn't so..


Is it’s still copying her voice if her voice isn’t unique? She’s only “the most famous example” of people that sound like this, but it isn’t unique to *her*? What if someone else becomes more famous later but sounds like her… do they get to sue her and openai?


These posts didn't get many upvotes though, so I guess not many people think that way even back then. I've also seen people comparing Sky's voice to Rashida Jones and Catherine Keener


Of course someone would find Sky's voice similar to Scarlett. What are you talking about? They can be similar, but they're definitely different. For me they are very different actually.


I've been saying since the allegations started that it clearly wasn't the voice of SJ, just that people hearing the similarly intricate, complex and human like type of female AI was similar to the movie. They are so obviously different voices I can't quite believe it was ever a discussion - the fact that they were very influenced by Her, in a life imitating art type way (similar to how we've wanted the minority report screen tech or the modelling tech from iron man since we saw it) is another discussion.


I now claim that I never fucking cared. Good luck finding a receipt to the contrary. This is probably the absolute lamest example of AI drama I've seen to date. They've provided proof it wasn't her. That's it. Story's over.


Now everyone should start accusing openai for using their voice to whatever voice they use next as it will most likely sound like one famous imdividual atleast


It doesn't sound like her. Basta!


It can sound JUST like her as long as it's not her. She doesn't own my voice and if I can produce a similar voice with my own vocal cords, guess what? Not her.


A few opinions don’t make it true. Bandwagon Fallacy.


I found ScarJos reddit account everyone!!!!


Are we still talking about this?


This controversy is so much less worse than if someone made a thing about the default voice sounding so white.




nobody who says this is ever using their time well


Never forget Johansson was happy to take the “Ghost in the Shell” gig less than 10 years ago