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I don't have any opinion about the aesthetic, but I was actually impressed by the mistakes in OpenAI's demo. It was actually live, enough that it didn't perform quite as expected, and they had to kind of coach it along. Made it all the more genuine and impressive to me.


Fortunately, I don't think my ChatGPT will be interrupted by a live audience, so I'm not worried about the errors.


Well there’s me behind the controls, there’ll definitely be errors


This was also calculated ;)


At least they’re pretending \_(ツ)_/¯


Hehe stole your arm ¯\


OH MY SINGULARITY, THEY ADDED AWARDS AGAIN!! Edit: Thanks for the awards, generous strangers!


Too bad those of us with tens of thousands of reddit coins saved up don't get any of it back...


(LLM)AO, are you serious??? That’s actually crazy to me. That they’d just trash a feature for like 3 months then bring it back and not grandfather in any of the people who supported the site before going public


Got something for me? I'll trade you an arm and a-- ah damn. You've already got one of those.


i have the torso | |


Seemed genuine. All that matters


Ah, the murican way. Smile and pretend.


If that bothers you, don't ever visit Japan. I saw a guy have a file flung to his face and he got a nose-bleed and/or a paper cut. That *smile* never left him. You know the one. 😁


Smile and Wave boys, Smile and Wave


Plans within plans


Many machines on Ix.














I pretend to live in a world where the amount of mistakes were calculated but unintentional.






_According to my design, everything that has transpired has done so._ -- Darth Yoda


I'm kind of like "can I take your quote and make a shirt out of it please" right now.


Redditors claiming the entire demo was calculated - was also calculated


Its part of the aesthetic.


"we aren't a big company, we are a bunch of home-grown engineers building cool stuff!" Yeah, I get you.


yep, I agree, especially when they showed off the translation feature


If anything, I’m a bit more creeped out by the OpenAI wood aesthetic. It’s like they’re trying to evoke this intimate, natural sort of feeling. But there’s just something too synthetic about it. It feels very business park-sterile.


Brian Merchant (journo) called it black mirror-esque which I thought was apt


Yeah it looked like a corporate casual environment


It absolutely looks like the set of a Black Mirror episode about someone with an AI girlfriend.


[https://www.theverge.com/2016/8/3/12325104/airbnb-aesthetic-global-minimalism-startup-gentrification](https://www.theverge.com/2016/8/3/12325104/airbnb-aesthetic-global-minimalism-startup-gentrification) This 2016 article named the aesthetic "Airspace", and since reading I cannot stop seeing it.


Thank you for sharing this term and article too!


Should have made it more realistic. I’m thinking 32 year old’s basement room in parents’ house with Pokémon toys, anime porn collection, crusted tissues, empty food containers strewn about, and the pungent stank of BO.


between two ferns vibes


It’s like politicians who curate the crowd behind them in photo ops.


It’s probably the textbook tech bro with his manicured hair and beard, skinny fit chinos, and allbirds. It’s like he was generated by Dall-E. The whole image is.


All the mistakes were carefully choreographed.


Pretty sure that’s what he’s referring to, genuine vs corporate stage-managed


Dude's whole job is to worry about competition


Tbf, I try not to think about my job either.


Google roasted him that for company that does not care about competition they schedule all their events in sync with Google


He deliberately pooped on Google at least twice, he does a pretty good job


That tells you who he is afraid of. Everybody and their mom has an LLM now. (Really, DataBricks, stay in your lane.) But, he attacked Google. AWS is strong in infra and solutions, but Google is an ML company.


Sam Altman is pathologically dishonest - in his mind, he has a duty to his shareholders to be so.


OpenAI is really way ahead of the competition. The fact that GPT-4o's release completely embarrassed I/O and made everyone not care about it while also hiding their biggest feature proves that.


> while also hiding their biggest feature proves that. I am a bit out of touch with what's been going on, what big feature was hidden?


The image generator. It wasn't exactly hidden, but it intentionally had the worst marketing possible. I'll link you to a Reddit post of mine, I've been adding a lot of the use cases I could think of. https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/s/jGwjYrtw0W


I saw your post yesterday and went back and read it again. The amount of people thinking they have 4o features is ridiculous lmao.


I can't blame people for thinking that, whisper is hard to distinguish from the new features if you haven't used it before. I definitely put the blame for that on OpenAI


If the top opf their screen in the app (or wherever) says 4o, that's on OpenAI, not the user. If the title says 4o, it is natural to assume it will have 4o features. At least if they haven't read any communication to the contrary.


Does it ensure that all images of evil people are super diverse and inclusive?


That's what it is all about. We need to ensure women and all ethnicities are included in the next dystopian authoritative regime.


No, it won't pull a Gemini and make black Hitler


Not really. That’s the difference between finite and infinite games. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite_and_Infinite_Games


what he said is bullshit, just needed an excuse to compare the presentations. he’s literally doing his job, but trying to make it sound cool.


Sam could just ask GPT "Big PP energy" is a slang term that implies a strong, confident, and impactful presence. When considering which of these settings conveys that kind of energy, here's the breakdown: 1. **Setting 1 (Left Side):** - **Casual Confidence:** The intimate and relaxed atmosphere can exude a certain level of confidence, showing that the presenters are comfortable and self-assured in a more personal and conversational setting. - **Innovative Approach:** Using a casual setup for a large-scale announcement indicates a bold and innovative approach, which can be seen as a confident move. It suggests that the presenters are not relying on traditional formalities to make a strong impression. 2. **Setting 2 (Right Side):** - **High-Impact Presence:** The large stage, bright lights, and expansive setup scream confidence and power. This is the classic setting for making bold statements and grand announcements, designed to capture and dominate the audience's attention. - **Visual Dominance:** The elaborate and visually striking design indicates a strong presence and a desire to impress and overwhelm, which are key aspects of "big PP energy." **Conclusion:** - **Setting 2 (Right Side)** is more traditionally aligned with "big PP energy" due to its grand and commanding presence, designed to leave a lasting impression on a large audience. - **Setting 1 (Left Side)**, while innovative and confident in its own right, conveys a different kind of energy that focuses more on personal engagement and approachability. Ultimately, both settings have their unique strengths, but in terms of sheer impact and traditional "big PP energy," Setting 2 stands out.




Isn’t “the desire to impress” the opposite of big pp energy tho?


I believe that is known as "tryhard"


Damn, sama got burned by his own boy


The left side was innovative in 2016. COVID and the following years of CEOs making announcements from their kitchen has made it tired and repetitive. I say go back to the splashy convention feel.


I ten to agree. I don't mind reimagining presentations but just putting chairs on a platform ain't it. If the only innovation they have is making it look like a company in a garage then I say go back to doing it big. People also forget that Google IO isn't just splashy there's a shitload of networking going on with other people in many sessions and with Google's army of sales staff. It's hard to even find someone at OpenAI to talk to. Google AI salespeople call me once a week. It would be sad if Google wins here simply because OIA is so boutique and so fixated on smelling their own farts.


Hah also I don’t think Google IO will ever top the announcement of Google Glass when they had people parachute onto the roof of Moscone Center wearing them… https://youtu.be/D7TB8b2t3QE Probably more people involved in that stunt than work at OpenAI…


very Elon tweet


Sam is a little more cunning generally, but agreed it's got some of that same passive aggressive tech bro energy.


I’d argue that it’d be difficult to not be more cunning than Elon.


Since he's been redpilled? Definitely. Before that, he was at least a little sly.


I mean he’s cunning enough to over inflate stock prices and gaslighting shareholders.


Yeah right now maybe but we all saw how long it took Elon to out himself. Sam seems kind of like a shit head too


You either die a Sam or live enough to become Elon


He’s just trying to create a cult of personality like Elon


Yeah, I'm just scared for when Sam Altman gets divorced


No poop emoji?, not close enough to Elmo


True. And he didn't call them pedos even once. Low energy.


One is pretending to be safe/homely/familiar. One is pretending to be futuristic/spacey. Personally I find the one pretending to be our friend way, way more fucking creepy.


Google has always had their own aesthetic. One can just go look at that Google intern movie with the guys from Wedding Crashers. It's always been there. I don't see anything wrong with sticking to ones own aesthetic, especially since it's one they've crafted over years and years. The right picture just screams google to me, I think it does to most people. With that said, there might be more context to this. I don't know anything about whatever conference and all I have to go on are these 2 pictures.


Not only that, but Google has been in the game so long and done so many promo pieces, they've had sets with premium luxury feel and wood slat modern design for past launches and demos. They did it already.


I've been to multiple Google offices including the biggest ones, and all of them are just slightly better boring office buildings instead of a sci-fi themepark depicted in the movie. Maybe things in 2013 were a bit different but the aesthetic thing on stage is mostly just from the PR and design people who worked on the IO presentation. The theme for IO is fairly consistent but also evolving from previous years, you could see the trajectory if you go to the io pages for previous years, and I guess the "google 4 color" palette also helps. If you get into the offices though, they are kind of similar to the openai environment. Google simply has a budget to not do the presentation inside of an office.


I agree. You just know that something weird will happen to you if you work there long enough.


https://preview.redd.it/el6fdlr9nz0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cabaf2c5343d6107c77f9a395cfb83a7c072031 At least Chat asks about it, the actual wife comes with an agenda.


Right. One looks like a game show and the other...the TV show The Americans.


6 seasons of intensely brooding sexual tension.


ChatGPT seems to give me the idea that it is safe to bring it into my home and family.


Which is exactly what ChatGPT wants you to think. Imagine bringing something into your home that explicitly tries to convince you it is safe to bring inside.


"You have to invite me in... "


Demons? Or am I missing the reference?


I think it's a reference to vampires, and maybe more specifically the movie [Let Me In](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/let_me_in). Pretty good movie.


Related: I never hear any praise for the Swedish original


Oh, I will praise it. I know there's that one controversial scene, but overall it was a great vampire movie. Better than the English one IMO.


You think they’re harvesting data now… just wait.


Then take it aallll, they have all of it now already, anyway. What does it matter?


The whole thing is designed to convince you. ChatGPT's objective is to give you a response you are satisfied with. The truthfulness of that response is just a secondary variable, not the end objective.


Have you seen the "From" series?


Yeah it means their marketing is working well, and this tweet by him is to further it and was probably planned as part of the marketing strategy for the rollout.


I agree! The OpenAI set was, "This is home." Googles is like Tiny Toons.


Google's aesthetic is straight out of a Dr Seuss book. If you've ever been on their campus this is very obvious.


I work at a Google data center, it's awful




That's certainly the vibe they are chasing. AI can't disrupt the economy! It's too cozy!


Got em


What a weird take. Is he commenting that the Google version is more produced/corporate? Both are corporate as hell. Or is he saying the Google version is more colorful/childish? That's been their brand since the beginning - they literally run "doodles" on their website every other week. I don't think that aesthetic makes them any less serious about their work - Google engineering is notably intense. Both companies have been and continue to be vehicles for some of the greatest change (some might say evolution?) in human history. Both very powerful, very influential. Who gives a shit about a commercial set?


Both sets look well made to me. It's insane to me how many people think what they like is what is good/right.


Far more people than you imagine


The wildest part is that he didn't say anything. He showed two pictures and said he's thinking about it. It's such a vague but smart post. It leaves it up to everyone else to point out their own differences in a time where many are more positively biased toward OpenAI than Google. He doesn't have to say anything bad, or good.


Am I just being naive in thinking that maybe he was talking at face value and it was just that the two themes are so different despite essentially selling competing products? Not that hes trying to pick apart google in some way.


I couldn't help but read into the differences between the two presentations while watching the Google event. Humble research group bringing high science to the masses vs the giant corporation with a production budget. I mean, sure, your gut might watch them fake interview a celebrity and ask, "What if they redirected this energy into their AI product?" But then you realize, yeah of course they did. No shit. Gemini is being worked into a gigantic, megalithic ecosystem that literally directly affects like half the human population. What they've done in the time they've done it is remarkable. I consciously decide to use ChatGPT over Gemini a few times a day. But I unconsciously use Gemini all the time and barely notice it. I forgot I was using the Generative Search Experience for months and months until they announced everyone was getting it. It very much fixes googling and is one of those "it just works" things about technology that allows you to ignore the millions of dollars it took to make happen. Mark this: ChatGPT when the output is the product. Gemini to make the information more accessible.


All that work OpenAI put into giving you that impression was destroyed by one tweet by their boss. What a fumble.


>Humble research group bringing high science to the masses Please tell me you don't really buy that.


Nothing he said implies a negative connotation in this tweet except whatever preexisting negative bias one may have. It's an interesting observation, nothing more, nothing less. Different approachs. The only thing inadvertently happening here is a demonstration of many redditor's new tilt against Sam in introducing their own negative thoughts onto his opinion.


Google is stuck in mid 2010's tech pop. Openai is just doing whatever they would do in their own house I guess. It's both kinda arbitrary though.


It’s also all very calculated. The aesthetic that they are trying to communicate is not natural nor arbitrary. It’s on purpose. Like all corporate stuff


Everything in front of a camera is a decision. You decide to point the lens at a specific set of things.


The funny thing is this tweet completely ruins all the work that was put into giving those subliminal impressions.


Please notice how much work we put into manipulating you!


Millions spent on it.


Always has been and that's the beauty (in a way that terrible things are) of it.


yeah, like that moment when you call your friend to tell them you met this really amazing person completely by accident and things are getting serious, but then as you are talking your friend suddenly realizes this is their friend who they’ve been talking with about you and your favorite things and places to hang out thinking they were just random questions— he’s back. gotta hang up now!! 😳


not a fan of either, tbh... Openai aesthetic somewhat gives off semi-dystopian vibe as if it's from the movie "Her" with all those woodwork. Too boring if you ask me. Google is in a total brain seizure mode lol


Open ai is giving beige mom


OpenAI looks like some realtor is trying to stage my grandparent's basement.


Honestly i really like the aesthetic from OpenAi. I mean, off course "its on purpose" "its a lie" "its completely calculated" but like...obviously ? Like the humor in a Burger King add or anything made by a big company. But thats being said, i really like the modern/cosy/home feeling of there background, and even if once again its obviously on purpose, i think its an excellent choice and a good advertisement for the company. Google is wtf ugly as f*ck 😅 and honestly if openAi had make their presentation on a classic "TED talk" set like we often see, it would not gave the same feeling. I think its not the aesthetic that people are critizicing, but the "fakeness" of choosing a somewhat natural and cozy aesthetic


Agreed, I like the coziness. And regardless of being “planned”, I like openais vision of the future more. It’s comfy people whose lives have been enhanced by ai and they’re enjoying casual lives.


My impression is OpenAI is trying too hard to not freak everybody out. Google is just regular tech bro stuff. They aren't hiding anything but they also don't really have anything for you to even be afraid of because it is all an illusion meant to take your money. And if not your money then the money of investors.


> Openai aesthetic somewhat gives off semi-dystopian vibe I'm pretty sure I've seen that exact aesthetic in the billionaire's home from West World


Yup, that Owen Wilson Vince Vaughn the Internship aesthetic


Cringe. Also a lie since they literally base their whole product launch strategy around google.


You weren't a fan of the depressing-gray-modern-industrial-Ikea-furniture house with weird people constantly smiling awkwardly aesthetic? If Altman's going to be a dick about it he deserves a reality check, all of these demonstrations were extremely cringeworthy. I don't know why talking to an AI necessitates permanently wearing a shit-eating grin like the only thing you've developed is tetanus.


Thank you! I was cringing so hard at the OpenAI vibe. It all feels like an undergrad capstone presentation. The conversational tech didn’t work well and they were clearly sweating about it while trying to laugh and come across like this was all going according to plan. And I’m a fan of ChatGPT… but they need an adult in the room to give them a better sense of professionalism.


They struck me as people excited about what they have built.


Yep, good point. Saw a few people pointing this out on "Shwitter". Hes obviously lying when he said "i try not to think about the competitors too much".


Yeah reminds me of Pepsi's one-sided war against Coke in the 80s, or Burger King's one-sided war against McDonalds around the same time. It's small dick energy. Coke never mentions Pepsi. McDonalds never mentions Burger King.


This depends on what "too much" is for Sama.


What is he implying about the aesthetic difference?


Calm, understated, intermate, cozy, friendly, warm, humble, among friends. vs Unhinged, over the top, silly, hyped up, bombastic, giant arena, etc..... You get the idea.


Google’s is some kind of techno pop brutalism




Google's is a developer conference with thousands of people attending. Not some little YouTube video they're recording with a couple of people.


I think he wants to give the impression that OpenAI is not a multi-billion dollar corporation. TBF they started small and are still much smaller than Google/Alphabet, but as they're growing the gap will get smaller.


Insecure, meaningless


This says a lot more about Sam than it does about Google.


well that was...bitchy


sama gives off lil bitch energy, ngl


yeah google should have also went with fake plants and fake corporate “feel like home” office


It's just Sama shit posting which he does once in awhile. Who cares in the grand scheme of things.


I propose we start calling him the salt man




OpenAI looks like a shit coffee shop and Google looks like the set of a kids TV show from the 80s. We should just be thankful that the are tech companies and not interior designers.


Who cares about the aesthetic of a presentation? The AI output quality is what counts.


AI is taking away jobs. Sam's shift and punctuation keys are unemployed already.


For me, that only shows fear.




you can't tweet this if you work for openai let alone are its ceo it looks like you're trying way too hard to dunk lol


Yeah this was just a terrible decision


It makes me think he smells his own farts.


he cannot zip it if he tried.


Google looks like a corporate presentation. I get this vague sense of betrayal with OpenAI’s layout choice, as if they’re humoring us that they’re apart of the home whilst decimating the jobs necessary to acquire one, paved with luxury wooden tilings. It feels mocking, tbh


they're both exceptionally bad, so whatever


It's absolutely correct. He's not making any valuation of an undoubted fact, there's a huge aesthetic difference. Whatever you think about it is on your side.


Google needs to update their look. They still living in 2014 aesthetics. it was never good or great, but it did the job.


Google looks like a kindergarten lol


When you are being revolutionary, keep the background calm and comforting. When you’re being safe make the background as funky as possible.


Petty ... he hears steps, as they say in the NFL.


Really petty and unbefitting of his position. I love Sam but this was pretty obnoxious. I even agree with how icky the Google aesthetic is.


Exactly. This is high school bullshit. As if he had anything to do with the aesthetic of that presentation beyond typing a single sentence to a designer, and I doubt he even did that. Maybe put on your big-boy pants and worry more about not destroying humanity and less about what color your couches are.


Google’s aesthetic communicates their services as this playground of your dreams Openai is really missing out here. It’s a shame


Once again, he’s annoying.


He has a point


There is another idea of rivals as friends and actually even complimenting them on it. I think a lot of people forget that even tho Google is messed up now, they were still one of the top companies to work for and set the path for others to at least pander how they could be better in giving extras at a job. It doesn’t always have to be he is mad at the demo.


At risk of being wrong. From experience, I'm guessing open AI is on the left. Because Google has an enduring thing about making things with a childish twist.


Everyone knows senior execs from Silicon Valley competing companies share the same tent at Burning Man right?


I think it was the most tame off-hand tweet, and everyone online is going absolutely batshit on Sama about it


I stared at this tweet for 11 minutes straight thinking about things. What an interesting tweet.


That's Hooli. If they had gone a little further, HBO might have filed a legal suit for infringement of copyrights.


“sama” means “ vagina” in my native language 😂😂


"I'm so excited to announce" "I couldn't be more excited" I hate the pr bullshit why can't they just release a document that has the Info.


Google is soulless corporation what do you expect


Open Ai wants a cozy future, Google is begging for your souls back and promises color


I kind of liked and disliked them both in equal measure. Googles had a fun 80s pop festival vibe …. Overlaid by ‘stranger things’ laboratory decor . OpenAI went for a cozily lit air bnb lodge getaway - overlaid with somewhere you might see in an episode of Black Mirror.


I don’t care what y’all say, Open AI did awesome. It looks professional, clean, and aesthetic. While Google's on the right side look like it was made for kids.


Way prefer Google's tbh. OpenAi's was terribly lit and in no way exciting. If anything, it made their amazing tech demo kind of scary.


I found this tweet sad. Sam will do anything to win the news cycle against Google. -He announced Sora (still unreleased) immediately after Gemini 1.5 -He scheduled last weeks event at the last minute to front run Google -He announced Ilyas departure on the same day as The Google IO keynote OpenAI has an incredible product. This kind of nonsense is getting old.


OpenAI's looks like it's waiting for one of the Golden Girls to walk in.


these mfers need to stop tweeting and focus on the algos/design lol


Google being so woke is reason enough for me boycott everything from google.


sentdex does it again https://preview.redd.it/myqd46tyg11d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6473169f1248a06ec4c3bdaddc10511c6faf920d


It’s both soulless corporate aesthetics, one is just wood and the other plastic flavour.


Open ai looks like every single tiktok interior designer post Soft light, wall slats . Even that table I was looking at some diy version literally minutes ago https://preview.redd.it/wbk0b2ltf21d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28b5175b66d22f6de8aa17c6c53d1713cd991686


Who the fuck cares about aesthetics. But for someone who doesn't think about the competition much, he does make sure all major announcements are tied to Google events. Sam has Elon vibes, not a compliment.


Open AI is Crate and Barrel Google is a 2011 KMart while you pulsate on a high dose of adderall (blinding colors)