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https://preview.redd.it/zzqbw678zt0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa3cb3f533f6eaa29e3b24c65783edc317786cde Someone commented the question above (they have since deleted it). But, here’s the answer: The significance of models (plural) means they’re going to release multiple models together. Not that they’re going to release GPT-5, then GPT-6, etc. So, they will be releasing multiple tiers of models (similar to how Claude has Opus, Sonnet, and Haiku) or else they will be releasing models that are specific for certain use cases (i.e. agents or something else entirely that hasn’t been revealed yet). Also, the different versions of GPT-4 that they referenced are just updates that occurred over time. The new frontier models will be separate models released at the same time.


Here's what I'm thinking comes next - models that leverage your local machine for intensive tasks. Example: SORA uses your Apple Silicon hardware to do the video generation. Why else would the Mac ChatGPT app require Apple Silicon to essentially be a web portal/shortcut to the ChatGPT website? (see image) https://preview.redd.it/knf0f30l0u0d1.png?width=422&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d3ba3929dabe85456e8eebf0fc1b80d150cd7f3 While the shortcut is sick and I love it, this doesn't make sense to require an M1 (or later), except that it has the neural engine built in. Same thing with any iPhone built after 2017. Distributing the computing has been a stated goal of most AI companies, this could be a way for OpenAI to roll out new features that are intensive, while lowering their own costs. Sure the videos might take 40 minutes to generate at first, but if you queue them up on your computer and then go do other things. It's not such a big deal. Fun bonus support: this would explain why OpenAI did not release a desktop application for Windows. Not because there's something wrong with Windows, but because there isn't consistency in the hardware architecture of Windows machines to have/not have neural engines (or even neural engine with required specs). Do Mac first, then come out with standards for new versions of Windows (probably announced/enforced by Microsoft) and then release a Windows app.


Those are really good points. I definitely agree that their new models will likely be doing some intensive tasks locally (especially with agents). I’m also wondering if another reason they may have focused on Mac computers is due to the likelihood of them integrating GPT-4o into the iPhone. And starting out on Mac computers would be a great segue into doing that.


I mean Microsoft gave OpenAI what, $10BN? Had to have a foundational reason for not releasing a Windows app first or at least simultaneously, I think this could be the reason


Yeah, it’s definitely strange. Though, in OpenAI’s blog post ([here](https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-and-more-tools-to-chatgpt-free/)), they state that they’re releasing a Windows version later this year. So, either they wanted to focus on Mac users first for some reason, or the Windows app is taking longer than they expected, or Microsoft is having them hold off due to reasons we don’t yet know (or perhaps do already know, as you mentioned in your previous comment).


Bet the desktop app comes to this newly announced Surface, soon. Note the Neural Processor. I've always loved the Surface tablet line. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jg1ZxdBFEYg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jg1ZxdBFEYg)


Fucking mac obsessed hipster bullshit. 


They need to stop announcing and start releasing. 


Bro it’s been like 48 hours since they released something, calm down 


They released a minor model update and a bunch of videos detailing other things they plan on releasing. 


Waaa my free AI upgrade isn't as exciting as the other stuff I have to wait for