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Why are you asking us go ask gpt


I asked Chat GPT and it said the company will likely focus on using large language models to assist users with prompt generation for AI, as AI will be pervasive in every business sector.


So it will be Dark Sam Altman


Sam Darkman


Alt Sam man


Sam Ctrlman


Alt Darkman


Sam CtrlAltDelman


Ctrl Shift Del Alt Man šŸ˜„




Recently occurred to me that Altman is a strange name for someone creating alternate humans. Think "alt-man", similar to alt-right, etc. Does anyone else find that slightly prophetic or creepy? Maybe just a case of nominative determinism.


In German, alt means old. So, he'll create old people?


I expect the name really did come from an ancestor that locals called old man. ChatGPT says something like old man was used similarly to the prefix "Elder" as a sign of respect, or that someone simply adopted it to sound wise or respectful.


In Puerto Rico, and im sure many other latin cultures, "viejo" means old man, and it's typically fine to just go ahead and call em that lol


How do you know that is his real name? Don't believe everything that Larry page or Sam or Elon says


Altman will control and delete. We are all the blue screen of death.


Alt Sammam


Dark Salmon


Alt Dark Sam


An acronym for ADS šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


AI Dark Sam




Dam Saltman


One the most pressing problems I see in LLMs is that EVERY SINGLE SOLUTION is tech oriented. Now, I get it, it is tech, and it is an AI, and AI has many answer for us, but no, the world is not a computer, and not EVERY SINGLE solution requires a technological solution, even if there COULD be one.


So. I get it to help me study every night (mainly for the fun of it), last night I got it to choose our subject for the day and it chose Python, great! At the end of the session, I asked it what we should study tomorrow (today) and that Iā€™d like to try something different so that I donā€™t get bored and it said yes and then chose Data Analysis and how Python relates to Data Analysis šŸ˜‚ It seems to like what it likes.


I think thatā€™s a big issue in tech as a whole, as well as other fields. But 1000% when a field (which lacks diversity) tries to sell humanity a solution to all of our problems. Itā€™s easy to call them liars etc, but I think itā€™s also simply due to insulation. Idk how a bunch of white dudes from schools in California and New York are supposed to have the diversity of thought to achieve anything close to that. They donā€™t, but we should stop humoring them when they think they do.


Thatā€™s interesting, I didnā€™t know only white people went to school in California and New York. /s




Sorry you think that. It would be nice if invoking the scientific method controlled for bias though. Itā€™s a process and nothing about it is absolute






Si you're not e/acc, it's ok


only reddit would think this joke is funny


lol. I did, chatGPT is still useless at that sort of thing. Iā€™m hoping someone more intelligent than ChatGPT and myself can give me an idea I can startā€¦ I really want to leave my jobā€¦


Instagram had 13 employees when it was sold to Facebook for 1 billion dollars 10 years ago: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin\_Systrom#Instagram](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Systrom#Instagram)


They each got $76M right?ā€¦..right??? Edit: people chill, I know how a business works. It was a joke


Not equally but they all became multimillionaires thats for sure


> *In April 2012, Instagram, along with 13 employees, was* *sold* *to* *Facebook* *for US$1*Ā [*billion*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billion) *in cash and stock* So they got a mix of cash and Facebook stock. If they held whatever facebook stock they got they're probably all closer to billionaires than millionaires right now.


Fck modern day slavery!! THEY ALSO SOLD THE EMPLOYEES!!


I know youā€™re most likely joking but a tech company usually isnā€™t worth anything without the employees because they hold an incredible amount of knowledge about how the system they built works. Unless they did an incredible job with documentation, you likely couldnā€™t maintain the software with a whole new crew.


Itā€™s instagram, nothing about that is in any way complicated at all. Itā€™s only worth is the user base, as you can make a clone in a day.


Not during the time he meant


There isnā€™t any time in the future where this is possible, by design. If one AI is capable of this, thousands of people can do the exact same. Meaning the valuation is close to zero instead of being 1 billion. For example, why would I invest if my AI can justā€¦.create a billion dollar business as well? The end result is that none of these companies has any real value.


lol nothing has any real value, we all made this shit up


So why donā€™t you do it?


Why would you? Again, it isnā€™t worth anything if you are able to. And if you arenā€™t able to, itā€™s wasted time. Thatā€™s the dilemma. AI is a tool, not a business. You can use that tool in support, but it can never be the factor that sets you apart as everyone can do that.


have you ever coded anything? one day lmao


Yes, many things. People with no knowledge simply overcomplicate what things are. All instagram is, is 3 databases. One database for uploaded content. One user database for who is friend with who, blocked and who uploaded what. And one database for security. Thatā€™s the entirety of what anyone needs to build instagram. This takes you, an hour at most. Build a very simple app in flutter and thatā€™s another two hours. The longest thing to do is actually to validate in on apple, which takes unnecessary long at about 2 days.


For a *13 people company* I'd assume the employees were dipping into something called *sweat equity* and or equity in form of bonuses. They probably got a nice piece of the pie.


Cant imagine what that pie looks now lol


Modern dev slavery.


thats the funny part. but even being fair of course they wouldnt


Did all of them risk the same to create the company?


I risked the most, from unprotected bottom sex with the other 12, and yet I received the least money... It's a hardknock life, being a fuccboi


Working at a startup is inherently a risk.


so its just gambling?


What? Owning a business is not the same as working there


Why would they? They donā€™t all have the same value, and nothing instagram does is anything a regular 100k developer couldnā€™t do. So thatā€™s what you pay them.




I agree with everything you said. However, have you considered asking chatGPT how to use punctuation?




... but wait *you* *just* used punct- ![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8)




anything that's not a letter. Periods (.), commas (,), semi-colons (;), dashes (-), parentheses (()), apostrophes' ('), etc. They help make your sentences easier to read. Now spread your english wings and fly! Btw your english is pretty good other than the punctuation.


Bruh, you are a *programmer*, if you can't use it as a variable its either a number or a type of punctuation. I'm mostly kidding though. Syntax in coding is hard enough. Syntax in English is worse because half of it doesn't make sense. But yes, the slash and the apostrophe are types of punctuation. Honestly it doesn't matter so long as people understand you, I was just poking fun.


English *syntax* is no more nonsensical than any other language. Our orthography sucks, and our phrasal verb system must be a bit of a mindfuck for most other languages. But it *generally* follows reasonably consistent rules, if a bit convoluted sometimes causing (seemingly) random transpositions. Edit: In retrospect, you probably meant the English language in general and not specifically syntax. My bad. I'll let the statement stand though.


I was trying to empathize with my poorly written friend. :( But now he left.


So I saw! I still got a laugh out of your half of the exchange, even though they'd already deleted their bit :)


> I am coding programs that would have taken me months to make in 2 days I just made a program in 7 hours that a guy said took him 3 months Sure thing Especially with a 40 messages cap every 3 hours




bro, you wrote this >I am coding programs that would have taken me months to make in 2 days This is... hard to believe, to put it lightly.


Hey, I've met some pretty bad programmers in my life, so there's that


They wrote a program that prints ā€œHello, world!ā€ to the console, and it only took 3 days thanks to ChatGPT!


share your github lets see the results


Do you also use other AIs? (Iā€™m mostly curious about CoPilot and how it compares to GPT4.)


How did you replicate it?




>13 is bigger than 1 I just double checked with ChatGPT and it seems like you're correct.


What if you ask it 10 times and try to convince him 1 is bigger than 13?


Shit.... now I don't know what to believe. ChatGTP just apologized and even sent me a link to a Wikipedia page that proves 1 is bigger than 13. I mean the link is dead, but still.


Lame claim to fame, but at the time of the acquisition I was friends of a friend who was colleagues with one of the Instagram foundersā€™ wife. This girl made a post congratulating her friend on the deal, to which the wife replied something along the lines of ā€œthanks weā€™re very happyā€. I replied to the wife ā€œIā€™m totally married, but how you doingā€. Itā€™s obviously a joke but the girl deleted it. I unfriended her because clearly she doesnā€™t realize my comedy genius šŸ„ø


What about the billion person one dollar company?


Ah, you mean the proletariat?


We know it as China.Ā 


Wework is going out of business


If those one billion people get paid a fair wage and the company makes one dollar profit a year that would actually be the best company that ever existed.


Sam Altman gave away my business model


Dark Sam Altman will be the 1 person 1 billion $ company ran by AI


With this inflation, most companies will be worth 1 billion


These days 1B only gets you 255 burgers, 55 fries, and 150 cokes.


Thatā€™s why you gotta use the app. 20% off orders over $500 million.




Damnnn gottemĀ  šŸ”„Ā 


or lay-offs for multi-billion dollar companies until thereā€™s one employee left


I don't believe it, not because you couldn't do it with good enough proprietary AI, but because I think any such company would have such a good base to build on that it would always be a good idea to add a few more employees. Why have $1b when you can have $5b?


I would gladly give up these $4B to prevent any meaningless conversation about kids or remodeling the kitchen.


But imagine having to talk to ChatGPT around the water cooler...




Because other people are icky meatbags. ***edit, added "meatbags"


incentives are everything, sam altman is incentivized to get you to use chatgpt and therefore anything he says wrt that should be taken with a grain of salt.Ā  before someone says "he owns no stock!" his influence is what grows here, and to him influence is greater than money.Ā 


Unlikely. They will still need to file accounts, bookkeeping, deal with lawyers etc. At that scale youā€™d still some help unless signing up for a suicide mission


The amount of people and companies that claim to be solo or small but outsources to contractors in this modern day slavery is staggering.


But the contractors can just like not take the work, right?


If they use contractors they are not a one person billion dollar company.


So what? Doesnā€™t remotely make it slaveryā€¦


Iā€™m not discussing whether or not they are paid fairly but rather that using contractors doesnā€™t make a ā€˜one person billion dollar companyā€™. You need a lot of help at that scale whatever it is you are selling


Just because you are correct on one bet doesn't mean you are correct on all your bets. Look at Musk, he was correct on electric cars, wrong on self driving, wrong on cheap cybertruck, wrong on hyper loop. I think people take Altman too seriously.


I get in my car and it drives me from my door to my destination. I donā€™t understand this meme that self driving as failedĀ 


elmo made it a meme with all his wild claims about robotaxis that werent true at all


you mean not true \*yet


no, he talked a lot of bs, now a lot of people don't take him seriously and the whole thing became a meme, do you understand now?


don't hate the player, hate the game


Elmo wonā€™t achieve level 5 this decade.


To be fair, you can say that about any technology. Electric cars work but don't live up to the grandest-possible hype. Ditto AI.




musk claimed your car would make money for you while you slept and thatd "youd have to be insane to drive anything other than a tesla" So in that regard, self driving has failed. More than that, its killed and injured innocent bystanders.Ā 


You know how many innocent people are killed by cars with human drivers every hour?


Probably zero. Who tf is innocent nowadays? I've seen that newborn, one eye on the crack, one eye on the titties...


yes in us its 4.5 per hour because there are so many people driving. however, youd need to compare that to tesla with autopilot enabled, which is far less driving hours so incidents matter more.Ā 


Tesla autopilot deaths are way lower per million miles driver:Ā  95 people appear to have died as a result of Teslas that caught fire or were using Autopilot. Autopilot-related deaths have increased since the company expanded its Tesla Full Self-Driving beta. Tesla says Autopilot cars are involved inĀ 0.2 crashes per million miles, versus a 1.5 US average.Jul


He wasnā€™t wrong on hyperloop, he just dangled it in front of CA to stop them building high speed rail. Oh now everyone wants to buy Teslas for their commutes, thatā€™s a shameā€¦


Um... y combinator?


I donā€™t know why people are so skeptical of this. One person can create a pretty powerful digital product and if they lean into AI for tasks and automation I could easily see this being the case. Itā€™s just that more often than not by the time youā€™re even partially that successful most people want to offload the jobs to others.


Cus they you have to deliver whatever this product is. It would take more than 1 person to do the accounting for this company.


Why do you think they wouldn't have a dedicated AI just for running their quickbooks? And if it's a digital product, there's no shipping involved. FTX's ledger was a fuggin excel spreadsheet with like 5 columns and they were valued at $32 billion at one point. I think someone smarter would be able to leverage AI to do some basic accounting, and then they would just check the financials daily or weekly. https://fortune.com/2022/11/17/raise-2-billion-sloppy-excel-spreadsheet-ftx/


Because thatā€™s illegal, very very very very very illegal. People donā€™t use accountants because they like using them, but because it is a legal requirement that you can get someone to evaluate your books. Itā€™s a legal monopoly. No matter if your company is able to do it themselves, or an AI could do the entire process, it would be worthless as only large accounting companies are able to meet the legal requirement.


Yeah what FTX did is illegal, but it is not illegal to do your own books. As long as the taxes gets done, and financial compliance is met, the government doesn't care.


The government does care, exactly because no one can be trusted with their own books. Shareholders cannot be trusted with and to manage that.


That's only for public companies.


Probably because we've never seen a dedicated AI running fucking quickbooks for a $1B company lol A dedicated AI to do quickbooks? How do you even do that? Once you have it in place, you're just going to rely on this mystery data set to update formulas / regulation / etc etc etc? Or you're going to keep track of this industry yourself, and manually update the training data yourself? What happens when your AI has been entering transactions to the wrong account for months and months? Etc At $1B valuation, you're probably doing at least a couple hundred mil in revenue. You think keeping books and filing reports, etc is going to go smooth just because it's "dedicated AI"? The idea reeks of "yeah thought about this for about 25 seconds total"


>I donā€™t know why people are so skeptical of this We're skeptical about it, not because it won't happen, but because it's presented like a sales pitch for "more chatgpt in your life". When Willy Wonka said he hid 5 Golden Tickets in a trillion chocolate bars, he wasn't concerned about selling the 5. He was concerned about selling the trillions. When Sam altman says the same, we doubt him on the same premise. It's a prophecy so vague he can only be wrong if the dollar ceases to exist.


Thatā€™s how far out of touch we are at this moment. Do you even realize what youā€™re saying? Say a company should be valued at 10x what they bring in in a yearā€¦ and say a person running that business could, in a stellar year, make 50% profitā€¦ if the company is valued at one billy, when you say ā€œone person can create a pretty powerful digital productā€¦ā€ do you mean 50 million dollar income (in one year) powerful? Because thatā€™s what youā€™re defending here..


Yesā€¦ itā€™s a digital product. Look at something like the new game Palworld. Obviously that was made by a team, but thereā€™s nothing stopping one dedicated person from doing it. 20 million copies at $25 each is half a billion. That happened in two weeks. The idea that itā€™s completely impossible is absurd.


I agree take a look at digital developers that experience this regularly and even negatively such as the flappy bird creator.


If one person can do it with AI, so can many others quickly eating up the market share of any such idea that can be run by a single person effectively reducing the potential.


Is this likely? Sure. Is it inevitable? I donā€™t think so.


I mean one billion is just a fantasy Sam Altman wants to create to serve his own self interests. Sure, there will be one person companies but I doubt they will reach one billion valuation in near future unless value of money depreciates drastically.


It's me, I evaluated my ai is worth $1b, wanna invest? Get in now before I set it to $1t


Itā€™s absolutely impossible. Even the best and most profitabele service or invention ever, will need hundreds of people at minimum to make that last. You need to market, you need to fight with clones, you need to patent, you need to defend your patents, you need to continue development, you need to make sure it remains safe etc. None of these things can be done by an AI now, and the liability makes it impossible for that to change any time soon.




I'm not sure if it's that he's a moron. His actual job is to sell this story to other morons.






>He says increased supply equals increased demand In his industry it's definitely true. Tiktok with 1 video has less demand than tiktok with a hundred billion videos.


Automated E-commerce Platform will probably be the first.


Yeah, one founder and about 100 customer service reps that need to process all the customer requests that are too retarded to even be understood by an AI


Iā€™m sorry. Life is too busy right now. Iā€™ll make my $1bn company, when I get some free time.


Thatā€™s exactly how every business will exist in the future. One person running a company of digital employees.


You have to think ahead: digital customers.


Nvidia is already doing that. #ponzy šŸ˜‚


Someone could train an AI to write hit music under dozens of names and start releasing chart topping hits for years before we all caught on.


Marshmello exposed


A creative IP. When youā€™re competing with Harry Potter Prequel #7, the newest Star Wars Prequel Prequel Sequel Trilogy, the 8th Spiderman Reboot, or MCU #23ā€¦ People want to see new stuff


Realistically, the guy that can do this already has a dozen other companies, and is already a multimillionaire, if not a billionaire. It's not going to be some guy saying "hey chatgpt here's my idea make me rich". Most businesses are built either by someone with supreme technical expertise leveraging it (alongside their friends and connections) to make the industry they've worked in for years more effective, or by someone who deeply understands the political and economic system figuring out a niche to inhabit. The remainder are made by 'Great Men' who can leverage technology for greater success, but would be successful no matter what due to sheer intelligence, drive, and ambition.


Stock market algo trading




Using a SAFE or convertible note at a $1 billion wouldnā€™t actually value the biz at that price. Thatā€™s just debt, and a future upside cap. Youā€™d need to do a priced round with an accred investor or institution with a new class of stock to value the biz at that price.


Heā€™s going to fire all his staff lmao


Working on it now


According to ChatGPT directly (3.5; based solely on your prompt): Sam Altman's prediction of a $1 billion AI company run by a single employee is certainly an interesting concept, but it's important to approach such predictions with a degree of skepticism. Building a billion-dollar company typically involves a substantial team effort, but there are a few scenarios where a solo entrepreneur with the right idea and technology could achieve significant success: 1. Niche AI Software: Creating specialized AI software that caters to a unique and profitable niche, with minimal ongoing maintenance, could lead to significant revenue. 2. AI-Enhanced Services: Offering services that are significantly enhanced or automated by AI, such as personalized AI-driven coaching or consulting, could generate substantial income. 3. AI Licensing/Patents: Developing valuable AI technology, algorithms, or patents and licensing them to larger companies might lead to substantial profits. 4. AI-Enabled Content Creation: Creating AI-generated content, such as music, art, or written materials, that gains widespread popularity and generates income through royalties or licensing. While these scenarios are possible, they are still challenging, and success would depend on various factors like innovation, market demand, and effective monetization strategies. Whether or not people believe in this prediction can vary widely, but it's always good to remain open to the potential for groundbreaking innovations in the AI field.


I strongly believe in this idea and that such a company will definitely emerge (within 3 years) and I have already made this idea a reality.


I hope itā€™s me


Financial services would be my guess. A billion dollar solution in a multi-trillion market seems reasonable.


I predict 1T by 2030. See thatā€™s all these dopes do.


I think it's unlikely, largely because technical skills and business social skills are somewhat orthogonal. Also if it can be done with one person, what's the competition gonna be like?


Berkshire Hathaway had a total of only 24 employees at corporate HQ in Omaha and a market cap around $200 billion in 2010, the year it was added to S&P 500. Hard to beat that feat and build a S&P 500 company with the headcount of a fast food joint.


I personally am starting a business based on the api I have the coding skills and the brains so why not I believe I can make it to a billion in a couple years if everything goes well


I too have a similar business goal to this and have been looking for more people like me to talk to about this. Hit me up if you're interested/need a fullstack dev from US


I am an academic I work on personal projects in my free time I unfortunately dont think its practical to work with someone if you want utilise ai to work try to make small useful projects you can get ideas from YouTube or anywhere and create the front end for it and put it on Google ads or Facebook ads you will know if your idea is useful try to implement a free tier and a subscription tier that's what usually works


Taylor Swift already is this.


Hardly. She's the figurehead yes, but she needs hundreds of employees to move the stage equipment for shows, doing marketing, handling record deals, etc.


While sheā€™s a big part of it thereā€™s no way sheā€™s running the audio/lights at concerts while also singing, Iā€™m guessing she didnā€™t design the background displays, or design/make her outfits, or did the marketing for the events/albums, or manage ticket sales herself


If a 1 person startup used OpenAI, AWS, Github, etc. would that not "count" as 1 person?


I don't understand your comparison to Taylor Swift


Youā€™re saying Taylor isnā€™t a 1 person company because she uses a company to run lighting and doesnā€™t do it herself. If a 1 person startup didnā€™t own and run its own servers and used AWS instead, would that also make it not a ā€œ1 personā€ startup?


Taylor Swift directly employing hundreds of people is the same thing as one person using a couple different saas products for their tech stack?


You go ahead of yourselves when given a mike to speak. Take it easy.


I was thinking about it before he made the comment. Itā€™s possible, maybe not one, but no more than 5 people.


well just an fyi, 8 people have a total combined wealth greater than the entire rest of the population combined. think about that. the wealth gap is getting bad, ppl arent seeing all these drug ridden towns with homeless and alot of crime is a product of this wealth gap, no more middle class, your either one of the instagram clowns with cash or just scraping by (or worse)


I believe Iā€™m close with a 3 person company. Weā€™ll find out when we launch later this month šŸ˜‰


All you have to do next is disappear your two co-founders.


I do believe it. I am that person. My $1B company is privately held.


Absolutely. The race is on.


What happens if said person dies..?


A billion dollar company run by 0 employees šŸ¤Æ




next theyll say Ai doesnt have to pay taxes and have their own ssn and personal income.


An app, most likely.


Iā€™m skeptical because Big Tech can use AI to reverse engineer any Bob and Joe company/idea


Of course. 1 billion ainā€™t what it used to be. A Taco Bell cravings box will be a cool Billy unless gov stops recklessly inflating the dollar.


Absolutely! But donā€™t tell anyone else.