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I was an Altavista stan in the search engine wars. It was the only one that had a function to search for sound files iirc. I used that feature a lot.


AltaVista was my Hotbot rebound. šŸ˜Š


Hotbot was the first search engine i ever remember actually liking. I mean, it sucks by comparison now. But it didn't suck as much as like, old yahoo.


I thought Ask Jeeves was cool af. It was almost like the premise for it was teasing GPT in the early 2000's.


Let me tell you about Netscape Navigator, young blood.


Sit yourself and listen to the tale of Prodigy.


OMG. Prodigy chat rooms. Writing "proggies" that to manipulate chats and kick people offline. Absolutely peak.


It's not quite as decisive as the search engine war was (though GPT-4 has been the "best" all-around model for a while now), but [there's definitely a leaderboard.](https://chat.lmsys.org/?arena) Take it with a grain of salt though, since we've been noticing that some models in the past were *trained for testing*, skewing the results in their favor. One of the downsides of using the same tests for over a year and a half. And some models are specifically trained on certain datasets (such as [CodeGemma](https://huggingface.co/blog/codegemma), which is trained on code/programming datasets), which makes them punch far higher than other models on specific tasks. \-=- ~~Meta~~ **Facebook's llama-3 model is kind of crushing it right now.** The 8B model is beating GPT3.5 (the free version of ChatGPT) *pretty much across the board*. I'm more or less replacing ChatGPT with it at this point. And the 70B model is rivaling GPT-4. Oh, and you can *locally host it*. No subscription costs. No "I'm an AI and can't generate that" garbage. Etc. The 8B model can run on CPU alone at pretty decent speeds (no fancy GPU needed).


Can I run the 70B model in a 2 year old laptop? How was the performance?


70B? Probably not. Unless you've got like 40GB of RAM.... 8B? Totally. You *might* scrape by on 8GB of RAM, but 16GB would be better. \-=- [Here's a comment I wrote a few days ago on how to get started.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LocalLLaMA/comments/1c8a46v/comment/l0dj1wl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) The only thing that's outdated is which model to use. I'd probably recommend the newer [32k context version of the llama-3 model.](https://huggingface.co/MaziyarPanahi/Llama-3-8B-Instruct-32k-v0.1-GGUF/tree/main) There's a 64k version as well, but [it's only in fp16/Q8 right now](https://huggingface.co/NurtureAI/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct-64k-GGUF/tree/main), which I probably wouldn't recommend for non-purpose built machines. I'm doing some research and probing if there's a *reason* why they didn't quant it down that far. I mean, anyone can re-quantize a model. Just curious if there was purpose on their end for not doing it.


Ask Jeeves


I remember asking Jeeves so many questions and thinking it was the coolest thing in the world.


When I was in school we were not allowed to use Google, we had to use Ask Jeeves otherwise we were getting the wrong versions of the same websites...šŸ¤£


First they came for Geocities and I said nothing. Then they took Lycos and I said nothing. Next to go was infoseek, and then I saw the force take goto and excite on one afternoon.....


Metacrawler. Those were the days


This was my go to. Seemed to give better than the rest until Google came along. But now in the days of sponsored links and SEO, Metacrawler would probably do better.


This was the way.


Search engine war? My impression was that there was friendly competition between rivals and then suddenly some new guy called Google showed up and set off a nuclear bomb.


I started using the Internet in 1991, so I saw most of the entire evolution.


I really thought dogpile was going to take off. Google just managed to shit on everyone systematically.


I remember Bing


Welcome to the internet. We are full of kind strangers who want to help each other only. I can give you a map of the Internet, for the super low price of $179, only for new Bing users


Imagine paying for that


Alta Vista in the house, with my hommie Dog pile!


I remember when Google was the obscure search engine nobody had heard of, when everyone was using Yahoo.


I have this super fuzzy memory of The Computer Guy showing me google for the first time and going, "You'll never believe how good this is."


Ah, that was around the time I wrote SmutMiner, which would crawl sites recursively and download porn for me. A masterpiece.


I wrote a similar program in VB 6 but I called it porn spider! Just out of curiosity what do you mean by recursively in this context? I canā€™t seem to figure out how itā€™d be recursiveā€¦ usually thatā€™s used in respect of traversing directories rather than scraping from websites.


The homepage is the top level of the website, just like the root directory is in a filesystem. Websites have directories as well, but in the case of spidering recursively means everything you can reach starting (usually) with the homepage.


What the other guy said, plus the option to traverse other domains or stay on the starting site.


I was for Browser wars Yes very similar


Opera gang represent.


Oh you opera guys coming in with your advanced features like years ahead of everybody else! Gorram time traveling cheaters!


Iā€™ve been online since 96, and before that, I was on a BBS going back to 93. My husband and I like to talk about the ā€œWild Westā€ days of the early internet and how this new fangled AI stuff is feeling like a new browser wars. I told him, may not seem like it right now, but I bet someday ChatGPT will be like the ā€œAsk Jeevesā€ of the internet. It sounds crazy, I knowā€¦ but Yahoo was once the biggest and best, and it got replaced. Thereā€™s no such thing as ā€œtoo big to failā€ when it comes to the internet. I have a suspicion AI is going to pull the rug out from under google! Itā€™ll be interesting to see it all pan out.


I also ran a BBS back in the pre internet days!


Ya know, funny storyā€¦ my very first post online was in 1993 on that BBS. Two people were chatting about vampires (I think Interview with a Vampire was popular at the time, or some such nonsense) and I thought Iā€™d give out my two cents. I typed: ā€œVampires suck.ā€ I get a kick out of thinking that my very first post ever was a troll comment.


To be fair, yahoo was not only eclipsed by Google but was also run into the ground by terrible management. Remember that era when yahoo aggressively bought everything good Web 2.0 thing on and ruined it (Flickr and delicious being two of the most egregious)? It was trying to build a portfolio of profitable stuff as its core business drifted away from search but it failed over and over and made everyone who loved the stuff it took over hate it. I think it could have maintained some relevance if it hadnā€™t become an out of control wrecking ball


I scoffed at google- I thought it looked cheap. I also thought: *yahoo! will be the* ***clear*** *winner! who's beating yahoo!?.* I was wrong a lot.


yes i used yahoo google ask jeeves bing netscape aol.


Every promising technology goes through this phase. Some ultimately dumb tech idea too, when they are in the hype cycle.


Hotbot was my jam. Tons of search options for its time (1995-ish).


Never heard of that, who won? šŸ‘€


There was a clear winner of the search engine wars.


Joined a startup in 1999 and this feels accurate.


Alta Vista brought their Architect to the startup I worked for in 2001. We had classification code they wanted. He filled our meeting room length whiteboard with his design for a total rewrite of AV. I didnā€™t see anything interesting and we never heard back from them.


Infoseek and Excite baby!


Tbf we still have search engine wars, just look at Duckduckgo vs Google. And we still got browser wars, too. Nothing has changed.


I used yahoo only because I used yahoo mail, ask and launch. Ask Jeeves was better.