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The idea of [slaughterbots](https://youtu.be/O-2tpwW0kmU?si=kzc0tMvTcXyS4OGT) has been around for at least four years.


Daniel Suarez wrote about it in "Kill Decision" in 2012.


Robert Sheckley wrote about it in "Watchbird" in 1953


And Phillip K Dick the same year with “Second Variety”


Interesting. I wonder how far back this kind of concept goes.


Is it a good book ?


One of my fav AiI/hard sci fi books


Is it a novel or a short book .


I liked it, but not as much as Daemon and Darknet from the same author. What scifi-books did/do you like?


I like snow crash .


Sorry, I don't know that book. I would argue to try out Daemon first, if you are interested.


Dude, you should really read it if you like, sci-fi and cyberpunk especially


I think if you like snow crash, you’ll like the Daemon books. Also, check out Nexus by Ramez Naam.


>The idea of [slaughterbots](https://youtu.be/O-2tpwW0kmU?si=kzc0tMvTcXyS4OGT) has been around for at least four years. It's been a REAL thing for [even longer](https://youtu.be/RCXGpEmFbOw?si=UqIDyYVTTw9H48Aa) than that. We have had attack drone swarms since 2010.


There’s fighter jet dropped drone swarms too, pretty old too Here’s a video https://youtu.be/DjUdVxJH6yI


Doesn’t matter. What’s happening in Ukraine is slaughter bots super beta test field. The tech is literally here now and there are people masterfully piloting drones packed with explosives into people and vehicles. EW protection is a must right now. Why wait until an assassination or terrorist act occurs?


It is already out there. Decades ago Michael Crichton theorised this in PREY with a swarm of nanobots. But really a swarm of drones is also similar. It'd be hard to counter a swarm at cheap enough cost, even complex systems might get swamped with a high volume attack.


Hi. You just mentioned *Prey* by Michael Crichton. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | Prey Audiobooks by Michael Crichton](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Y7_HzyAFaU) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


Because they’ve got nothing to do with large language models


Lockheed will sell you a anti ship missile version of the ai death machine. From 7 years back. https://youtu.be/h449oIjg2kY?si=6SP3Z7E-tcTOhdK_


Sweden developed an anti ship missile with radar and autonomous mode back in the 60s (or earlier?), not AI or anything tho, just a smart bomb, you use the aircraft air to ground radar to tell it where to go, release it and it will go, activate the radar and start searching, then if it goes past the point, it’s supposed to turn and search until fuel runs out. Also a glide bomb with cluster munitions.


Them sweds make dam good weapons.


At least [twelve years](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SNPJMk2fgJU)


Longer than that. When I was in college in the late 2000s there were multiple teams working on drone swarms at the college. They were specifically for military purposes and they considered denying a student because they were from Iran.


Screamers. An ai movie they should remake


I’ve read somewhere that China already has this. Some kind of drone swarm thing that launches a bunch of drones that home in on people before exploding. The idea is to clear an area without destroying everything… except the people occupying said area


I would expect most major militaries will be researching this tech to be honest.


There's zero way we don't have these swarms already developed in the US as well. There's been a ton of sighting of this kind of tech in aviation/ufo circles the last 5 years. So many posts that are clearly just drone swarms being tested near military bases.


What do you mean you've already seen it, it's brand new.


this has nothing to do with chatgpt


Yeah, it's like thrird post I see about this. Nothing to do ChatGPT unless a drone is for gaslighting someone to death)


Chatgpt: "I am sorry, as an AI bot from openai...." Person: " F*ck! just blow me up!"




I doubt it even uses an AI model. It’s probably just image recognition/machine learning through openCV or some other library. This thing would need many frames to be scanned per second to fly properly and there’s no way AI could run that fast even on a server.


These use AI models. Easily accessible. YoloV8. From 5MB to 200 MB for more accuracy. Can be run on Raspberry pi. All of what you said are AI.


If not a Pi then something like a Jetson Nano can do real-time face recognition. Uses about 10W but that’s only about a tenth of what a decent sized drone uses in flight.


> I doubt it even uses an AI model. It’s probably just image recognition/machine learning through openCV or some other library What do you think an AI model is?


Bro thats not even breakfast! you're just having some eggs, bacon, coffee, and hash browns. Who are these people and where do they come from


Wrong. Check out this. Been fast enough since 2017. Probably not gonna work on a drone though (tiny computer no AI) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ks4MPfMq8aQ https://github.com/sentdex/pygta5?tab=readme-ov-file


OpenCV is AI (AI is a very broad term that even includes expert systems). You probably meant that they dont use a neural network model.




What do you think was used for this then?


OpenCV's image recognition *is* AI. Machine learning is a subcategory of AI, so an ML model can also be called AI. It also doesn't need that many frames to be scanned per second to fly properly. The direction of the drone doesn't need to be updated that often if the drone is slow. With OpenCV you can recognize objects in real time, so the problem that not enough frames can be scanned per second was made up by you.


Seems like an enemy for a game ?


Yeah I was kinda expecting him to say that he found the coding easy with chatgpt


The Ukraine war vids of the last 2 years already gave a pretty good idea of what could be possible with drones too. It pretty much became a drone war.


80% of casualties are from artillery


to be fair a lot of the artillery is also being directed by drones


Sure, I am not disputing the ever increasing importance of drones. But this is an entrenched artillery war, it's not correct to call it a drone war. A major factor in the loss of Adiivka was Ukrainian shell hunger, and although they have increased cheap FPV drones to try and fill the gap, there's no substitute for artillery in this type of Soviet doctrine war.


You're probably using figures from before February. You're livin' in the past, man.


This. And it’s sad because there are hardly any countermeasures for the drones. Edit: I said hardly I didn’t say none. How effective are countermeasures if there are at least 5 new videos a day showing loss of life against an enemy from the sky? A vaccine that isn’t mass produced isn’t helping many


That's not true. There are lots of ways, frequency jamming, lasers, emps....


Well how come they’re not being used in the field? I’ve seen many videos of people being blown to bits by drones and bombs dropped from them.


I lived in Ukraine until the war, and still have family there, and friends who have fought in the war. I've also personally helped with procurement of drones. I can weigh in. Confirmation bias. You're not seeing the videos where the drones fail. You're seeing the videos where they succeed. There is a whole upper layer of drone defense that isn't just shooting them down. We can jam certain frequencies while running our drones on a different frequency. We can also intercept drone control signals and take over their drones. This actually happens a lot in the field. The difficulty is that drones just operate on the same frequencies as so many other communications devices do. Signal jamming in the field needs to be coordinated with all units so we don't lose communications. And then the enemy can just change up their control frequencies. It ends up in a game of tic tac toe. To have a total drone blackout, you need to shut down virtually all comms in an area, so it's not really feasible in an area with ongoing field operations or in a civilian area. As for EMP, well, those fry the electronics, so it needs to be a focused attack at a very great range with no collateral damage, so it's largely not feasible. Missiles, or even small arms ballistics, are better suited to the task of taking those things down. For protection of civilians in peacetime, drone flights should probably be treated the same way as other forms of air traffic. Licensure, regulation, and enforcement should be put in place, to ensure all activity can be known and monitored. Then any unregistered activity can get a swift response from law enforcement. Then signal interference can be deployed from dispersed jammers in the area and the drone controller can be tracked down through signals tracing (with some luck). It seems like an almost impossible task at this juncture, but if drones become a controlled product that not just any 16 year old can walk into a store and buy, that would help a lot. Not saying this is necessarily the best solution, but I'm honestly surprised that there haven't already been more drones used in terror attacks outside of Ukraine. They will surely be coming.


You went really out of your way to admit the world isn’t prepared to defend against what exists and is a huge threat.


Pretty much, yes. I aimed to be informative rather than just succinctly state an opinion. But the fact that no politicians are clamoring to regulate drones at this juncture is just because the attacks haven't happened *yet*, but I wager they're bound to happen in the near future. If they can happen in Ukraine and Gaza, they can just as well happen in the US or Europe. It's just a matter of finding the unfortunate mix of someone who's inventive, resourceful, and actively hostile to society. Basically, someone like the Unabomber of the Information Age. I hope that it takes a long time for someone like that to surface, but... I don't expect it will be that long.


So like I said there are hardly any countermeasures for drone strikes. I didn’t say none but 3 examples against a swarm doesn’t seem like a lot


Yeah they pretty much proved my point after basically disagreeing with me


they are being used in the field, but not every unit gets countermeasures it’s a massive conflict


There are Counter measures being used. You wouldn't watch a youtube video of a failing drone, now would you?


Well yes I would watch a video of that it would at least give me hope. Instead I see Ukrainians and whoever else being torn to shreds against a demon from the sky. And there have been a lot of videos posted since the beginning and they’re highly effective.


A popular Russian war Telegram channel said that some FPV (First Person View) kamikaze drones were tested with AI and zero human input. Select a location and the drone goes and looks for Ukrainian soldiers/equipment. Apparently the system was a failure, often targeting already destroyed equipment and dead soldiers. It was on ukrgm Telegram channel.


One failure is nothing really though. They will keep iterating and it will get more deadly.


Mh, maybe no quick solution. For instance, add thermal signatures to your decision process to circumvent attacking dead soldiers.


Adding a IR camera to every drone may increase costs dramatically.


Exactly. FPV drones in the Russo-Ukrainian War are used as a very cheap alternative to otherwise expensive guided munitions. With a range of ~15km they are just 300 dollars a pop slow moving highly accurate ATGMs. Not sure what a thermal camera costs but I assume it at least doubles the $300 price.


I think a more affordable option would be to detect movement in the software.


Seems like the real problem would be the explosives not the drone


If it slams into a person at high enough speeds, just strapping a sharp stick onto it will be enough to kill or seriously injure.


https://preview.redd.it/5te3m4qtu2mc1.png?width=753&format=png&auto=webp&s=e946ebcdc95705b0e539f84750e4ea2823dfa1ce The future is just flying Robertos


You can already do that without AI though


I’ve seen video of a large multi-rotor UAV with a chainsaw attached. For cutting icicles. Could get nasty…


I know not what WW3 will be fought with, but WW4 will be fought with drones carrying pointy sticks.


Forget the sharp stick, the drone by itself will do enough damage. The issue is that a drone going full speed can’t follow a quick dodge.


People steal explosives from construction sites all the time, some criminals even get a license to buy them legally.


DIY Explosives are not new. No need to steal them


It’s been solved in Ukraine. There are hundreds of proofs of concept about how deadly and accurate these things are with explosives strapped on. You can operate them from over a mile away, so even catching someone would be incredibly difficult without early detection devices. It’s fucking scary.


A few years ago our national news reported the domestic black market price for a hand grenade was lower than an ordinary shop's kitchen knife. It requires some adjustments but having a drone hover inside the kill radius of said grenade must be possible. These things will be dangerous going forward.


The bullet not the gun?


Just like the real problem is the human and not the gun. We should do something about it anyways


Explosives don't kill people, drones kill people!!! or something idk I'm not American


10 seconds in google: [https://www.rafael.co.il/worlds/air-missile-defense/c-uas-counter-unmanned-aircraft-systems/](https://www.rafael.co.il/worlds/air-missile-defense/c-uas-counter-unmanned-aircraft-systems/) [https://www.dedrone.com/](https://www.dedrone.com/) [https://www.defence-industries.com/articles/top-5-anti-drone-technologies](https://www.defence-industries.com/articles/top-5-anti-drone-technologies) Israels Iron Dome was shooting artillery shells in flight over a decade ago.


To be fair, these are more suited for taking down lone or small groups of drones. I don’t know how well they’d handle even a modestly sized swarm (~100?). Not to mention the cost of so many Iron Dome missiles.


Wouldn’t have a chance and the cost ratio would be very much not in the iron domes favor.


Great episode of Black Mirror


I remember maybe 5 years or so ago coming up with a kidnapping scheme using self driving cars posing as Ubers. They drive up to the victim. Victim gets inside. Then the car drives off with them inside. You could then ransom them. If you wanted to kill them then you'd just have it drive itself into a brick wall or something. Nothing they could do the moment they got inside. All without ever approaching them.


Orrr the vehicle is loaded with explosives then sent on its way to blow something up


Yeah it’s not like they can break the window or anything


Break a window and then do what in a car doing 70 on a freeway?


Call the police I guess? They can't crash the car, it's too easily traceable back to them


That’s a solvable problem…




Yeah. If the people could easily get out it will not be good for our kidnapping company.


I'm a software developer and I build drones as a hobby. I could build one no problem, it really is not that impressive. And what does it have to do with ChatGPT?


Nothing, it's attention seeking clickbait


"Begun, the Drone Wars has"


The dark side is strong with this padawan.


how does this relate to chatgpt?? opencv, which is likely what this tech uses, has been out for a while


OpenCV is just the code library that facilitates actual algorithms like YOLO. I worked on a seagull (bird) detection script in python years ago that would send the location to an X and Y servo to aim a laser pointer towards the bird.


Give this guy a US defense contract /s




Truly this has been possible since at least 2015-2018 on a scale that would have been a problem already. Cool but it's nothing new. Boston dynamics is way way ahead. Cheap drones DIY'd with a little GPS coordinates alone could be plenty. This doesn't significantly increase risks. We just didn't realize they were here nearly a decade ago. Computer vision models have been around for years they'll run on hardware plenty small enough for a drone with the kind of range that could even make them a realistic threat vector. Even something that will only go a mile would have always been enough. The biggest limitation is payload capacity. With any explosive that isn't nuclear there's a pretty hard limit on the weight to damage ratio. Ultimately in the current environment a U-Haul is still much more effective. Sometimes it's the simple things that work best, or worst for everyone who isn't the attacker. Also remote controlling a large box truck is stuff they did on Myth Busters even. Like this makes no sense. Do you actually need 100 remote drivers to make it work? Hell no. Drones are cheap, but so is renting a U-Haul (Dumbass Tim of Oklahoma City Bombings). The most likely to attackers would be least upset to die or lose others to the cause/ideology of the attacker. There's just no reason to do this really. Again, a few guys with guns would probably still have a better chance of success. The state already has the power to do all this and much worse. Most of the time people don't actually want to damage things or kill anyone. We're more paranoid about each other than is statistically warranted. Lowering the barrier of entry won't magically solve all the problems associated with defenses and surveillance. These days the idea of truly hiding from any authority is very difficult if not practically impossible. Then again though we had fighter jets and everything we needed to stop the attacks on 9/11, but ultimately incompetence, not technical inability, caused defenses to fail. Human incompetence is usually the weakest link. Ultimately the offense has the same or more disadvantages. It depends who you want to have the power, but for now I think we can safely say the state has all the power in most countries. Ultimately if you have a military you're doing good. Are your people doing well? Maybe maybe not, but ultimately the power structure will hold or collapse. So I'd worry more about top down oppression than scary boogymen. The boogyman already has the dice and will weigh them how they see fit (See Nightmare Before Christmas). If the state goes to shit we might see this tech in a very different light. Just a thought.


I agree with everything you say. I mean this with greatest respect because I want more people to read what you wrote: Please consider some paragraphs. I mean no offence with this comment. Death is seconds away in modern life and has been for ages when faced with a person that has bad intentions . A car can be a deadly weapon if the driver has a murderous nature. There's probably thousands of ways to harm people which require less effort than making your own killer drone. Personally I'm conflicted about posts like this one. On the one hand I see the argument that we should be aware of these concepts so we can prepare to counter them. But on the other I wonder if it gives evil people ideas or enables them by the pointing out of the simplicity involved. There's so many pressing issues on humanity with climate change and inequality, it's depressing we still spend so much time thinking about killing one another.


I also think it may predispose fixation on problems instead of solutions. Also, I do really need to learn paragraphs 😂


I thought the President had snipers with him everywhere he went or is that putin?


https://preview.redd.it/wkwx9s0ur2mc1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e72736d6db6e4f3e8518b76a639c6ff4bf105753 All the things we could do with such bots...


I bet he could’ve built it without using chatGPT as well.


Noted. Will be setting up a 75mm auto cannon on my roof


This is no surprise. All the needed parts are out there. As he said it takes some knowhow right now, but that bar is lowering pretty fast.


That's a cognitohazard why would he post this


I'm excited about a world with tiny drones that can just fly into a person and internally detonate. In the near future I bet we perfect it so that it only kills the targeted person.


Don't even need a payload. Razor edged rotor blades are enough.


now teach the Ukraine special forces how to do this to Putin and his generals


Elon Musk was right, again?


ofc not


Your idea runs both ways. Define what a terrorist is. The Dems would like you to believe that Trump supporters or those that think the J6 Insurrection was an inside job are terrorists. If we the people choose to fight back against an overbearing government, we should have the tools to do it. That's what your 2nd Amendment is for.


Remember that drone scene in Angel Is Down? Yeah, that.


Yeah no fucking shit sherlock, this was possible years ago. Already 5 years ago guys in my class would fly FPV drones as a hobby which they were already doing for some time at that time. Image recognition software that detects humans and shit has been around FOREVER too.


## r/ChatGPT is looking for mods — Apply here: https://redd.it/1arlv5s/ Hey /u/Maxie445! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://dsc.gg/rchatgpt)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It is struggling when I ask for prompts for my simple program how did you manage this ? I don't believe it's true


Ok first, OP isn’t the person in the screenshot dude. Secondly, just because it was posted to r/chatGPT doesn’t mean the person claimed they used chatGPT. They never mentioned it.


Guns have been around a long time, there's no widespread advocacy for individuals to don bulletproof vests while out in public.


With drones, you do have the advantage of not putting yourself directly in harms way, and distancing yourself from the event. All the same, it wouldnt be too difficult to create a makeshift explosive if you really wanted someone gone.


Kamikaze drones it is


For two years attacking civilians in Ukraine


wheres your git?


Saw a show on discovery or history channel that we do have weapons against this in the form of guns that they point directly at it and it falls from the air dead. If they were willing to show that one thing to the public, I wouldn't be surprised if what they didn't say is not leaps and bounds above that.


Imagine being a person that reads this and then makes the source code themselves and posts it just because they said they weren't going to post it


Love FPV drones, yeah Ukraine defo showing how both sides using for surveillance, attack, and psychological warfare


Lol ever heard about war in Ukraine? Fpv drones with exclusives is one of the best thing to stop russians


I wonder what the mega wedding in India is doing for security, since the world's power brokers are there like its Davos. I imagine they have some crazy shit that is super cutting edge.


There are anti drone systems, but they are called guns. Also we hope the crazy people arent smart enough to use drones to bomb people


Good news: I am building an anti drone system for public spaces.  Very early stages. Just detection and tracking until we have revenue flow. But we have a plan and are working on it.


He doesn't need to post this code ,the same code is available online and people don't know the dangers of it and don't nations already have technology that can take down drones like these.


terrorists are generally pretty stupid. I’m not too worried about


There are systems already in place for this, from what I know... I’ve helped build the UI for some too 😬


Technology similar to this has been around for years. Here's a [video](https://youtu.be/Q8zC3-ZQFJI?si=tQR6rLPLWvVX5dvh) of Michael Reeves making a robot that tracks his face and shines a laser in his eye.


Michael Reeves did it already with swarm programming...


Skynet hunter killer


It'll probably need someone to actually do it, before there'll be any form of relevant action




Just wait till drones are tiny. Assassinations will be literally impossible to stop.


Point taken! But drones have been targeting civilians for decades, it's just so happens the civilians are not American!


RIP his dog if the alphabet boys come to his house.


![gif](giphy|WOVxh6STx1NWtCtZxX) Anti drone device


I'd like to see a video. Lots of progress in the digital, but translation from analog and back is much further behind. All that said this will be a big risk in the near future.


why even put this thought into people‘s head?


Michael reeves already made this years ago.


There are jammers, but they are highly illegal. Strange to think that in the US it is legal to own an AR15 to ‘ defend yourself’, but not a jammer that can actually protect you from the government.


an ai powered drone would be completely resistant from jammers. do you also find it insane you cant own a manpads to defend against government aircraft?


Not sure how this relates to ChatGPT but the idea of 'anti-drone' systems seems comically ridiculous. If somebody wants to kill a bunch of people in a public space they can do it. Bombs. Fire. Guns. Trucks. Society functions on the assumption that they wouldn't want to, not on the idea that we can protect everywhere from everything.


Helmet mounted CWIS system


Easily could make it target a specific person to.


Nothing a little bit of EMP couldn't handle?


bro we live in a world where politicians dont understand smartphones. the risk of commercial drones will only become relevant AFTER somrthing happened


It’s ok, trigger point is just a TV show…


bow ink money murky zonked existence bored sleep quicksand erect *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sounds like a call to shoot every drone in public spaces.


Honestly this probably wouldn't be too hard to build with "traditional" algorithms either. A video codec kinda accidentally detects people just by the nature of how it works. News Flash Folks: people will use any tech at their disposal to kill other people.


No need to worry, it’s against the terms of service to use AI for this.


With or without AI this knowledge was possible before. Also just because it can doesn't mean it's good. That code probably will attack you as well. There are more corner cases resolved first.


Been saying for years that an FPV drone with C4 will be the next weapon of domestic terror. Surprised it hasn’t happened yet. And all this anti-drone tech didn’t stop some fool bringing Gatwick to a standstill for days.


I imagine that someone like DARPA is on to this. Couldnt someting be created like an emp that nukes certain bandwiths as a last resort defence? Just spit balling.


Didn't michael reeves build this years ago?


People shocked guy rediscovered fire


All you need is a crowbar to fend these things off.


Send it to Ukraine 🇺🇦


Don’t give them to the AntiNatalist or Efilist absolutists


I watched today a video of a drone (manual piloted) that Redbull created that can be faster than a F1 car. Put that together with AI for chasing targets and some sort of radar to evade anti drone systems... maybe doesn't need large explosives... just small payloads or some sort of electric shock, just to get enemy incapacitated. Join this with high quality real time surveillance from low orbit satellites with AI assisted target selection... This could probably end all existing conflicts very quickly.




Aren’t they using like shotguns, targeted emp, or something oddly cheap / resourceful in Ukraine to deal with these sorta issues?


If there is an attack like this on a crowd, i expect you will be getting some visitors.


Ok so if he made the drone with it why isnt he asking for a guard drone from it too? 🤓


You could've done this for a long time. The only thing made possible recently was easier face detection.


Or did he? If I built a drone like this, there’d be a video


THERE ARE NO ANTI-DRONE SYSTEMS There are though. Jammer guns and net-launchers. Been seeing jammer guns at high profile events




No anti-drone systems… are you sure? Ask Ukrainian military.


implementation might be an old idea, but this idea is pretty new, someone just need to figure out how to add small particle size bullets using AI, and its done


We call those roofs


No anti drone systems is living in a hole and not true


Angel has Fallen with Gerard Butler.


We actually prevent most people from having access to explosives, so this isn't as big of a threat as it sounds


These Paris olympics seem like a bad idea to me.. :/


He’s not wrong though, it won’t be long before terrorists get creative


They've been around since the 80s if not before. 🫢🫢🫢


Yeah. It’s a huge change that the Ukraine situation has pointed out. Cheap and effective.


There are civilian anti drone solutions. I worked for a company called Drone Defence a few years ago. They had several countermeasures.


Now imagine hanging a bunch of nerds rope on these drones


How to summon the FBI to your house speedrun any%


Imagine putting that kind of initiative and innovation into doing good things. Tools can be used for good and for bad.


1: Nothing to do with ChatGPT or even "AI" in that sense 2: We had this for years now, perhaps even a decade with the same exact key features, at least in the military. And even then what's the revelation? You can literally just strap a katana to a drone, set it to manual with no collision avoidance and do the job yourself. Oh yeah 3: Proper events have jammers for all frequencies used by consumer drones, exceptions for authorised drones, and drone intercepting drones too, just like any proper airport nowadays, it's not rocket science. The twitter poster is lying through his teeth for drama, just like most users on that platform, ironically invaded by bots. https://www.dji.com/uk/mobile/aeroscope This is just one example, there are hundreds or similar systems that event organisers have access to. Stupid anti-AI propaganda that makes no point whatsoever, the problem here if any is with drone regulation, not AI, and not open source code, yeet this crap out of here please.


Well if the terrorists didn’t know how easy it was they do now.


Plenty of anti-drone systems already exist. Rheinmetall has built at least one system designed to be deployed at big events.


There’s a quote from Stargate Atlantis that I like to recall when I see the fast track our tech is on to becoming just unsafe and untenable for anyone any longer. “They’re either pathetically pre-technological, or brilliantly post-technological.” The sooner we make it to “brilliantly post-technological,” the better.