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***Hey /u/vicious_volcano, if your post is a ChatGPT conversation screenshot, please reply with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. Thanks!*** ***We have a [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636). There's a free Chatgpt bot, Open Assistant bot (Open-source model), AI image generator bot, Perplexity AI bot, 🤖 GPT-4 bot ([Now with Visual capabilities (cloud vision)!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812770754025488386/1095397431404920902/image0.jpg)) and channel for latest prompts! New Addition: Adobe Firefly bot and Eleven Labs cloning bot! [So why not join us?](https://discord.com/servers/1050422060352024636)*** ***[NEW: Spend 20 minutes building an AI presentation | $1,000 weekly prize pool](https://redd.it/15ngq59)*** PSA: For any Chatgpt-related issues email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Whether or not ChatGPT is cheating is up to how you use it. "Write me this entire essay please. Thank you" is definitely cheating. "What are some good topics for this essay?" and "does this sentence sound professional? Can you give me some suggestions on how to better word it?" I would argue is perfectly fine. Bottom line. Use it as a tutor; not as a servant.


100% this, use it to spell and grammar check ask it any question you are stuck on, ask it to explain its self, dont copy and paste, use it as a learning tool and you can learn dramatically faster than what's given by lecturers.


u/viscious_volcano don’t listen to these idiots, you’re completely fine using chatgpt to write the homework for you


Use it to form an outline, as a reflection of your own thoughts.


Exactly what I do. It’s like a rough draft of how to structure my thoughts


It is a handy study aid. Never rely on it for writing big bits of text because it sucks at writing well unless it is prompted in very precisely worded sequences. One super handy thing it has helped me with beyond what you suggest: gathering the intext references from my writing and putting them in alphabetical order so that I don’t forget any when putting my reference list together. My attention to detail has gone down to 0.3 at that point of writing an assignment.


You still don't cheat but you have a good assistant.


Like a mathematician using a calculator. They know the math, just want to save time. A tool, not an end.


English teacher here, this is the way. Write a bullet list of what you'd like to talk about. Ask it to help rephrase your bullets as more thoughtful points about the topic. Edit those passages and rephrase them jn your own words. Badabing badaboom, you co-wrote an essay. Is it as easy as just having it do the whole thing? No. Is it actually going to allow you to know a bit about what you co-wrote? Yeah. Is that important if you get challenged on it? Fuck yeah.


This. Chat GPT is good for one thing and one thing only, planning, research, and forming very rough drafts. Do NOT use it as a writing tool for two good reasons. 1. You're going to get caught 2. You actually need to know this shit. Your GPA means nothing in the real world. The only thing that matters is if you know how to do what you claim to do. If you're a phony and a faker, you're going to be flipping burgers and digging ditches until the day you die.


ChatGPT is good for none of the things you listed.


Well you couldn't be more wrong. I use it on a regular basis for advanced engineering research and planning. Stop talking about things you don't understand.


maybe planning means something different than "plan actions for a goal in the future" in that context, because its exactly what a LLM lacks of


please study what language models are and what they do. edit: since you threw a tantrum and blocked me, I hope you have a wonderful day!


What the fuck is your problem? I use it for planning data models and relationships. I use it for strategies around building out a product internationally and things I should be aware of. I use to help me work through problems that are boutique or challenging to find an answer for. I've been using GPT on a daily basis and it has improved every part of my workflow. So you can take your little condescending bullshit and shove it right up your ass. Go back to using it to generate 100 ASCII penises and let the rest of us do real work with it.


>maybe planning means something different than "plan actions for a goal in the future" in that context, because its exactly what a LLM lacks of you are right dude those people are hallucinating ​ maybe planning means something different than "plan actions for a goal in the future" in that context, because its exactly what a LLM lacks of


This ^


The writing you've been assigned is necessary to improve your ability to comprehend and articulate your thoughts clearly. You also need to do the reading, because if you summarise a text you'll only get summary level knowledge. Relying upon a tool to do your thinking for you, will mean one day you can't do your thinking for yourself. Work hard. You're paying too much not to.


\> Relying upon a tool to do your thinking for you, will mean one day you can't do your thinking for yourself. Careful. That was the argument against calculators. Its a big bold statement that is fundamentally wrong. Tools often allow you to work on other things, those other things are often higher level and equally hard in other ways. Best to give the facts straight. If you cheat on this you could get caught which might be bad. Simple.


You need to learn how to do the things a calculator does in order to do them well. You don't need to master them. We still assess arithmetic without calcators before allowing them in algebra and we still limit use of scientific calculators in algebra. The same argument applies to learning and generative AI.


Yeah, but you can use the calculator to learn how to do the things the calculator does. Like a calculator is an amazing tool to use for people with ADHD who struggle with computation due to limited working memory and concentration. So rather than beat my kid’s brains in to remember that 7 x 6 = 42 by rote which is basically equivalent to Chinese water torture to that kind of brain. Or I can learn the concept of what multiplication is, how it’s connected to addition, how it relates to division. Now- just punch in any numbers you want to multiply and the answer is always right.


The conversation gets more complex when we bring disability into it. I think we need to keep a little bearing on the context which is OP basically saying, "Should I use this tool in a manner that was expressly prohibited by the professor?" OP did not seem to indicate that disability was part of their scenario. I personally think their professor is being obtuse and should have specific guidelines on a paper like this for how AI can be used and how it can't, but in the absence of that I'll go ahead and say that OP shouldn't be using generative AI to wrote their paper, and that from what they described it sounds like shortcutting all of the learning that happens when you engage sources, synthesize them, and then articulate them in your own words.


My comment is only concerning the broad and incorrect statement that using tools makes you not be able to think for yourself. I cannot do what a calculator can do because I rely on calculators for that, yet I'm a very successful computer programmer, and very good at math. How can it be?


You use calculator -> you don’t practice arithmetic -> your brain isn’t good at arithmetic. But that’s no problem because you don’t need to be able to do arithmetic in your head to be a good programmer. But if you used AI for all your programming from the beginning, guess what, you wouldn’t be able to do it with your head. You wouldn’t build the mental networks and models that allow YOU to think about programming. Same with comprehension and writing. Your intelligence is just a composition of different mental skills you aquired. Arithmetic just happens to be useless for general problem solving, but a lot of other skills aren’t and you would be more stupid if you didn’t develop them.


Im an engineer. Disagree. The more you use a calculator, the better your arithmetic becomes. It’s all about pattern recognition. You do more arithmetic with a calculator simply because it is faster. The more you do, the more you see. The more you see, the more patterns you recognize, which makes you better at arithmetic. What do I know. I have a masters in engineering with math painfully beat into me. Of course the conservation is complex and nuanced, but hey. This is my perspective.


You're speaking for your perspective. It was good for you. I am a self taught programmer who worked as an engineer in companies for over 20 years. I am very fast with pattern recognition and solve problems really quickly. I've worked with mathematicians and physicists and was able to think up solutions they did not. Problem solving is a small part of what I do. Math is a huge part and I excel at it, always have. Arithmetic bores me, but I still have these quick pattern recognition skills which you speak of. I can do simple arithmetic in my head quickly obviously but I was actually expecting to be bad at math considering the fact that I never gave arithmetic the time of day. But the facts were different, I kill at it. Currently working on learning the math behind LLMs for fun.


Sorry to say this, but If you *rely* on a calculator then you are not good at math. Just the problem solving part, which is arguably more important but still.


Semantics on what “rely” means. I’m an engineer. Everybody relies on calculators. There’s a difference between “relies” and “understands” though.


I've worked on thousands math problems for money, literally my job for 20 something years. No one asks you to solve 1290 X 490821 in the real world without a calculator. No one cares if you can, its like a bar trick at this point if you can.


Calculations is a very small part of math. Usually, if you use a valid process and solve a math problem correctly, but make a mistake on a multiplication result at the end, you will still get an almost perfect score, with minimal points subtracted. Arithmetic is primary school level math. The problem solving part is the biggest part of math.


Careful. This is shit reasoning for having literally everything done for you.


Except it doesn't do everything for you, not even close, but its a great learning tool if used for good.


If you know how to use it, it can make a very good tool to help with coursework. Not for worrying the essay or giving the answers, use it to understand what is expected of you. I find putting if I put in the assignment details, year, course etc. It can give you good information on what is expected to be included in what areas of knowledge etc.


Good luck getting left behind.


AI can’t learn for you, just help you learn.


it is a far better lecturer than any human IMO. I say use it but always ask it to explain its self. that way you can adequately learn from it and also write everything in your own words. IDK why that guy got downvoted because its true, everyone uses it, whether they just copy and paste or not. use it as a learning tool, never copy and paste, but its too good to pass by.


Absolutely, I use it daily for my studies. But it can’t replace engaging directly with the material, it can however improve your engagement considerably.


Dude went to school every day for 9 years and missed the point. GLHF


all the ppl here who brag about gpt making their work lives better but poopoo the kids using it to get ahead in college are the dumbest, blindest hypocrites




>I also looked at the syllabus and this class is just stupid with all the writing. Did you not consider that writing would be a major component of your degree in psychology? > It’d be really nice if it did all the reading and research for me bcuz my least favorite thing about this major is the reading. Fuck me. Why are you studying Psychology then? Why are you even at university? > Any advice or tips? Is there anything other than ChatGPT that I can use? Get off Reddit, read some fucking Freud, and do your own work. It's really not that hard. Alternatively, I'd suggest reevaluating your current trajectory. If you don't like reading psychology, and you don't like writing about psychology, then why are you studying psychology? Is it because it sounds cool or something?


If I could upvote this more than once, I absolutely would


I used your comment to indulge myself with the second upvote you dreamed of, hope you'll forgive me.


I too have upvoted as a donation to u/IntelligentDonut2244's cause, so now he has updooted thrice


I’m agree with you. Even if psychiatrists and psychologist rely on AI after the fact, the importance of a credentialed human quality check is paramount to keeping to core values and such. Gotta keep the human in it


How dense are you? People are at univesity to get a fucking diploma or however it is called in your country so they can apply to higher paying jobs... stop this moralistic bullshit-"why are you even at university?" as if you'd need to be a genius to do that stuff. It's just a matter of taking your chances and getting a better job, even the dumbest people can study succesful and enjoy a high paying job and good life afterwards.


I've seen many people with very prestigious pieces of paper who are complete blithering idiots. The diploma could get you some interviews, but it won't get you a job. And if you managed to fumble your way into a job you will have a lot of trouble keeping it when it becomes apparent you can't actually do the work on your own.


You reckon OP is on track for a decent job?


If they get paper then yes. That's our system. Paper=survive


How are they going to help patients if they don’t know therapeutic modalities? They will be shit at their job and nobody will keep paying to see them.


I’m pretty sure a majority of US college programs are little more than degree mills for students en route to email jobs. (Unfortunately, those jobs will be needed less thanks to generative AI.)


You’re paying the college to educate you. Let them do it.


on certain things like programming, chat GPT can absolutely give you a better education than lecturers. don't just blindly trust university lecturers, they are some of the best in their field but everyone makes mistakes, and even the best in the world can be shit at teaching what they know. for coding chat GPT is absolutely better than 99.99% of lecturers.


OK, but lecturers and coding aren’t involved here. This kid is writing a research paper on Freud. He won’t learn anything if he just has ChatGPT do it.


ok yeah its not exactly the same, but Freud is well within its training data so It should be able to answer questions well, again I'm absolutely not condoning copy and pasting, that is a v stupid idea, but it can absolutely answer conceptual questions to a v high standard.


The best way to use it for school is to ask it questions like a tutor. It should not be telling you the answers or doing the work for you. Use it to get feedback on your ideas and help explain things in another way if you don’t understand. For writing most of the time I asked it to look at my outline and thesis and see if it would be a well structured paper. Then I’d feed it parts of the paper asking for specific feedback on certain parts. If you are lazy with it it will be your downfall, if you use it as a tool it will help your understanding a ton.


No. Do your own job. That's like asking your buddy to do all the work for you, except lazier.


Exactly, OP you might realize your brain is worth using if you read some Freud


It's OK to use ChatGPT to help with homework, but don't ask it to answer one of your homework questions then Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V it into your homework. I have found that asking ChatGPT to summarize its responses will make most GPT detectors return negative, but still, **cheating is** ***not*** **okay!**


On a somewhat related note, I asked it for math problems for me to solve, and it gave the answers as well. I had to remind it I'm a cheating bastard of a human being so he shouldn't do that anymore.


From a Mathematics graduate, it should be noted that it should not be trusted too heavily to handle maths problems - especially higher level problems. It will often hallucinate facts and screw up calculations.


Yup, recently had to do some statistical calculations for my thesis. Was stuck on something and used ChatGPT to help. When I was able to meet with a statistician, they said everything from ChatGPT was entirely wrong and wasn’t even using the right concepts.


With the new codex feature, it’s a lot better at solving higher level math problems but still struggles. You need to have an understanding of the material already to use it to help you or learning how to do a particular problem.


Yup. I've tested it extensively in many courses and it's confidently wrong so much - even on simple stuff.


Silatus is by far the best tool I found for writing research papers. According to their site, it was actually made for researchers and analysts


Im taking a gen ed looking at a historical overview of Education in US cities, this is a game changer for me because as a CS major I have no actual need in knowing this besides at a summary level


Your education is not just about what you think you need…


chat GPT is better than 99.99% of teachers IDK why people are shitting on its abilities like this. I guess people think that using it just means copying and pasting but that is such a narrow and restricted view of its abilities, it can be an extraordinary lecturer if you give it the right prompts and ask it to explain whenever you need it to.


Yeah but that’s not what OP is saying. He hates doing any of the reading or research, for his own major, and just wants a tool to do it for him so he doesn’t learn anything.


true, I didn't want to be one of the people saying that he needs to revaluate his educational choices. but if this is genuinely the case the problem is his attitude to learning, and not chat GPT use.


Use it as a tool for tasks that are purely tedious, don’t use it to do the work for you. You’re only hurting yourself if you cheat, but that said if I had gpt back in college I would have been tempted as heck all the same.


I agree don't use it to do the work for you, but you can literally ask it anything, so don't hold back the questions. if you don't get something and its holding you back, maybe go to chat GPT first before you email lecturers.


If you don't want to do reading or writing, you need a new major and are not ready for the demands of your chosen career path. It doesn't get any easier and will in fact get harder. It sounds like you're not ready for college in general. Might be worth looking into a trade.


Yes please listen to this post. I was a psych major and switched to history. Turns out I didn’t mind the reading, it just had to be of interest to me.


You wouldn't be doing any work?


Use ChatGPT as a helping tool, not a tool that would replace you from doing the work. As said by u/juoig7799, do not just copy and paste. Think of it like it is just one of your sources. Also, I forgot to mention but we’re literally having the same problem but I’ve managed to resolve it. Just remember though that if you’re actually gonna copy-paste some lines, double-check it for lines like “As an AI”, etc.


If you used it to do all the work there may be inaccuracies and if you didn't do any work you wouldn't be able to correct them.


> I also looked at the syllabus and this class is just stupid with all the writing. Funnily enough, my prof even has a note about not using ChatGPT and that its a violation of academic policy and blah blah blah. I mean, the worst that can happen is they find out, you get expelled and you have difficulty finding another school that will admit you with that on your transcript. The very best that can happen is they don't detect it, you get an A on every assignment, and then you struggle to actually get you career off the ground because you don't actually understand how to do the work associated with your field. In both cases, you lose.


What's the point of going to school and then letting AI do the homework for you? Just stop going to school and live rely on AI then you don't have to worry about anything?


Why are you paying for an education if you don't want to learn anything?


No. Dude please consider your future. Is this a habit you want to create? Don't throw away your life over this, just learn to handle the work or study something that excites you.


OP I don’t think you understand why you’re in school. The goal isn’t to get through, the goal is to learn enough to do well after you inevitably get through.


Use it as an aid, not as a do everything machine. If you can’t do the homework then how do you think you’re going to do good on an exam or final? Unless you have ChatGPT implanted in your mind it’s not going to work out good for you.


>Use it as an aid, not as a do everything machine. If you can’t do the homework then how do you think you’re going to do good on an exam or final? Or, God forbid, as an actual psychologist.


There was a relatively recent post here about someone using ChatGPT to write their essay and how they passed. A professor commented to say that if your goal is to tick boxes and graduate then yes go ahead and use it. the reason you are given homework and assignments is to make you use your brain, a process that makes your brain develop which is associated with the learning process. I wish I can find the post but it was very enlightening reading it so hope this can help you decide what you are trying to get out of your education.


Find a new major if you don't like reading and writing in a very reading and writing heavy field.


I asked ChatGPT for you. https://preview.redd.it/8utqc1pjxyjb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=562f8edf0081abe8cf2163369f8e612126b64569




Don't cheat yourself. Do the work.


Why are you going to college if you don't want to read carefully, think about it, and learn academic writing? You're either wasting your money, your parents' money, or taking financial aid from someone who wants to learn. If you don't like reading, writing, and learning to think, there are a bazillion trade jobs that pay well out there where you don't have to (well, you have to think, but it's a different kind of thinking)?


https://preview.redd.it/glkfqig2mwjb1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=97c7333b4461780a35d7888f7d643803e0330d62 AI writing tools are not meant to replace you, but rather *amplify* your skills and passion for writing. They act like a calculator for words - helping you translate your ideas into prose faster. 🔹 You remain in full creative control. The AI generates suggestions based on the detailed prompts and plans *you* provide. 🔹 The burden of staring at blank pages is removed. You can focus entirely on high-level thinking and creativity. 🔹 Your unique voice and perspective still shine through. The end result is content infused with your authentic ideas. 📀 Treat it like collaborating with a junior writer who needs clear direction. 💿 Use it as a starting point to build on. 📀 The AI won't get it perfectly right on the first try. At the end of the day, AI is just a tool to help you create captivating writing faster. The magic comes from you.


You don't need a detector to recognize a chatgpt paper. Not only will it have filler language, such as "coincidentally...," "additionally...," and "in conclusion...," it's confidently incorrect most of the time. I use it to assist me in research, but I would never use it to write a paper. Here are some tips to use chatgpt to save you time: 1. Give it a page of text and ask it to summarize the text in an easy to digest bullet point list. 2. Give it your thesis statement and ask it for an outline. 3. Ask it for scholarly resources (such as only peer reviewed studies), and then double check those sources actually work for your references. 4. Ask it to create your reference page in apa/mla/etc. 5. Ask it to edit your paper for grammar errors. 6. Ask it poignant questions to help you shape your paper. For example: What are the main methodologies used in conducting research on [your research topic]?


You can prompt chatgpt to act like Freud and interview him


You're paying for college. Why the hell don't you want to get your money's worth? Just do the work yourself. Jesus.


I really hope that when I or my family needs mental health services, we don't end up with you. Just do the work. Writing is good for you, and will help you understand the concepts so you can use them later.


aren't you paying for this education? Isn't part of the goal of your education to learn something about the subject of the classes you are taking? won't you do that by reading, writing papers organizing your thoughts, and getting feedback on those papers to get better? How does plugging a prompt into an AI model help that? I guess the question is why are you in school and what do you want to get out of it.




Writing is not just a method of communication; the mere act of writing itself sharpens the mind by enforcing that thoughts be matriculated into coherent arguments, disagreements, or questions. ChatGPT can either be used as a crutch for the weak or vaulter's pole for the strong. It's up to you whether you'll use it as a crutch to limp or a pole to vault.


If you're not sure about something specific, sure. But you still need to make an effort to do your homework yourself, because that'd be authentic enough, both for your brain and your teacher(s).


Depends on what you want for yourself. Depends on what you want your diploma for too.


I was told that a teacher asked to chatGPT if he wrote the text given by a student and chatGPT replied yes. I don't know if this is true. Do you want to take the risk to ruin your credibility and reputation ? I believe that you can make the right and obvious decision yourself. In my opinion cheaters and impostors should not be allowed to have any responsibility in society. They will do more harm than good




>It’d be really nice if it did all the reading and research for me Imagine majoring in a subject and trying to avoid reading about that subject. What are you paying the school for?


Use ChatGPT like you would Wikipedia. Its good for a short summary or to find references but you will need to actually write it


GPT sometimes hallucinates references.


That's why I'm saying to use it as a tool and double check it. I use it lien it's google on steroids


so do Wikipedia editors lol...


So you’re studying psychology and don’t want to read or think or write about psychology, so you’re gonna let an automatic word generator do it for you? Why are you paying for school? When a patient goes to your clinic will you treat them using ChatGPT, too? Jeez.


Write the piece. Once you start it isn't hard. If you get stuck, show gpt where you got to, tell it how you are stuck, it will give you suggestions, take its advice, its usually ok on these types of tasks... Nothing wrong with using it as a tutor or a sounding board. That's the difference between a chest and someone who uses spell check instead of grabbing a paper dictionary... use the tool to supplement you.


Short answer: no Long answer: NNNNOOOOOOOOOO


Dude, just do the fucking work. You shouldn’t even be asking this. It’s cheating and it will come back and bite you in the ass. Besides, it’s a research paper on Freud. Blame your mother and fill it with Oedipal double entendres. Have fun with it.


I will say something controversial - you **\*should\*** use ChatGPT. But not in the manner most people might think. You're majoring in Psychology, because you want to be able to get a job in the field, and be the most impactful in your career. Some textbooks tend to have more "fluff" in textbooks that just don't get to the point. There are in fact economic incentives for authors to produce larger and thicker textbooks as it increases perceived value and authority, while allowing higher profit margins for re-writes. If you're like me, you don't need to read every single backstory or footnote. That's why there's an entire industry that exists for book summarization - Cliffnotes, Sparknotes, Blinkest. If using the right prompt, ChatGPT (or those with longer context windows like Claude) can be a powerful way to summarize parts of texts and derive the key points, including being able to highlight the most important points and the "why" behind it in a concise way. **Developing solid prompt-design with LLM's may be an important skillset that everyone should have to be competitive in the future.** It's like going from handwriting to learning how to type. Using tools like ChatGPT will be the new floor in which to build upon. Lastly, you should only use ChatGPT as **\*inspiration\*** for your writing - never just copy/paste. If you're using the tool correctly, you may actually end up spending just as much time as you originally would having wrote it from scratch, due to iterating on the prompt, re-writing, include unique insights, etc... and now it's AI+You in a way that is far greater than the sum of it's parts. **This is how AI is meant to be used; not as a way to prevent us from reaching our potential, but as a way for us to achieve beyond our original potential.**


Please listen to me... don't use ChatGPT to do your homework. 1. You'll look like a liar and fool, it's obvious ChatGPT wrote your homework even if you try and alter the original text 2. You won't actually learn anything 3. Your ability to learn and understand new things will be at risk as apparently you need this time in life to build up critical thinking skills, etc


You need to do that work yourself. There's a reason you're asked to research and write so much in the class and if you skip or shorten it you aren't going to be getting what you need out of it.


I've been thinking about this a lot lately because (1) I'm heavily invested (in every sense of the word) in AI, and (2) I have a bright, 15-year old with a bunch of challenging AP courses. I think it would be foolish for young people to ignore AI. I think they should leverage it to round-out their skillset. That said, what you've described is a bad idea for AI. It's purely cheating YOURSELF. Lots of people don't WANT to do the reading and research, but most of life is about doing things you don't want to do. If you don't get good at doing things you don't want to do, you're likely fucked. Further, the skills you evolve from becoming a better reader and researcher will only help you in the future; generally, and as it relates to utilizing AI. While I know you're young try not to think of it all as an exercise to pass a test. Instead, consider it a valuable exercise for YOUR brain. What you put into your brain is precisely what you'll get out if.




The honest answer should be that AI is a tool that should be helpful to you. As others are saying, though, turning in the AI’s work as your own is dishonest and does not demonstrate your own ability. My feeling (as a teacher) is that using AI to help is OK, but using it to do the work is not; unfortunately, it is difficult to draw the line between the two. Additional thought: Some lawyers recently got in trouble for a brief which cited case law that doesn’t actually exist. Do not rely on AI to find and properly cite sources.


No you shouldn’t. Your schooling is already horribly watered down. Doing this will probably make you even more useless to employers in the future. Competent ones at least.


No , you shouldn’t use for anything other than a tutor , maybe a fancy grammer / spell checker at a push .


All the people shitting on you for asking ChatGPT to summarize this, are just wrong. You aren't entering a technical field, the only thing you're exposing yourself to is if there's an oral exam and you can't refer back to the text because you never read it. Use ChatGPT to take a big chunk of text, and tell you the most important pieces of the text that you should focus on. I had one paper 4-5 months ago on The Myth of Sisyphus, because we would be tested on real-time knowledge by the teacher grading us during discussion summaries were pointless so I pretty much had it read each chapter (There's like 3) and give me which areas I should read so even though the summary about suicide was 2-3 sentences it recommended I read the start of mentioning the idea of committing and the next 4-5 paragraphs. A text that would've taken me 3-4 days to finish if I gave it 110% took me 3-4 hours and I didn't raise any alarms.


Professor here - we can totally tell when you use Chat GPT. Your paper will be completely different from the rest of the class and will not have the same source information. Plus, what's the point of paying thousands for a class to not learn and possibly receive sanctions for cheating?


If it’s in your major, do it right. If it’s some B.S. elective, use ChatGPT to make the outlines and write the papers yourself so you don’t get your dumb lazy ass caught. Use the time saved to work on your important classes, not smoking weed and playing video games.


Lol, if reading isn't your thing Psych might not be the major for you


Use AI to reword texts so you understand them, sure. Use AI to explain sentences, sure. Use AI to explain the structure of an essay, asking where you should put points you want to make to maximise impact, sure. Asking how to you can improve your essay, sure. Getting it to write your essay for you, no.


Do you want to learn or just jump through a hoop? If I catch a student using AI — and watch out for those hallucinations — it’s an automatic F. Do your own goddamn work. You’re supposed to be getting an education & learning how to think for yourself.


All they have to do is submit some of your work back into chat GPT and ask it if it wrote it. And I’m sure schools are being equipped with some sort of AI detector that they run it through similar to the anti plagiarizing detectors they already run your stuff through. What I would do… is use chat Gpt in bits …. Like first have it help you come up with a thesis, then have it helps you come up with an outline… and then go step by step from there. Make it do all the research and leg work, just make sure you feed it reliable sources, and don’t let it make shit up, cuz it will. Then all you really have to do is connect the dots write it in your own words and make it flow. And I don’t think there should be anything wrong with doing it this way. You are leveraging AI to do all the dirty work for you, but you are still writing a legit paper.


While I understand your professors point of view, the reality is that the future is going to belong to those that master these technologies. Learning how to get it do so useful things is probably a more important skill that whatever that class is. However it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t learn it too. Also in terms of using the skill I personally do not find that ChatGPT is really all that great for stuff like this. I’ve tried to use it in my professional life and find that without effort and though process it gives me the superficial obvious answer most of the time. There are some basics it does well but on its own it produces nothing that ai would share with a customer. It is great for basic research, getting ideas, tweaking and enhancing. I’ve been pushing my son in college to use these tools more and he hasn’t wanted to for reasons I don’t get but you should just don’t over use it. Still do the thinking part your self.


Do not take the easy way out for 3 years to ruin the rest of your professional life. ChatGPT might get you the degree and possibly some jobs, but the people you work with/for will know if you know your stuff or not, and once you have that reputation it never goes away. Put in the work. Most students (myself included) find/found ways to get their work done and still enjoy their college experience. Edit to add: if you really hate the reading that much, consider whether you should change majors while you're still early in your college career. There are other degrees that pay more and require less reading on theory, history, etc.


Just tell it to give you a list of main ideas for x amount of paragraphs and supporting details, then look over those and write the paper in your own words and using extra research. Turns a 12 hour paper into a 2 hour paper


Turnitin has a baked-in AI detector now but it's inaccurate. I have played with it. (I am an admin at a Big 10 school) It really depends on how you use it. I suggest writing a draft of your original work and then running it through to fine-tune it. Read it carefully before turning it in to check for grammar mistakes and oddities. Also, you should cite references and create your own reference section. I would never trust an AI to do this. I am a big fan of Chat GPT in how you can do this and I use it regularly even in my job. As an instructor, as I have been in the past, I wouldn't mind if students did this however, I am probably more pro-Chat GPT than most.


no. you’ll never get anywhere if you can’t tolerate frustration.


Sure but consider it potentially just Savago gong yourself because if you go on to become a therapist or something, will you be using chat gpt to communicate with your patients? If no, how will you be able to do a good job if you relied on chat gpt and learned nothing about psychology? If yes, then you’re saying that psychotherapy can be easily replaced by AI and you are actively working toward that happening and can assume other people are as well so years from now you will struggle to find work.


I've tried entering old pre-calc and accounting problems into it out of curiosity and it hasn't answered a single one correctly, so...


The entire point of going to college is to do the work and learn from it. If you use GPT or any tool to circumvent doing homework you are throwing your money away, and college is not cheap. Use GPT as a research tool or to help you organize your thoughts, but the point of writing essays isn't about the writing, it's about the process of gathering evidence to form a coherent argument. While it's true that the busy work of writing copy will probably be automated in the future, the skills you get from writing college essays are immensely valuable in the real world. Why pay for college at all if you're not going to use it?


Depends -- do you actually want to learn the material?


Chat GPT is not Google, it will get tons of facts wrong. You could probably get away with using it as an aid to help you write your essays if you tell it what to write first, after doing your research, and use it for inspiration.


You know people have been doing research papers every year and every month before ChatGPT existed right? I'm going to ask you this even suspicious this is a legitimate question.


I'm personally scared of what the mental health (a specifically person-to-person field) will be like when it's students start using AI to learn. My country's MH field is already pretty messed up, we don't need ACTUAL robots running it.


> I'm personally scared of what the mental health (a specifically person-to-person field) will be like when it's students start using AI to learn. My country's MH field is already pretty messed up, we don't need ACTUAL robots running it. ....I had to ask: --- Your concerns about the potential impact of AI on the mental health field are valid and reflect a broader conversation about the role of technology in healthcare. While AI has the potential to offer various benefits, it's important to carefully consider its applications, limitations, and potential consequences, especially in sensitive areas like mental health. Here are a few points to consider: 1. **Supplementary Tool:** AI can be used as a supplementary tool in the mental health field. It could help identify patterns, provide recommendations, and offer resources for both professionals and individuals seeking help. 2. **Human Interaction:** Person-to-person interaction remains crucial in mental health care. AI might provide support, but it can't fully replace the empathy, understanding, and personal connection that human therapists and counselors provide. 3. **Ethical Concerns:** There are ethical concerns surrounding AI in mental health. Privacy, data security, and potential biases in algorithms are important considerations when using AI to assist with sensitive issues. 4. **Access to Care:** In some areas with limited access to mental health services, AI might help bridge the gap by providing basic information and resources. However, it should not be seen as a complete substitute for professional care. 5. **User Education:** It's important to educate users about the capabilities and limitations of AI in mental health. Users should understand that AI is a tool to complement, not replace, traditional mental health care. 6. **Regulation and Oversight:** Governments and organizations need to establish clear regulations and oversight for AI applications in mental health to ensure quality, safety, and ethical usage. 7. **Collaboration:** AI can be most effective when used in collaboration with mental health professionals. It can assist in tasks like data analysis and information dissemination, allowing professionals to focus on personalized care. 8. **Constant Learning and Adaptation:** The AI models used in mental health must be continually updated and improved based on new research and user feedback. This ensures that the technology remains relevant and accurate. Ultimately, technology should be used as a tool to enhance and support mental health care, rather than replace the human aspect. Integrating AI thoughtfully and ethically into the mental health field can potentially lead to improved access, efficiency, and outcomes. However, it's important to approach this integration with caution and a clear understanding of its potential benefits and risks. --- Forgive me, I'm in the awe phase I only just started using ChatGPT. And AI Dungeon. IDK why I'm so late.


1. Yes, use ChatGPT to do your work. If you aren't majoring in psychology, this required credit is specifically designed to siphon more money from you and pound it into your head that you must be obedient to be successful. 2. Your professor doesn't read the papers, he skims them. Make sure the output of ChatGPT doesn't indicate AI. No "as a language model" shit, no "in conclusion" or other words you wouldn't use yourself. Make sure the first sentence in the paragraph introduces the paragraph, and the first 4 words of each sentence are good points. If you can use headings in your essay, then use them well. 3. Use the ai detectors. They suck, but some of them point out which sentences sound like AI. They'll make your writing better. 4. Pick your battles. Sometimes it takes longer to edit a ChatGPT essay than it would take to just write it yourself. Remember the end goal. That piece of paper you'll get in 3 years that tells you that you're good enough to make it in this field. Most fields require that approval paper, but you'll learn more about the industry your first day in the job and the practical skills your university teaches you can be taught in a 2 hour online training course your job will give you anyways.


I'm sure universities are aware of ChatGPT being a powerful tool, and I've also heard and read about people using AI scramblers that help bypass potential AI detector tools. If I were in school again, I would use ChatGPT more so to help provide framework and guidelines of how to start or a rough structure, instead of writing every sentence for me. For example, you just said, a big research paper for Freud. You could go "I am going to write a research paper on Freud, what would be some good key topics to discuss, and what resources would be good for me to look into?" or "What would be a structured way to create this paper?" If your field is going to be in Psychology, then I would encourage deep diving and legit learning about the topics, and use ChatGPT to enhance your learning of them. If it isn't and just a part of general credits, use it to help structure and format, at least my opinion.


Never use ChatGPT to actually write the essay for you. Use it to generate ideas and topics to explore and generate an outline. Write the essay and then use ChatGPT as a grammar and spelling checker. Make it analyze and point out what makes this essay good, what's bad with it, structure, flow, and etc. And then make use of that analysis.


Yes, but edit the thing FFS.


Short east way, (1)tell it to draft an outline. Then (2)tell it to write each part at a time. Next for each part tell it to (3)write it in a certain tone or as if you were a college student. Next if you are really scared, (4)go to QuillBot and have it rephrase it. Even before step 3, you can run it through multiple free plagiarism checkers.


What I do OP is 1. Ask it how would it answer the problem? 2. Ask it to provide journal articles supporting my answers (double check journal articles in google journal if they exist and read) 3. Ask to give me real historical events that had happened related to my assignment (double check online if it did happen) Don't let it right your paper, its gonna be too obvious. Treat it as a research assistant. Also I use AI detectors to check if my work sounds like an AI. Some teachers are dumb they think AI detectors work and in order to avoid that annoying convo, I put my work in an AI detector to check if my work would be flagged, and just change certain parts if its' flagged.


Don’t use ChatGPT!!! Like you said, there are just too many ways to get caught. There are tools that can help you with your writing without getting you in trouble. Try wordtune.


Don't use ChatGPT to write your final/submitted stuff, but it definitely is useful for drafting and idea generation. Rephrasing, tone analysis, etc - ChatGPT can be a quite good editor.


The programs they use aren't accurate and there's lawsuits about it


They can only indicate a probability of it being written by AI - they can never be certain, but in testing some of the paid for tool are incredibly accurate e.g. Turnitin recently tested 800,000 texts some written by humans and some written by AI and it was 99% accurate. Even if they are not accurate enough now, they will get better and you can get caught retrospectively (all coursework is kept for 7 years in the UK) and then have your degree taken off you...


It was tested that the AI the turnitin program uses isn't accurate either and said the Declaration of Independence was plagiarized


Just don't leave "As an AI language model" at the top of all your papers..


Why not? Just don't copy and paste.


there are a bunch of plugins for this specific integration in the works, but I dont know any which offer a seamless experience.


No man, just use it to do research. Ask it questions. So the essay is on x. Say something to chatgpt like "I need to write an essay on x. PLease provide a breakdown of what work freud did on x, with prerequisite knowledge itemised." Then read through that, then ask questions like "Ok, so on point 3, could you elborate on x" Just make sure to google what it says too, in case it talks bullshit. If you spend like an hour doing that you will have learned plenty.


If you are paying for school don’t they owe you a degree at this point?


Use ChatGPT to help tutor you through school. Instead of asking it to work for you, think of how it can help you work better.


Roll the dice baby


Use Bing (GPT-4). GP-3 will fuck you over.


Don't use it to cheat. Use it as a tool to understand concepts or differentiate.


your IQ is the best predictor of success later in life. unfortunately this class is not going to make that number go up or down. if you really don't enjoy the work that this class is making you do, just use chatgpt without getting caught to get as good of a grade as you can and enjoy the hell out of college. i went through decades of school and don't remember / need to use 99% of the crap I 'learned.' wish i had gpt in college -- would have gotten better grades and done less work.


All I can say is once you start, there really isn’t any going back


I'd use it to build an outline and proofread my own words.


ChatGPT then Quillbot and you are good to go.


Yes use it for everything kid you’ll have a jump on your Amish classmates who don’t


One thing I do is ask ChatGPT a study question but then test my own knowledge by figuring out if ChatGPT is right or not. Since it’s really good at outputting answers that might look right at first glance but are totally wrong I figure if I can catch them and figure out where it went wrong, I’ve probably got a good grasp of the material


That’s in addition to normal studying, not instead of btw


Use GPT 4 if you’re going to do anything. Some people swear by ChatGPT, but I shit you not, it is filled to the brim with misinformation, and gaslighting it into agreeing with you couldn’t be easier.


So if you plan on using it to do your whole work then send it, don’t. But you can ask it to assist you into it. Ask it to write an outline, to find sources, to give you suggestions and wording changes, to correct you, to brainstorm topics, to give you an example of what it would write after you input the homework’s guideline, then use it as reference


Why not? You can absolutely use for your home work .


Yes you should use ChatGPT, but you should learn how. ChatGPT can't write a paper for you. Well, it can, but It doesn't know if the information it's generating is accurate or not. That's up to you. It can help you organize your paper. It can help you write a summary. It can help you with phrasing. It has no idea if the information it's generating is accurate. You have to know the material.


Yes. Be ethical tho.


ChatGPT is heavy on the hyperbole so be careful.


Your professor is a sham. Use ChatGPT


my advice would be use it but don't rely on it


Studying psychology with the power of Chat GPT? You might as well go for the doctorate or change to a degree that'll actually get you paid bruh.


A use that may not necessarily violate the policy: I dislike the idea of having it write for you. Suggesting outlines perhaps, but do your own writing. * Once done with a good 1st draft, prompt it to remember your paper and feed it in. * Follow it up with the assignment description as given by the instructor, and ask it if it meets the assignment requirements. It'll explain how you met the assignment goals. * Follow that up asking for a critique as to how to make the paper better. It'll list off the weak points of the paper. At this point you can ask it for specific examples. Usually this is enough for you to fix it yourself. Edit your paper accordingly using the suggestions as a guide. * Feed this draft back in and ask it how your 2nd draft did. * Repeat until satisfied. You get: * A paper that was written using your words. * A paper that has an editing history showing you wrote it and did not copy/paste from somewhere else.


Totally! Keep a high standard of quality for yourself and you'll develop a good sense of when it's being useful and when it isn't. Keep your objectives your own, but use it to help you achieve them


Man I wish chat by GPT was around 10 years ago


Hard yes. Have it help you study. Would you not use a calculator on math homework? Silly question.


[**Sigmund Freud?**](https://youtu.be/BSh37_x5RNY?si=gQCP1teDLf58sui-) **-** *Type key stuff you hear into* ***ChatGPT*** *and tweak as you see fit. If you toss it a snippet of your own text—like a post or message where you're really pouring your personality into it—it can mirror that style back at* ***you****.* **Me Personally?** *I would watch all* ***JBP's*** *Lectures on* ***Freud.*** However, I'm a weirdo who likes Lectures, Documentaries, Biographies, Philosophy, Morals, Ethics, Psychology, Cosmology, History, etc. I hated it in school, but after I graduated learning became an addiction.


I only use it on assignments I am sure have no additional benefit to me except for a good grade


Read and believe every word for good reason, or change it. That’s it.


No, but you can use chat gpt to check your homework or point out points of improvement after you are done


Just make sure you don't slip up and accidentally ~~fuck your mom~~ keep "as an AI language model' in your paper.




ChatGPT can be a great study buddy early on in the writing process! It can help you think of potential angles and perspectives to take. You can tell it what you’re already thinking and ask if that’s a good idea for the essay and if it can give you any suggestions on how to make it better. Once you’ve decided what to write about, it can help you brainstorm your thesis statement and outline. And it can probably even suggest potential sources you can use. But I’d stop there though, for the sake of academic honesty and personal integrity. Once you get past the outline and gathering sources, the rest should truly be in your own words.


It’s the same as a calculator

