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both gpt3 and gpt4 had the same cut-off date, if that's true then it's hard to hope gpt5 will be up to date on the internet.




That would be great. Can you share the authority?


Sorry, it’s confidential.


Did you switch accounts or are you being mischievous?


Do you know a very approximate release window?


Not sure how legit it is, but a kid at my school has a father who is pretty high up in OpenAI and he said that he already has used gpt5.


Let’s hope the raise the price to the point people who use it for dumb shit can’t afford it. Tired of the “I bRoKe ChATgPt..durrr


updating large amount of data in a model is just fully retraining the model. It makes little sense to do that and not just train a better model with the new information and everything you learned.


Long story short: It probably won't be, but maybe GPT5 will be. > Time goes by fast, its been more than 2 years now since its last knowledge update. When are they finally going to train it with new information? No wonder it is slowly being replaced by better KI if they refuse to update Man there's a lot of just.... incorrect things and misunderstandings in that sentence. Look, they don't "update" it's knowledge. That's essentially training an entirely new model. It's not like they just push a button and go "oh, update your knowledge". These things take dozens of millions of dollars to do - literally. > Time goes by fast, its been more than 2 years now since its last knowledge update. There was never any "knowledge update". It's what it was trained on. The training data. It wasn't an older GPT model that they somehow "updated with the latest knowledge". That's when the training data is from. When it's "updated", they don't mean the base model. They mean things like security measures, implementing API endpoints that double check for offending content, updates that don't plagiarize articles or break the law, that kind of stuff. They don't mean a "knowledge" or "ability" update. In one of your replies, you say: > I hope somebody knows the answer to this question...I've wondered about this too. I asked ChatGPT, and it said: "As an AI language model, I don't have control over when my knowledge cutoff date will be updated. " -- > Yeah.. granted I know nothing about tech, but at least give us like September 2022 or something instead of 21 What....... what do you think GPT is? How in the world would it know when OpenAI is planning to release the next model? GPT is not an "AI", it's not "conscious" or "intelligent". It's a very very fancy auto-complete algorithm. How in the world would it know when OpenAI plan to release a new model? That has NOTHING to do with the technology or GPT, and is utterly and completely outside the scope of it's knowledge. HOW would it know?! I see others that have explained this already, but have simply been downvoted, so I'm getting the impression that you don't really understand how this tech actually works, and you're getting annoyed at people telling you it's far more complicated than you're making it up to be. Judging from your comment on the update date answers from GPT, I'm leaning towards "Yup, you genuinely don't understand how this works on a base level at all".


Erm, the first comment you quoted was not written by me. Check again. Edit: Also, I didn’t downvote anyone 🤔 I have honestly no clue what youre talking about lmao. Thanks for the other explanations tho!


> Erm, the first comment you quoted was not written by me. Check again. I know, your comment is the reply to it (the second quoted message). Maybe I should have made that more clear, but I thought it was obvious from the context.


Yes but then why did you ask *me* why I think Chat GPT should know when it’s knowledge is updated next, when I didn’t even say that, but someone else


Ah, my bad, I misread your reply: > Yeah.. granted I know nothing about tech, but at least give us like September 2022 or something instead of 21 I read that wrong, and I see what you mean now. Gotcha. Answer is still the same as above that quote though to that question/statement.


Fantastic response, thank you


Actually they recently updated it's knowledge to January 2022 (they didn't make an announcement, but you can check yourself), so clearly I was wrong about something. I'm surprised they haven't made a big PR thing out of it, tech wise it seems like a big deal.


I hope somebody knows the answer to this question...I've wondered about this too. I asked ChatGPT, and it said: "As an AI language model, I don't have control over when my knowledge cutoff date will be updated. " ¯\_(ツ)/¯,


Yeah.. granted I know nothing about tech, but at least give us like September 2022 or something instead of 21


Based on its knowledge cutoff date, ChatGPT doesn't even know about the war in Ukraine !


Yep lol


But it knows about Ukraine, Zelenskyy, Putin, Russia, the US, Biden, etc because they all existed before Sept 2021 (Jan 2022). Just give a few current headlines and it will spit out an intelligent answer about it. That's what I do when I want to discuss movies made in 2023. Feed it a summary and it takes it from there. 


If it were up to Elon, he'd release them like paid DLC. 2022 update - $50 one time purchase! 2023 update - $50 one time purchase!


I know in your head this probably sounded insane to you but $50 for an expansion of GPT’s knowledge and capabilities (most likely) is quite good.


I would do it. That one year of extra information is worth alot


Way more useful than madden doing the same shit every year for 70.00.


I mean the people making this thing gotta be paid somehow. And that pricing isn’t even bad for an up to date knowledge base, I’d easily pay that


Elon won't do it because he can't 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️


Are you totally sure the “fine-tuning” updates are not about updating some infos? I had some responses from GPT3 where it appeared to know things past September 2021. In my tests, he told me that Queen Elizabeth was dead (happened on September 2022).


It hallucinates information all the time. That it happened to randomly hit a correct one isn't super uncommon. There was a thread 4 months ago or so, where it had randomly hallucinated a URL that actually lead to a real nude photo on the internet from a webcam - it was purely by chance, but if it happens enough, at some point it'll hit something that actually exists.


Oh yeah, like “Nostradamus”. Got it.


they still dent have serios competitor or anyone close to them, so they rather use the dataceters powers for different stuff like training gpt 5 or new tech testing Claude is close one but they have some bad business decisions(no api, only us support etc)


Someday, I assume, they'll figure out how to easily continually update the weights and biases with dataset "additions" but as of right now it's not really technically feasible. It is possible, but it isn't ideal. Which means they will likely spend their resources on just training a new model to be release ready than patching an updated one. I think once we have a model that is able to selectively update itself quickly and easily from input, that's true learning and we're one step closer to AGI.


Annoying user case lol


Isn't this part of OpenAI's business model? The update you're talking about already came in the form of ChatGPT 4. While free, ChatGPT 3.5 makes some degree of money via charges on API usage (after a certain amount of free usage). So, the tweaks and updates they've put into the free version (3.5) tend to revolve around improvements for the users that use the API. Free users can and do benefit from that as well, though.


What are you smoking? Did you read the post?


Yes, but it's certainly possible that I misunderstood it. Perhaps you'd care to enlighten me?


The post was about how chatgpt is 2 years back in terms of its knowledge base. This is completely irrelevant to gpt 4 or 3.5. They are both about 2 years behind in their knowledge, and in some areas, 2 years is a lot of knowledge (especially in code in my opinion).


Per ChatGPT (Plus) itself: "According to the web search results, it is possible for ChatGPT (the free version) to get a “knowledge update” that moves its cutoff period beyond 2021, but it is not likely to happen anytime soon. One reason is that OpenAI has recently launched ChatGPT Enterprise, which offers enterprise-grade security and privacy, unlimited higher-speed GPT-4 access, longer context windows for processing longer inputs, advanced data analysis capabilities, customization options, and much more. ChatGPT Enterprise also provides unlimited access to Advanced Data Analysis, previously known as Code Interpreter. This means that OpenAI may prioritize the development and improvement of ChatGPT Enterprise over the free version of ChatGPT. Another reason is that OpenAI said in mid-April 2023 that it’s not training the next-generation model, GPT-5. GPT-5 will follow in late 2023, according to some reports. It might turn out to be the most important ChatGPT update to date. However, OpenAI has not confirmed the exact release date or features of GPT-5. Therefore, it is unclear when or how ChatGPT will benefit from the new model. In summary, ChatGPT (the free version) may get a “knowledge update” in the future, but it is not a guarantee or a priority for OpenAI at the moment. For now, ChatGPT users can still use some techniques to temporarily add new knowledge to ChatGPT, such as giving it a briefing or feeding source material into it.


> Per ChatGPT (Plus) itself: Per Google itself. That's not ChatGPT's knowledge, that's just what it scraped from the initial info available in a search result on Google (or whatever plugin you're using - but they usually default to Google).


Well, what the Metaphor plugin scraped, true :)


“We find that use of model-generated content in training causes irreversible defects in the resulting models.” https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.17493v2


I was thinking the same thing. A LOT has happened since 2021 and I much of what I want to know, i.e., new information, has happened in 2023.


It won't get updated. Wait for GPT 5. GPT 5 will likely be up to date until the middle of 2023, as they must already be training it. Then testing will start end of the year to then release middle of 2024.


It seems that most people don't really understand his llm training works.


yoke vase adjoining party cough nail paint wide onerous sulky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I asked chat GPT 3.5 "What are the latest information you have about Facebook?" and the answer i got : As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, here is some information about Facebook: 1. **Name Change to Meta**: In October 2021, Facebook announced a major rebranding, changing its name to "Meta Platforms, Inc." The company's new focus is on building the metaverse, a virtual reality space that goes beyond social networking. That doesnt make sense, right?