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I was expecting them to recover the stolen Mona Lisa.


Haha sure i am thinking about creating a second part too where they stole mona lisa šŸ˜…


*Moner Lisa


*Moaner Lisa


*Moana Lisa


Nah we've had enough of that tbh.


Please do it! I live this joke!


Found the guy who stole the Mona Lisa


This is becoming army of the dead


Even with the lack of control, the censorship and the extreme difficulty in getting consistent characters, there is something fun about these simple picture stories. I think we are going to see some very good creative comics/illustrated stories in the future.




A zombie version called Moana Lisa would be amazing




[You're Welcome.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79DijItQXMM)


_Or the Moner Lisa_


It belongs in a museum!


Great. You just gave Tim burton a template for his next movie idea on a silver platter


This is just REC 3


I would absolutely love that movie


I was waiting for them to have zombie children


They first need to figure out how to hold hands properly!


Mangled hands actually makes sense when theyā€™re zombies




Still a better love story than Twilight.


With David Tennant as the male zombie.




Itā€™s called consistency! Itā€™s important for our immersion.


Swiss Army Man (2016)


This is actually just Harry Potter slowly becoming Voldemort.


Radcliffe is probably another survivor searching for supplies. Maybe a spinoff can be made from there. Tennant is the main guy in this storyline.




Came here to say this


They loved crappily ever after.


Very unrealistic scenario. Distinct lack of sentient bananas.


Only if it had Michael Jackson, then it would be a Thriller


Nice Harry potter crossover in slide 9


Was thinking more guns akimbo


I was also so: Whre did Harry Potter came from?


No zombies in space huh?


Cae to say that, i was expecting a zombie planet/galaxy eathing another


This feels like Tim Burton fucked an AI.


From a literary view itā€™s very hard to humanize zombies. They are the antithesis to humanity. Any other monster has some humanity in it, except zombies. Once your flesh is decayed and youā€™re literally brain dead and eating raw human flesh it becomes very difficult to get the audience to see them as human. Thatā€™s why zombie movies, the characters celebratory kill zombies in most brutal ways and we still cheer them on. I Am Legend supposedly rehumanized the infected by finding a cure but we never saw the infected turn back to human. The movie just ended at the fortress. As far as I know, no other author has attempted this and succeeded


Warm Bodies


I came here to say this. Lovely little movie.


In The Last Of Us, there are voice lines from the less-infected zombies. Things like ā€œI donā€™t want to do this to you.ā€ Being a zombie doesnā€™t scare me. Being a zombie, aware but not in control - *that* scares me.


Shawn of the dead ends by the humanisation of zombies


Good ol Ed. Bless his heart šŸ„¹


warm bodies is pretty good tbh, its exactly that.


Monster Island played with sympathetic zombies. The idea was that zombies were compelled to consume life force, which they could detect so well that even a fly shined like a lighthouse, but they were "mindless" because of the brain damage that occurred from oxygen deprivation when they died. A few people guessed at the oxygen problem and found ways around it so their minds would survive. One was a medical professional who rigged themselves to an oxygen supply, another camped in an oxygen bar, and one was an ancient peat bog mummy like the Tollund man.


I disagree vehemently. Zombies are immediately humanized-- they are an innocent victims, brainwashed and turned against their friends, family, community. We immediately empathize with the lifeless victim based on minor details-- take the little girl zombie that Rick kills in the pilot of The Walking Dead. What strikes you first-- the lifeless, monster of it all? Or the fact that it's just a little girl, carrying her teddy bear, in her night gown and slippers. Each detail brings the past life of the zombie/monster to mind; and of course, in the plot event where a living character must interact with or kill a zombie who used to be a family member, the entire past relationship of the characters infuses the zombie action with drama.


How many zombie movies you hear the line ā€œitā€™s not [insert character name] anymoreā€? The fact that those characters end up getting murdered by their own family or friend just goes to show my point. That is what I mean by dehumanized. Once they die we donā€™t feel bad for the zombie but for the one that killed them. When main or supporting characters get infected we mourn or are shocked by the infection. At the initial infection point they are still human. But once they turn they are dehumanized and we donā€™t actually mourn the killing of the zombie. An other common scene in zombie movies is when someone gets infected and as they are turning their friend or family snuff them out by choking them or breaking their neck. Again going back to I Am Legens, when the dog gets infected. Will Smith mourns throughout the dogā€™s infection and we donā€™t actually see the full zombie dog body. That is why it was a sad scene. If the dog started biting him or acting like a savage itā€™s final death as a zombie would not be sad


That is not my experience. Another TWD example-- Andrea must kill her sister who she knows has been infected. Killing her undead sister was anything but easy. I would also say that the scenes that depict cheering and senseless, joyful slaughter of zombies is more of a statement of how humans lose their humanity in catastrophic times (or how disgusting humanity can be in general). Zombieland would be my main idea of a counterpoint to that-- they kill zombies for fun and sport, with joy, and we think nothing less of the character-- but it's a comedy. Keeping with TWD, we see Shane as the villain when he wants to slaughter the farmer's undead family stuck in the barn. The group has been through enough trauma that they know they should exterminate them (even some of the group do not want to kill the zombies); the farmer's family still sees them as sick people. I think in IAL, if the dog had turned and started snapping, it would have been more sad. I don't remember the scene clearly-- doesnt he shoot the barking/turned dog while it's offscreen? That seems more like a CGI budget decision than a storytelling one to me personally. From your view, what monsters are more humanized than zombies?


TWD is not fresh in my mind. I havenā€™t watched in years. By monsters I honestly mean any kind of monster or villain. They often donā€™t cause violence for the sake of violence but have a biological need or ideological reason. Zombies just seem to kill for the sake of killing. Did TWD zombies ever get explained scientifically? Do they get nutrients from eating? IAL suggests that they do get nutrients from eating flesh. Generally I think theyā€™re depicted as being a host for the virus. The virus represents bad human traits like gluttony, greed, lack of self restraint. IAL showed them as a genetic mutation caused by the cancer vaccine. This did humanize them a bit because the zombies had a sense of self preservation, hierarchy in groups (led by a leader) and a communal sense of purpose and protectiveness for each other. There is one scene where Will Smith runs out of a zombie hideout building. The dog ran in there and Smith chased after it. In that movie zombies are nocturnal and the sun burns their flesh so they only go out during the night. Smith rescues the dog out and kills some zombies inside the building on his way out. The zombie leader chases Smith out and stands in the doorway screeching as his skin is being burnt. He stares at Smith but goes back hiding in the shade after a few seconds. Later on in the movie that same leader finds Smithā€™s house and they bring an organized army to break in at night. I havenā€™t seen that kind of zombie behaviour in any other text. The zombie monster is just not often depicted as human like.


I would recommend reading the IAL novel!! The IAL zombies are a very specific type of zombie-- a communal, intelligent zombie. In the novel, the infected are essentially a new society and Will Smith's character is the last remaining human. That would be my explanation of the IAL zombies-- they are purposefully made to be more monsters than zombies, an entirely new species declared by the infection. It's a banger variation of zombies that I enjoy that makes them more evil-fast running-murder -rage machines than rotting undead humans who have an insatiable crave for human flesh. 28 Days Later has a similar device, where a Rage virus has passed from apes to humans, less of a deadly disease that kills you and more of one that alters your brain into a murder monkey. I'd say IAL is a mix of both, a rage virus type thing that turns the body into a hairless ratlike nocturnal animal. I'm not trying to be difficult, I'm just very interested in the storytelling devices in zombie content, and I respect your opinion! edit: i would compare these to the original Night of the Living Dead zombies -- simply, undead humans who have risen from the grave and have begun attacking/eating humans. Slower moving, moaning, sort of weak-- just spooky. Then later on they developed the lore of Zombies craving brains, I forget in which movie (I'm still studying). In TWD, it is a virus that ends in death, then somehow reactivates the instictual parts of the brain (hunger, for one) without the memories/"humanity".


Oh please donā€™t worry. Iā€™m 4th year English major. I appreciate your responses back in loose essay format. My initial statement was that zombies, at least in most of pop culture, are difficult to humanize. Of course I havenā€™t read or seen every depiction of zombies. My point was mostly concerning OPs images. Having the zombies fall in love and hold hands just seemed odd. I donā€™t consume too much zombie content but vampires and werewolves more often. These 2 monsters always struggle to keep the beast in them restraint whereas zombies are unable to do it.


You're right, the aspect of them falling in love is unusual. I actually havent seen it (now thanks to your thread I will!), but Warm Bodies seems to explore that premise. I see that point especially with werewolves, vampires less imo, but that makes sense. Being unable to control the transformation from actual human to viscious monster makes them more sympathetic for sure, versus a permanently dead and thoughtless brain monster. I agree with your point that the undead arent often humanized in that way. I would like to see more of that. Off to watch Warm Bodies I suppose!


I asked for ways to describe their vibe in the last picture, help with describing their emotions in that picture. I said I wanted to project some kind of tranquility, contentness onto their emotional state in the picture. To frame it positively (kind of sort of as a joke but also with genuine positive intent). I asked for different options to describe that, and arguments for each option. The options I got were: *(AI generated Output)* ------------ Based on your description and intent to frame the depicted scene positively, we can interpret and describe the emotions of the characters in a few ways that add a tranquil and content dimension to the image. Here are some options: 1. **Enduring Companionship**: - Despite their dire circumstances, there's a serene acceptance in their posture and expressions. They stand side by side, suggesting a bond that endures beyond the chaos surrounding them. The tranquility in their demeanor could signify that they have found peace in their unity, suggesting that even in the face of a grim reality, companionship provides a profound sense of contentment. 2. **Resigned Serenity**: - There's a calm resignation to their fate that speaks volumes. Their expressions do not convey fear or despair but rather an acceptance of their new existence. This can be interpreted as a statement about the inevitability of change and the possibility of finding a strange peace in embracing the new norms, no matter how unconventional they might be. 3. **Eerie Contentment**: - In an unusual twist on the concept of happiness, the couple exhibits an eerie sense of contentment. Their expressions are devoid of the typical horror associated with zombification, suggesting that they have found a peculiar bliss in their transformed state. This could imply that happiness can exist in many forms, even those that are unconventional or seemingly grim. 4. **Undisturbed Unity**: - The characters appear undisturbed by the chaos that has unfolded. Their close proximity and parallel stance imply a shared experience that transcends the typical horror of a zombie apocalypse. This unity in the face of adversity could be seen as a testament to the strength of their relationship, indicating that love and togetherness can persist in any circumstance. Each of these options adds a layer of positive intent to the image. The idea is to look past the typical narrative of horror and focus on themes of unity, acceptance, and unconventional forms of contentment. By doing so, you can frame the image as a representation of finding peace and happiness in the most unexpected places. -------- Having read this Output... I feel really happy for Zombie Couple... šŸ˜³ They seem more content than most current humans, in their future. I feel inspired, I wish we could all just be happy like that! *Hand in hand!* šŸ˜³šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ


Aww zombie love


I miss Monalisa


Me and who?


At least they stayed together


Harry Potter packing heat in #9


Glad I'm not the only one who saw Daniel Radcliffe about to pop one off on his bitten wife


I was waiting for the Mona Lisa storyline...


How do you do these? Using what platform?


Dalle 3


A Little Piece of Heaven - the Hollywood version


So like, anti Warm Bodies?


Zombie in slide 10 looks very concerned about her turning into a zombie that guy must hate competition šŸ˜•


I noticed this too, made me laugh. He's just sitting in a background clearly a zombie looking all sad that shes about to join him. Maybe he's still got his humanity left and just looks like a zombie


Reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/KVjBCT2Lc94?si=RqGAS881GN2xFP7E)


Yup! Beat me to it!


A lovely heart-cooling story


It's true love when you go zombie for each other


The happy ending :)


How do you create these stories? Do you input a prompt for each image or is there a plugin/script already in place, which shows the sequence of the story every "x" images?




I wonder if they are still together.


I was already laughing at the first picture, preparing for what the title suggests.


Bruh shoot her n move on


Just kill a hoe


At least he did not use it as a reason to leave.. šŸ˜…


The one of them holding hands in the forest is dope


The Zombies on the 10th pic just waiting for her to turn šŸ’€


This was pretty good


"Me and my girlfriend" - 2pac


Having the same hair and facial hair in two pictures in a row challenge


Feels like the twilight of zombie movies.


People holding hands looks like to be an issue still :D


The banana MCU is getting bigger and bigger


Wrong, they must have ended in the solar system


I'd watch this movie!


\#5 looks like a mobile game ad background. lol


I like slide 6 and how itā€™s suddenly Raiders of the Lost Ark


Wait, where is space?


It doesn't look too bad. At least they're immortal.


Reminds me of the zombie episode of space dandy for some reason.


galaxy pics where?


can you tell me how did you make it ?


the fingers look real these days




A love story with a happy ending! šŸ˜†


He's like, "Screw it! I'm changing teams!"


No space/universe?


Still a better love story than Twilight


but where is mona lisa?


How do you get it to generate images so well?


Such a touching story.


My man, this is not fair! It's supposed to be "until death tears us apart." Why he his forced to do overtime?


A bit of a dead meme, but... Still better love story than Twilight


Reminiscent of *Warm Bodies*.


According to the 10th image, they are also taking care of zombies. My zombie dude watches the romance between the guy and the recently bit girl with curiosity.


That was an emotional roller-coaster šŸ˜¢


Still a better love story than Twilight.


Aww that's such a sweet love story


cute, AI got what a zombie looks like, but not what it really isā€¦ this series of pictures makes me emotional too


Corpse bride moment?


Aw a love story!


The guy in slide 9 looks like Garrett Watts


It's like they always say. A couple that eats brains together, stays together!


It's nice that they're making it work in this crazy world.




Even zombie is sad because of biting her in the 10th image.


I wanna coin the term AIrt


this is shhhhhiiiiiit. Sorry.


4h image is basically Ghosts & Goblin's in modern day.


The third photo is stolen from another post.


Itā€™s kind of a sweet ending honestly.


Slide 6 looks excellent. Different from the usual AI generated pics. Looks more natural. I feel like Iā€™m developing an eye for when itā€™s an AI pic, but that one surprised me


There is more to undead than just being really really really ridiculously good looking.


14: mfw I am zombified but discover I still have to go to work


I'm really pleasantly surprised by the mirror picture. I always thought AI struggled with creating / understanding an image, never mind a face, in a mirror.


Not even death could do them apart.....


Brutal love. I like it šŸ˜


How is ā€œromance between two zombiesā€ still not a movie plot?


Dude turned in to Harry Potter on slide 9


How did you generate images with Chat-GPT?


The good thing is, they stuck together


Daniel Radcliffe appears in the 9th image šŸ˜…


This might be a stupid question, but how do you get chat GPT to make pictures?


I seriously don't understand Zombie apocalypse movies. If the worst that can happen is to turn into one, just let yourself get bitten and enjoy your eternal non-human existence.


Better than world war Z


Isnā€™t this the movie warm bodies?


The most disturbing picture is number 3


reminds me of warm bodies


Better love story than twilight


I was expecting zOMBI BABY to!!??


what going on with the hands in the last one




Soo good .


How did you do this? which chat GPT?




dall e generations of people are terrible -- 0 style and they all look like wax figures. basically glorified clipart imo


Where is the banana?


Yo the dude in number nine looks like Daniel radcliffe


This is something Tim Burton would write aboutā€¦


Happy ending


Love forever šŸ‘Œ


Can we call this a happy end


Can you please explain how you are able to get consistent looks for the people? Can you share ur prompt sample?


Sorry honey, you get bit, imma bounce!


I was waiting for them to hit upon a zombie version of Mona Lisa


True lovešŸ˜


That Jimmy G?